Consider the following variable "Indexed_By_Enum", declared as
an access to an array whose index type is an enumerated type
whose underlying values have "gaps":
type Enum_With_Gaps is (LIT0, LIT1, LIT2, LIT3, LIT4);
for Enum_With_Gaps use (LIT0 => 3,
LIT1 => 5,
LIT2 => 8,
LIT3 => 13,
LIT4 => 21);
for Enum_With_Gaps'size use 16;
type MyWord is range 0 .. 16#FFFF# ;
for MyWord'Size use 16;
type AR is array (Enum_With_Gaps range <>) of MyWord;
type AR_Access is access AR;
Indexed_By_Enum : AR_Access :=
new AR'(LIT1 => 1, LIT2 => 43, LIT3 => 42, LIT4 => 41);
Trying to print the length (number of elements) of this array using
the 'Length attribute does not work:
(gdb) print indexed_by_enum'length
'POS only defined on discrete types
The problem occurs while trying to get the array's index type.
It was using TYPE_INDEX_TYPE for that. It does not work for Ada arrays
in general; use ada_index_type instead.
* ada-lang.c (ada_array_length): Use ada_index_type instead of
* gdb.ada/arr_acc_idx_w_gap: New testcase.
Tested on x86_64-linux.