#include "vk_light.h" #include "vk_mapents.h" #include "vk_textures.h" #include "vk_brush.h" #include "vk_lightmap.h" #include "vk_cvar.h" #include "vk_common.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "mod_local.h" #include "xash3d_mathlib.h" #include #include #include #include // isalnum... #define PROFILER_SCOPES(X) \ X(finalize , "VK_LightsFrameFinalize"); \ X(emissive_surface, "VK_LightsAddEmissiveSurface"); \ X(static_lights, "add static lights"); \ X(dlights, "add dlights"); \ //X(canSurfaceLightAffectAABB, "canSurfaceLightAffectAABB"); \ #define SCOPE_DECLARE(scope, name) APROF_SCOPE_DECLARE(scope) PROFILER_SCOPES(SCOPE_DECLARE) #undef SCOPE_DECLARE static struct { qboolean enabled; char name_filter[256]; } debug_dump_lights; static void debugDumpLights( void ) { debug_dump_lights.enabled = true; if (gEngine.Cmd_Argc() > 1) { Q_strncpy(debug_dump_lights.name_filter, gEngine.Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(debug_dump_lights.name_filter)); } else { debug_dump_lights.name_filter[0] = '\0'; } } vk_lights_t g_lights = {0}; void VK_LightsInit( void ) { PROFILER_SCOPES(APROF_SCOPE_INIT); gEngine.Cmd_AddCommand("vk_lights_dump", debugDumpLights, "Dump all light sources for next frame"); } static void clusterBitMapShutdown( void ); void VK_LightsShutdown( void ) { gEngine.Cmd_RemoveCommand("vk_lights_dump"); clusterBitMapShutdown(); } #define MAX_LEAF_LIGHTS 256 typedef struct { int num_lights; struct { LightType type; } light[MAX_LEAF_LIGHTS]; } vk_light_leaf_t; #define MAX_SURF_ASSOCIATED_LEAFS 16 typedef struct { int num; int leafs[]; } vk_light_leaf_set_t; typedef struct { vk_light_leaf_set_t *potentially_visible_leafs; } vk_surface_metadata_t; static struct { vk_light_leaf_t leaves[MAX_MAP_LEAFS]; // Worldmodel surfaces int num_surfaces; vk_surface_metadata_t *surfaces; // Used for accumulating potentially visible leafs struct { int count; // This buffer space is used for two things: // As a growing array of u16 leaf indexes (low 16 bits) // As a bit field for marking added leafs (highest {31st} bit) uint32_t leafs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS]; byte visbytes[(MAX_MAP_LEAFS+7)/8]; } accum; } g_lights_bsp = {0}; static int lookupTextureF( const char *fmt, ...) { int tex_id = 0; char buffer[1024]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); vsnprintf( buffer, sizeof buffer, fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); tex_id = VK_FindTexture(buffer); gEngine.Con_Reportf("Looked up texture %s -> %d\n", buffer, tex_id); return tex_id; } static void loadRadData( const model_t *map, const char *fmt, ... ) { fs_offset_t size; char *data; byte *buffer; char filename[1024]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); vsnprintf( filename, sizeof filename, fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); buffer = gEngine.COM_LoadFile( filename, &size, false); if (!buffer) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Couldn't load RAD data from file %s, the map will be completely black\n", filename); return; } gEngine.Con_Reportf("Loading RAD data from file %s\n", filename); data = (char*)buffer; for (;;) { string name; float r=0, g=0, b=0, scale=0; int num; char* line_end; while (*data != '\0' && isspace(*data)) ++data; if (*data == '\0') break; line_end = Q_strchr(data, '\n'); if (line_end) *line_end = '\0'; name[0] = '\0'; num = sscanf(data, "%s %f %f %f %f", name, &r, &g, &b, &scale); gEngine.Con_Printf("raw rad entry (%d): %s %f %f %f %f\n", num, name, r, g, b, scale); if (Q_strstr(name, "//") != NULL) { num = 0; } if (num == 2) { r = g = b; } else if (num == 5) { scale /= 255.f; r *= scale; g *= scale; b *= scale; } else if (num == 4) { // Ok, rgb only, no scaling } else { gEngine.Con_Printf( "skipping rad entry %s\n", name[0] ? name : "(empty)" ); num = 0; } if (num != 0) { gEngine.Con_Printf("rad entry (%d): %s %f %f %f (%f)\n", num, name, r, g, b, scale); { const char *wad_name = NULL; char *texture_name = Q_strchr(name, '/'); string texname; int tex_id; const qboolean enabled = (r != 0 || g != 0 || b != 0); if (!texture_name) { texture_name = name; } else { // name is now just a wad name texture_name[0] = '\0'; wad_name = name; texture_name += 1; } // Try bsp texture first tex_id = lookupTextureF("#%s:%s.mip", map->name, texture_name); // Try wad texture if bsp is not there if (!tex_id && wad_name) { tex_id = lookupTextureF("%s.wad/%s.mip", wad_name, texture_name); } if (!tex_id) { const char *wad = g_map_entities.wadlist; for (; *wad;) { const char *const wad_end = Q_strchr(wad, ';'); tex_id = lookupTextureF("%.