#pragma once #include "vk_core.h" struct vk_render_model_s; struct vk_ray_model_s; struct model_s; typedef struct { struct vk_render_model_s *model; VkBuffer buffer; // TODO must be uniform for all models. Shall we read it directly from vk_render? } vk_ray_model_init_t; struct vk_ray_model_s *VK_RayModelCreate( vk_ray_model_init_t model_init ); void VK_RayModelDestroy( struct vk_ray_model_s *model ); void VK_RayFrameBegin( void ); // TODO how to improve this render vs ray model storage/interaction? void VK_RayFrameAddModel( struct vk_ray_model_s *model, const struct vk_render_model_s *render_model, const matrix3x4 *transform_row ); typedef struct { VkBuffer buffer; uint32_t offset; uint32_t size; } vk_buffer_region_t; typedef struct { VkCommandBuffer cmdbuf; struct { VkImageView image_view; VkImage image; uint32_t width, height; } dst; // TODO inv_view/proj matrices instead of UBO vk_buffer_region_t ubo; // TODO get rid of this, dlights should be in light clusters vk_buffer_region_t dlights; // Buffer holding vertex and index data struct { VkBuffer buffer; // must be the same as in vk_ray_model_create_t TODO: validate or make impossible to specify incorrectly uint32_t size; } geometry_data; float fov_angle_y; } vk_ray_frame_render_args_t; void VK_RayFrameEnd(const vk_ray_frame_render_args_t* args); void VK_RayNewMap( void ); void VK_RayMapLoadEnd( void ); qboolean VK_RayInit( void ); void VK_RayShutdown( void );