Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo 139a3b3373 ostra: Initial python3 conversion
Signed-off-by: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <acme@redhat.com>
2019-04-23 12:02:22 -03:00

398 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
from datetime import timedelta
class trace_points:
def __init__(self, hooks):
self.entry = "entry" in hooks
self.exit = "exit" in hooks
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__.values())
__str__ = __repr__
class change_point:
def __init__(self, tstamp, value, seq):
self.tstamp = tstamp
self.value = value
self.seq = seq
class class_field:
def __init__(self, line, class_def_file):
field, self.name, cgtraced, self.grab_expr, \
self.collector_fmt, hooks, self.plot_fmt = line.strip().split(':')
self.field = int(field)
self.cg = cgtraced == "yes"
self.hooks = trace_points(hooks.split(','))
self.value = None
self.last_value = None
self.changes = []
def _text_table_tokenizer(self, line):
tokens = line.split(":")
return int(tokens[0]), tokens[1][:-1]
def _load_text_table(self, class_def_file):
f = file("%s.%s.table" % (class_def_file, self.name))
self.table = {}
self.table = dict([self._text_table_tokenizer(line) for line in f.readlines()])
def set_last_value(self, tstamp, seq):
if self.value != None:
if self.cg and self.changed():
self.changes.append(change_point(tstamp, self.value, seq))
self.last_value = self.value
def changed(self):
return self.value != None and self.value != self.last_value
def __repr__(self):
return self.name
__str__ = __repr__
class class_method:
def __init__(self, line):
fields = line.strip().split(':')
self.function_id = fields[0]
self.name = fields[1]
self.print_return_value = fields[-1]
self.function_id = int(self.function_id)
self.print_return_value = self.print_return_value == "yes"
self.calls = 0
self.total_time = timedelta()
self.last_tstamp = None
self.times = []
self.exits = {}
def begin(self, tstamp):
self.calls += 1
self.last_tstamp = tstamp
def end(self, tstamp):
tstamp_delta = tstamp - self.last_tstamp
if tstamp_delta < timedelta():
tstamp_delta = timedelta()
self.total_time += tstamp_delta
self.times.append(tstamp_delta.seconds * 1000000 + tstamp_delta.microseconds)
def plot(self, directory, entries, samples, nr_samples, verbose = False):
from matplotlib import use as muse
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter, FixedFormatter, LinearLocator
from matplotlib.mlab import std as std_deviation
from matplotlib.mlab import mean
from time import asctime
yfont = { 'fontname' : 'Bitstream Vera Sans',
'color' : 'r',
'fontsize' : 8 }
xfont = { 'fontname' : 'Bitstream Vera Sans',
'color' : 'b',
'fontsize' : 8 }
titlefont = { 'fontname' : 'Bitstream Vera Sans',
'color' : 'g',
'fontweight' : 'bold',
'fontsize' : 10 }
inches = 0.00666667
width = 950 * inches
height = 680 * inches
fig = Figure(figsize = (width, height))
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
xtickfontsize = 5
ytickfontsize = 5
plot_type = 'b-'
field_mean = mean(samples)
yaxis_plot_fmt = FuncFormatter(pylab_formatter_ms)
ax.plot(entries, samples, "b-")
ax.set_xlabel("samples", xfont)
ax.set_ylabel("time", yfont)
for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
label.set(fontsize = xtickfontsize)
for label in ax.get_yticklabels():
label.set(fontsize = ytickfontsize)
ax.set_title("%d %s samples (%s)" % (nr_samples, self.name, asctime()), titlefont)
canvas.print_figure("%s/methods/%s.png" % (directory, self.name))
del fig, canvas, ax
class class_definition:
def __init__(self, class_def_file = None, class_methods_file = None):
self.fields = {}
self.methods = {}
self.tstamp = None
self.last_tstamp = None
self.last_method = None
self.epoch = None
if class_def_file:
f = file(class_def_file)
for line in f.readlines():
field = class_field(line, class_def_file)
self.fields[field.name] = field
if class_methods_file:
f = file(class_methods_file)
self.methods = dict([self._method_tokenizer(line) for line in f.readlines()])
def _method_tokenizer(self, line):
method = class_method(line)
return method.function_id, method
def set_last_values(self, seq = 0):
self.last_method = self.current_method()
for field in self.fields.values():
field.set_last_value(self.tstamp, seq)
self.last_tstamp = self.tstamp
def parse_record(self, line):
nsec, record = line[:-1].split(' ', 1)
line_fields = record.split(':')
self.tstamp = timedelta(microseconds = int(nsec) / 1000)
if self.epoch == None:
self.epoch = self.tstamp
self.tstamp -= self.epoch
action = line_fields[0][0]
nr_fields = len(line_fields)
for field in self.fields.values():
if field.field >= nr_fields or \
(action == 'i' and not field.hooks.entry) or \