*s/%s.mip", wad_end - wad, wad, texture_name); if (tex_id) break; wad = wad_end + 1; } } if (tex_id) { vk_emissive_texture_t *const etex = g_lights.map.emissive_textures + tex_id; ASSERT(tex_id < MAX_TEXTURES); etex->emissive[0] = r; etex->emissive[1] = g; etex->emissive[2] = b; etex->set = enabled; // See DIRECT_SCALE in qrad/lightmap.c VectorScale(etex->emissive, 0.1f, etex->emissive); if (!enabled) gEngine.Con_Reportf("rad entry %s disabled due to zero intensity\n", name); } } } if (!line_end) break; data = line_end + 1; } Mem_Free(buffer); } static void leafAccumPrepare( void ) { memset(&g_lights_bsp.accum, 0, sizeof(g_lights_bsp.accum)); } #define LEAF_ADDED_BIT 0x8000000ul static qboolean leafAccumAdd( uint16_t leaf_index ) { // Check whether this leaf was already added if (g_lights_bsp.accum.leafs[leaf_index] & LEAF_ADDED_BIT) return false; g_lights_bsp.accum.leafs[leaf_index] |= LEAF_ADDED_BIT; g_lights_bsp.accum.leafs[g_lights_bsp.accum.count++] |= leaf_index; return true; } static void leafAccumFinalize( void ) { for (int i = 0; i < g_lights_bsp.accum.count; ++i) g_lights_bsp.accum.leafs[i] &= 0xffffu; } static int leafAccumAddPotentiallyVisibleFromLeaf(const model_t *const map, const mleaf_t *leaf, qboolean print_debug) { int pvs_leaf_index = 0; int leafs_added = 0; const byte *pvs = leaf->compressed_vis; for (;pvs_leaf_index < map->numleafs; ++pvs) { uint8_t bits = pvs[0]; // PVS is RLE encoded if (bits == 0) { const int skip = pvs[1]; pvs_leaf_index += skip * 8; ++pvs; continue; } for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k, ++pvs_leaf_index, bits >>= 1) { if ((bits&1) == 0) continue; if (leafAccumAdd( pvs_leaf_index + 1 )) { leafs_added++; if (print_debug) gEngine.Con_Reportf(" .%d", pvs_leaf_index + 1); } } } return leafs_added; } vk_light_leaf_set_t *getMapLeafsAffectedByMapSurface( const msurface_t *surf ) { const model_t *const map = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); const int surf_index = surf - map->surfaces; vk_surface_metadata_t * const smeta = g_lights_bsp.surfaces + surf_index; const qboolean verbose_debug = false; ASSERT(surf_index >= 0); ASSERT(surf_index < g_lights_bsp.num_surfaces); // Check if PVL hasn't been collected yet if (!smeta->potentially_visible_leafs) { int leafs_direct = 0, leafs_pvs = 0; leafAccumPrepare(); // Enumerate all the map leafs and pick ones that have this surface referenced if (verbose_debug) gEngine.Con_Reportf("Collecting visible leafs for surface %d:", surf_index); for (int i = 0; i < map->numleafs; ++i) { const mleaf_t *leaf = map->leafs + i; for (int j = 0; j < leaf->nummarksurfaces; ++j) { const msurface_t *leaf_surf = leaf->firstmarksurface[j]; if (leaf_surf != surf) continue; // FIXME split direct leafs marking from pvs propagation leafs_direct++; if (leafAccumAdd( i )) { if (verbose_debug) gEngine.Con_Reportf(" %d", i); } else { // This leaf was already added earlier by PVS // but it really should be counted as direct --leafs_pvs; } // Get all PVS leafs leafs_pvs += leafAccumAddPotentiallyVisibleFromLeaf(map, leaf, verbose_debug); } } if (verbose_debug) gEngine.Con_Reportf(" (sum=%d, direct=%d, pvs=%d)\n", g_lights_bsp.accum.count, leafs_direct, leafs_pvs); leafAccumFinalize(); smeta->potentially_visible_leafs = (vk_light_leaf_set_t*)Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(smeta->potentially_visible_leafs) + sizeof(int) * g_lights_bsp.accum.count); smeta->potentially_visible_leafs->num = g_lights_bsp.accum.count; for (int i = 0; i < g_lights_bsp.accum.count; ++i) { smeta->potentially_visible_leafs->leafs[i] = g_lights_bsp.accum.leafs[i]; } } return smeta->potentially_visible_leafs; } static struct { #define CLUSTERS_BIT_MAP_SIZE_UINT ((g_lights.map.grid_cells + 31) / 32) uint32_t *clusters_bit_map; } g_lights_tmp; static void clusterBitMapClear( void ) { memset(g_lights_tmp.clusters_bit_map, 0, CLUSTERS_BIT_MAP_SIZE_UINT * sizeof(uint32_t)); } // Returns true if wasn't set static qboolean clusterBitMapCheckOrSet( int cell_index ) { uint32_t *const bits = g_lights_tmp.clusters_bit_map + (cell_index / 32); const uint32_t bit = 1 << (cell_index % 32); if ((*bits) & bit) return false; (*bits) |= bit; return true; } static void clusterBitMapInit( void ) { ASSERT(!g_lights_tmp.clusters_bit_map); g_lights_tmp.clusters_bit_map = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, CLUSTERS_BIT_MAP_SIZE_UINT * sizeof(uint32_t)); clusterBitMapClear(); } static void clusterBitMapShutdown( void ) { if (g_lights_tmp.clusters_bit_map) Mem_Free(g_lights_tmp.clusters_bit_map); g_lights_tmp.clusters_bit_map = NULL; } static int computeCellIndex( const int light_cell[3] ) { if (light_cell[0] < 0 || light_cell[1] < 0 || light_cell[2] < 0 || (light_cell[0] >= g_lights.map.grid_size[0]) || (light_cell[1] >= g_lights.map.grid_size[1]) || (light_cell[2] >= g_lights.map.grid_size[2])) return -1; return light_cell[0] + light_cell[1] * g_lights.map.grid_size[0] + light_cell[2] * g_lights.map.grid_size[0] * g_lights.map.grid_size[1]; } vk_light_leaf_set_t *getMapLeafsAffectedByMovingSurface( const msurface_t *surf, const matrix3x4 *transform_row ) { const model_t *const map = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); const mextrasurf_t *const extra = surf->info; // This is a very conservative way to construct a bounding sphere. It's not great. const vec3_t bbox_center = { (extra->mins[0] + extra->maxs[0]) / 2.f, (extra->mins[1] + extra->maxs[1]) / 2.f, (extra->mins[2] + extra->maxs[2]) / 2.f, }; const vec3_t bbox_size = { extra->maxs[0] - extra->mins[0], extra->maxs[1] - extra->mins[1], extra->maxs[2] - extra->mins[2], }; int leafs_direct = 0, leafs_pvs = 0; const float radius = .5f * VectorLength(bbox_size); vec3_t origin; Matrix3x4_VectorTransform(*transform_row, bbox_center, origin); if (debug_dump_lights.enabled) { gEngine.Con_Reportf("\torigin = %f, %f, %f, R = %f\n", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], radius ); } leafAccumPrepare(); // TODO it's possible to somehow more efficiently traverse the bsp and collect only the affected leafs // (origin + radius will accidentally touch leafs that are really should not be affected) gEngine.R_FatPVS(origin, radius, g_lights_bsp.accum.visbytes, /*merge*/ false, /*fullvis*/ false); if (debug_dump_lights.enabled) gEngine.Con_Reportf("Collecting visible leafs for moving surface %p: %f,%f,%f %f: ", surf, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], radius); for (int i = 0; i < map->numleafs; ++i) { const mleaf_t *leaf = map->leafs + i; if( !CHECKVISBIT( g_lights_bsp.accum.visbytes, i )) continue; leafs_direct++; if (leafAccumAdd( i + 1 )) { if (debug_dump_lights.enabled) gEngine.Con_Reportf(" %d", i + 1); } else { // This leaf was already added earlier by PVS // but it really should be counted as direct leafs_pvs--; } } if (debug_dump_lights.enabled) gEngine.Con_Reportf(" (sum=%d, direct=%d, pvs=%d)\n", g_lights_bsp.accum.count, leafs_direct, leafs_pvs); leafAccumFinalize(); // ...... oh no return (vk_light_leaf_set_t*)&g_lights_bsp.accum.count; } static void lbspClear( void ) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_LEAFS; ++i) g_lights_bsp.leaves[i].num_lights = 0; } static void lbspAddLightByLeaf( LightType type, const mleaf_t *leaf) { const int leaf_index = leaf->cluster + 1; ASSERT(leaf_index >= 0 && leaf_index < MAX_MAP_LEAFS); { vk_light_leaf_t *light_leaf = g_lights_bsp.leaves + leaf_index; ASSERT(light_leaf->num_lights <= MAX_LEAF_LIGHTS); if (light_leaf->num_lights == MAX_LEAF_LIGHTS) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Max