Ivan Avdeev 4bd62ccbc0 [draft] vk: start refactoring commandbuffer/gpu profiler
Consolidate VkCommandBuffer management into a single entity. (somewhat
done for framectl, not done for staging)

Make sure that we pass enough metadata to be able to timestamp scopes in

It does compile, but it won't work: not all init code paths are used.
Also, there are many changes, so other failure modes are totally
2023-04-10 10:24:57 -07:00

438 lines
12 KiB

#include "vk_meatpipe.h"
#include "vk_pipeline.h"
#include "ray_resources.h"
#include "ray_pass.h"
#include "vk_common.h"
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define CHAR4UINT(a,b,c,d) (((d)<<24)|((c)<<16)|((b)<<8)|(a))
static const uint32_t k_meatpipe_magic = CHAR4UINT('M', 'E', 'A', 'T');
typedef struct cursor_t {
const byte *data;
int off, size;
qboolean error;
} cursor_t;
typedef struct load_context_t {
cursor_t cur;
int shaders_count;
VkShaderModule *shaders;
vk_meatpipe_t meatpipe;
} load_context_t;
typedef struct vk_meatpipe_pass_s {
ray_pass_p pass;
int write_from;
int resource_count;
int *resource_map;
} vk_meatpipe_pass_t;
const void* curReadPtr(cursor_t *cur, int size) {
const int left = cur->size - cur->off;
if (left < size) {
cur->error = true;
return NULL;
const void* const ret = cur->data + cur->off;
cur->off += size;
return ret;
#define CUR_ERROR(errmsg, ...) \
if (ctx->cur.error) { \
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "(off=%d left=%d) " errmsg "\n", ctx->cur.off, (ctx->cur.size - ctx->cur.off), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
goto finalize; \
#define CUR_ERROR_RETURN(retval, errmsg, ...) \
if (ctx->cur.error) { \
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "(off=%d left=%d) " errmsg "\n", ctx->cur.off, (ctx->cur.size - ctx->cur.off), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
return retval; \
#define READ_PTR(size, errmsg, ...) \
curReadPtr(&ctx->cur, size); CUR_ERROR(errmsg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
uint32_t curReadU32(cursor_t *cur) {
const void *src = curReadPtr(cur, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!src)
return 0;
uint32_t ret;
memcpy(&ret, src, sizeof(uint32_t));
return ret;
#define READ_U32(errmsg, ...) \
curReadU32(&ctx->cur); CUR_ERROR(errmsg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define READ_U32_RETURN(retval, errmsg, ...) \
curReadU32(&ctx->cur); CUR_ERROR_RETURN(retval, errmsg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
int curReadStr(cursor_t *cur, char* out, int out_size) {
const int len = curReadU32(cur);
if (cur->error)
return -1;
const char *src = curReadPtr(cur, len);
if (cur->error)
return -1;
const int max = MIN(out_size, len); \
memcpy(out, src, max); \
out[max] = '\0';
return len;
#define READ_STR(out, errmsg, ...) \
curReadStr(&ctx->cur, out, sizeof(out)); CUR_ERROR(errmsg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define READ_STR_RETURN(retval, out, errmsg, ...) \
curReadStr(&ctx->cur, out, sizeof(out)); CUR_ERROR_RETURN(retval, errmsg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define NO_SHADER 0xffffffff
static struct ray_pass_s *pipelineLoadCompute(load_context_t *ctx, int i, const char *name, const ray_pass_layout_t *layout) {
const uint32_t shader_comp = READ_U32_RETURN(NULL, "Couldn't read comp shader for %d %s", i, name);
if (shader_comp >= ctx->shaders_count) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Pipeline %s shader index out of bounds %d (count %d)\n", name, shader_comp, ctx->shaders_count);
return NULL;
const ray_pass_create_compute_t rpcc = {
.debug_name = name,
.layout = *layout,
.shader_module = ctx->shaders[shader_comp],
return RayPassCreateCompute(&rpcc);
static struct ray_pass_s *pipelineLoadRT(load_context_t *ctx, int i, const char *name, const ray_pass_layout_t *layout) {
ray_pass_p ret = NULL;
ray_pass_create_tracing_t rpct = {
.debug_name = name,
.layout = *layout,
// FIXME bounds check shader indices
const uint32_t shader_rgen = READ_U32("Couldn't read rgen shader for %d %s", i, name);
rpct.raygen_module = ctx->shaders[shader_rgen];
rpct.miss_count = READ_U32("Couldn't read miss count for %d %s", i, name);
if (rpct.miss_count) {
rpct.miss_module = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(VkShaderModule) * rpct.miss_count);
