Ivan 'provod' Avdeev 31a5db1974 rtx: fix hit pos for translated brush modles, fixes #64
also add shadow offset to fix light flickering for moving sources
2021-09-16 11:09:21 -07:00

109 lines
4.9 KiB

#version 460 core
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : enable
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : require
#include "ray_kusochki.glsl"
#include "ray_common.glsl"
layout (constant_id = 6) const uint MAX_TEXTURES = 4096;
layout (set = 0, binding = 6) uniform sampler2D textures[MAX_TEXTURES];
layout(location = 0) rayPayloadInEXT RayPayload payload;
hitAttributeEXT vec2 bary;
float hash(float f) { return fract(sin(f)*53478.4327); }
vec3 hashUintToVec3(uint i) { return vec3(hash(float(i)), hash(float(i)+15.43), hash(float(i)+34.)); }
// FIXME implement more robust self-intersection avoidance (see chap 6 of "Ray Tracing Gems")
const float normal_offset_fudge = .001;
// Taken from Ray Tracing Gems II, Chapter 7. Texture Coordinate Gradients Estimation for Ray Cones, by Wessam Bahnassi
// https://www.realtimerendering.com/raytracinggems/rtg2/index.html
// https://github.com/Apress/Ray-Tracing-Gems-II/blob/main/Chapter_07/Raytracing.hlsl
vec4 UVDerivsFromRayCone(vec3 vRayDir, vec3 vWorldNormal, float vRayConeWidth, vec2 aUV[3], vec3 aPos[3], mat3 matWorld)
vec2 vUV10 = aUV[1]-aUV[0];
vec2 vUV20 = aUV[2]-aUV[0];
float fQuadUVArea = abs(vUV10.x*vUV20.y - vUV20.x*vUV10.y);
// Since the ray cone's width is in world-space, we need to compute the quad
// area in world-space as well to enable proper ratio calculation
vec3 vEdge10 = (aPos[1]-aPos[0]) * matWorld;
vec3 vEdge20 = (aPos[2]-aPos[0]) * matWorld;
vec3 vFaceNrm = cross(vEdge10, vEdge20);
float fQuadArea = length(vFaceNrm);
float fDistTerm = abs(vRayConeWidth);
float fNormalTerm = abs(dot(vRayDir,vWorldNormal));
float fProjectedConeWidth = vRayConeWidth/fNormalTerm;
float fVisibleAreaRatio = (fProjectedConeWidth*fProjectedConeWidth) / fQuadArea;
float fVisibleUVArea = fQuadUVArea*fVisibleAreaRatio;
float fULength = sqrt(fVisibleUVArea);
return vec4(fULength,0,0,fULength);
void main() {
payload.t_offset += gl_HitTEXT;
const int instance_kusochki_offset = gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT;
const int kusok_index = instance_kusochki_offset + gl_GeometryIndexEXT;
const uint first_index_offset = kusochki[kusok_index].index_offset + gl_PrimitiveID * 3;
const uint vi1 = uint(indices[first_index_offset+0]) + kusochki[kusok_index].vertex_offset;
const uint vi2 = uint(indices[first_index_offset+1]) + kusochki[kusok_index].vertex_offset;
const uint vi3 = uint(indices[first_index_offset+2]) + kusochki[kusok_index].vertex_offset;
const vec3 n1 = vertices[vi1].normal;
const vec3 n2 = vertices[vi2].normal;
const vec3 n3 = vertices[vi3].normal;
// TODO use already inverse gl_WorldToObject ?
const mat3 matWorldRotation = mat3(gl_ObjectToWorldEXT);
const mat3 normalTransformMat = transpose(inverse(matWorldRotation));
const vec3 normal = normalize(normalTransformMat * (n1 * (1. - bary.x - bary.y) + n2 * bary.x + n3 * bary.y));
const vec2 uvs[3] = {
const vec3 pos[3] = {
const vec2 texture_uv = vertices[vi1].gl_tc * (1. - bary.x - bary.y) + vertices[vi2].gl_tc * bary.x + vertices[vi3].gl_tc * bary.y;
const uint tex_index = kusochki[kusok_index].texture;
const float ray_cone_width = payload.pixel_cone_spread_angle * payload.t_offset;
const vec4 uv_lods = UVDerivsFromRayCone(gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT, normal, ray_cone_width, uvs, pos, matWorldRotation);
const vec4 tex_color = textureGrad(textures[nonuniformEXT(tex_index)], texture_uv, uv_lods.xy, uv_lods.zw);
//const vec3 base_color = pow(tex_color.rgb, vec3(2.));
const vec3 base_color = tex_color.rgb;// pow(tex_color.rgb, vec3(2.));
/* tex_color = pow(tex_color, vec4(2.)); */
/* const vec3 base_color = tex_color.rgb; */
// FIXME read alpha from texture
const vec3 real_geom_normal = normalize(normalTransformMat * cross(pos[2]-pos[0], pos[1]-pos[0]));
const float geom_normal_sign = sign(dot(real_geom_normal, -gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT));
const vec3 geom_normal = geom_normal_sign * real_geom_normal;
// This one is supposed to be numerically better, but I can't see why
const vec3 hit_pos = (gl_ObjectToWorldEXT * vec4(pos[0] * (1. - bary.x - bary.y) + pos[1] * bary.x + pos[2] * bary.y, 1.)).xyz + geom_normal * normal_offset_fudge;
//const vec3 hit_pos = gl_WorldRayOriginEXT + gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT * gl_HitTEXT + geom_normal * normal_offset_fudge;
payload.hit_pos_t = vec4(hit_pos, gl_HitTEXT);
payload.base_color = base_color * kusochki[kusok_index].color.rgb;
payload.reflection = tex_color.a * kusochki[kusok_index].color.a;
payload.normal = normal * geom_normal_sign;
payload.geometry_normal = geom_normal;
payload.emissive = kusochki[kusok_index].emissive * base_color; // TODO emissive should have a special texture
payload.roughness = kusochki[kusok_index].roughness;
payload.kusok_index = kusok_index;