(action == 'o' and not field.hooks.exit):
field.value = None
field.value = line_fields[field.field]
def parse_file(self, filename, process_record = None, verbose = False,
my_object = None):
f = file(filename)
current_object = None
object_stack = []
if verbose:
nr_lines = 0
while True:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
if verbose:
nr_lines += 1
print("\r%d" % nr_lines,)
method = self.current_method()
# print method.name
if my_object:
if self.fields["action"].value[0] == 'i':
current_object = self.fields["object"].value
current_object = object_stack.pop()
if current_object != my_object:
if self.fields["action"].value[0] == 'i':
seq = 0
if process_record:
seq = process_record()
if verbose:
def current_method(self):
return self.methods[int(self.fields["function_id"].value)]
def plot_methods(self, callgraph, verbose = False):
for current_method in self.methods.values():
nr_samples = len(current_method.times)
if nr_samples < 4:
if verbose:
print("plot_methods: plotting %s method (%d samples)" % \
(current_method.name, nr_samples))
entries = [float("%d.0" % entry) for entry in range(nr_samples)]
samples = current_method.times
current_method.plot(callgraph, entries, samples,
nr_samples, verbose)
def pylab_formatter_kbps(x):
mb = 1024 * 1024
if x > mb:
return "%d,%d Mbps" % (x / mb, x % mb)
return "%d,%d Kbps" % (x / 1024, x % 1024)
def pylab_formatter_ms(x, pos = 0):
ms = x / 1000
us = x % 1000
s = "%d" % ms
if us > 0:
s += ".%03d" % us
s = s.rstrip('0')
s += "ms"
return s
def pylab_formatter(x, pos = 0):
if current_plot_fmt == "kbps":
return pylab_formatter_kbps(x)
elif current_plot_fmt == "ms":
return pylab_formatter_ms(x)
return "%s" % str(int(x))
def plot_field(name, directory, tstamps, samples, nr_samples, plot_fmt = None,
table = None, verbose = False):
global current_plot_fmt
from matplotlib import use as muse
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter, FixedFormatter, LinearLocator
from matplotlib.mlab import std as std_deviation
from matplotlib.mlab import mean
from time import asctime
yfont = { 'fontname' : 'Bitstream Vera Sans',
'color' : 'r',
'fontsize' : 8 }
xfont = { 'fontname' : 'Bitstream Vera Sans',
'color' : 'b',
'fontsize' : 8 }
titlefont = { 'fontname' : 'Bitstream Vera Sans',
'color' : 'g',
'fontweight' : 'bold',
'fontsize' : 10 }
inches = 0.00666667
width = 950 * inches
height = 680 * inches
fig = Figure(figsize = (width, height))
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
xtickfontsize = 5
ytickfontsize = 5
current_plot_fmt = plot_fmt
field_mean = None
plot_type = 'b-'
if current_plot_fmt == "filter_dev":
std = std_deviation(samples) * 2
if verbose:
print("filter_dev(%s) std=%d" % (name, std))
for i in range(nr_samples):
if samples[i] > std:
if verbose:
print("%s: filtering out %d" % (name, samples[i]))
samples[i] = 0
field_mean = mean(samples)
yaxis_plot_fmt = FuncFormatter(pylab_formatter)
elif current_plot_fmt == "table":
plot_type = 'bo-'
max_value = max(samples)
without_zero = 1
if table.has_key(0):
without_zero = 0
max_value += 1
tstamps = range(nr_samples)
seq = [ " " ] * max_value
for key in table.keys():
if key in samples:
seq[key - without_zero] = "%s(%d)" % (table[key], key)
ytickfontsize = 4
yaxis_plot_fmt = FixedFormatter(seq)
field_mean = mean(samples)
yaxis_plot_fmt = FuncFormatter(pylab_formatter)
ax.plot(tstamps, samples, plot_type)
ax.set_xlabel("time", xfont)
yname = name
if field_mean:
yname += " (mean=%s)" % pylab_formatter(field_mean)
ax.set_ylabel(yname, yfont)
for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
label.set(fontsize = xtickfontsize)
for label in ax.get_yticklabels():
label.set(fontsize = ytickfontsize)
ax.set_title("%d %s samples (%s)" % (nr_samples, name, asctime()), titlefont)
canvas.print_figure("%s/%s.png" % (directory, name))
del fig, canvas, ax
def plot(class_def, callgraph, verbose = False):
for current_field in class_def.fields.values():
nr_samples = len(current_field.changes)
if nr_samples < 4:
if verbose:
print("ostra-plot: plotting %s field (%d samples)" % (current_field.name, nr_samples))
tstamps = [float("%d.%06d" % (entry.tstamp.seconds, entry.tstamp.microseconds)) \
for entry in current_field.changes]
samples = [int(entry.value) for entry in current_field.changes]
plot_field(current_field.name, callgraph, tstamps, samples,
nr_samples, current_field.plot_fmt,
current_field.table, verbose)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
c = class_definition(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
for field in c.fields.values():
print("%s: %s" % (field, field.table))
for method in c.methods.values():
print("%d: %s" % (method.function_id, method.name))