#include "vk_common.h" #include "vk_mapents.h" #include "vk_core.h" // TODO we need only pool from there, not the entire vulkan garbage #include "vk_textures.h" #include "eiface.h" // ARRAYSIZE #include "xash3d_mathlib.h" #include #include xvk_map_entities_t g_map_entities; static unsigned parseEntPropWadList(const char* value, string *out, unsigned bit) { int dst_left = sizeof(string) - 2; // ; \0 char *dst = *out; *dst = '\0'; gEngine.Con_Reportf("WADS: %s\n", value); for (; *value;) { const char *file_begin = value; for (; *value && *value != ';'; ++value) { if (*value == '\\' || *value == '/') file_begin = value + 1; } { const int len = value - file_begin; gEngine.Con_Reportf("WAD: %.*s\n", len, file_begin); if (len < dst_left) { Q_strncpy(dst, file_begin, len + 1); dst += len; dst[0] = ';'; dst++; dst[0] = '\0'; dst_left -= len; } } if (*value) value++; } gEngine.Con_Reportf("wad list: %s\n", *out); return bit; } static unsigned parseEntPropFloat(const char* value, float *out, unsigned bit) { return (1 == sscanf(value, "%f", out)) ? bit : 0; } static unsigned parseEntPropInt(const char* value, int *out, unsigned bit) { return (1 == sscanf(value, "%d", out)) ? bit : 0; } static unsigned parseEntPropIntArray(const char* value, int_array_t *out, unsigned bit) { unsigned retval = 0; out->num = 0; while (*value) { int i = 0; if (0 == sscanf(value, "%d", &i)) break; if (out->num == MAX_INT_ARRAY_SIZE) break; retval |= bit; out->values[out->num++] = i; while (*value && isdigit(*value)) ++value; while (*value && isspace(*value)) ++value; } if (*value) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Error parsing mapents patch IntArray (wrong format? too many entries (max=%d)), portion not parsed: %s\n", MAX_INT_ARRAY_SIZE, value); } return retval; } static unsigned parseEntPropString(const char* value, string *out, unsigned bit) { const int len = Q_strlen(value); if (len >= sizeof(string)) gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Map entity value '%s' is too long, max length is %d\n", value, sizeof(string)); Q_strncpy(*out, value, sizeof(*out)); return bit; } static unsigned parseEntPropVec3(const char* value, vec3_t *out, unsigned bit) { return (3 == sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &(*out)[0], &(*out)[1], &(*out)[2])) ? bit : 0; } static unsigned parseEntPropRgbav(const char* value, vec3_t *out, unsigned bit) { float scale = 1.f; const int components = sscanf(value, "%f %f %f %f", &(*out)[0], &(*out)[1], &(*out)[2], &scale); if (components == 1) { (*out)[2] = (*out)[1] = (*out)[0] = (*out)[0]; return bit; } else if (components == 4) { scale /= 255.f; (*out)[0] *= scale; (*out)[1] *= scale; (*out)[2] *= scale; return bit; } else if (components == 3) { (*out)[0] *= scale; (*out)[1] *= scale; (*out)[2] *= scale; return bit; } return 0; } static unsigned parseEntPropClassname(const char* value, class_name_e *out, unsigned bit) { if (Q_strcmp(value, "light") == 0) { *out = Light; } else if (Q_strcmp(value, "light_spot") == 0) { *out = LightSpot; } else if (Q_strcmp(value, "light_environment") == 0) { *out = LightEnvironment; } else if (Q_strcmp(value, "worldspawn") == 0) { *out = Worldspawn; } else { *out = Ignored; } return bit; } static void weirdGoldsrcLightScaling( vec3_t intensity ) { float l1 = Q_max( intensity[0], Q_max( intensity[1], intensity[2] ) ); l1 = l1 * l1 / 10; VectorScale( intensity, l1, intensity ); } static void parseAngles( const entity_props_t *props, vk_light_entity_t *le) { float angle = props->angle; VectorSet( le->dir, 0, 0, 0 ); if (angle == -1) { // UP le->dir[0] = le->dir[1] = 0; le->dir[2] = 1; } else if (angle == -2) { // DOWN le->dir[0] = le->dir[1] = 