
1000 lines
33 KiB

#include "r_speeds.h"
#include "vk_overlay.h"
#include "vk_framectl.h"
#include "vk_cvar.h"
#include "vk_combuf.h"
#include "profiler.h"
#include "crclib.h" // CRC32 for stable random colors
#include "xash3d_mathlib.h" // Q_min
#include <limits.h>
#define MAX_SPEEDS_MESSAGE (1024)
#define MAX_SPEEDS_METRICS (512)
#define TARGET_FRAME_TIME (1000.f / 60.f)
#define MAX_GRAPHS 8
#define MODULE_NAME "speeds"
// Valid bits for `r_speeds` argument:
enum {
SPEEDS_BIT_OFF = 0, // `r_speeds 0` turns off all performance stats display
SPEEDS_BIT_SIMPLE = 1, // `r_speeds 1` displays only basic info about frame time
SPEEDS_BIT_STATS = 2, // `r_speeds 2` displays additional metrics, i.e. lights counts, dynamic geometry upload sizes, etc (TODO)
SPEEDS_BIT_GPU_USAGE = 4, // `r_speeds 4` displays overall GPU usage stats (TODO)
SPEEDS_BIT_FRAME = 8, // `r_speeds 8` diplays details instrumental profiler frame data, e.g. specific functions times graphs, etc
// These bits can be combined, e.g. `r_speeds 9`, 8+1, will display 1: basic timing info and 8: frame graphs
typedef struct {
int *p_value;
qboolean reset;
char name[64];
const char *var_name;
const char *src_file;
int src_line;
r_speeds_metric_type_t type;
int low_watermark, high_watermark, max_value;
int graph_index;
} r_speeds_metric_t;
typedef struct {
char name[64];
float *data;
int data_count;
int data_write;
int source_metric; // can be -1 for missing metrics
int height;
int max_value; // Computed automatically every frame
rgba_t color;
} r_speeds_graph_t;
typedef enum {
} r_speeds_mprint_mode_t;
static struct {
cvar_t *r_speeds_graphs;
cvar_t *r_speeds_graphs_width;
aprof_event_t *paused_events;
int paused_events_count;
int pause_requested;
struct {
int glyph_width, glyph_height;
float scale;
} font_metrics;
r_speeds_metric_t metrics[MAX_SPEEDS_METRICS];
int metrics_count;
r_speeds_graph_t graphs[MAX_GRAPHS];
int graphs_count;
struct {
int frame_time_us, cpu_time_us, cpu_wait_time_us, gpu_time_us;
struct {
int initialized;
int time_us; // automatically zeroed by metrics each frame
struct {
int initialized;
int time_us; // automatically zeroed by metrics each frame
} gpu_scopes[MAX_GPU_SCOPES];
char message[MAX_SPEEDS_MESSAGE];
r_speeds_mprint_mode_t metrics_print_mode;
string metrics_print_filter;
} frame;
// Mask g_speeds_graphs cvar writes
char graphs_list[1024];
} g_speeds;
static void speedsStrcat( const char *msg ) {
Q_strncat( g_speeds.frame.message, msg, sizeof( g_speeds.frame.message ));
static void speedsPrintf( const char *msg, ... ) _format(1);
static void speedsPrintf( const char *msg, ... ) {
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, msg );
Q_vsnprintf( text, sizeof( text ), msg, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
static void metricTypeSnprintf(char *buf, int buf_size, int value, r_speeds_metric_type_t type) {
switch (type) {
case kSpeedsMetricCount:
Q_snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%d", value);
case kSpeedsMetricBytes:
// TODO different units for different ranges, e.g. < 10k: bytes, < 10M: KiB, >10M: MiB
Q_snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%dKiB", value / 1024);
case kSpeedsMetricMicroseconds:
Q_snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%.03fms", value * 1e-3f);
static float linearstep(float min, float max, float v) {
if (v <= min) return 0;
if (v >= max) return 1;
return (v - min) / (max - min);
