
364 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright 2012-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. */
struct Base {
Base() : A(1) {}
virtual ~Base() {} // Enforce type to have vtable
int A;
struct Derived : public Base {
Derived() : B(2), C(3) {}
int B;
int C;
void use_rtti_for_ptr_test ()
/*: BEGIN: use_rtti_for_ptr :*/
Derived d;
Base* ptr = &d;
const Base* constPtr = &d;
Base* const ptrConst = &d;
Base const* const constPtrConst = &d;
set testname use_rtti_for_ptr
set_print_object off $testname
check_new_derived_without_rtti ptr {Base \*} $testname
check_new_derived_without_rtti constPtr {const Base \*} $testname
check_new_derived_without_rtti ptrConst {Base \* const} $testname
check_new_derived_without_rtti constPtrConst {const Base \* const} \
set_print_object on $testname
check_new_derived_with_rtti ptr {Derived \*} $testname
check_new_derived_with_rtti constPtr {const Derived \*} $testname
check_new_derived_with_rtti ptrConst {Derived \* const} $testname
check_new_derived_with_rtti constPtrConst {const Derived \* const} \
/*: END: use_rtti_for_ptr :*/
void use_rtti_for_ref_test ()
/*: BEGIN: use_rtti_for_ref :*/
Derived d;
Base& ref = d;
const Base& constRef = d;
set testname use_rtti_for_ref
set_print_object off $testname
check_new_derived_without_rtti ref {Base \&} $testname
check_new_derived_without_rtti constRef {const Base \&} $testname
set_print_object on $testname
check_new_derived_with_rtti ref {Derived \&} $testname
check_new_derived_with_rtti constRef {const Derived \&} $testname
/*: END: use_rtti_for_ref :*/
void use_rtti_for_ptr_child_test ()
/*: BEGIN: use_rtti_for_ptr_child :*/
Derived d;
struct S {
Base* ptr;
const Base* constPtr;
Base* const ptrConst;
Base const* const constPtrConst;
S ( Base* v ) :
ptr ( v ),
constPtr ( v ),
ptrConst ( v ),
constPtrConst ( v ) {}
} s ( &d );
set testname use_rtti_for_ptr_child
set_print_object off $testname
mi_create_varobj VAR s "create varobj for s (without RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR {
{ VAR.public public 4 }
} "list children of s (without RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR.public {
{ VAR.public.ptr ptr 1 {Base \*} }
{ VAR.public.constPtr constPtr 1 {const Base \*} }
{ VAR.public.ptrConst ptrConst 1 {Base \* const} }
{ VAR.public.constPtrConst constPtrConst 1 {const Base \* const} }
} "list children of s.public (without RTTI) in $testname"
check_derived_without_rtti VAR.public.ptr s.ptr $testname
check_derived_without_rtti VAR.public.constPtr s.constPtr $testname
check_derived_without_rtti VAR.public.ptrConst s.ptrConst $testname
check_derived_without_rtti VAR.public.constPtrConst s.constPtrConst \
mi_delete_varobj VAR "delete varobj for s (without RTTI) in $testname"
set_print_object on $testname
mi_create_varobj VAR s "create varobj for s (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR {
{ VAR.public public 4 }
} "list children of s (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR.public {
{ VAR.public.ptr ptr 2 {Derived \*} }
{ VAR.public.constPtr constPtr 2 {const Derived \*} }
{ VAR.public.ptrConst ptrConst 2 {Derived \* const} }
{ VAR.public.constPtrConst constPtrConst 2 {const Derived \* const}}
} "list children of s.public (with RTTI) in $testname"
check_derived_with_rtti VAR.public.ptr s.ptr $testname
check_derived_with_rtti VAR.public.constPtr s.constPtr $testname
check_derived_with_rtti VAR.public.ptrConst s.ptrConst $testname
check_derived_with_rtti VAR.public.constPtrConst s.constPtrConst \
mi_delete_varobj VAR "delete varobj for s (with RTTI) in $testname"
/*: END: use_rtti_for_ptr_child :*/
void use_rtti_for_ref_child_test ()
/*: BEGIN: use_rtti_for_ref_child :*/
Derived d;
struct S {
Base& ref;
const Base& constRef;
S ( Base& v ) :
ref ( v ),
constRef ( v ) {}
} s ( d );
set testname use_rtti_for_ref_child
set_print_object off $testname
mi_create_varobj VAR s "create varobj for s (without RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR {
{ VAR.public public 2 }
} "list children of s (without RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR.public {
{ VAR.public.ref ref 1 {Base \&} }
{ VAR.public.constRef constRef 1 {const Base \&} }
} "list children of s.public (without RTTI) in $testname"
check_derived_without_rtti VAR.public.ref s.ref $testname
check_derived_without_rtti VAR.public.constRef s.constRef $testname
mi_delete_varobj VAR "delete varobj for s (without RTTI) in $testname"
set_print_object on $testname
mi_create_varobj VAR s "create varobj for s (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR {
{ VAR.public public 2 }
} "list children of s (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR.public {
{ VAR.public.ref ref 2 {Derived \&} }
{ VAR.public.constRef constRef 2 {const Derived \&} }
