2019-11-11 09:50:29 +01:00
! { dg-do run }
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! Comprehensive run-time test for use_device_addr
! Tests array with array descriptor
! Differs from use_device_addr-3.f90 by using a 4-byte variable (c_float)
! This test case assumes that a 'var' appearing in 'use_device_addr' is
! only used as 'c_loc(var)' - such that only the actual data is used/usable
! on the device - and not meta data ((dynamic) type information, 'present()'
! status, array shape).
! Untested in this test case are:
! - scalars
! - polymorphic variables
! - absent optional arguments
module target_procs
use iso_c_binding
implicit none (type, external)
public :: copy3_array
subroutine copy3_array_int(from_ptr, to_ptr, N)
!$omp declare target
real(c_float) :: from_ptr(:)
real(c_float) :: to_ptr(:)
integer, value :: N
integer :: i
!$omp parallel do
do i = 1, N
to_ptr(i) = 3 * from_ptr(i)
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end subroutine copy3_array_int
subroutine copy3_array(from, to, N)
type(c_ptr), value :: from, to
integer, value :: N
real(c_float), pointer :: from_ptr(:), to_ptr(:)
call c_f_pointer(from, from_ptr, shape=[N])
call c_f_pointer(to, to_ptr, shape=[N])
call do_offload_scalar(from_ptr,to_ptr)
subroutine do_offload_scalar(from_r, to_r)
real(c_float), target :: from_r(:), to_r(:)
! The extra function is needed as is_device_ptr
! requires non-value, non-pointer dummy arguments
!$omp target is_device_ptr(from_r, to_r)
call copy3_array_int(from_r, to_r, N)
!$omp end target
end subroutine do_offload_scalar
end subroutine copy3_array
end module target_procs
! Test local dummy arguments (w/o optional)
module test_dummies
use iso_c_binding
use target_procs
implicit none (type, external)
public :: test_dummy_call_1, test_dummy_call_2
subroutine test_dummy_call_1()
integer, parameter :: N = 1000
real(c_float), target :: aa(N), bb(N)
real(c_float), target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
allocate(cc(N), dd(N), ee(N), ff(N))
aa = 11.0_c_float
bb = 22.0_c_float
cc = 33.0_c_float
dd = 44.0_c_float
ee = 55.0_c_float
ff = 66.0_c_float
call test_dummy_callee_1(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, N)
deallocate(ee, ff) ! pointers, only
end subroutine test_dummy_call_1
subroutine test_dummy_callee_1(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, N)
real(c_float), target :: aa(:), bb(:)
real(c_float), target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
integer, value :: N
!$omp target data map(to:aa) map(from:bb) use_device_addr(aa,bb)
call copy3_array(c_loc(aa), c_loc(bb), N)
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 11.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 2
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 3
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:cc) map(from:dd) use_device_addr(cc,dd)
call copy3_array(c_loc(cc), c_loc(dd), N)
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 4
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 5
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:ee) map(from:ff) use_device_addr(ee,ff)
call copy3_array(c_loc(ee), c_loc(ff), N)
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 6
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 7
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
end subroutine test_dummy_callee_1
! Save device ptr - and recall pointer
subroutine test_dummy_call_2()
integer, parameter :: N = 1000
real(c_float), target :: aa(N), bb(N)
real(c_float), target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
type(c_ptr) :: c_aptr, c_bptr, c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr
real(c_float), pointer :: aptr(:), bptr(:), cptr(:), dptr(:), eptr(:), fptr(:)
allocate(cc(N), dd(N), ee(N), ff(N))
call test_dummy_callee_2(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, &
c_aptr, c_bptr, c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr, &
aptr, bptr, cptr, dptr, eptr, fptr, &
deallocate(ee, ff)
end subroutine test_dummy_call_2
subroutine test_dummy_callee_2(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, &
c_aptr, c_bptr, c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr, &
aptr, bptr, cptr, dptr, eptr, fptr, &
real(c_float), target :: aa(:), bb(:)
real(c_float), target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
type(c_ptr) :: c_aptr, c_bptr, c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr
real(c_float), pointer :: aptr(:), bptr(:), cptr(:), dptr(:), eptr(:), fptr(:)
integer, value :: N
real(c_float) :: dummy
aa = 111.0_c_float
bb = 222.0_c_float
cc = 333.0_c_float
dd = 444.0_c_float
ee = 555.0_c_float
ff = 666.0_c_float
!$omp target data map(to:aa) map(from:bb)
!$omp target data map(alloc:dummy) use_device_addr(aa,bb)
c_aptr = c_loc(aa)
c_bptr = c_loc(bb)
aptr => aa
bptr => bb
!$omp end target data
! check c_loc ptr once
call copy3_array(c_aptr, c_bptr, N)
!$omp target update from(bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 111.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 8
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 9
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr again after target-value modification