#define P(fmt, ...) gEngine.Con_Reportf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// TODO better "random" colors for scope bars
static uint32_t getHash(const char *s) {
dword crc;
CRC32_ProcessBuffer(&crc, s, Q_strlen(s));
return CRC32_Final(crc);
static void getColorForString( const char *s, rgba_t out_color ) {
const uint32_t hash = getHash(s);
out_color[0] = (hash >> 16) & 0xff;
out_color[1] = (hash >> 8) & 0xff;
out_color[2] = hash & 0xff;
static void drawTimeBar(uint64_t begin_time_ns, float time_scale_ms, int64_t begin_ns, int64_t end_ns, int y, int height, const char *label, const rgba_t color) {
const float delta_ms = (end_ns - begin_ns) * 1e-6;
const int width = delta_ms * time_scale_ms;
const int x = (begin_ns - begin_time_ns) * 1e-6 * time_scale_ms;
rgba_t text_color = {255-color[0], 255-color[1], 255-color[2], 255};
CL_FillRGBA(x, y, width, height, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);
// Tweak this if scope names escape the block boundaries
char tmp[64];
tmp[0] = '\0';
const int glyph_width = g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_width;
Q_snprintf(tmp, Q_min(sizeof(tmp), width / glyph_width), "%s %.3fms", label, delta_ms);
gEngine.Con_DrawString(x, y, tmp, text_color);
static void drawCPUProfilerScopes(int draw, const aprof_event_t *events, uint64_t begin_time, float time_scale_ms, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end, int y) {
#define MAX_STACK_DEPTH 16
struct {
int scope_id;
uint64_t begin_ns;
int depth = 0;
int max_depth = 0;
int under_waiting = 0;
uint64_t ref_cpu_time = 0;
uint64_t ref_cpu_wait_time = 0;
for (; begin != end; begin = (begin + 1) % APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE) {
const aprof_event_t event = events[begin];
const int event_type = APROF_EVENT_TYPE(event);
const uint64_t timestamp_ns = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(event);
const int scope_id = APROF_EVENT_SCOPE_ID(event);
switch (event_type) {
ref_cpu_time = 0;
ref_cpu_wait_time = 0;
under_waiting = 0;
if (depth < MAX_STACK_DEPTH) {
stack[depth].begin_ns = timestamp_ns;
stack[depth].scope_id = scope_id;
if (max_depth < depth)
max_depth = depth;
const aprof_scope_t *const scope = g_aprof.scopes + scope_id;
if (scope->flags & APROF_SCOPE_FLAG_WAIT)
ASSERT(depth > 0);
ASSERT(stack[depth].scope_id == scope_id);
ASSERT(scope_id >= 0);
const aprof_scope_t *const scope = g_aprof.scopes + scope_id;
const uint64_t delta_ns = timestamp_ns - stack[depth].begin_ns;
if (!g_speeds.frame.scopes[scope_id].initialized) {
R_SpeedsRegisterMetric(&g_speeds.frame.scopes[scope_id].time_us, "scope", scope->name, kSpeedsMetricMicroseconds, /* reset */ true, scope->name, scope->source_file, scope->source_line);
g_speeds.frame.scopes[scope_id].initialized = 1;
g_speeds.frame.scopes[scope_id].time_us += delta_ns / 1000;
// This is a top level scope that should be counter towards cpu usage
const int is_top_level = ((scope->flags & APROF_SCOPE_FLAG_DECOR) == 0) && (depth == 0 || (g_aprof.scopes[stack[depth-1].scope_id].flags & APROF_SCOPE_FLAG_DECOR));
// Only count top level scopes towards CPU time, and only if it's not waiting
if (is_top_level && under_waiting == 0)
ref_cpu_time += delta_ns;
// If this is a top level waiting scope (under any depth)
if (under_waiting == 1) {
// Count it towards waiting time
ref_cpu_wait_time += delta_ns;
// If this is not a top level scope, then we might count its top level parent
// towards cpu usage time, which is not correct. Subtract this waiting time from it.