number of lights %d exceeded for leaf %d\n", MAX_LEAF_LIGHTS, leaf_index); return; } light_leaf->light[light_leaf->num_lights++].type = type; } } static void lbspAddLightByOrigin( LightType type, const vec3_t origin) { const model_t* const world = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); const mleaf_t* leaf = gEngine.Mod_PointInLeaf(origin, world->nodes); if (!leaf) { gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Adding light %d with origin (%f, %f, %f) ended up in no leaf\n", type, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]); return; } lbspAddLightByLeaf( type, leaf); } static void prepareSurfacesLeafVisibilityCache( void ) { const model_t *map = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); if (g_lights_bsp.surfaces != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < g_lights_bsp.num_surfaces; ++i) { vk_surface_metadata_t *smeta = g_lights_bsp.surfaces + i; if (smeta->potentially_visible_leafs) Mem_Free(smeta->potentially_visible_leafs); } Mem_Free(g_lights_bsp.surfaces); } g_lights_bsp.num_surfaces = map->numsurfaces; g_lights_bsp.surfaces = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, g_lights_bsp.num_surfaces * sizeof(vk_surface_metadata_t)); for (int i = 0; i < g_lights_bsp.num_surfaces; ++i) g_lights_bsp.surfaces[i].potentially_visible_leafs = NULL; } void VK_LightsNewMap( void ) { const model_t *map = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); // 1. Determine map bounding box (and optimal grid size?) // map->mins, maxs vec3_t map_size, min_cell, max_cell; VectorSubtract(map->maxs, map->mins, map_size); VectorDivide(map->mins, LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE, min_cell); min_cell[0] = floorf(min_cell[0]); min_cell[1] = floorf(min_cell[1]); min_cell[2] = floorf(min_cell[2]); VectorCopy(min_cell, g_lights.map.grid_min_cell); VectorDivide(map->maxs, LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE, max_cell); max_cell[0] = ceilf(max_cell[0]); max_cell[1] = ceilf(max_cell[1]); max_cell[2] = ceilf(max_cell[2]); VectorSubtract(max_cell, min_cell, g_lights.map.grid_size); g_lights.map.grid_cells = g_lights.map.grid_size[0] * g_lights.map.grid_size[1] * g_lights.map.grid_size[2]; ASSERT(g_lights.map.grid_cells < MAX_LIGHT_CLUSTERS); gEngine.Con_Reportf("Map mins:(%f, %f, %f), maxs:(%f, %f, %f), size:(%f, %f, %f), min_cell:(%f, %f, %f) cells:(%d, %d, %d); total: %d\n", map->mins[0], map->mins[1], map->mins[2], map->maxs[0], map->maxs[1], map->maxs[2], map_size[0], map_size[1], map_size[2], min_cell[0], min_cell[1], min_cell[2], g_lights.map.grid_size[0], g_lights.map.grid_size[1], g_lights.map.grid_size[2], g_lights.map.grid_cells ); clusterBitMapShutdown(); clusterBitMapInit(); prepareSurfacesLeafVisibilityCache(); } void VK_LightsFrameInit( void ) { g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces = g_lights.num_static.emissive_surfaces; g_lights.num_point_lights = g_lights.num_static.point_lights; for (int i = 0; i < g_lights.map.grid_cells; ++i) { vk_lights_cell_t *const cell = g_lights.cells + i; cell->num_point_lights = cell->num_static.point_lights; cell->num_emissive_surfaces = cell->num_static.emissive_surfaces; } lbspClear(); } static qboolean addSurfaceLightToCell( int cell_index, int emissive_surface_index ) { vk_lights_cell_t *const cluster = g_lights.cells + cell_index; if (cluster->num_emissive_surfaces == MAX_VISIBLE_SURFACE_LIGHTS) { return false; } cluster->emissive_surfaces[cluster->num_emissive_surfaces++] = emissive_surface_index; return true; } static qboolean addLightToCell( int cell_index, int light_index ) { vk_lights_cell_t *const cluster = g_lights.cells + cell_index; if (cluster->num_point_lights == MAX_VISIBLE_POINT_LIGHTS) return false; cluster->point_lights[cluster->num_point_lights++] = light_index; return true; } static qboolean canSurfaceLightAffectAABB(const model_t *mod, const msurface_t *surf, const vec3_t emissive, const float minmax[6]) { //APROF_SCOPE_BEGIN_EARLY(canSurfaceLightAffectAABB); // DO NOT DO THIS. We have like 600k