
273 lines
7.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include "vk_common.h"
#include "xash3d_types.h"
#include "com_strings.h" // S_ERROR
#include "vk_nv_aftermath.h" // TODO remove explicit usage in XVK_CHECK
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
qboolean R_VkInit( void );
void R_VkShutdown( void );
VkSemaphore R_VkSemaphoreCreate( void );
void R_VkSemaphoreDestroy(VkSemaphore sema);
VkFence R_VkFenceCreate( qboolean signaled );
void R_VkFenceDestroy(VkFence fence);
// TODO move all these to vk_device.{h,c} or something
typedef struct physical_device_s {
VkPhysicalDevice device;
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2 memory_properties2;
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT memory_budget;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties properties;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 properties2;
VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR properties_accel;
VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR properties_ray_tracing_pipeline;
qboolean anisotropy_enabled;
uint32_t sbt_record_size;
} physical_device_t;
typedef struct vulkan_core_s {
uint32_t vulkan_version;
VkInstance instance;
VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT debug_messenger;
poolhandle_t pool;
// TODO store important capabilities that affect render code paths
// (as rtx, dedicated gpu memory, bindless, etc) separately in a struct
qboolean debug, validate, rtx, nv_checkpoint;
struct {
VkSurfaceKHR surface;
uint32_t num_surface_formats;
VkSurfaceFormatKHR *surface_formats;
uint32_t num_present_modes;
VkPresentModeKHR *present_modes;
} surface;
physical_device_t physical_device;
VkDevice device;
VkQueue queue;
unsigned int num_devices;
ref_device_t *devices;
} vulkan_core_t;
extern vulkan_core_t vk_core;
const char *R_VkResultName(VkResult result);
const char *R_VkPresentModeName(VkPresentModeKHR present_mode);
const char *R_VkFormatName(VkFormat format);
const char *R_VkColorSpaceName(VkColorSpaceKHR colorspace);
#define SET_DEBUG_NAME(object, type, name) \
do { \
if (vk_core.debug) { \
VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT duoni = { \
.objectHandle = (uint64_t)object, \
.objectType = type, \
.pObjectName = name, \
}; \
XVK_CHECK(vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(vk_core.device, &duoni)); \
} \
} while (0)
#define SET_DEBUG_NAMEF(object, type, fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (vk_core.debug) { \
char buffer[1024]; \
VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT duoni = { \
.objectHandle = (uint64_t)object, \
.objectType = type, \
.pObjectName = buffer, \
}; \
Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
XVK_CHECK(vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(vk_core.device, &duoni)); \
} \
} while (0)
#define DEBUG_BEGIN(cmdbuf, msg) \
do { \
if (vk_core.debug) { \
const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT label = { \
.pLabelName = msg, \
}; \
vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT(cmdbuf, &label); \
DEBUG_NV_CHECKPOINTF(cmdbuf, "begin %s", msg); \
} \
} while(0)
#define DEBUG_BEGINF(cmdbuf, fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (vk_core.debug) { \
char buf[128]; \
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT label = { \
.pLabelName = buf, \
}; \
vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT(cmdbuf, &label); \
DEBUG_NV_CHECKPOINTF(cmdbuf, "begin " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while(0)
#define DEBUG_END(cmdbuf) \
do { \
if (vk_core.debug) { \
vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT(cmdbuf); \
DEBUG_NV_CHECKPOINTF(cmdbuf, "end "); /* TODO: find corresponding begin */ \
} \
} while(0)
// TODO make this not fatal: devise proper error handling strategies
// FIXME Host_Error does not cause process to exit, we need to handle this manually
