
119 lines
3.8 KiB

// Traces geometry with simple blending. Simple means that it's only additive or mix/coverage, and it doesn't participate in lighting, and it doesn't reflect/refract rays.
void traceSimpleBlending(vec3 pos, vec3 dir, float L, inout vec3 emissive, inout vec3 background) {
const float glow_soft_overshoot = 16.;
// TODO probably a better way would be to sort only MIX entries.
// ADD/GLOW are order-independent relative to each other, but not to MIX
struct BlendEntry {
vec3 add;
float blend;
float depth;
// VGPR usage :FeelsBadMan:
#define MAX_ENTRIES 8
uint entries_count = 0;
BlendEntry entries[MAX_ENTRIES];
rayQueryEXT rq;
const uint flags = 0
| gl_RayFlagsCullFrontFacingTrianglesEXT
//| gl_RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderEXT
| gl_RayFlagsNoOpaqueEXT // force all to be non-opaque
rayQueryInitializeEXT(rq, tlas, flags, GEOMETRY_BIT_BLEND, pos, 0., dir, L + glow_soft_overshoot);
while (rayQueryProceedEXT(rq)) {
const MiniGeometry geom = readCandidateMiniGeometry(rq);
const int model_index = rayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdEXT(rq, false);
const ModelHeader model = getModelHeader(model_index);
const Kusok kusok = getKusok(geom.kusok_index);
const float hit_t = rayQueryGetIntersectionTEXT(rq, false);
const float overshoot = hit_t - L;
if (overshoot > 0. && model.mode != MATERIAL_MODE_BLEND_GLOW)
if (model.mode == MATERIAL_MODE_BLEND_GLOW) {
emissive += vec3(1., 0., 0.);
//ret += color * smoothstep(glow_soft_overshoot, 0., overshoot);
} else if (model.mode == MATERIAL_MODE_BLEND_ADD) {
emissive += vec3(0., 1., 0.);
} else if (model.mode == MATERIAL_MODE_BLEND_MIX) {
emissive += vec3(0., 0., 1.);
} else if (model.mode == MATERIAL_MODE_TRANSLUCENT) {
emissive += vec3(0., 1., 1.);
} else if (model.mode == MATERIAL_MODE_OPAQUE) {
emissive += vec3(1., 1., 1.);
const vec4 texture_color = texture(textures[nonuniformEXT(kusok.material.tex_base_color)], geom.uv);
const vec4 mm_color = model.color * kusok.material.base_color;
float alpha = mm_color.a * texture_color.a * geom.vertex_color.a;
vec3 color = mm_color.rgb * SRGBtoLINEAR(texture_color.rgb) * geom.vertex_color.rgb * alpha;
if (model.mode == MATERIAL_MODE_BLEND_GLOW) {
// Glow is additive + small overshoot
const float overshoot_factor = smoothstep(glow_soft_overshoot, 0., overshoot);
color *= overshoot_factor;
alpha = 0.;
} else if (model.mode == MATERIAL_MODE_BLEND_ADD) {
// Additive doesn't attenuate what's behind
alpha = 0.;
} else if (model.mode == MATERIAL_MODE_BLEND_MIX) {
// Handled in composite step below
} else {
// Signal unhandled blending type
color = vec3(1., 0., 1.);
// Collect in random order
entries[entries_count].add = color;
entries[entries_count].blend = alpha;
entries[entries_count].depth = hit_t;
if (entries_count == MAX_ENTRIES) {
// Max blended entries count exceeded
// TODO show it as error somehow?
if (entries_count == 0)
// Tyno O(N^2) sort
for (uint i = 0; i < entries_count; ++i) {
uint min_i = i;
for (uint j = i+1; j < entries_count; ++j) {
if (entries[min_i].depth > entries[j].depth) {
min_i = j;
if (min_i != i) {
BlendEntry tmp = entries[min_i];
entries[min_i] = entries[i];
entries[i] = tmp;
// Composite everything in the right order
float revealage = 1.;
vec3 add = vec3(0.);
for (uint i = 0; i < entries_count; ++i) {
add += entries[i].add * revealage;
revealage *= 1. - entries[i].blend;
emissive = emissive * revealage + add;
background *= revealage;