aa = 1111.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(aa)
call copy3_array(c_aptr, c_bptr, N)
!$omp target update from(bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 1111.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 10
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 11
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check Fortran pointer after target-value modification
aa = 11111.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(aa)
call copy3_array(c_loc(aptr), c_loc(bptr), N)
!$omp target update from(bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 11111.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 12
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 13
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 11111.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 14
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 15
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:cc) map(from:dd)
!$omp target data map(alloc:dummy) use_device_addr(cc,dd)
c_cptr = c_loc(cc)
c_dptr = c_loc(dd)
cptr => cc
dptr => dd
!$omp end target data
! check c_loc ptr once
call copy3_array(c_cptr, c_dptr, N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 16
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 17
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr again after target-value modification
cc = 3333.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(cc)
call copy3_array(c_cptr, c_dptr, N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 3333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 18
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 19
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check Fortran pointer after target-value modification
cc = 33333.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(cc)
call copy3_array(c_loc(cptr), c_loc(dptr), N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 20
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 21
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(dd))) stop 22
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(dd))) stop 23
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:ee) map(from:ff)
!$omp target data map(alloc:dummy) use_device_addr(ee,ff)
c_eptr = c_loc(ee)
c_fptr = c_loc(ff)
eptr => ee
fptr => ff
!$omp end target data
! check c_loc ptr once
call copy3_array(c_eptr, c_fptr, N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 24
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 25
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr again after target-value modification
ee = 5555.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(ee)
call copy3_array(c_eptr, c_fptr, N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 5555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 26
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 27
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check Fortran pointer after target-value modification
ee = 55555.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(ee)
call copy3_array(c_loc(eptr), c_loc(fptr), N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 28
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ff))) stop 29
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 30
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 31
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
end subroutine test_dummy_callee_2
end module test_dummies
! Test local dummy arguments + OPTIONAL
! Values present and ptr associated to nonzero
module test_dummies_opt
use iso_c_binding
use target_procs
implicit none (type, external)
public :: test_dummy_opt_call_1, test_dummy_opt_call_2
subroutine test_dummy_opt_call_1()
integer, parameter :: N = 1000
real(c_float), target :: aa(N), bb(N)
real(c_float), target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
allocate(cc(N), dd(N), ee(N), ff(N))
aa = 11.0_c_float
bb = 22.0_c_float
cc = 33.0_c_float
dd = 44.0_c_float
ee = 55.0_c_float
ff = 66.0_c_float
call test_dummy_opt_callee_1(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, N)
2019-12-06 14:06:53 +01:00
call test_dummy_opt_callee_1_absent(N=N)
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
deallocate(ee, ff) ! pointers, only
end subroutine test_dummy_opt_call_1
subroutine test_dummy_opt_callee_1(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, N)
! scalars
real(c_float), optional, target :: aa(:), bb(:)
real(c_float), optional, target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), optional, pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
integer, value :: N
! All shall be present - and pointing to non-NULL
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(aa) .or. .not.present(bb)) stop 32
if (.not.present(cc) .or. .not.present(dd)) stop 33
if (.not.present(ee) .or. .not.present(ff)) stop 34
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.allocated(cc) .or. .not.allocated(dd)) stop 35
if (.not.associated(ee) .or. .not.associated(ff)) stop 36
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:aa) map(from:bb) use_device_addr(aa,bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(aa) .or. .not.present(bb)) stop 37
