/* * Test file with lots of different types, for testing the * "ptype" command. */ /* * First the basic C types. */ #include #if !defined (__STDC__) && !defined (_AIX) #define signed /**/ #endif char v_char; signed char v_signed_char; unsigned char v_unsigned_char; short v_short; signed short v_signed_short; unsigned short v_unsigned_short; int v_int; signed int v_signed_int; unsigned int v_unsigned_int; long v_long; signed long v_signed_long; unsigned long v_unsigned_long; float v_float; double v_double; /* * Now some derived types, which are arrays, functions-returning, * pointers, structures, unions, and enumerations. */ /**** arrays *******/ char v_char_array[2]; signed char v_signed_char_array[2]; unsigned char v_unsigned_char_array[2]; short v_short_array[2]; signed short v_signed_short_array[2]; unsigned short v_unsigned_short_array[2]; int v_int_array[2]; signed int v_signed_int_array[2]; unsigned int v_unsigned_int_array[2]; long v_long_array[2]; signed long v_signed_long_array[2]; unsigned long v_unsigned_long_array[2]; float v_float_array[2]; double v_double_array[2]; /* PR 3742 */ typedef char t_char_array[]; t_char_array *pv_char_array; /**** pointers *******/ char *v_char_pointer; signed char *v_signed_char_pointer; unsigned char *v_unsigned_char_pointer; short *v_short_pointer; signed short *v_signed_short_pointer; unsigned short *v_unsigned_short_pointer; int *v_int_pointer; signed int *v_signed_int_pointer; unsigned int *v_unsigned_int_pointer; long *v_long_pointer; signed long *v_signed_long_pointer; unsigned long *v_unsigned_long_pointer; float *v_float_pointer; double *v_double_pointer; /**** structs *******/ struct t_struct { char v_char_member; short v_short_member; int v_int_member; long v_long_member; float v_float_member; double v_double_member; } v_struct1; struct t_struct *v_t_struct_p; struct { char v_char_member; short v_short_member; int v_int_member; long v_long_member; float v_float_member; double v_double_member; } v_struct2; /* typedef'd struct without a tag. */ typedef struct { double v_double_member; int v_int_member; } t_struct3; /* GCC seems to want a variable of this type, or else it won't put out a symbol. */ t_struct3 v_struct3; /**** unions *******/ union t_union { char v_char_member; short v_short_member; int v_int_member; long v_long_member; float v_float_member; double v_double_member; } v_union; union { char v_char_member; short v_short_member; int v_int_member; long v_long_member; float v_float_member; double v_double_member; } v_union2; /* typedef'd union without a tag. */ typedef union { double v_double_member; int v_int_member; } t_union3; /* GCC seems to want a variable of this type, or else it won't put out a symbol. */ t_union3 v_union3; /*** Functions returning type ********/ char v_char_func () { return(0); } signed char v_signed_char_func () { return (0); } unsigned char v_unsigned_char_func () { return (0); } short v_short_func () { return (0); } signed short v_signed_short_func () { return (0); } unsigned short v_unsigned_short_func () { return (0); } int v_int_func () { return (0); } signed int v_signed_int_func () { return (0); } unsigned int v_unsigned_int_func () { return (0); } long v_long_func () { return (0); } signed long v_signed_long_func () { return (0); } unsigned long v_unsigned_long_func () { return (0); } float v_float_func () { return (0.0); } double v_double_func () { return (0.0); } /**** Some misc more complicated things *******/ struct link { struct link *next; #ifdef __STDC__ struct link *(*linkfunc) (struct link *this, int flags); #else struct link *(*linkfunc) (); #endif struct t_struct stuff[1][2][3]; } *s_link; union tu_link { struct link *next; #ifdef __STDC__ struct link *(*linkfunc) (struct link *this, int flags); #else struct link *(*linkfunc) (); #endif struct t_struct stuff[1][2][3]; } u_link; struct outer_struct { int outer_int; struct inner_struct { int inner_int; long inner_long; }inner_struct_instance; union inner_union { int inner_union_int; long