if (!is_top_level)
ref_cpu_time -= delta_ns;
if (scope->flags & APROF_SCOPE_FLAG_WAIT)
if (draw) {
rgba_t color = {0, 0, 0, 127};
getColorForString(scope->name, color);
const int bar_height = g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height;
drawTimeBar(begin_time, time_scale_ms, stack[depth].begin_ns, timestamp_ns, y + depth * bar_height, bar_height, scope->name, color);
g_speeds.frame.cpu_time_us = ref_cpu_time / 1000;
g_speeds.frame.cpu_wait_time_us = ref_cpu_wait_time / 1000;
if (max_depth > MAX_STACK_DEPTH)
gEngine.Con_NPrintf(4, S_ERROR "Profiler stack overflow: reached %d, max available %d\n", max_depth, MAX_STACK_DEPTH);
static void handlePause( uint32_t prev_frame_index ) {
if (!g_speeds.pause_requested || g_speeds.paused_events)
const uint32_t frame_begin = prev_frame_index;
const uint32_t frame_end = g_aprof.events_last_frame + 1;
g_speeds.paused_events_count = frame_end >= frame_begin ? frame_end - frame_begin : (frame_end + APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE - frame_begin);
g_speeds.paused_events = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, g_speeds.paused_events_count * sizeof(g_speeds.paused_events[0]));
if (frame_end >= frame_begin) {
memcpy(g_speeds.paused_events, g_aprof.events + frame_begin, g_speeds.paused_events_count * sizeof(g_speeds.paused_events[0]));
} else {
const int first_chunk = (APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE - frame_begin) * sizeof(g_speeds.paused_events[0]);
memcpy(g_speeds.paused_events, g_aprof.events + frame_begin, first_chunk);
memcpy(g_speeds.paused_events + first_chunk, g_aprof.events, frame_end * sizeof(g_speeds.paused_events[0]));
// TODO move this to vk_common or something
int stringViewCmp(const_string_view_t sv, const char* s) {
for (int i = 0; i < sv.len; ++i) {
const int d = sv.s[i] - s[i];
if (d != 0)
return d;
if (s[i] == '\0')
return 1;
// Check that both strings end the same
return '\0' - s[sv.len];
static int findMetricIndexByName( const_string_view_t name) {
for (int i = 0; i < g_speeds.metrics_count; ++i) {
if (stringViewCmp(name, g_speeds.metrics[i].name) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
static int findGraphIndexByName( const_string_view_t name) {
for (int i = 0; i < g_speeds.graphs_count; ++i) {
if (stringViewCmp(name, g_speeds.graphs[i].name) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
static int drawGraph( r_speeds_graph_t *const graph, int frame_bar_y ) {
const int min_width = 100 * g_speeds.font_metrics.scale;
const int graph_width = clampi32(
g_speeds.r_speeds_graphs_width->value < 1
? vk_frame.width / 2 // half frame width if invalid
: (int)(g_speeds.r_speeds_graphs_width->value * g_speeds.font_metrics.scale), // scaled value if valid
min_width, vk_frame.width); // clamp to min_width..frame_width
const int graph_height = graph->height * g_speeds.font_metrics.scale;
if (graph->source_metric < 0) {
// Check whether this metric has been registered
const int metric_index = findMetricIndexByName((const_string_view_t){graph->name, Q_strlen(graph->name)});
if (metric_index >= 0) {
graph->source_metric = metric_index;
g_speeds.metrics[metric_index].graph_index = graph - g_speeds.graphs;
} else {
const char *name = graph->name;
rgba_t text_color = {0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff};
gEngine.Con_DrawString(0, frame_bar_y, name, text_color);
frame_bar_y += g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height;
return frame_bar_y;
const r_speeds_metric_t *const metric = g_speeds.metrics + graph->source_metric;
const int graph_max_value = metric->max_value ? Q_max(metric->max_value, graph->max_value) : graph->max_value;
const float width_factor = (float)graph_width / graph->data_count;
const float height_scale = (float)graph_height / graph_max_value;
rgba_t text_color = {0xed, 0x9f, 0x01, 0xff};
// Draw graph name
const char *name = metric->name;
gEngine.Con_DrawString(0, frame_bar_y, name, text_color);
frame_bar_y += g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height;
// Draw background that podcherkivaet graph area
CL_FillRGBABlend(0, frame_bar_y, graph_width, graph_height, graph->color[0], graph->color[1], graph->color[2], 32);
// Draw max value
char buf[16];
metricTypeSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), graph_max_value, metric->type);