} "list children of s.public (with RTTI) in $testname"
check_derived_with_rtti VAR.public.ref s.ref $testname
check_derived_with_rtti VAR.public.constRef s.constRef $testname
mi_delete_varobj VAR "delete varobj for s (with RTTI) in $testname"
/*: END: use_rtti_for_ref_child :*/
struct First {
First() : F(-1) {}
int F;
struct MultipleDerived : public First, Base {
MultipleDerived() : B(2), C(3) {}
int B;
int C;
void use_rtti_with_multiple_inheritence_test ()
/*: BEGIN: use_rtti_with_multiple_inheritence :*/
MultipleDerived d;
Base* ptr = &d;
Base& ref = d;
set testname use_rtti_with_multiple_inheritence
set_print_object off $testname
check_new_derived_without_rtti ptr {Base \*} $testname
check_new_derived_without_rtti ref {Base \&} $testname
set_print_object on $testname
mi_create_varobj_checked VAR ptr {MultipleDerived \*} \
"create varobj for ptr (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children VAR {
{ VAR.First First 1 First }
{ VAR.Base Base 1 Base }
{ VAR.public public 2 }
} "list children of ptr (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children "VAR.First" {
{ VAR.First.public public 1 }
} "list children of ptr.First (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children "VAR.First.public" {
{ VAR.First.public.F F 0 int }
} "list children of ptr.Base.public (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children "VAR.Base" {
{ VAR.Base.public public 1 }
} "list children of ptr.Base (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children "VAR.Base.public" {
{ VAR.Base.public.A A 0 int }
} "list children of ptr.Base.public (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children "VAR.public" {
{ VAR.public.B B 0 int }
{ VAR.public.C C 0 int }
} "list children of ptr.public (with RTTI) in $testname"
mi_delete_varobj VAR \
"delete varobj for ptr (with RTTI) in $testname"
/*: END: use_rtti_with_multiple_inheritence :*/
void type_update_when_use_rtti_test ()
/*: BEGIN: type_update_when_use_rtti :*/
Base *ptr = 0;
struct S {
Base* ptr;
S ( Base* v ) :
ptr ( v ) {}
} s ( ptr );
Derived d;
set testname type_update_when_use_rtti
set_print_object on $testname
mi_create_varobj_checked PTR ptr {Base \*} \
"create varobj for ptr in $testname"
check_derived_children_without_rtti PTR ptr $testname
mi_create_varobj S s "create varobj for S in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children S {
{ S.public public 1 }
} "list children of s in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children S.public {
{ S.public.ptr ptr 1 {Base \*} }
} "list children of s.public in $testname"
check_derived_children_without_rtti S.public.ptr s.ptr $testname
ptr = &d;
s.ptr = &d;
mi_varobj_update_with_type_change PTR {Derived \*} 2 \
"update ptr to derived in $testname"
check_derived_with_rtti PTR ptr $testname
mi_varobj_update_with_child_type_change S S.public.ptr {Derived \*} 2 \
"update s.ptr to derived in $testname"
check_derived_with_rtti S.public.ptr s.ptr $testname
ptr = 0;
s.ptr = 0;
mi_varobj_update_with_type_change PTR {Base \*} 1 \
"update ptr back to base type in $testname"
mi_delete_varobj PTR "delete varobj for ptr in $testname"
mi_varobj_update_with_child_type_change S S.public.ptr {Base \*} 1 \
"update s.ptr back to base type in $testname"
mi_delete_varobj S "delete varobj for s in $testname"
/*: END: type_update_when_use_rtti :*/
void skip_type_update_when_not_use_rtti_test ()
/*: BEGIN: skip_type_update_when_not_use_rtti :*/
Base *ptr = 0;
struct S {
Base* ptr;
S ( Base* v ) :
ptr ( v ) {}
} s ( ptr );
Derived d;
set testname skip_type_update_when_not_use_rtti
set_print_object off $testname
mi_create_varobj_checked PTR ptr {Base \*} \
"create varobj for ptr in $testname"
check_derived_children_without_rtti PTR ptr $testname
mi_create_varobj S s "create varobj for S in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children S {
{ S.public public 1 }
} "list children of s in $testname"
mi_list_varobj_children S.public {
{ S.public.ptr ptr 1 {Base \*} }
} "list children of s.public in $testname"
check_derived_children_without_rtti S.public.ptr s.ptr $testname
ptr = &d;
s.ptr = &d;
mi_varobj_update PTR {PTR PTR.public.A} \
"update ptr to derived type in $testname"
check_derived_without_rtti PTR ptr $testname
mi_varobj_update S {S.public.ptr S.public.ptr.public.A} \
"update s to derived type in $testname"
check_derived_without_rtti S.public.ptr s.ptr $testname
ptr = 0;
s.ptr = 0;
mi_varobj_update PTR {PTR PTR.public.A} \
"update ptr back to base type in $testname"
mi_delete_varobj PTR "delete varobj for ptr in $testname"
mi_varobj_update S {S.public.ptr S.public.ptr.public.A} \
"update s back to base type in $testname"
mi_delete_varobj S "delete varobj for s in $testname"
/*: END: skip_type_update_when_not_use_rtti :*/
int main ()
return 0;