of these calls per frame :feelsbadman: qboolean retval = true; // FIXME transform surface // this here only works for static map model // Use bbox center for normal culling estimation const vec3_t bbox_center = { (minmax[0] + minmax[3]) / 2.f, (minmax[1] + minmax[4]) / 2.f, (minmax[2] + minmax[5]) / 2.f, }; float bbox_plane_dist = PlaneDiff(bbox_center, surf->plane); if( FBitSet( surf->flags, SURF_PLANEBACK )) bbox_plane_dist = -bbox_plane_dist; if (bbox_plane_dist < 0.f) { // Fast conservative estimate by max distance from bbox center // TODO is enumerating all points or finding a closest one is better/faster? const float size_x = minmax[0] - minmax[3]; const float size_y = minmax[1] - minmax[4]; const float size_z = minmax[2] - minmax[5]; const float plane_dist_guard_sqr = (size_x * size_x + size_y * size_y + size_z * size_z) * .25f; // Check whether this bbox is completely behind the surface if (bbox_plane_dist*bbox_plane_dist > plane_dist_guard_sqr) retval = false; } //APROF_SCOPE_END(canSurfaceLightAffectAABB); return retval; } const vk_emissive_surface_t *VK_LightsAddEmissiveSurface( const struct vk_render_geometry_s *geom, const matrix3x4 *transform_row, qboolean static_map ) { APROF_SCOPE_BEGIN_EARLY(emissive_surface); const int texture_num = geom->texture; // Animated texture vk_emissive_surface_t *retval = NULL; ASSERT(texture_num >= 0); ASSERT(texture_num < MAX_TEXTURES); if (!geom->surf) goto fin; // TODO break? no surface means that model is not brush if (geom->material != kXVkMaterialSky && geom->material != kXVkMaterialEmissive && !g_lights.map.emissive_textures[texture_num].set) goto fin; if (g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces >= 256) goto fin; if (debug_dump_lights.enabled) { const vk_texture_t *tex = findTexture(texture_num); const vk_emissive_texture_t *etex = g_lights.map.emissive_textures + texture_num; ASSERT(tex); gEngine.Con_Printf("surface light %d: %s (%f %f %f)\n", g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces, tex->name, etex->emissive[0], etex->emissive[1], etex->emissive[2]); } { const model_t* const world = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); const vk_light_leaf_set_t *const leafs = static_map ? getMapLeafsAffectedByMapSurface( geom->surf ) : getMapLeafsAffectedByMovingSurface( geom->surf, transform_row ); vk_emissive_surface_t *esurf = g_lights.emissive_surfaces + g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces; { // Add this light to per-leaf stats //gEngine.Con_Reportf("surface %p, leafs %d\n", geom->surf, leafs->num); for (int i = 0; i < leafs->num; ++i) lbspAddLightByLeaf(LightTypeSurface, world->leafs + leafs->leafs[i]); } // Insert into emissive surfaces esurf->kusok_index = geom->kusok_index; if (geom->material != kXVkMaterialSky && geom->material != kXVkMaterialEmissive) { VectorCopy(g_lights.map.emissive_textures[texture_num].emissive, esurf->emissive); } else { // TODO per-map sky emissive VectorSet(esurf->emissive, 1000.f, 1000.f, 1000.f); } Matrix3x4_Copy(esurf->transform, *transform_row); clusterBitMapClear(); // Iterate through each visible/potentially affected leaf to get a range of grid cells for (int i = 0; i < leafs->num; ++i) { const mleaf_t *const leaf = world->leafs + leafs->leafs[i]; const int min_x = floorf(leaf->minmaxs[0] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int min_y = floorf(leaf->minmaxs[1] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int min_z = floorf(leaf->minmaxs[2] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int max_x = ceilf(leaf->minmaxs[3] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int max_y = ceilf(leaf->minmaxs[4] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int max_z = ceilf(leaf->minmaxs[5] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); if (static_map && !canSurfaceLightAffectAABB(world, geom->surf, esurf->emissive, leaf->minmaxs)) continue; for (int x = min_x; x < max_x; ++x) for (int y = min_y; y < max_y; ++y) for (int z = min_z; z < max_z; ++z) { const int cell[3] = { x - g_lights.map.grid_min_cell[0], y - g_lights.map.grid_min_cell[1], z - g_lights.map.grid_min_cell[2] }; const int cell_index = computeCellIndex( cell ); if (cell_index < 0) continue; if (clusterBitMapCheckOrSet( cell_index )) { const float minmaxs[6] = { x * LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE, y * LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE, z * LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE, (x+1) * LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE, (y+1) * LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE, (z+1) * LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE, }; if (static_map && !canSurfaceLightAffectAABB(world, geom->surf, esurf->emissive, minmaxs)) continue; if (!addSurfaceLightToCell(cell_index, g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces)) { ERROR_THROTTLED(10, "Cluster %d,%d,%d(%d) ran out of emissive surfaces slots", cell[0], cell[1], cell[2], cell_index); } } } } ++g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces; retval = esurf; } fin: APROF_SCOPE_END(emissive_surface); return retval; } static void addLightIndexToleaf( const mleaf_t *leaf, int index ) { const int min_x = floorf(leaf->minmaxs[0] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int min_y = floorf(leaf->minmaxs[1] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int min_z = floorf(leaf->minmaxs[2] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int max_x = ceilf(leaf->minmaxs[3] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int max_y = ceilf(leaf->minmaxs[4] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); const int max_z = ceilf(leaf->minmaxs[5] / LIGHT_GRID_CELL_SIZE); for (int x = min_x; x < max_x; ++x) for (int y = min_y; y < max_y; ++y) for (int z = min_z; z < max_z; ++z) { const int cell[3] = { x - g_lights.map.grid_min_cell[0], y - g_lights.map.grid_min_cell[1], z - g_lights.map.grid_min_cell[2] }; const int cell_index = computeCellIndex( cell ); if (cell_index < 0) continue; if (clusterBitMapCheckOrSet( cell_index )) { if (!addLightToCell(cell_index, index)) { ERROR_THROTTLED(10, "Cluster %d,%d,%d(%d) ran out of light slots", cell[0], cell[1], cell[2], cell_index); } } } } static void addPointLightToClusters( int index ) { vk_point_light_t *const light = g_lights.point_lights + index; const model_t* const world = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); const mleaf_t* leaf = gEngine.Mod_PointInLeaf(light->origin, world->nodes); const vk_light_leaf_set_t *const leafs = (vk_light_leaf_set_t*)&g_lights_bsp.accum.count; leafAccumPrepare(); leafAccumAddPotentiallyVisibleFromLeaf( world, leaf, false); leafAccumFinalize(); clusterBitMapClear(); for (int i = 0; i < leafs->num; ++i) { const mleaf_t *const leaf = world->leafs + leafs->leafs[i]; addLightIndexToleaf( leaf, index ); } } static void addPointLightToAllClusters( int index ) { const model_t* const world = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); clusterBitMapClear(); for (int i = 1; i < world->numleafs; ++i) { const mleaf_t *const leaf = world->leafs + i; addLightIndexToleaf( leaf, index ); } } static int addPointLight( const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t color, float radius, int lightstyle, float hack_attenuation ) { const int index = g_lights.num_point_lights; vk_point_light_t *const plight = g_lights.point_lights + index; if (g_lights.num_point_lights >= MAX_POINT_LIGHTS) { ERROR_THROTTLED(10, "Too many lights, MAX_POINT_LIGHTS=%d", MAX_POINT_LIGHTS); return -1; } if (debug_dump_lights.enabled) { gEngine.Con_Printf("point light %d: origin=(%f %f %f) R=%f color=(%f %f %f)\n", index, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], radius, color[0], color[1], color[2]); } *plight = (vk_point_light_t){0}; VectorCopy(origin, plight->origin); plight->radius = radius; VectorScale(color, hack_attenuation, plight->base_color); VectorCopy(plight->base_color, plight->color); plight->lightstyle = lightstyle; // Omnidirectional light plight->stopdot = plight->stopdot2 = -1.f; VectorSet(plight->dir, 0, 0, 