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# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GDB.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Usage:
# make-target-delegates target.h > target-delegates.c
# The line we search for in target.h that marks where we should start
# looking for methods.
$TRIGGER = qr,^struct target_ops$,;
# The end of the methods part.
$ENDER = qr,^\s*};$,;
# Match a C symbol.
$SYMBOL = qr,[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*,;
# Match the name part of a method in struct target_ops.
$NAME_PART = qr,\(\*(?<name>${SYMBOL}+)\)\s,;
# Match the arguments to a method.
$ARGS_PART = qr,(?<args>\(.*\)),;
# We strip the indentation so here we only need the caret.
$INTRO_PART = qr,^,;
# Match the return type when it is "ordinary".
$SIMPLE_RETURN_PART = qr,[^\(]+,;
# Match the return type when it is a VEC.
$VEC_RETURN_PART = qr,VEC\s*\([^\)]+\)[^\(]*,;
# Match the TARGET_DEFAULT_* attribute for a method.
$TARGET_DEFAULT_PART = qr,TARGET_DEFAULT_(?<style>[A-Z_]+)\s*\((?<default_arg>.*)\),;
# Match the arguments and trailing attribute of a method definition.
# Note we don't match the trailing ";".
# Match an entire method definition.
$METHOD = ($INTRO_PART . "(?<return_type>" . $SIMPLE_RETURN_PART
. "|" . $VEC_RETURN_PART . ")"
sub trim($) {
my ($result) = @_;
$result =~ s,^\s+,,;
$result =~ s,\s+$,,;
return $result;
# Read from the input files until we find the trigger line.
# Die if not found.
sub find_trigger() {
while (<>) {
return if m/$TRIGGER/;
die "could not find trigger line\n";
# Scan target.h and return a list of possible target_ops method entries.
sub scan_target_h() {
my $all_the_text = '';
while (<>) {
# Skip the open brace.
next if /{/;
last if m/$ENDER/;
# Just in case somebody ever uses C99.
$_ =~ s,//.*$,,;
$_ = trim ($_);
$all_the_text .= $_;
# Now strip out the C comments.
$all_the_text =~ s,/\*(.*?)\*/,,g;
return split (/;/, $all_the_text);
# Parse arguments into a list.
sub parse_argtypes($) {
my ($typestr) = @_;
$typestr =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/\1/;
my (@typelist) = split (/,\s*/, $typestr);
my (@result, $iter, $onetype);
foreach $iter (@typelist) {
if ($iter =~ m/^(enum\s+${SYMBOL}\s*)(${SYMBOL})?$/) {
$onetype = $1;
} elsif ($iter =~ m/^(.*(enum\s+)?${SYMBOL}.*(\s|\*))${SYMBOL}+$/) {
$onetype = $1;
} elsif ($iter eq 'void') {
} else {
$onetype = $iter;
push @result, trim ($onetype);
return @result;
sub dname($) {
my ($name) = @_;
$name =~ s/to_/delegate_/;
return $name;
# Write function header given name, return type, and argtypes.
# Returns a list of actual argument names.
sub write_function_header($$@) {
my ($name, $return_type, @argtypes) = @_;
print "static " . $return_type . "\n";
print $name . ' (';
my $iter;
my @argdecls;
my @actuals;
my $i = 0;
foreach $iter (@argtypes) {
my $val = $iter;
if ($iter !~ m,\*$,) {
$val .= ' ';
my $vname;
if ($i == 0) {
# Just a random nicety.
$vname = 'self';
} else {
$vname .= "arg$i";
$val .= $vname;
push @argdecls, $val;
push @actuals, $vname;
print join (', ', @argdecls) . ")\n";
print "{\n";
return @actuals;
# Write out a delegation function.
sub write_delegator($$@) {
my ($name, $return_type, @argtypes) = @_;
my (@names) = write_function_header (dname ($name), $return_type,
print " $names[0] = $names[0]->beneath;\n";
print " ";
if ($return_type ne 'void') {
print "return ";
print "$names[0]->" . $name . " (";
print join (', ', @names);
print ");\n";
print "}\n\n";
sub tdname ($) {
my ($name) = @_;
$name =~ s/to_/tdefault_/;
return $name;
# Write out a default function.
sub write_tdefault($$$$@) {
my ($content, $style, $name, $return_type, @argtypes) = @_;
if ($style eq 'FUNC') {
return $content;
write_function_header (tdname ($name), $return_type, @argtypes);
if ($style eq 'RETURN') {
print " return $content;\n";
} elsif ($style eq 'NORETURN') {
print " $content;\n";
} elsif ($style eq 'IGNORE') {
# Nothing.
} else {
die "unrecognized style: $style\n";
print "}\n\n";
return tdname ($name);
print "/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */\n";
print "/* vi:set ro: */\n\n";
print "/* To regenerate this file, run:*/\n";
print "/* make-target-delegates target.h > target-delegates.c */\n";
@lines = scan_target_h();
%tdefault_names = ();
@delegators = ();
foreach $current_line (@lines) {
next unless $current_line =~ m/$METHOD/;
$name = $+{name};
$current_line = $+{args};
$return_type = trim ($+{return_type});
$current_args = $+{args};
$tdefault = $+{default_arg};
$style = $+{style};
@argtypes = parse_argtypes ($current_args);
# The first argument must be "this" to be delegatable.
if ($argtypes[0] =~ /\s*struct\s+target_ops\s*\*\s*/) {
write_delegator ($name, $return_type, @argtypes);
push @delegators, $name;
$tdefault_names{$name} = write_tdefault ($tdefault, $style,
$name, $return_type,
# Now the delegation code.
print "static void\ninstall_delegators (struct target_ops *ops)\n{\n";
for $iter (@delegators) {
print " if (ops->" . $iter . " == NULL)\n";
print " ops->" . $iter . " = " . dname ($iter) . ";\n";
print "}\n\n";
# Now the default method code.
print "static void\ninstall_dummy_methods (struct target_ops *ops)\n{\n";
for $iter (@delegators) {
print " ops->" . $iter . " = " . $tdefault_names{$iter} . ";\n";
print "}\n";