
1150 lines
23 KiB

cmd.c - script command processing module
Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "server.h"
#define MAX_CMD_BUFFER 32768
#define MAX_CMD_LINE 2048
#define MAX_ALIAS_NAME 32
typedef struct cmdalias_s
struct cmdalias_s *next;
char name[MAX_ALIAS_NAME];
char *value;
} cmdalias_t;
typedef struct
byte *data;
int cursize;
int maxsize;
} cmdbuf_t;
qboolean cmd_wait;
cmdbuf_t cmd_text;
byte cmd_text_buf[MAX_CMD_BUFFER];
cmdalias_t *cmd_alias;
uint cmd_condition;
int cmd_condlevel;
void Cbuf_Init( void )
cmd_text.data = cmd_text_buf;
cmd_text.maxsize = MAX_CMD_BUFFER;
cmd_text.cursize = 0;
void Cbuf_Clear( void )
memset( cmd_text.data, 0, sizeof( cmd_text_buf ));
cmd_text.cursize = 0;
void *Cbuf_GetSpace( cmdbuf_t *buf, int length )
void *data;
if(( buf->cursize + length ) > buf->maxsize )
buf->cursize = 0;
Host_Error( "Cbuf_GetSpace: overflow\n" );
data = buf->data + buf->cursize;
buf->cursize += length;
return data;
Adds command text at the end of the buffer
void Cbuf_AddText( const char *text )
int l = Q_strlen( text );
if(( cmd_text.cursize + l ) >= cmd_text.maxsize )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Cbuf_AddText: overflow\n" );
memcpy( Cbuf_GetSpace( &cmd_text, l ), text, l );
Adds command text immediately after the current command
Adds a \n to the text
void Cbuf_InsertText( const char *text )
int l = Q_strlen( text );
if(( cmd_text.cursize + l ) >= cmd_text.maxsize )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Cbuf_InsertText: overflow\n" );
memmove( cmd_text.data + l, cmd_text.data, cmd_text.cursize );
memcpy( cmd_text.data, text, l );
cmd_text.cursize += l;
void Cbuf_Execute( void )
char *text;
char line[MAX_CMD_LINE];
int i, quotes;
char *comment;
while( cmd_text.cursize )
// find a \n or ; line break
text = (char *)cmd_text.data;
quotes = false;
comment = NULL;
for( i = 0; i < cmd_text.cursize; i++ )
if( !comment )
if( text[i] == '"' ) quotes = !quotes;
if( quotes )
// make sure i doesn't get > cursize which causes a negative size in memmove, which is fatal --blub
if( i < ( cmd_text.cursize - 1 ) && ( text[i+0] == '\\' && (text[i+1] == '"' || text[i+1] == '\\')))
if( text[i+0] == '/' && text[i+1] == '/' && ( i == 0 || (byte)text[i - 1] <= ' ' ))
comment = &text[i];
if( text[i] == ';' ) break; // don't break if inside a quoted string or comment
if( text[i] == '\n' || text[i] == '\r' )
if( i >= ( MAX_CMD_LINE - 1 ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cbuf_Execute: command string owerflow\n" );
line[0] = 0;
memcpy( line, text, comment ? (comment - text) : i );
line[comment ? (comment - text) : i] = 0;
// delete the text from the command buffer and move remaining commands down
// this is necessary because commands (exec) can insert data at the
// beginning of the text buffer
if( i == cmd_text.cursize )
cmd_text.cursize = 0;
cmd_text.cursize -= i;
memmove( cmd_text.data, text + i, cmd_text.cursize );
// execute the command line
Cmd_ExecuteString( line );
if( cmd_wait )
// skip out while text still remains in buffer,
// leaving it for next frame
cmd_wait = false;
execute commandline
void Cbuf_ExecStuffCmds( void )
char build[MAX_CMD_LINE]; // this is for all commandline options combined (and is bounds checked)
int i, j, l = 0;
// no reason to run the commandline arguments twice
if( !host.stuffcmds_pending )
build[0] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < host.argc; i++ )
if( host.argv[i] && host.argv[i][0] == '+' && ( host.argv[i][1] < '0' || host.argv[i][1] > '9' ) && l + Q_strlen( host.argv[i] ) - 1 <= sizeof( build ) - 1 )
j = 1;
while( host.argv[i][j] )
build[l++] = host.argv[i][j++];
for( i++; i < host.argc; i++ )