0); addPointLightToClusters( index ); g_lights.num_point_lights++; return index; } static int addSpotLight( const vk_light_entity_t *le, float radius, int lightstyle, float hack_attenuation, qboolean all_clusters ) { const int index = g_lights.num_point_lights; vk_point_light_t *const plight = g_lights.point_lights + index; if (g_lights.num_point_lights >= MAX_POINT_LIGHTS) { ERROR_THROTTLED(10, "Too many lights, MAX_POINT_LIGHTS=%d", MAX_POINT_LIGHTS); return -1; } if (debug_dump_lights.enabled) { gEngine.Con_Printf("%s light %d: origin=(%f %f %f) color=(%f %f %f) dir=(%f %f %f)\n", index, le->type == LightTypeEnvironment ? "environment" : "spot", le->origin[0], le->origin[1], le->origin[2], le->color[0], le->color[1], le->color[2], le->dir[0], le->dir[1], le->dir[2]); } *plight = (vk_point_light_t){0}; VectorCopy(le->origin, plight->origin); plight->radius = radius; VectorScale(le->color, hack_attenuation, plight->base_color); VectorCopy(plight->base_color, plight->color); plight->lightstyle = lightstyle; VectorCopy(le->dir, plight->dir); plight->stopdot = le->stopdot; plight->stopdot2 = le->stopdot2; if (le->type == LightTypeEnvironment) plight->flags = LightFlag_Environment; if (all_clusters) addPointLightToAllClusters( index ); else addPointLightToClusters( index ); g_lights.num_point_lights++; return index; } static void addDlight( const dlight_t *dlight ) { const float scaler = 1.f; //dlight->radius / 255.f; vec3_t color; int index; if( !dlight || dlight->die < gpGlobals->time || !dlight->radius ) return; VectorSet( color, dlight->color.r * scaler, dlight->color.g * scaler, dlight->color.b * scaler); index = addPointLight(dlight->origin, color, dlight->radius, -1, 1e5f); if (index < 0) return; lbspAddLightByOrigin( LightTypePoint, dlight->origin ); } static void processStaticPointLights( void ) { APROF_SCOPE_BEGIN_EARLY(static_lights); const model_t* const world = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); ASSERT(world); g_lights.num_point_lights = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_map_entities.num_lights; ++i) { const vk_light_entity_t *le = g_map_entities.lights + i; const float default_radius = 50.f; // FIXME tune const float hack_attenuation = 100.f; // FIXME tune const float hack_attenuation_spot = 100.f; // FIXME tune int index; switch (le->type) { case LightTypePoint: index = addPointLight(le->origin, le->color, default_radius, le->style, hack_attenuation); break; case LightTypeSpot: case LightTypeEnvironment: index = addSpotLight(le, default_radius, le->style, hack_attenuation_spot, i == g_map_entities.single_environment_index); break; } if (index < 0) break; lbspAddLightByOrigin( le->type, le->origin ); } APROF_SCOPE_END(static_lights); } void VK_LightsLoadMapStaticLights( void ) { const model_t *map = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); //debug_dump_lights.enabled = true; // Clear static lights counts { g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces = g_lights.num_static.emissive_surfaces = 0; g_lights.num_point_lights = g_lights.num_static.point_lights = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_lights.map.grid_cells; ++i) { vk_lights_cell_t *const cell = g_lights.cells + i; cell->num_point_lights = cell->num_static.point_lights = 0; cell->num_emissive_surfaces = cell->num_static.emissive_surfaces = 0; } } XVK_ParseMapEntities(); processStaticPointLights(); // Load RAD data based on map name memset(g_lights.map.emissive_textures, 0, sizeof(g_lights.map.emissive_textures)); loadRadData( map, "maps/lights.rad" ); { int name_len = Q_strlen(map->name); // Strip ".bsp" suffix if (name_len > 4 && 0 == Q_stricmp(map->name + name_len - 4, ".bsp")) name_len -= 4; loadRadData( map, "%.