gEngine.Con_DrawString(0, frame_bar_y, buf, text_color);
// Draw zero
gEngine.Con_DrawString(0, frame_bar_y + graph->height - g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height, "0", text_color);
frame_bar_y += graph_height;
if (metric->low_watermark && metric->low_watermark < graph_max_value) {
const int y = frame_bar_y - metric->low_watermark * height_scale;
CL_FillRGBA(0, y, graph_width, 1, 0, 255, 0, 50);
if (metric->high_watermark && metric->high_watermark < graph_max_value) {
const int y = frame_bar_y - metric->high_watermark * height_scale;
CL_FillRGBA(0, y, graph_width, 1, 255, 0, 0, 50);
// Invert graph origin for better math below
int max_value = INT_MIN;
const qboolean watermarks = metric->low_watermark && metric->high_watermark;
for (int i = 0; i < graph->data_count; ++i) {
const int raw_value = Q_max(0, graph->data[(graph->data_write + i) % graph->data_count]);
max_value = Q_max(max_value, raw_value);
const int value = Q_min(graph_max_value, raw_value);
int red = 0xed, green = 0x9f, blue = 0x01;
if (watermarks) {
// E.g: > 60 fps => 0, 30..60 fps -> 1..0, <30fps => 1
const float k = linearstep(metric->low_watermark, metric->high_watermark, value);
red = value < metric->low_watermark ? 0 : 255;
green = 255 * (1 - k);
const int x0 = (float)i * width_factor;
const int x1 = (float)(i+1) * width_factor;
const int y_pos = value * height_scale;
const int height = watermarks ? y_pos : 2 * g_speeds.font_metrics.scale;
const int y = frame_bar_y - y_pos;
// TODO lines
CL_FillRGBA(x0, y, x1-x0, height, red, green, blue, 127);
if (i == graph->data_count - 1) {
char buf[16];
metricTypeSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), raw_value, metric->type);
gEngine.Con_DrawString(x1, y - g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height / 2, buf, text_color);
graph->max_value = max_value ? max_value : 1;
return frame_bar_y;
static void drawGPUProfilerScopes(qboolean draw, int y, uint64_t frame_begin_time_ns, float time_scale_ms, const vk_combuf_scopes_t *gpurofls, int gpurofls_count) {
y += g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height * 6;
const int bar_height = g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height;
#define MAX_ROWS 4
int rows_x[MAX_ROWS] = {0};
for (int j = 0; j < gpurofls_count; ++j) {
const vk_combuf_scopes_t *const gpurofl = gpurofls + j;
for (int i = 0; i < gpurofl->entries_count; ++i) {
const int scope_index = gpurofl->entries[i];
const uint64_t begin_ns = gpurofl->timestamps[i*2 + 0];
const uint64_t end_ns = gpurofl->timestamps[i*2 + 1];
const char *name = gpurofl->scopes[scope_index].name;
if (!g_speeds.frame.gpu_scopes[scope_index].initialized) {
R_SpeedsRegisterMetric(&g_speeds.frame.gpu_scopes[scope_index].time_us,"gpuscope", name, kSpeedsMetricMicroseconds, /* reset */ true, name, __FILE__, __LINE__);
g_speeds.frame.gpu_scopes[scope_index].initialized = 1;
g_speeds.frame.gpu_scopes[scope_index].time_us += (end_ns - begin_ns) / 1000;
rgba_t color = {255, 255, 0, 127};
getColorForString(name, color);
if (draw) {
const int height = bar_height;
const float delta_ms = (end_ns - begin_ns) * 1e-6;
const int width = delta_ms * time_scale_ms;
const int x0 = (begin_ns - frame_begin_time_ns) * 1e-6 * time_scale_ms;
const int x1 = x0 + width;
int bar_y = -1;
for (int row_i = 0; row_i < MAX_ROWS; ++row_i) {
if (rows_x[row_i] <= x0) {
bar_y = row_i;
rows_x[row_i] = x1;
if (bar_y == -1) {
// TODO how? increase MAX_ROWS
bar_y = MAX_ROWS;
bar_y = bar_y * bar_height + y;
rgba_t text_color = {255-color[0], 255-color[1], 255-color[2], 255};
CL_FillRGBA(x0, bar_y, width, height, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);
// Tweak this if scope names escape the block boundaries
char tmp[64];
tmp[0] = '\0';
const int glyph_width = g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_width;
Q_snprintf(tmp, Q_min(sizeof(tmp), width / glyph_width), "%s %.3fms", name, delta_ms);
gEngine.Con_DrawString(x0, bar_y, tmp, text_color);
//drawTimeBar(frame_begin_time_ns, time_scale_ms, begin_ns, end_ns, y + i * bar_height, bar_height, name, color);
static int drawFrames( int draw, uint32_t prev_frame_index, int y, const vk_combuf_scopes_t *gpurofls, int gpurofls_count) {
// Draw latest 2 frames; find their boundaries
uint32_t rewind_frame = prev_frame_index;