if( !host.argv[i] ) continue;
if(( host.argv[i][0] == '+' || host.argv[i][0] == '-' ) && ( host.argv[i][1] < '0' || host.argv[i][1] > '9' ))
if( l + Q_strlen( host.argv[i] ) + 4 > sizeof( build ) - 1 )
build[l++] = ' ';
if( Q_strchr( host.argv[i], ' ' ))
build[l++] = '\"';
for( j = 0; host.argv[i][j]; j++ )
build[l++] = host.argv[i][j];
if( Q_strchr( host.argv[i], ' ' ))
build[l++] = '\"';
build[l++] = '\n';
// now terminate the combined string and prepend it to the command buffer
// we already reserved space for the terminator
build[l++] = 0;
Cbuf_InsertText( build );
Cbuf_Execute(); // apply now
// this command can be called only from .rc
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "stuffcmds" );
host.stuffcmds_pending = false;
Adds command line parameters as script statements
Commands lead with a +, and continue until a - or another +
hl.exe -dev 3 +map c1a0d
hl.exe -nosound -game bshift
void Cmd_StuffCmds_f( void )
host.stuffcmds_pending = true;
Causes execution of the remainder of the command buffer to be delayed until
next frame. This allows commands like:
bind g "cmd use rocket ; +attack ; wait ; -attack ; cmd use blaster"
void Cmd_Wait_f( void )
cmd_wait = true;
Just prints the rest of the line to the console
void Cmd_Echo_f( void )
int i;
for( i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++ )
Con_Printf( "%s", Cmd_Argv( i ));
Con_Printf( "\n" );
Creates a new command that executes a command string (possibly ; seperated)
void Cmd_Alias_f( void )
cmdalias_t *a;
char cmd[MAX_CMD_LINE];
int i, c;
char *s;
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
Con_Printf( "Current alias commands:\n" );
for( a = cmd_alias; a; a = a->next )
Con_Printf( "^2%s^7 : ^3%s^7\n", a->name, a->value );
s = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
if( Q_strlen( s ) >= MAX_ALIAS_NAME )
Con_Printf( "Alias name is too long\n" );
// if the alias already exists, reuse it
for( a = cmd_alias; a; a = a->next )
if( !Q_strcmp( s, a->name ))
Z_Free( a->value );
if( !a )
cmdalias_t *cur, *prev;
a = Z_Malloc( sizeof( cmdalias_t ));
Q_strncpy( a->name, s, sizeof( a->name ));
// insert it at the right alphanumeric position
for( prev = NULL, cur = cmd_alias; cur && Q_strcmp( cur->name, a->name ) < 0; prev = cur, cur = cur->next );
if( prev ) prev->next = a;
else cmd_alias = a;
a->next = cur;
// copy the rest of the command line
cmd[0] = 0; // start out with a null string
c = Cmd_Argc();
for( i = 2; i < c; i++ )
if( i != 2 ) Q_strncat( cmd, " ", sizeof( cmd ));
Q_strncat( cmd, Cmd_Argv( i ), sizeof( cmd ));
Q_strncat( cmd, "\n", sizeof( cmd ));
a->value = copystring( cmd );
Remove existing aliases.
static void Cmd_UnAlias_f ( void )
cmdalias_t *a, *p;
const char *s;
int i;
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
Con_Printf( S_USAGE "unalias alias1 [alias2 ...]\n" );
for( i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++ )
s = Cmd_Argv( i );
p = NULL;
for( a = cmd_alias; a; p = a, a = a->next )
if( !Q_strcmp( s, a->name ))
if( a == cmd_alias )
cmd_alias = a->next;
if( p ) p->next = a->next;
Mem_Free( a->value );
Mem_Free( a );
if( !a ) Con_Printf( "%s not found\n", s );
typedef struct cmd_s
struct cmd_s *next;
char *name;
xcommand_t function;
char *desc;
int flags;
} cmd_t;
static int cmd_argc;
static char *cmd_args = NULL;
static char *cmd_argv[MAX_CMD_TOKENS];
static char cmd_tokenized[MAX_CMD_BUFFER]; // will have 0 bytes inserted
static cmd_t *cmd_functions; // possible commands to execute
uint Cmd_Argc( void )
return cmd_argc;
char *Cmd_Argv( int arg )
if((uint)arg >= cmd_argc )
return "";
return cmd_argv[arg];
char *Cmd_Args( void )
return cmd_args;
Parses the given string into command line tokens.