0; le->dir[2] = -1; } else { if (angle == 0) { angle = props->angles[1]; } angle *= M_PI / 180.f; le->dir[2] = 0; le->dir[0] = cosf(angle); le->dir[1] = sinf(angle); } angle = props->pitch ? props->pitch : props->angles[0]; angle *= M_PI / 180.f; le->dir[2] = sinf(angle); le->dir[0] *= cosf(angle); le->dir[1] *= cosf(angle); } static void parseStopDot( const entity_props_t *props, vk_light_entity_t *le) { le->stopdot = props->_cone ? props->_cone : 10; le->stopdot2 = Q_max(le->stopdot, props->_cone2); le->stopdot = cosf(le->stopdot * M_PI / 180.f); le->stopdot2 = cosf(le->stopdot2 * M_PI / 180.f); } static void fillLightFromProps( vk_light_entity_t *le, const entity_props_t *props, unsigned have_fields, qboolean patch, int entity_index ) { switch (le->type) { case LightTypePoint: break; case LightTypeSpot: case LightTypeEnvironment: if (!patch || (have_fields & Field_pitch) || (have_fields & Field_angles) || (have_fields & Field_angle)) { parseAngles(props, le); } if (!patch || (have_fields & Field__cone) || (have_fields & Field__cone2)) { parseStopDot(props, le); } break; default: ASSERT(false); } if (have_fields & Field_target) Q_strcpy(le->target_entity, props->target); if (have_fields & Field_origin) VectorCopy(props->origin, le->origin); if (have_fields & Field__light) { VectorCopy(props->_light, le->color); } else if (!patch) { // same as qrad VectorSet(le->color, 300, 300, 300); } if (have_fields & Field__xvk_radius) { le->radius = props->_xvk_radius; } if (have_fields & Field_style) { le->style = props->style; } if (le->type != LightEnvironment && (!patch || (have_fields & Field__light))) { weirdGoldsrcLightScaling(le->color); } gEngine.Con_Reportf("%s light %d (ent=%d): %s targetname=%s color=(%f %f %f) origin=(%f %f %f) style=%d R=%f dir=(%f %f %f) stopdot=(%f %f)\n", patch ? "Patch" : "Added", g_map_entities.num_lights, entity_index, le->type == LightTypeEnvironment ? "environment" : le->type == LightTypeSpot ? "spot" : "point", props->targetname, le->color[0], le->color[1], le->color[2], le->origin[0], le->origin[1], le->origin[2], le->style, le->radius, le->dir[0], le->dir[1], le->dir[2], le->stopdot, le->stopdot2); } static void addLightEntity( const entity_props_t *props, unsigned have_fields ) { const int index = g_map_entities.num_lights; vk_light_entity_t *le = g_map_entities.lights + index; unsigned expected_fields = 0; if (g_map_entities.num_lights == ARRAYSIZE(g_map_entities.lights)) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Too many lights entities in map\n"); return; } *le = (vk_light_entity_t){0}; switch (props->classname) { case Light: le->type = LightTypePoint; expected_fields = Field_origin; break; case LightSpot: if ((have_fields & Field__sky) && props->_sky != 0) { le->type = LightTypeEnvironment; expected_fields = Field__cone | Field__cone2; } else { le->type = LightTypeSpot; expected_fields = Field_origin | Field__cone | Field__cone2; } break; case LightEnvironment: le->type = LightTypeEnvironment; break; default: ASSERT(false); } if ((have_fields & expected_fields) != expected_fields) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Missing some fields for light entity\n"); return; } if (le->type == LightTypeEnvironment) { if (g_map_entities.single_environment_index == NoEnvironmentLights) { g_map_entities.single_environment_index = index; } else { g_map_entities.single_environment_index = MoreThanOneEnvironmentLight; } } fillLightFromProps(le, props, have_fields, false, g_map_entities.entity_count); le->entity_index = g_map_entities.entity_count; g_map_entities.num_lights++; } static void addTargetEntity( const entity_props_t *props ) { xvk_mapent_target_t *target = g_map_entities.targets + g_map_entities.num_targets; gEngine.Con_Reportf("Adding target entity %s at (%f, %f, %f)\n", props->targetname, props->origin[0], props->origin[1], props->origin[2]); if (g_map_entities.num_targets == MAX_MAPENT_TARGETS) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Too many map target entities\n"); return; } Q_strcpy(target->targetname, props->targetname); VectorCopy(props->origin, target->origin); ++g_map_entities.num_targets; } static void readWorldspawn( const entity_props_t *props ) { Q_strcpy(g_map_entities.wadlist, props->wad); } static void addPatchSurface( const entity_props_t *props, uint32_t have_fields ) { const model_t* const map = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); const int num_surfaces = map->numsurfaces; const qboolean should_remove = (have_fields == Field__xvk_surface_id) || (have_fields & Field__xvk_texture && props->_xvk_texture[0] == '\0'); for (int i = 0; i < props->_xvk_surface_id.num; ++i) { const int index = props->_xvk_surface_id.values[i]; xvk_patch_surface_t *psurf = NULL; if (index < 0 || index >= num_surfaces) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Incorrect patch for surface_index %d where numsurfaces=%d\n", index, num_surfaces); continue; } if (!g_map_entities.patch.surfaces) { g_map_entities.patch.surfaces = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, num_surfaces * sizeof(xvk_patch_surface_t)); for (int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; ++i) { g_map_entities.patch.surfaces[i].flags = Patch_Surface_NoPatch; g_map_entities.patch.surfaces[i].tex_id = -1; g_map_entities.patch.surfaces[i].tex = NULL; } } psurf = g_map_entities.patch.surfaces + index; if (should_remove) { gEngine.Con_Reportf("Patch: surface %d removed\n", index); psurf->flags = Patch_Surface_Delete; continue; } if (have_fields & Field__xvk_texture) { const int tex_id = XVK_FindTextureNamedLike( props->_xvk_texture ); gEngine.Con_Reportf("Patch for surface %d with texture \"%s\" -> %d\n", index, props->_xvk_texture, tex_id); psurf->tex_id = tex_id; // Find texture_t for this index for (int i = 0; i < map->numtextures; ++i) { const texture_t* const tex = map->textures[i]; if (tex->gl_texturenum == tex_id) { psurf->tex = tex; psurf->tex_id = -1; break; } } psurf->flags |= Patch_Surface_Texture; } if (have_fields & Field__light) { VectorScale(props->_light, 0.1f, psurf->emissive); psurf->flags |= Patch_Surface_Emissive; gEngine.Con_Reportf("Patch for surface %d: assign emissive %f %f %f\n", index, psurf->emissive[0], psurf->emissive[1], psurf->emissive[2] ); } } } int findLightEntityWithIndex( int index ) { // TODO could do binary search (entities are sorted by index) but why for (int i = 0; i < g_map_entities.num_lights; ++i) { if (g_map_entities.lights[i].entity_index == index) return i; } return -1; } static void addPatchEntity( const entity_props_t *props, uint32_t have_fields ) { for (int i = 0; i < props->_xvk_ent_id.num; ++i) { const int light_index = findLightEntityWithIndex( props->_xvk_ent_id.values[i] ); if (light_index < 0) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Patch light entity with index=%d not found\n", props->_xvk_ent_id); continue; } if (have_fields == Field__xvk_ent_id) { gEngine.Con_Reportf("Deleting light entity (%d of %d) with index=%d\n", light_index, g_map_entities.num_lights, props->_xvk_ent_id); g_map_entities.num_lights--; memmove(g_map_entities.lights + light_index, g_map_entities.lights + light_index + 1, sizeof(*g_map_entities.lights) * g_map_entities.num_lights - light_index); continue; } fillLightFromProps(g_map_entities.lights + light_index, props, have_fields, true, props->_xvk_ent_id.values[i]); } } static