const int max_frames_to_draw = 2;
for (int frame = 1; frame < max_frames_to_draw;) {
rewind_frame = (rewind_frame - 1) % APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE; // NOTE: only correct for power-of-2 buffer sizes
const aprof_event_t event = g_aprof.events[rewind_frame];
// Exhausted all events
if (event == 0 || rewind_frame == g_aprof.events_write)
// Note the frame
prev_frame_index = rewind_frame;
const aprof_event_t *const events = g_speeds.paused_events ? g_speeds.paused_events : g_aprof.events;
const int event_begin = g_speeds.paused_events ? 0 : prev_frame_index;
const int event_end = g_speeds.paused_events ? g_speeds.paused_events_count - 1 : g_aprof.events_last_frame;
const uint64_t frame_begin_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(events[event_begin]);
const uint64_t frame_end_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(events[event_end]);
const uint64_t delta_ns = frame_end_time - frame_begin_time;
const float time_scale_ms = (double)vk_frame.width / (delta_ns / 1e6);
// TODO? manage y based on depths
drawCPUProfilerScopes(draw, events, frame_begin_time, time_scale_ms, event_begin, event_end, y);
drawGPUProfilerScopes(draw, y, frame_begin_time, time_scale_ms, gpurofls, gpurofls_count);
return y + g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height * 6;
static void printMetrics( void ) {
for (int i = 0; i < g_speeds.metrics_count; ++i) {
const r_speeds_metric_t *const metric = g_speeds.metrics + i;
char buf[32];
metricTypeSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), (*metric->p_value), metric->type);
speedsPrintf("%s: %s\n", metric->name, buf);
static void resetMetrics( void ) {
for (int i = 0; i < g_speeds.metrics_count; ++i) {
const r_speeds_metric_t *const metric = g_speeds.metrics + i;
if (metric->reset)
*metric->p_value = 0;
static void getCurrentFontMetrics(void) {
// hidpi scaling
float scale = gEngine.pfnGetCvarFloat("con_fontscale");
if (scale <= 0.f)
scale = 1.f;
// TODO these numbers are mostly fine for the "default" font. Unfortunately
// we don't have any access to real font metrics from here, ref_api_t doesn't give us anything about fonts. ;_;
g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_width = 8 * scale;
g_speeds.font_metrics.glyph_height = 20 * scale;
g_speeds.font_metrics.scale = scale;
static int drawGraphs( int y ) {
for (int i = 0; i < g_speeds.graphs_count; ++i) {
r_speeds_graph_t *const graph = g_speeds.graphs + i;
if (graph->source_metric >= 0)
graph->data[graph->data_write] = *g_speeds.metrics[graph->source_metric].p_value;
graph->data_write = (graph->data_write + 1) % graph->data_count;
y = drawGraph(graph, y) + 10;
return y;
static void togglePause( void ) {
if (g_speeds.paused_events) {
g_speeds.paused_events = NULL;
g_speeds.paused_events_count = 0;
g_speeds.pause_requested = 0;
} else {
g_speeds.pause_requested = 1;
static void speedsGraphAdd(const_string_view_t name, int metric_index) {
gEngine.Con_Printf("Adding profiler graph for metric %.*s(%d) at graph index %d\n", name.len, name.s, metric_index, g_speeds.graphs_count);
if (g_speeds.graphs_count == MAX_GRAPHS) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Cannot add graph \"%.*s\", no free graphs slots (max=%d)\n", name.len, name.s, MAX_GRAPHS);
if (metric_index >= 0) {
r_speeds_metric_t *const metric = g_speeds.metrics + metric_index;
metric->graph_index = g_speeds.graphs_count;
r_speeds_graph_t *const graph = g_speeds.graphs + g_speeds.graphs_count++;
// TODO make these customizable
graph->data_count = 256;
graph->height = 100;
graph->max_value = 1; // Will be computed automatically on first frame
graph->color[3] = 255;
const int len = Q_min(name.len, sizeof(graph->name) - 1);
memcpy(graph->name, name.s, len);
graph->name[len] = '\0';
getColorForString(graph->name, graph->color);
graph->data = Mem_Calloc(vk_core.pool, graph->data_count * sizeof(float));
graph->data_write = 0;
graph->source_metric = metric_index;
static void speedsGraphAddByMetricName( const_string_view_t name ) {
const int metric_index = findMetricIndexByName(name);
if (metric_index < 0) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Metric \"%.*s\" not found\n", name.len, name.s);
r_speeds_metric_t *const metric = g_speeds.metrics + metric_index;