*s.rad", name_len, map->name ); } // Load static map model { matrix3x4 xform; const vk_brush_model_t *const bmodel = map->cache.data; ASSERT(bmodel); Matrix3x4_LoadIdentity(xform); for (int i = 0; i < bmodel->render_model.num_geometries; ++i) { const vk_render_geometry_t *geom = bmodel->render_model.geometries + i; if (!VK_LightsAddEmissiveSurface( geom, &xform, true )) { // TODO how to differentiate between this and non-emissive gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Ran out of surface light slots, geom %d of %d\n", i, bmodel->render_model.num_geometries); } } } // Fix static counts { g_lights.num_static.emissive_surfaces = g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces; g_lights.num_static.point_lights = g_lights.num_point_lights; for (int i = 0; i < g_lights.map.grid_cells; ++i) { vk_lights_cell_t *const cell = g_lights.cells + i; cell->num_static.point_lights = cell->num_point_lights; cell->num_static.emissive_surfaces = cell->num_emissive_surfaces; } } } void VK_LightsFrameFinalize( void ) { APROF_SCOPE_BEGIN_EARLY(finalize); const model_t* const world = gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ); if (g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces > UINT8_MAX) { ERROR_THROTTLED(10, "Too many emissive surfaces found: %d; some areas will be dark", g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces); g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces = UINT8_MAX; } /* for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ELIGHTS; ++i) { */ /* const dlight_t *dlight = gEngine.GetEntityLight(i); */ /* if (!addDlight(dlight)) { */ /* ERROR_THROTTLED(10,"Too many elights, MAX_POINT_LIGHTS=%d", MAX_POINT_LIGHTS); */ /* break; */ /* } */ /* } */ for (int i = 0; i < g_lights.num_point_lights; ++i) { vk_point_light_t *const light = g_lights.point_lights + i; if (light->lightstyle < 0 || light->lightstyle >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) continue; { const float scale = g_lightmap.lightstylevalue[light->lightstyle] / 255.f; VectorScale(light->base_color, scale, light->color); } } APROF_SCOPE_BEGIN(dlights); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DLIGHTS; ++i) { const dlight_t *dlight = gEngine.GetDynamicLight(i); addDlight(dlight); } APROF_SCOPE_END(dlights); if (debug_dump_lights.enabled) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_LEAFS; ++i ) { const vk_light_leaf_t *lleaf = g_lights_bsp.leaves + i; int point = 0, spot = 0, surface = 0, env = 0;; if (lleaf->num_lights == 0) continue; for (int j = 0; j < lleaf->num_lights; ++j) { switch (lleaf->light[j].type) { case LightTypePoint: ++point; break; case LightTypeSpot: ++spot; break; case LightTypeSurface: ++surface; break; case LightTypeEnvironment: ++env; break; } } gEngine.Con_Printf("\tLeaf %d, lights %d: spot=%d point=%d surface=%d env=%d\n", i, lleaf->num_lights, spot, point, surface, env); } #if 0 // Print light grid stats gEngine.Con_Reportf("Emissive surfaces found: %d\n", g_lights.num_emissive_surfaces); { #define GROUPSIZE 4 int histogram[1 + (MAX_VISIBLE_SURFACE_LIGHTS + GROUPSIZE - 1) / GROUPSIZE] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < g_lights.map.grid_cells; ++i) { const vk_lights_cell_t *cluster = g_lights.cells + i; const int hist_index = cluster->num_emissive_surfaces ? 1 + cluster->num_emissive_surfaces / GROUPSIZE : 0; histogram[hist_index]++; } gEngine.Con_Reportf("Built %d light clusters. Stats:\n", g_lights.map.grid_cells); gEngine.Con_Reportf(" 0: %d\n", histogram[0]); for (int i = 1; i < ARRAYSIZE(histogram); ++i) gEngine.Con_Reportf(" %d-%d: %d\n", (i - 1) * GROUPSIZE, i * GROUPSIZE - 1, histogram[i]); } { int num_clusters_with_lights_in_range = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_lights.map.grid_cells; ++i) { const vk_lights_cell_t *cluster = g_lights.cells + i; if (cluster->num_emissive_surfaces > 0) { gEngine.Con_Reportf(" cluster %d: emissive_surfaces=%d\n", i, cluster->num_emissive_surfaces); } for (int j = 0; j < cluster->num_emissive_surfaces; ++j) { const int index = cluster->emissive_surfaces[j]; if (index >= vk_rtx_light_begin->value && index < vk_rtx_light_end->value) { ++num_clusters_with_lights_in_range; } } } gEngine.Con_Reportf("Clusters with filtered lights: %d\n", num_clusters_with_lights_in_range); } #endif } debug_dump_lights.enabled = false; APROF_SCOPE_END(finalize); }