#include "vk_staging.h" #include "vk_buffer.h" #include "alolcator.h" #include "vk_commandpool.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "r_speeds.h" #include "vk_combuf.h" #include #define MODULE_NAME "staging" #define DEFAULT_STAGING_SIZE (128*1024*1024) #define MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS (2048) #define MAX_CONCURRENT_FRAMES 2 #define COMMAND_BUFFER_COUNT (MAX_CONCURRENT_FRAMES + 1) // to accommodate two frames in flight plus something trying to upload data before waiting for the next frame to complete typedef struct { VkImage image; VkImageLayout layout; size_t size; // for stats only } staging_image_t; static struct { vk_buffer_t buffer; r_flipping_buffer_t buffer_alloc; struct { VkBuffer dest[MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS]; VkBufferCopy copy[MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS]; int count; } buffers; struct { staging_image_t dest[MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS]; VkBufferImageCopy copy[MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS]; int count; } images; vk_combuf_t *combuf[3]; // Currently opened command buffer, ready to accept new commands vk_combuf_t *current; struct { int total_size; int buffers_size; int images_size; int buffer_chunks; int images; } stats; int buffer_upload_scope_id; int image_upload_scope_id; } g_staging = {0}; qboolean R_VkStagingInit(void) { if (!VK_BufferCreate("staging", &g_staging.buffer, DEFAULT_STAGING_SIZE, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT)) return false; g_staging.combuf[0] = R_VkCombufOpen(); g_staging.combuf[1] = R_VkCombufOpen(); g_staging.combuf[2] = R_VkCombufOpen(); R_FlippingBuffer_Init(&g_staging.buffer_alloc, DEFAULT_STAGING_SIZE); R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_staging.stats.total_size, "total_size", kSpeedsMetricBytes); R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_staging.stats.buffers_size, "buffers_size", kSpeedsMetricBytes); R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_staging.stats.images_size, "images_size", kSpeedsMetricBytes); R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_staging.stats.buffer_chunks, "buffer_chunks", kSpeedsMetricCount); R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_staging.stats.images, "images", kSpeedsMetricCount); g_staging.buffer_upload_scope_id = R_VkGpuScope_Register("staging_buffers"); g_staging.image_upload_scope_id = R_VkGpuScope_Register("staging_images"); return true; } void R_VkStagingShutdown(void) { VK_BufferDestroy(&g_staging.buffer); } // FIXME There's a severe race condition here. Submitting things manually and prematurely (before framectl had a chance to synchronize with the previous frame) // may lead to data races and memory corruption (e.g. writing into memory that's being read in some pipeline stage still going) void R_VkStagingFlushSync( void ) { APROF_SCOPE_DECLARE_BEGIN(function, __FUNCTION__); vk_combuf_t *combuf = R_VkStagingCommit(); if (!combuf) goto end; R_VkCombufEnd(combuf); g_staging.current = NULL; //gEngine.Con_Reportf(S_WARN "flushing staging buffer img count=%d\n", g_staging.images.count); { const VkSubmitInfo subinfo = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO, .commandBufferCount = 1, .pCommandBuffers = &combuf->cmdbuf, }; // TODO wait for previous command buffer completion. Why: we might end up writing into the same dst XVK_CHECK(vkQueueSubmit(vk_core.queue, 1, &subinfo, VK_NULL_HANDLE)); // TODO wait for fence, not this XVK_CHECK(vkQueueWaitIdle(vk_core.queue)); } g_staging.buffers.count = 0; g_staging.images.count = 0; R_FlippingBuffer_Clear(&g_staging.buffer_alloc); end: APROF_SCOPE_END(function); }; static uint32_t allocateInRing(uint32_t size, uint32_t alignment) { alignment = alignment < 1 ? 1 : alignment; const uint32_t offset = R_FlippingBuffer_Alloc(&g_staging.buffer_alloc, size, alignment ); if (offset != ALO_ALLOC_FAILED) return offset; R_VkStagingFlushSync(); return R_FlippingBuffer_Alloc(&g_staging.buffer_alloc, size, alignment ); } vk_staging_region_t R_VkStagingLockForBuffer(vk_staging_buffer_args_t args) { if ( g_staging.buffers.count >= MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS ) R_VkStagingFlushSync(); const uint32_t offset = allocateInRing(args.size, args.alignment); if (offset == ALO_ALLOC_FAILED) return (vk_staging_region_t){0}; const int index = g_staging.buffers.count; g_staging.buffers.dest[index] = args.buffer; g_staging.buffers.copy[index] = (VkBufferCopy){ .srcOffset = offset, .dstOffset = args.offset, .size = args.size, }; g_staging.buffers.count++; return (vk_staging_region_t){ .ptr = (char*)g_staging.buffer.mapped + offset, .handle = index, }; } vk_staging_region_t R_VkStagingLockForImage(vk_staging_image_args_t args) { if ( g_staging.images.count >= MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS ) R_VkStagingFlushSync(); const uint32_t offset = allocateInRing(args.size, args.alignment); if (offset == ALO_ALLOC_FAILED) return (vk_staging_region_t){0}; const int index = g_staging.images.count; staging_image_t *const dest = g_staging.images.dest + index; dest->image = args.image; dest->layout = args.layout; dest->size = args.size; g_staging.images.copy[index] = args.region; g_staging.images.copy[index].bufferOffset += offset; g_staging.images.count++; return (vk_staging_region_t){ .ptr = (char*)g_staging.buffer.mapped + offset, .handle = index + MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS, }; } void R_VkStagingUnlock(staging_handle_t handle) { ASSERT(handle >= 0); ASSERT(handle < MAX_STAGING_ALLOCS * 2); // FIXME mark and check ready } static void commitBuffers(vk_combuf_t *combuf) { if (!g_staging.buffers.count) return; const VkCommandBuffer cmdbuf = g_staging.current->cmdbuf; const int begin_index = R_VkCombufScopeBegin(combuf, g_staging.buffer_upload_scope_id); // TODO better coalescing: // - upload once per buffer // - join adjacent regions VkBuffer prev_buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; int first_copy = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_staging.buffers.count; i++) { /* { */ /* const VkBufferCopy *const copy = g_staging.buffers.copy + i; */ /* gEngine.Con_Reportf(" %d: [%08llx, %08llx) => [%08llx, %08llx)\n", i, copy->srcOffset, copy->srcOffset + copy->size, copy->dstOffset, copy->dstOffset + copy->size); */ /* } */ if (prev_buffer == g_staging.buffers.dest[i]) continue; if (prev_buffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE) { DEBUG_NV_CHECKPOINTF(cmdbuf, "staging dst_buffer=%p count=%d", prev_buffer, i-first_copy); g_staging.stats.buffer_chunks++; vkCmdCopyBuffer(cmdbuf, g_staging.buffer.buffer, prev_buffer, i - first_copy, g_staging.buffers.copy + first_copy); } g_staging.stats.buffers_size += g_staging.buffers.copy[i].size; prev_buffer = g_staging.buffers.dest[i]; first_copy = i; } if (prev_buffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE) { DEBUG_NV_CHECKPOINTF(cmdbuf, "staging dst_buffer=%p count=%d", prev_buffer, g_staging.buffers.count-first_copy); g_staging.stats.buffer_chunks++; vkCmdCopyBuffer(cmdbuf, g_staging.buffer.buffer, prev_buffer, g_staging.buffers.count - first_copy, g_staging.buffers.copy + first_copy); } g_staging.buffers.count = 0; R_VkCombufScopeEnd(combuf, begin_index, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT); } static void commitImages(vk_combuf_t *combuf) { if (!g_staging.images.count) return; const VkCommandBuffer cmdbuf = g_staging.current->cmdbuf; const int begin_index = R_VkCombufScopeBegin(combuf, g_staging.image_upload_scope_id); for (int i = 0; i < g_staging.images.count; i++) { /* { */ /* const VkBufferImageCopy *const copy = g_staging.images.copy + i; */ /* gEngine.Con_Reportf(" i%d: [%08llx, ?) => %p\n", i, copy->bufferOffset, g_staging.images.dest[i].image); */ /* } */ g_staging.stats.images++; g_staging.stats.images_size += g_staging.images.dest[i].size; vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(cmdbuf, g_staging.buffer.buffer, g_staging.images.dest[i].image, g_staging.images.dest[i].layout, 1, g_staging.images.copy + i); } g_staging.images.count = 0; R_VkCombufScopeEnd(combuf, begin_index, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT); } static vk_combuf_t *getCurrentCombuf(void) { if (!g_staging.current) { g_staging.current = g_staging.combuf[0]; R_VkCombufBegin(g_staging.current); } return g_staging.current; } VkCommandBuffer R_VkStagingGetCommandBuffer(void) { return getCurrentCombuf()->cmdbuf; } vk_combuf_t *R_VkStagingCommit(void) { if (!g_staging.images.count && !g_staging.buffers.count && !g_staging.current) return VK_NULL_HANDLE; getCurrentCombuf(); commitBuffers(g_staging.current); commitImages(g_staging.current); return g_staging.current; } void R_VkStagingFrameBegin(void) { R_FlippingBuffer_Flip(&g_staging.buffer_alloc); g_staging.buffers.count = 0; g_staging.images.count = 0; } vk_combuf_t *R_VkStagingFrameEnd(void) { R_VkStagingCommit(); vk_combuf_t *current = g_staging.current; if (current) { R_VkCombufEnd(g_staging.current); } g_staging.current = NULL; vk_combuf_t *const tmp = g_staging.combuf[0]; g_staging.combuf[0] = g_staging.combuf[1]; g_staging.combuf[1] = g_staging.combuf[2]; g_staging.combuf[2] = tmp; g_staging.stats.total_size = g_staging.stats.images_size + g_staging.stats.buffers_size; return current; }