if (metric->graph_index >= 0) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_WARN "Metric \"%.*s\" already has graph @%d\n", name.len, name.s, metric->graph_index);
speedsGraphAdd( name, metric_index );
static void speedsGraphDelete( r_speeds_graph_t *graph ) {
graph->data = NULL;
graph->name[0] = '\0';
if (graph->source_metric >= 0) {
ASSERT(graph->source_metric < g_speeds.metrics_count);
r_speeds_metric_t *const metric = g_speeds.metrics + graph->source_metric;
metric->graph_index = -1;
graph->source_metric = -1;
static void speedsGraphRemoveByName( const_string_view_t name ) {
const int graph_index = findGraphIndexByName(name);
if (graph_index < 0) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Graph \"%.*s\" not found\n", name.len, name.s);
r_speeds_graph_t *const graph = g_speeds.graphs + graph_index;
speedsGraphDelete( graph );
gEngine.Con_Printf("Removing profiler graph %.*s(%d) at graph index %d\n", name.len, name.s, graph->source_metric, graph_index);
// Move all further graphs one slot back, also updating their indices
for (int i = graph_index + 1; i < g_speeds.graphs_count; ++i) {
r_speeds_graph_t *const dst = g_speeds.graphs + i - 1;
const r_speeds_graph_t *const src = g_speeds.graphs + i;
if (src->source_metric >= 0) {
ASSERT(src->source_metric < g_speeds.metrics_count);
memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(r_speeds_graph_t));
static void speedsGraphsRemoveAll( void ) {
gEngine.Con_Printf("Removing all %d profiler graphs\n", g_speeds.graphs_count);
for (int i = 0; i < g_speeds.graphs_count; ++i) {
r_speeds_graph_t *const graph = g_speeds.graphs + i;
g_speeds.graphs_count = 0;
static void processGraphCvar( void ) {
if (!(g_speeds.r_speeds_graphs->flags & FCVAR_CHANGED))
if (0 == Q_strcmp(g_speeds.r_speeds_graphs->string, g_speeds.graphs_list))
// TODO only remove graphs that are not present in the new list
const char *p = g_speeds.r_speeds_graphs->string;
while (*p) {
const char *next = Q_strchrnul(p, ',');
const const_string_view_t name = {p, next - p};
const int metric_index = findMetricIndexByName(name);
if (metric_index < 0) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_WARN "Metric \"%.*s\" not found (yet? can be registered later)\n", name.len, name.s);
speedsGraphAdd( name, metric_index );
if (!*next)
p = next + 1;
g_speeds.r_speeds_graphs->flags &= ~FCVAR_CHANGED;
static const char *getMetricTypeName(r_speeds_metric_type_t type) {
switch (type) {
case kSpeedsMetricCount: return "count";
case kSpeedsMetricMicroseconds: return "ms";
case kSpeedsMetricBytes: return "bytes";
return "UNKNOWN";
// Returns pointer to filename in filepath string.
// Maybe function like this should be inside filesystem?
// Examples:
// on Windows: C:\Users\User\xash3d-fwgs\ref\vk\vk_rtx.c -> vk_rtx.c
// on Linux: /home/user/xash3d-fwgs/ref/vk/vk_rtx.c -> vk.rtx.c (imaginary example, not tested)
static const char *get_filename_from_filepath( const char *filepath ) {
int cursor = Q_strlen( filepath ) - 1;
while ( cursor > 0 ) {
char c = filepath[cursor];
if ( c == '/' || c == '\\' ) {
// Advance by 1 char to skip the folder delimiter symbol itself.
return &filepath[cursor + 1];
cursor -= 1;
return filepath;
// Actually does the job of `r_speeds_mlist` and `r_speeds_mtable` commands.
// We can't just directly call this function from little command handler ones, because
// all the metrics calculations happen inside `R_SpeedsDisplayMore` function.
static void doPrintMetrics( void ) {
if ( g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_mode == kSpeedsMprintNone )
const char *header_format = NULL;
const char *line_format = NULL;
const char *row_format = NULL;
char line[64];
if ( g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_mode == kSpeedsMprintTable ) {
// Note:
// This table alignment method relies on monospace font
// and will have its alignment completly broken without one.
header_format = " | %-38s | %-10s | %-40s | %21s\n";
line_format = " | %.38s | %.10s | %.40s | %.21s\n";
row_format = " | ^2%-38s^7 | ^3%-10s^7 | ^5%-40s^7 | ^6%s:%d^7\n";
size_t line_size = sizeof ( line );
memset( line, '-', line_size - 1 );
line[line_size - 1] = '\0';
} else {
header_format = " %s = %s --> (%s, %s)\n";
line_format = NULL;
row_format = " ^2%s^7 = ^3%s^7 --> (^5%s^7, ^6%s:%d^7)\n";
line[0] = '\0';
// Reset mode to print only this frame.