#define XVK_CHECK(f) do { \
const VkResult result = f; \
if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { \
gEngine.Con_Printf( S_ERROR "%s:%d " #f " failed (%d): %s\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, result, R_VkResultName(result)); \
gEngine.Host_Error( S_ERROR "%s:%d " #f " failed (%d): %s\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, result, R_VkResultName(result)); \
} \
} while(0)
X(vkDestroyInstance) \
X(vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR) \
X(vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties) \
X(vkCreateDevice) \
X(vkGetDeviceProcAddr) \
X(vkDestroyDevice) \
X(vkDestroySurfaceKHR) \
X(vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties) \
X(vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT) \
X(vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT) \
X(vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT) \
X(vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT) \
X(vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT) \
X(vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT) \
#define DEVICE_FUNCS(X) \
X(vkGetDeviceQueue) \
X(vkCreateSwapchainKHR) \
X(vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR) \
X(vkDestroySwapchainKHR) \
X(vkCreateImageView) \
X(vkCreateFramebuffer) \
X(vkCreateRenderPass) \
X(vkCreatePipelineCache) \
X(vkDestroyPipelineCache) \
X(vkCreatePipelineLayout) \
X(vkCreateGraphicsPipelines) \
X(vkCreateShaderModule) \
X(vkCreateCommandPool) \
X(vkAllocateCommandBuffers) \
X(vkCreateBuffer) \
X(vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements) \
X(vkAllocateMemory) \
X(vkBindBufferMemory) \
X(vkMapMemory) \
X(vkUnmapMemory) \
X(vkDestroyBuffer) \
X(vkFreeMemory) \
X(vkAcquireNextImageKHR) \
X(vkCmdBeginRenderPass) \
X(vkCmdExecuteCommands) \
X(vkCmdEndRenderPass) \
X(vkEndCommandBuffer) \
X(vkQueueSubmit) \
X(vkQueuePresentKHR) \
X(vkWaitForFences) \
X(vkResetFences) \
X(vkCreateSemaphore) \
X(vkDestroySemaphore) \
X(vkCreateFence) \
X(vkDestroyFence) \
X(vkBeginCommandBuffer) \
X(vkCmdBindPipeline) \
X(vkCmdBindVertexBuffers) \
X(vkCmdDraw) \
X(vkDestroyCommandPool) \
X(vkDestroyImageView) \
X(vkDestroyFramebuffer) \
X(vkDestroyRenderPass) \
X(vkDestroyShaderModule) \
X(vkDestroyPipeline) \
X(vkDestroyPipelineLayout) \
X(vkCreateImage) \
X(vkGetImageMemoryRequirements) \
X(vkBindImageMemory) \
X(vkCmdPipelineBarrier) \
X(vkCmdCopyBufferToImage) \
X(vkCmdCopyBuffer) \
X(vkQueueWaitIdle) \
X(vkDeviceWaitIdle) \
X(vkDestroyImage) \
X(vkCmdBindDescriptorSets) \
X(vkCreateSampler) \
X(vkDestroySampler) \
X(vkCreateDescriptorPool) \
X(vkDestroyDescriptorPool) \
X(vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout) \
X(vkAllocateDescriptorSets) \
X(vkUpdateDescriptorSets) \
X(vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout) \
X(vkCmdSetViewport) \
X(vkCmdSetScissor) \
X(vkCmdUpdateBuffer) \
X(vkCmdBindIndexBuffer) \
X(vkCmdDrawIndexed) \
X(vkCmdPushConstants) \
X(vkCreateComputePipelines) \
X(vkCmdDispatch) \
X(vkCmdBlitImage) \
X(vkCmdClearColorImage) \
X(vkCmdCopyImage) \
X(vkGetImageSubresourceLayout) \
X(vkCmdSetCheckpointNV) \
X(vkGetQueueCheckpointDataNV) \
X(vkCreateQueryPool) \
X(vkDestroyQueryPool) \
X(vkCmdResetQueryPool) \
X(vkCmdWriteTimestamp) \
X(vkGetQueryPoolResults) \
X(vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT) \
X(vkGetAccelerationStructureBuildSizesKHR) \
X(vkCreateAccelerationStructureKHR) \
X(vkGetBufferDeviceAddress) \
X(vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructuresKHR) \
X(vkDestroyAccelerationStructureKHR) \
X(vkGetAccelerationStructureDeviceAddressKHR) \
X(vkCmdTraceRaysKHR) \
X(vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesKHR) \
X(vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesKHR) \
#define X(f) extern PFN_##f f;
#undef X