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(aa)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(bb))) stop 38
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
call copy3_array(c_loc(aa), c_loc(bb), N)
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 11.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 39
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 40
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:cc) map(from:dd) use_device_addr(cc,dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(cc) .or. .not.present(dd)) stop 41
if (.not.allocated(cc) .or. .not.allocated(dd)) stop 42
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(cc)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(dd))) stop 43
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
call copy3_array(c_loc(cc), c_loc(dd), N)
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 44
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 45
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:ee) map(from:ff) use_device_addr(ee,ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(ee) .or. .not.present(ff)) stop 46
if (.not.associated(ee) .or. .not.associated(ff)) stop 47
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(ee)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(ff))) stop 48
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
call copy3_array(c_loc(ee), c_loc(ff), N)
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 49
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 50
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
end subroutine test_dummy_opt_callee_1
2019-12-06 14:06:53 +01:00
subroutine test_dummy_opt_callee_1_absent(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, N)
! scalars
real(c_float), optional, target :: aa(:), bb(:)
real(c_float), optional, target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), optional, pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
integer, value :: N
! All shall be absent
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (present(aa) .or. present(bb)) stop 51
if (present(cc) .or. present(dd)) stop 52
if (present(ee) .or. present(ff)) stop 53
2019-12-06 14:06:53 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:aa) map(from:bb) use_device_addr(aa,bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (present(aa) .or. present(bb)) stop 54
2019-12-06 14:06:53 +01:00
!$omp end target data
!$omp target data map(to:cc) map(from:dd) use_device_addr(cc,dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (present(cc) .or. present(dd)) stop 55
2019-12-06 14:06:53 +01:00
!$omp end target data
!$omp target data map(to:ee) map(from:ff) use_device_addr(ee,ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (present(ee) .or. present(ff)) stop 56
2019-12-06 14:06:53 +01:00
!$omp end target data
end subroutine test_dummy_opt_callee_1_absent
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! Save device ptr - and recall pointer
subroutine test_dummy_opt_call_2()
integer, parameter :: N = 1000
real(c_float), target :: aa(N), bb(N)
real(c_float), target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
type(c_ptr) :: c_aptr, c_bptr, c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr
real(c_float), pointer :: aptr(:), bptr(:), cptr(:), dptr(:), eptr(:), fptr(:)
allocate(cc(N), dd(N), ee(N), ff(N))
call test_dummy_opt_callee_2(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, &
c_aptr, c_bptr, c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr, &
aptr, bptr, cptr, dptr, eptr, fptr, &
deallocate(ee, ff)
end subroutine test_dummy_opt_call_2
subroutine test_dummy_opt_callee_2(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, &
c_aptr, c_bptr, c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr, &
aptr, bptr, cptr, dptr, eptr, fptr, &
! scalars
real(c_float), optional, target :: aa(:), bb(:)
real(c_float), optional, target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), optional, pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
type(c_ptr) :: c_aptr, c_bptr, c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr
real(c_float), optional, pointer :: aptr(:), bptr(:), cptr(:), dptr(:), eptr(:), fptr(:)
integer, value :: N
real(c_float) :: dummy
! All shall be present - and pointing to non-NULL
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(aa) .or. .not.present(bb)) stop 57
if (.not.present(cc) .or. .not.present(dd)) stop 58
if (.not.present(ee) .or. .not.present(ff)) stop 59
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.allocated(cc) .or. .not.allocated(dd)) stop 60
if (.not.associated(ee) .or. .not.associated(ff)) stop 61
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
aa = 111.0_c_float
bb = 222.0_c_float
cc = 333.0_c_float
dd = 444.0_c_float
ee = 555.0_c_float
ff = 666.0_c_float
!$omp target data map(to:aa) map(from:bb)
!$omp target data map(alloc:dummy) use_device_addr(aa,bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(aa) .or. .not.present(bb)) stop 62
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(aa)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(bb))) stop 63
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