g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_mode = kSpeedsMprintNone;
gEngine.Con_Printf( header_format, "module.metric_name", "value", "variable", "registration_location" );
if ( line_format ) gEngine.Con_Printf( line_format, line, line, line, line );
for ( int i = 0; i < g_speeds.metrics_count; ++i ) {
const r_speeds_metric_t *metric = g_speeds.metrics + i;
if ( g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_filter[0] && !Q_strstr( metric->name, g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_filter ) )
char value_with_unit[16];
metricTypeSnprintf( value_with_unit, sizeof( value_with_unit ), *metric->p_value, metric->type );
gEngine.Con_Printf( row_format, metric->name, value_with_unit, metric->var_name, get_filename_from_filepath( metric->src_file ), metric->src_line );
if ( line_format ) gEngine.Con_Printf( line_format, line, line, line, line );
gEngine.Con_Printf( header_format, "module.metric_name", "value", "variable", "registration_location" );
// Handles optional filter argument for `r_speeds_mlist` and `r_speeds_mtable` commands.
static void handlePrintFilterArg( void ) {
if ( gEngine.Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) {
Q_strncpy( g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_filter, gEngine.Cmd_Argv( 1 ), sizeof( g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_filter ) );
} else {
g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_filter[0] = '\0';
// Ideally, we'd just autocomplete the r_speeds_graphs cvar/cmd.
// However, autocompletion is not exposed to the renderer. It is completely internal to the engine, see con_utils.c, var cmd_list.
// -------
// Handles `r_speeds_mlist` command.
static void printMetricsList( void ) {
g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_mode = kSpeedsMprintList;
// Handles `r_speeds_mtable` command.
static void printMetricsTable( void ) {
g_speeds.frame.metrics_print_mode = kSpeedsMprintTable;
static void graphCmd( void ) {
enum { Unknown, Add, Remove, Clear } action = Unknown;
const int argc = gEngine.Cmd_Argc();
if (argc > 1) {
const char *const cmd = gEngine.Cmd_Argv(1);
if (0 == Q_strcmp("add", cmd) && argc > 2)
action = Add;
else if (0 == Q_strcmp("del", cmd) && argc > 2)
action = Remove;
else if (0 == Q_strcmp("clear", cmd))
action = Clear;
switch (action) {
case Add:
for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
const char *const arg = gEngine.Cmd_Argv(i);
const const_string_view_t name = {arg, Q_strlen(arg) };
speedsGraphAddByMetricName( name );
case Remove:
for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
const char *const arg = gEngine.Cmd_Argv(i);
const const_string_view_t name = {arg, Q_strlen(arg) };
speedsGraphRemoveByName( name );
case Clear:
case Unknown:
gEngine.Con_Printf("Usage:\n%s <add/del> metric0 metric1 ...\n", gEngine.Cmd_Argv(0));
gEngine.Con_Printf("\t%s <add/del> metric0 metric1 ...\n", gEngine.Cmd_Argv(0));
gEngine.Con_Printf("\t%s clear\n", gEngine.Cmd_Argv(0));
// update cvar
const int len = sizeof(g_speeds.graphs_list) - 1;
char *const buf = g_speeds.graphs_list;
buf[0] = '\0';
int off = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < g_speeds.graphs_count; ++i) {
const r_speeds_graph_t *const graph = g_speeds.graphs + i;
if (off)
buf[off++] = ',';
//gEngine.Con_Reportf("buf='%s' off=%d %s(%d)\n", buf, off, graph->name, (int)Q_strlen(graph->name));
const char *s = graph->name;
while (off < len && *s)
buf[off++] = *s++;
buf[off] = '\0';
if (off >= len - 1)
gEngine.Cvar_Set("r_speeds_graphs", buf);
void R_SpeedsInit( void ) {
g_speeds.r_speeds_graphs = gEngine.Cvar_Get("r_speeds_graphs", "", FCVAR_GLCONFIG, "List of metrics to plot as graphs, separated by commas");
g_speeds.r_speeds_graphs_width = gEngine.Cvar_Get("r_speeds_graphs_width", "", FCVAR_GLCONFIG, "Graphs width in pixels");
gEngine.Cmd_AddCommand("r_speeds_toggle_pause", togglePause, "Toggle frame profiler pause");
gEngine.Cmd_AddCommand("r_speeds_mlist", printMetricsList, "Print all registered metrics as a list");
