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synced 2024-12-13 20:50:23 +01:00
Fixing pool allocator to properly signal allocation failure uncovered an existing issue where we were lacking enough memory for dynamic model BLASes on Linux/amdgpu. Erroneously the same memory region was used for >1 BLAS. Surprisingly this hasn't led to any noticeable issues so far. Increasing accels buffer size fixes the issue.
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111 lines
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#pragma once
#include "vk_core.h"
#include "vk_buffer.h"
#include "vk_const.h"
#include "vk_rtx.h"
#define MAX_INSTANCES 2048
#define MAX_KUSOCHKI 32768
#define MODEL_CACHE_SIZE 2048
#include "shaders/ray_interop.h"
typedef struct Kusok vk_kusok_data_t;
typedef struct rt_draw_instance_s {
VkDeviceAddress blas_addr;
uint32_t kusochki_offset;
matrix3x4 transform_row;
matrix4x4 prev_transform_row;
vec4_t color;
uint32_t material_mode; // MATERIAL_MODE_ from ray_interop.h
} rt_draw_instance_t;
typedef struct {
const char *debug_name;
VkAccelerationStructureKHR *p_accel;
const VkAccelerationStructureGeometryKHR *geoms;
const uint32_t *max_prim_counts;
const VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR *build_ranges;
uint32_t n_geoms;
VkAccelerationStructureTypeKHR type;
qboolean dynamic;
VkDeviceAddress *out_accel_addr;
uint32_t *inout_size;
} as_build_args_t;
struct vk_combuf_s;
qboolean createOrUpdateAccelerationStructure(struct vk_combuf_s *combuf, const as_build_args_t *args);
#define MAX_SCRATCH_BUFFER (32*1024*1024)
#define MAX_ACCELS_BUFFER (128*1024*1024)
typedef struct {
// Geometry metadata. Lifetime is similar to geometry lifetime itself.
// Semantically close to render buffer (describes layout for those objects)
// TODO unify with render buffer?
vk_buffer_t kusochki_buffer;
r_debuffer_t kusochki_alloc;
// TODO when fully rt_model: r_blocks_t alloc;
// Model header
// Array of struct ModelHeader: color, material_mode, prev_transform
vk_buffer_t model_headers_buffer;
// Per-frame data that is accumulated between RayFrameBegin and End calls
struct {
rt_draw_instance_t instances[MAX_INSTANCES];
int instances_count;
uint32_t scratch_offset; // for building dynamic blases
} frame;
} xvk_ray_model_state_t;
extern xvk_ray_model_state_t g_ray_model_state;
void XVK_RayModel_ClearForNextFrame( void );
void XVK_RayModel_Validate(void);
void RT_RayModel_Clear(void);
// Just creates an empty BLAS structure, doesn't alloc anything
// Memory pointed to by name must remain alive until RT_BlasDestroy
struct rt_blas_s* RT_BlasCreate(const char *name, rt_blas_usage_e usage);
// Preallocate BLAS with given estimates
typedef struct {
int max_geometries;
int max_prims_per_geometry;
int max_vertex_per_geometry;
} rt_blas_preallocate_t;
qboolean RT_BlasPreallocate(struct rt_blas_s* blas, rt_blas_preallocate_t args);
void RT_BlasDestroy(struct rt_blas_s* blas);
// 1. Schedules BLAS build (allocates geoms+ranges from a temp pool, etc).
// 2. Allocates kusochki (if not) and fills them with geom and initial material data
qboolean RT_BlasBuild(struct rt_blas_s *blas, const struct vk_render_geometry_s *geoms, int geoms_count);
VkDeviceAddress RT_BlasGetDeviceAddress(struct rt_blas_s *blas);
typedef struct rt_kusochki_s {
uint32_t offset;
int count;
int internal_index__;
} rt_kusochki_t;
rt_kusochki_t RT_KusochkiAllocLong(int count);
uint32_t RT_KusochkiAllocOnce(int count);
void RT_KusochkiFree(const rt_kusochki_t*);
struct vk_render_geometry_s;
qboolean RT_KusochkiUpload(uint32_t kusochki_offset, const struct vk_render_geometry_s *geoms, int geoms_count, int override_texture_id, const vec4_t *override_color);
qboolean RT_DynamicModelInit(void);
void RT_DynamicModelShutdown(void);
void RT_DynamicModelProcessFrame(void);