void parseEntities( char *string ) { unsigned have_fields = 0; entity_props_t values; char *pos = string; //gEngine.Con_Reportf("ENTITIES: %s\n", pos); for (;;) { char key[1024]; char value[1024]; pos = COM_ParseFile(pos, key, sizeof(key)); ASSERT(Q_strlen(key) < sizeof(key)); if (!pos) break; if (key[0] == '{') { have_fields = None; values = (entity_props_t){0}; continue; } else if (key[0] == '}') { const int target_fields = Field_targetname | Field_origin; if ((have_fields & target_fields) == target_fields) addTargetEntity( &values ); switch (values.classname) { case Light: case LightSpot: case LightEnvironment: addLightEntity( &values, have_fields ); break; case Worldspawn: readWorldspawn( &values ); break; case Unknown: if (have_fields & Field__xvk_surface_id) { addPatchSurface( &values, have_fields ); } else if (have_fields & Field__xvk_ent_id) { addPatchEntity( &values, have_fields ); } break; case Ignored: // Skip break; } g_map_entities.entity_count++; continue; } pos = COM_ParseFile(pos, value, sizeof(value)); ASSERT(Q_strlen(value) < sizeof(value)); if (!pos) break; #define READ_FIELD(num, type, name, kind) \ if (Q_strcmp(key, #name) == 0) { \ const unsigned bit = parseEntProp##kind(value, &values.name, Field_##name); \ if (bit == 0) { \ gEngine.Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Error parsing entity property " #name ", invalid value: %s\n", value); \ } else have_fields |= bit; \ } else ENT_PROP_LIST(READ_FIELD) { //gEngine.Con_Reportf("Unknown field %s with value %s\n", key, value); } #undef CHECK_FIELD } } const xvk_mapent_target_t *findTargetByName(const char *name) { for (int i = 0; i < g_map_entities.num_targets; ++i) { const xvk_mapent_target_t *target = g_map_entities.targets + i; if (Q_strcmp(name, target->targetname) == 0) return target; } return NULL; } static void orientSpotlights( void ) { // Patch spotlight directions based on target entities for (int i = 0; i < g_map_entities.num_lights; ++i) { vk_light_entity_t *const light = g_map_entities.lights + i; const xvk_mapent_target_t *target; if (light->type != LightSpot && light->type != LightTypeEnvironment) continue; if (light->target_entity[0] == '\0') continue; target = findTargetByName(light->target_entity); if (!target) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Couldn't find target entity '%s' for spot light %d\n", light->target_entity, i); continue; } VectorSubtract(target->origin, light->origin, light->dir); VectorNormalize(light->dir); gEngine.Con_Reportf("Light %d patched direction towards '%s': %f %f %f\n", i, target->targetname, light->dir[0], light->dir[1], light->dir[2]); } } static void parsePatches( const model_t *const map ) { char filename[256]; byte *data; if (g_map_entities.patch.surfaces) { Mem_Free(g_map_entities.patch.surfaces); g_map_entities.patch.surfaces = NULL; } Q_snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "luchiki/%s.patch", map->name); gEngine.Con_Reportf("Loading patches from file \"%s\"\n", filename); data = gEngine.fsapi->LoadFile( filename, 0, false ); if (!data) { gEngine.Con_Reportf("No patch file \"%s\"\n", filename); return; } parseEntities( (char*)data ); Mem_Free(data); } void XVK_ParseMapEntities( void ) { const model_t* const map = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); ASSERT(map); g_map_entities.num_targets = 0; g_map_entities.num_lights = 0; g_map_entities.single_environment_index = NoEnvironmentLights; g_map_entities.entity_count = 0; parseEntities( map->entities ); orientSpotlights(); } void XVK_ParseMapPatches( void ) { const model_t* const map = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); parsePatches( map ); orientSpotlights(); }