gEngine.Cmd_AddCommand("r_speeds_mtable", printMetricsTable, "Print all registered metrics as a table");
gEngine.Cmd_AddCommand("r_speeds_graph", graphCmd, "Manipulate add/remove metrics graphs");
R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_speeds.frame.frame_time_us, "frame", kSpeedsMetricMicroseconds);
R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_speeds.frame.cpu_time_us, "cpu", kSpeedsMetricMicroseconds);
R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_speeds.frame.cpu_wait_time_us, "cpu_wait", kSpeedsMetricMicroseconds);
R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_speeds.frame.gpu_time_us, "gpu", kSpeedsMetricMicroseconds);
// grab r_speeds message
qboolean R_SpeedsMessage( char *out, size_t size )
if( gEngine.drawFuncs->R_SpeedsMessage != NULL )
if( gEngine.drawFuncs->R_SpeedsMessage( out, size ))
return true;
// otherwise pass to default handler
if( r_speeds->value <= 0 ) return false;
if( !out || !size ) return false;
Q_strncpy( out, g_speeds.frame.message, size );
return true;
void R_SpeedsRegisterMetric(int* p_value, const char *module, const char *name, r_speeds_metric_type_t type, qboolean reset, const char *var_name, const char *file, int line) {
ASSERT(g_speeds.metrics_count < MAX_SPEEDS_METRICS);
r_speeds_metric_t *metric = g_speeds.metrics + (g_speeds.metrics_count++);
metric->p_value = p_value;
metric->reset = reset;
Q_snprintf(metric->name, sizeof(metric->name), "%s.%s", module, name);
metric->type = type;
metric->src_file = file;
metric->src_line = line;
metric->var_name = var_name;
metric->graph_index = -1;
// TODO how to make universally adjustable?
if (Q_strcmp("frame", name) == 0) {
metric->low_watermark = TARGET_FRAME_TIME * 1000;
metric->high_watermark = TARGET_FRAME_TIME * 2000;
metric->max_value = TARGET_FRAME_TIME * 3000;
} else {
metric->low_watermark = metric->high_watermark = metric->max_value;
void R_SpeedsDisplayMore(uint32_t prev_frame_index, const struct vk_combuf_scopes_s *gpurofl, int gpurofl_count) {
uint64_t gpu_frame_begin_ns = UINT64_MAX, gpu_frame_end_ns = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gpurofl_count; ++i) {
gpu_frame_begin_ns = Q_min(gpu_frame_begin_ns, gpurofl[i].timestamps[0]);
gpu_frame_end_ns = Q_max(gpu_frame_end_ns, gpurofl[i].timestamps[1]);
// Reads current font/DPI scale, many functions below use it
g_speeds.frame.message[0] = '\0';
const uint32_t speeds_bits = r_speeds->value;
if (speeds_bits) {
speedsPrintf( "Renderer: ^1Vulkan%s^7\n", vk_frame.rtx_enabled ? " RT" : "" );
int color_index = 7; // default color
switch (vk_core.physical_device.properties.vendorID) {
case 0x1002: /* AMD */ color_index = 1; break;
case 0x10DE: /* NVIDIA */ color_index = 2; break;
case 0x8086: /* INTEL */ color_index = 4; break;
speedsPrintf( "^%d%s^7\n", color_index, vk_core.physical_device.properties.deviceName);
speedsPrintf( "Driver: %u.%u.%u, Vulkan: %u.%u.%u\n",
const uint32_t events = g_aprof.events_last_frame - prev_frame_index;
const uint64_t frame_begin_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(g_aprof.events[prev_frame_index]);
const unsigned long long delta_ns = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(g_aprof.events[g_aprof.events_last_frame]) - frame_begin_time;
g_speeds.frame.frame_time_us = delta_ns / 1000;
g_speeds.frame.gpu_time_us = (gpu_frame_end_ns - gpu_frame_begin_ns) / 1000;
handlePause( prev_frame_index );
int y = 100;
const int draw = speeds_bits & SPEEDS_BIT_FRAME;
y = drawFrames( draw, prev_frame_index, y, gpurofl, gpurofl_count );
if (draw)
y = drawGraphs(y + 10);
if (speeds_bits & SPEEDS_BIT_SIMPLE) {
speedsPrintf("frame: %.03fms GPU: %.03fms\n", g_speeds.frame.frame_time_us * 1e-3f, g_speeds.frame.gpu_time_us * 1e-3);
speedsPrintf(" (ref) CPU: %.03fms wait: %.03fms\n", g_speeds.frame.cpu_time_us * 1e-3, g_speeds.frame.cpu_wait_time_us * 1e-3);
if (speeds_bits & SPEEDS_BIT_STATS) {
speedsPrintf("profiler events: %u, wraps: %d\n", events, g_aprof.current_frame_wraparounds);