for (int j = 0; j < rpct.miss_count; ++j) {
const uint32_t shader_miss = READ_U32("Couldn't read miss shader %d for %d %s", j, i, name);
rpct.miss_module[j] = ctx->shaders[shader_miss];
rpct.hit_count = READ_U32("Couldn't read hit count for %d %s", i, name);
if (rpct.hit_count) {
ray_pass_hit_group_t *hit = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(rpct.hit[0]) * rpct.hit_count);
rpct.hit = hit;
for (int j = 0; j < rpct.hit_count; ++j) {
const uint32_t closest = READ_U32("Couldn't read closest shader %d for %d %s", j, i, name);
const uint32_t any = READ_U32("Couldn't read any shader %d for %d %s", j, i, name);
hit[j] = (ray_pass_hit_group_t){
.closest_module = (closest == NO_SHADER) ? VK_NULL_HANDLE : ctx->shaders[closest],
.any_module = (any == NO_SHADER) ? VK_NULL_HANDLE : ctx->shaders[any],
ret = RayPassCreateTracing(&rpct);
if (rpct.hit)
if (rpct.miss_module)
return ret;
#define MAX_BINDINGS 32
static qboolean readBindings(load_context_t *ctx, VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding *bindings, vk_meatpipe_pass_t* pass ) {
pass->resource_map = NULL;
int write_from = -1;
const int count = READ_U32("Coulnd't read bindings count");
if (count > MAX_BINDINGS) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Too many binding (%d), max: %d\n", count, MAX_BINDINGS);
goto finalize;
pass->resource_map = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(int) * count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const uint32_t header = READ_U32("Couldn't read header for binding %d", i);
const uint32_t res_index = READ_U32("Couldn't read res index for binding %d", i);
const uint32_t stages = READ_U32("Couldn't read stages for binding %d", i);
if (res_index >= ctx->meatpipe.resources_count) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Resource %d is out of bound %d for binding %d", res_index, ctx->meatpipe.resources_count, i);
goto finalize;
vk_meatpipe_resource_t *res = ctx->meatpipe.resources + res_index;
#define BINDING_WRITE_BIT 0x80000000u
#define BINDING_CREATE_BIT 0x40000000u
const qboolean write = !!(header & BINDING_WRITE_BIT);
const qboolean create = !!(header & BINDING_CREATE_BIT);
const uint32_t descriptor_set = (header >> 8) & 0xffu;
const uint32_t binding = header & 0xffu;
if (write && write_from < 0)
write_from = i;
if (!write && write_from >= 0) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Unsorted non-write binding found at %d(%s), writable started at %d\n",
i, res->name, write_from);
goto finalize;
const char *name = res->name;
bindings[i] = (VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding){
.binding = binding,
.descriptorType = res->descriptor_type,
.descriptorCount = res->count,
.stageFlags = stages,
.pImmutableSamplers = NULL,
pass->resource_map[i] = res_index;
if (write)
res->flags |= MEATPIPE_RES_WRITE;
if (create)
res->flags |= MEATPIPE_RES_CREATE;
gEngine.Con_Reportf("Binding %d: %s ds=%d b=%d s=%08x res=%d type=%d write=%d\n",
i, name, descriptor_set, binding, stages, res_index, res->descriptor_type, write);
pass->write_from = write_from;
pass->resource_count = count;
return true;
if (pass->resource_map)
pass->resource_map = NULL;
return false;
static qboolean readAndCreatePass(load_context_t *ctx, int i) {
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding bindings[MAX_BINDINGS];
ray_pass_layout_t layout = {
.bindings = bindings,
.push_constants = {0},
vk_meatpipe_pass_t *pass = ctx->meatpipe.passes + i;
memset(pass, 0, sizeof(*pass));
const uint32_t type = READ_U32("Couldn't read pipeline %d type", i);
char name[64];
READ_STR(name, "Couldn't read pipeline %d name", i);
gEngine.Con_Reportf("%d: loading pipeline %s\n", i, name);
if (!readBindings(ctx, bindings, pass)) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Couldn't read bindings for pipeline %s\n", name);
return false;
layout.bindings_count = pass->resource_count;
layout.write_from = pass->write_from;
switch (type) {
pass->pass = pipelineLoadCompute(ctx, i, name, &layout);
pass->pass = pipelineLoadRT(ctx, i, name, &layout);
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Unexpected pipeline type %d\n", type);
if (pass->pass)
return true;