The text is copied to a seperate buffer and 0 characters
are inserted in the apropriate place, The argv array
will point into this temporary buffer.
void Cmd_TokenizeString( char *text )
char cmd_token[MAX_CMD_BUFFER];
int i;
// clear the args from the last string
for( i = 0; i < cmd_argc; i++ )
Z_Free( cmd_argv[i] );
cmd_argc = 0; // clear previous args
cmd_args = NULL;
if( !text ) return;
while( 1 )
// skip whitespace up to a /n
while( *text && ((byte)*text) <= ' ' && *text != '\r' && *text != '\n' )
if( *text == '\n' || *text == '\r' )
// a newline seperates commands in the buffer
if( *text == '\r' && text[1] == '\n' )
if( !*text )
if( cmd_argc == 1 )
cmd_args = text;
host.com_ignorebracket = true;
text = COM_ParseFile( text, cmd_token );
host.com_ignorebracket = false;
if( !text ) return;
if( cmd_argc < MAX_CMD_TOKENS )
cmd_argv[cmd_argc] = copystring( cmd_token );
void Cmd_AddCommand( const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, const char *cmd_desc )
cmd_t *cmd, *cur, *prev;
// fail if the command is a variable name
if( Cvar_FindVar( cmd_name ))
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Cmd_AddCommand: %s already defined as a var\n", cmd_name );
// fail if the command already exists
if( Cmd_Exists( cmd_name ))
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Cmd_AddCommand: %s already defined\n", cmd_name );
// use a small malloc to avoid zone fragmentation
cmd = Z_Malloc( sizeof( cmd_t ));
cmd->name = copystring( cmd_name );
cmd->desc = copystring( cmd_desc );
cmd->function = function;
cmd->flags = 0;
// insert it at the right alphanumeric position
for( prev = NULL, cur = cmd_functions; cur && Q_strcmp( cur->name, cmd_name ) < 0; prev = cur, cur = cur->next );
if( prev ) prev->next = cmd;
else cmd_functions = cmd;
cmd->next = cur;
void Cmd_AddServerCommand( const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function )
cmd_t *cmd, *cur, *prev;
if( !cmd_name || !*cmd_name )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddServerCommand: NULL name\n" );
// fail if the command is a variable name
if( Cvar_FindVar( cmd_name ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddServerCommand: %s already defined as a var\n", cmd_name );
// fail if the command already exists
if( Cmd_Exists( cmd_name ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddServerCommand: %s already defined\n", cmd_name );
// use a small malloc to avoid zone fragmentation
cmd = Z_Malloc( sizeof( cmd_t ));
cmd->name = copystring( cmd_name );
cmd->desc = copystring( "server command" );
cmd->function = function;
cmd->flags = CMD_SERVERDLL;
// insert it at the right alphanumeric position
for( prev = NULL, cur = cmd_functions; cur && Q_strcmp( cur->name, cmd_name ) < 0; prev = cur, cur = cur->next );
if( prev ) prev->next = cmd;
else cmd_functions = cmd;
cmd->next = cur;
int Cmd_AddClientCommand( const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function )
cmd_t *cmd, *cur, *prev;
if( !cmd_name || !*cmd_name )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddClientCommand: NULL name\n" );
return 0;
// fail if the command is a variable name
if( Cvar_FindVar( cmd_name ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddClientCommand: %s already defined as a var\n", cmd_name );
return 0;
// fail if the command already exists
if( Cmd_Exists( cmd_name ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddClientCommand: %s already defined\n", cmd_name );
return 0;
// use a small malloc to avoid zone fragmentation
cmd = Z_Malloc( sizeof( cmd_t ));
cmd->name = copystring( cmd_name );
cmd->desc = copystring( "client command" );
cmd->function = function;
cmd->flags = CMD_CLIENTDLL;
// insert it at the right alphanumeric position
for( prev = NULL, cur = cmd_functions; cur && Q_strcmp( cur->name, cmd_name ) < 0; prev = cur, cur = cur->next );
if( prev ) prev->next = cmd;
else cmd_functions = cmd;
cmd->next = cur;
return 1;
int Cmd_AddGameUICommand( const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function )
cmd_t *cmd, *cur, *prev;
if( !cmd_name || !*cmd_name )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddGameUICommand: NULL name\n" );
return 0;
// fail if the command is a variable name
if( Cvar_FindVar( cmd_name ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddGameUICommand: %s already defined as a var\n", cmd_name );
return 0;
// fail if the command already exists
if( Cmd_Exists( cmd_name ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_AddGameUICommand: %s already defined\n", cmd_name );
return 0;
// use a small malloc to avoid zone fragmentation
cmd = Z_Malloc( sizeof( cmd_t ));
cmd->name = copystring( cmd_name );
cmd->desc = copystring( "GameUI command" );
cmd->function = function;
cmd->flags = CMD_GAMEUIDLL;
// insert it at the right alphanumeric position
for( prev = NULL, cur = cmd_functions; cur && Q_strcmp( cur->name, cmd_name ) < 0; prev = cur, cur = cur->next );
if( prev ) prev->next = cmd;
else cmd_functions = cmd;
cmd->next = cur;
return 1;
void Cmd_RemoveCommand( const char *cmd_name )
cmd_t *cmd, **back;
if( !cmd_name || !*cmd_name )
back = &cmd_functions;
while( 1 )
cmd = *back;
if( !cmd ) return;
if( !Q_strcmp( cmd_name, cmd->name ))
*back = cmd->next;
if( cmd->name )
Mem_Free( cmd->name );
if( cmd->desc )
Mem_Free( cmd->desc );
Mem_Free( cmd );
back = &cmd->next;
void Cmd_LookupCmds( char *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback )
cmd_t *cmd;
cmdalias_t *alias;
// nothing to process ?