inner_union_long; }inner_union_instance; long outer_long; } nested_su; struct highest { int a; struct { int b; struct { int c; } anonymous_level_2; } anonymous_level_1; } the_highest; /**** Enumerations *******/ enum /* Work around the bug for compilers which don't put out the right stabs. */ #if __GNUC__ < 2 && !defined (_AIX) primary1_tag #endif {red1, green1, blue1} primary1; enum {red, green, blue} primary; enum colors {yellow, purple, pink} nonprimary; enum {chevy, ford} clunker; enum cars {bmw, porsche} sportscar; #undef FALSE #undef TRUE typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} boolean; boolean v_boolean; /*note: aCC has bool type predefined with 'false' and 'true'*/ typedef enum bvals {my_false, my_true} boolean2; boolean2 v_boolean2; enum misordered {two = 2, one = 1, zero = 0, three = 3}; /* Seems like we need a variable of this type to get the type to be put in the executable, at least for AIX xlc. */ enum misordered v_misordered = three; /**** Pointers to functions *******/ typedef int (*func_type) (int (*) (int, float), float); double (*old_fptr) (); double (*new_fptr) (void); int (*fptr) (int, float); int *(*fptr2) (int (*) (int, float), float); int (*xptr) (int (*) (), int (*) (void), int); int (*(*ffptr) (char)) (short); int (*(*(*fffptr) (char)) (short)) (long); func_type v_func_type; /* Here are the sort of stabs we expect to see for the above: .stabs "func_type:t(0,100)=*(0,101)=g(0,1)(0,102)=*(0,103)=g(0,1)(0,1)(0,14)#(0,14)#",128,0,234,0 .stabs "old_fptr:G(0,110)=*(0,111)=f(0,15)",32,0,231,0 .stabs "new_fptr:G(0,120)=*(0,121)=g(0,15)(0,122)=(0,122)#",32,0,232,0 .stabs "fptr:G(0,130)=*(0,103)#",32,0,233,0 .stabs "fptr2:G(0,140)=*(0,141)=g(0,142)=*(0,1)(0,102)(0,14)#",32,0,235,0 .stabs "xptr:G(0,150)=*(0,151)=g(0,1)(0,152)=*(0,153)=f(0,1)(0,154)=*(0,155)=g(0,1)(0,122)#(0,1)#",32,0,236,0 .stabs "ffptr:G(0,160)=*(0,161)=g(0,162)=*(0,163)=g(0,1)(0,8)#(0,2)#",32,0,237,0\ .stabs "fffptr:G(0,170)=*(0,171)=g(0,172)=*(0,173)=g(0,174)=*(0,175)=g(0,1)(0,3)#(0,8)#(0,2)#",32,0,237,0 Most of these use Sun's extension for prototyped function types --- the 'g' type descriptor. As of around 9 Feb 2002, GCC didn't emit those, but GDB can read them, so the related tests in ptype.exp will all xfail. */ /***********/ typedef int foo; foo intfoo (afoo) { return (afoo * 2); } /***********/ int main () { /* Ensure that malloc is a pointer type; avoid use of "void" and any include files. */ /* extern char *malloc();*/ /* Some of the tests in ptype.exp require invoking malloc, so make sure it is linked in to this program. */ v_char_pointer = (char *) malloc (1); #ifdef usestubs set_debug_traps(); breakpoint(); #endif /* Some linkers (e.g. on AIX) remove unreferenced variables, so make sure to reference them. */ primary = blue; primary1 = blue1; nonprimary = pink; sportscar = porsche; clunker = ford; v_struct1.v_int_member = 5; v_struct2.v_int_member = 6; v_struct3.v_int_member = 7; v_char = 0; v_signed_char = 0; v_unsigned_char = 0; v_short = 0; v_signed_short = 0; v_unsigned_short = 0; v_int = 0; v_signed_int = 0; v_unsigned_int = 0; v_long = 0; v_signed_long = 0; v_unsigned_long = 0; v_float = 0; v_double = 0; v_char_array[0] = 0; v_signed_char_array[0] = 0; v_unsigned_char_array[0] = 0; v_short_array[0] = 0; v_signed_short_array[0] = 0; v_unsigned_short_array[0] = 0; v_int_array[0] = 0; v_signed_int_array[0] = 0; v_unsigned_int_array[0] = 0; v_long_array[0] = 0; v_signed_long_array[0] = 0; v_unsigned_long_array[0] = 0; v_float_array[0] = 0; v_double_array[0] = 0; v_char_pointer = 0; v_signed_char_pointer = 0; v_unsigned_char_pointer = 0; v_short_pointer = 0; v_signed_short_pointer = 0; v_unsigned_short_pointer = 0; v_int_pointer = 0; v_signed_int_pointer = 0; v_unsigned_int_pointer = 0; v_long_pointer = 0; v_signed_long_pointer = 0; v_unsigned_long_pointer = 0; v_float_pointer = 0; v_double_pointer = 0; nested_su.outer_int = 0; v_t_struct_p = 0; the_highest.a = 0; v_boolean = FALSE; v_boolean2 = my_false; return 0; }