if (pass->resource_map)
return false;
static qboolean readResources(load_context_t *ctx) {
ctx->meatpipe.resources_count = READ_U32("Couldn't read resources count");
ctx->meatpipe.resources = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(ctx->meatpipe.resources[0]) * ctx->meatpipe.resources_count);
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->meatpipe.resources_count; ++i) {
vk_meatpipe_resource_t *res = ctx->meatpipe.resources + i;
*res = (vk_meatpipe_resource_t){0};
READ_STR(res->name, "Couldn't read resource %d name", i);
res->descriptor_type = READ_U32("Couldn't read resource %d:%s type", i, res->name);
res->count = READ_U32("Couldn't read resource %d:%s count", i, res->name);
const qboolean is_image = res->descriptor_type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE || res->descriptor_type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER;
if (is_image) {
res->image_format = READ_U32("Couldn't read image format for res %d:%s", i, res->name);
res->prev_frame_index_plus_1 = READ_U32("Couldn't read resource %d:%s previous frame index", i, res->name);
gEngine.Con_Reportf("Resource %d:%s = %08x is_image=%d image_format=%08x count=%d\n",
i, res->name, res->descriptor_type, is_image, res->image_format, res->count);
return true;
return false;
static qboolean readAndLoadShaders(load_context_t *ctx) {
ctx->shaders_count = READ_U32("Couldn't read shaders count");
ctx->shaders = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(VkShaderModule) * ctx->shaders_count);
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->shaders_count; ++i) {
ctx->shaders[i] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
char name[64];
READ_STR(name, "Couldn't read shader %d name", i);
const int size = READ_U32("Couldn't read shader %s size", name);
const void *src = READ_PTR(size, "Couldn't read shader %s data", name);
if (VK_NULL_HANDLE == (ctx->shaders[i] = R_VkShaderLoadFromMem(src, size, name))) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Failed to load shader %d:%s\n", i, name);
goto finalize;
gEngine.Con_Reportf("%d: Shader loaded %s\n", i, name);
return true;
return false;
vk_meatpipe_t* R_VkMeatpipeCreateFromFile(const char *filename) {
vk_meatpipe_t *ret = NULL;
fs_offset_t size = 0;
byte* const buf = gEngine.fsapi->LoadFile(filename, &size, false);
if (!buf) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Couldn't read \"%s\"\n", filename);
return NULL;
load_context_t context = {
.cur = { .data = buf, .off = 0, .size = size },
.shaders_count = 0,
.shaders = NULL,
.meatpipe = (vk_meatpipe_t){0},
load_context_t *ctx = &context;
const uint32_t magic = READ_U32("Couldn't read magic");
if (magic != k_meatpipe_magic) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Meatpipe magic invalid for \"%s\": got %08x expected %08x\n", filename, magic, k_meatpipe_magic);
goto finalize;
if (!readResources(ctx))
goto finalize;
if (!readAndLoadShaders(ctx))
goto finalize;
ctx->meatpipe.passes_count = READ_U32("Couldn't read pipelines count");
ctx->meatpipe.passes = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(ctx->meatpipe.passes[0]) * ctx->meatpipe.passes_count);
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->meatpipe.passes_count; ++i) {
if (!readAndCreatePass(ctx, i)) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
goto finalize;
// Loading successful, allocate and fill
ret = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(*ret));
memcpy(ret, &ctx->meatpipe, sizeof(*ret));
ctx->meatpipe.resources = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->shaders_count; ++i) {
if (ctx->shaders[i] == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
if (ctx->shaders)
if (ctx->meatpipe.resources)
return ret;
void R_VkMeatpipeDestroy(vk_meatpipe_t *mp) {
for (int i = 0; i < mp->passes_count; ++i) {
vk_meatpipe_pass_t *pass = mp->passes + i;
void R_VkMeatpipePerform(vk_meatpipe_t *mp, struct vk_combuf_s *combuf, vk_meatpipe_perfrom_args_t args) {
for (int i = 0; i < mp->passes_count; ++i) {
const vk_meatpipe_pass_t *pass = mp->passes + i;
RayPassPerform(pass->pass, combuf,
.frame_set_slot = args.frame_set_slot,
.width = args.width,
.height = args.height,
.resources = args.resources,
.resources_map = pass->resource_map,