if( !callback ) return;
for( cmd = cmd_functions; cmd; cmd = cmd->next )
if( !buffer ) callback( cmd->name, (char *)cmd->function, cmd->desc, ptr );
else callback( cmd->name, (char *)cmd->function, buffer, ptr );
// lookup an aliases too
for( alias = cmd_alias; alias; alias = alias->next )
callback( alias->name, alias->value, buffer, ptr );
qboolean Cmd_Exists( const char *cmd_name )
cmd_t *cmd;
for( cmd = cmd_functions; cmd; cmd = cmd->next )
if( !Q_strcmp( cmd_name, cmd->name ))
return true;
return false;
Compare and et condition bit if true
void Cmd_If_f( void )
// reset bit first
cmd_condition &= ~BIT( cmd_condlevel );
// usage
if( cmd_argc == 1 )
Con_Printf( S_USAGE "if <op1> [ <operator> <op2> ]\n");
Con_Printf( ":<action1>\n" );
Con_Printf( ":<action2>\n" );
Con_Printf( "else\n" );
Con_Printf( ":<action3>\n" );
Con_Printf( "operands are string or float values\n" );
Con_Printf( "and substituted cvars like '$cl_lw'\n" );
Con_Printf( "operator is '='', '==', '>', '<', '>=', '<=' or '!='\n" );
// one argument - check if nonzero
if( cmd_argc == 2 )
if( Q_atof( cmd_argv[1] ))
cmd_condition |= BIT( cmd_condlevel );
else if( cmd_argc == 4 )
// simple compare
float f1 = Q_atof( cmd_argv[1] );
float f2 = Q_atof( cmd_argv[3] );
if( !cmd_argv[2][0] ) // this is wrong
if(( cmd_argv[2][0] == '=' ) || ( cmd_argv[2][1] == '=' )) // =, ==, >=, <=
if( !Q_strcmp( cmd_argv[1], cmd_argv[3] ) || (( f1 || f2 ) && ( f1 == f2 )))
cmd_condition |= BIT( cmd_condlevel );
if( cmd_argv[2][0] == '!' ) // !=
cmd_condition ^= BIT( cmd_condlevel );
if(( cmd_argv[2][0] == '>' ) && ( f1 > f2 )) // >, >=
cmd_condition |= BIT( cmd_condlevel );
if(( cmd_argv[2][0] == '<' ) && ( f1 < f2 )) // <, <=
cmd_condition |= BIT( cmd_condlevel );
Invert condition bit
void Cmd_Else_f( void )
cmd_condition ^= BIT( cmd_condlevel );
A complete command line has been parsed, so try to execute it
void Cmd_ExecuteString( char *text )
cmd_t *cmd;
cmdalias_t *a;
char command[MAX_CMD_LINE];
char *pcmd = command;
int len = 0;
cmd_condlevel = 0;
// cvar value substitution
if( cmd_scripting && cmd_scripting->value )
while( *text )
// check for escape
if(( *text == '\\' || *text == '$' ) && (*( text + 1 ) == '$' ))
text ++;
else if( *text == '$' )
char token[MAX_CMD_LINE];
char *ptoken = token;
// check for correct cvar name
while(( *text >= '0' && *text <= '9' ) || ( *text >= 'A' && *text <= 'Z' ) || ( *text >= 'a' && *text <= 'z' ) || ( *text == '_' ))
*ptoken++ = *text++;
*ptoken = 0;
len += Q_strncpy( pcmd, Cvar_VariableString( token ), MAX_CMD_LINE - len );
pcmd = command + len;
if( !*text ) break;
*pcmd++ = *text++;
*pcmd = 0;
text = command;
while( *text == ':' )
if( !FBitSet( cmd_condition, BIT( cmd_condlevel )))
// execute the command line
Cmd_TokenizeString( text );
if( !Cmd_Argc( )) return; // no tokens
if( !host.apply_game_config )
// check aliases
for( a = cmd_alias; a; a = a->next )
if( !Q_stricmp( cmd_argv[0], a->name ))
Cbuf_InsertText( a->value );
// special mode for restore game.dll archived cvars
if( !host.apply_game_config || !Q_strcmp( cmd_argv[0], "exec" ))
// check functions
for( cmd = cmd_functions; cmd; cmd = cmd->next )
if( !Q_stricmp( cmd_argv[0], cmd->name ) && cmd->function )
// check cvars
if( Cvar_Command( )) return;
if( host.apply_game_config )
return; // don't send nothing to server: we is a server!
// forward the command line to the server, so the entity DLL can parse it
if( host.type == HOST_NORMAL )
if( cls.state >= ca_connected )
else if( text[0] != '@' && host.type == HOST_NORMAL )
// commands with leading '@' are hidden system commands
Con_Printf( S_WARN "Unknown command \"%s\"\n", text );
adds the current command line as a clc_stringcmd to the client message.
things like godmode, noclip, etc, are commands directed to the server,
so when they are typed in at the console, they will need to be forwarded.
void Cmd_ForwardToServer( void )
char str[MAX_CMD_BUFFER];
if( cls.demoplayback )
if( !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "pause" ))
cl.paused ^= 1;
if( cls.state < ca_connected || cls.state > ca_active )
if( Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "setinfo" ))
Con_Printf( "Can't \"%s\", not connected\n", Cmd_Argv( 0 ));
return; // not connected
MSG_BeginClientCmd( &cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd );
str[0] = 0;
if( Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "cmd" ))
Q_strcat( str, Cmd_Argv( 0 ));
Q_strcat( str, " " );
if( Cmd_Argc() > 1 )
Q_strcat( str, Cmd_Args( ));
else Q_strcat( str, "\n" );
MSG_WriteString( &cls.netchan.message, str );
void Cmd_List_f( void )
cmd_t *cmd;
int i = 0;
char *match;
if( Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) match = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
else match = NULL;
for( cmd = cmd_functions; cmd; cmd = cmd->next )
if( cmd->name[0] == '@' )
continue; // never show system cmds
if( match && !Q_stricmpext( match, cmd->name ))
Con_Printf( " %-*s ^3%s^7\n", 32, cmd->name, cmd->desc );
Con_Printf( "%i commands\n", i );
unlink all commands with specified flag
void Cmd_Unlink( int group )
cmd_t *cmd;
cmd_t **prev;
int count = 0;
if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "host_gameloaded" ) && FBitSet( group, CMD_SERVERDLL ))
if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "host_clientloaded" ) && FBitSet( group, CMD_CLIENTDLL ))
if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "host_gameuiloaded" ) && FBitSet( group, CMD_GAMEUIDLL ))
prev = &cmd_functions;
while( 1 )
cmd = *prev;
if( !cmd ) break;
// do filter by specified group
if( group && !FBitSet( cmd->flags, group ))
prev = &cmd->next;
*prev = cmd->next;
if( cmd->name ) Mem_Free( cmd->name );
if( cmd->desc ) Mem_Free( cmd->desc );
Mem_Free( cmd );
Con_Reportf( "unlink %i commands\n", count );
null function for some cmd stubs
void Cmd_Null_f( void )
void Cmd_Init( void )
cmd_functions = NULL;
cmd_condition = 0;
cmd_alias = NULL;
cmd_args = NULL;
cmd_argc = 0;
// register our commands
Cmd_AddCommand( "echo", Cmd_Echo_f, "print a message to the console (useful in scripts)" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "wait", Cmd_Wait_f, "make script execution wait for some rendered frames" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "cmdlist", Cmd_List_f, "display all console commands beginning with the specified prefix" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "stuffcmds", Cmd_StuffCmds_f, "execute commandline parameters (must be present in .rc script)" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "cmd", Cmd_ForwardToServer, "send a console commandline to the server" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "alias", Cmd_Alias_f, "create a script function. Without arguments show the list of all alias" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "unalias", Cmd_UnAlias_f, "remove a script function" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "if", Cmd_If_f, "compare and set condition bits" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "else", Cmd_Else_f, "invert condition bit" );