c_aptr = c_loc(aa)
c_bptr = c_loc(bb)
aptr => aa
bptr => bb
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.c_associated(c_aptr) .or. .not.c_associated(c_bptr)) stop 64
if (.not.associated(aptr) .or. .not.associated(bptr)) stop 65
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(aa) .or. .not.present(bb)) stop 66
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(aa)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(bb))) stop 67
if (.not.c_associated(c_aptr) .or. .not.c_associated(c_bptr)) stop 68
if (.not.associated(aptr) .or. .not.associated(bptr)) stop 69
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr once
call copy3_array(c_aptr, c_bptr, N)
!$omp target update from(bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 111.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 70
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 71
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr again after target-value modification
aa = 1111.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(aa)
call copy3_array(c_aptr, c_bptr, N)
!$omp target update from(bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 1111.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 72
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 73
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check Fortran pointer after target-value modification
aa = 11111.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(aa)
call copy3_array(c_loc(aptr), c_loc(bptr), N)
!$omp target update from(bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 11111.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 74
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 75
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(aa - 11111.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 76
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * aa - bb) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(aa))) stop 77
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:cc) map(from:dd)
!$omp target data map(alloc:dummy) use_device_addr(cc,dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(cc) .or. .not.present(dd)) stop 78
if (.not.allocated(cc) .or. .not.allocated(dd)) stop 79
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(cc)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(dd))) stop 80
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
c_cptr = c_loc(cc)
c_dptr = c_loc(dd)
cptr => cc
dptr => dd
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.c_associated(c_cptr) .or. .not.c_associated(c_dptr)) stop 81
if (.not.associated(cptr) .or. .not.associated(dptr)) stop 82
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(cc) .or. .not.present(dd)) stop 83
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(cc)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(dd))) stop 84
if (.not.c_associated(c_cptr) .or. .not.c_associated(c_dptr)) stop 85
if (.not.associated(cptr) .or. .not.associated(dptr)) stop 86
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr once
call copy3_array(c_cptr, c_dptr, N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 87
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 88
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr again after target-value modification
cc = 3333.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(cc)
call copy3_array(c_cptr, c_dptr, N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 3333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 89
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 90
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check Fortran pointer after target-value modification
cc = 33333.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(cc)
call copy3_array(c_loc(cptr), c_loc(dptr), N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 91
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 92
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(dd))) stop 93
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(dd))) stop 94
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:ee) map(from:ff)
!$omp target data map(alloc:dummy) use_device_addr(ee,ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(ee) .or. .not.present(ff)) stop 95
if (.not.associated(ee) .or. .not.associated(ff)) stop 96
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(ee)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(ff))) stop 97
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
c_eptr = c_loc(ee)
c_fptr = c_loc(ff)
eptr => ee
fptr => ff
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.c_associated(c_eptr) .or. .not.c_associated(c_fptr)) stop 98
if (.not.associated(eptr) .or. .not.associated(fptr)) stop 99
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(ee) .or. .not.present(ff)) stop 100
if (.not.associated(ee) .or. .not.associated(ff)) stop 101
if (.not.c_associated(c_loc(ee)) .or. .not.c_associated(c_loc(ff))) stop 102
if (.not.c_associated(c_eptr) .or. .not.c_associated(c_fptr)) stop 103
if (.not.associated(eptr) .or. .not.associated(fptr)) stop 104
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr once
call copy3_array(c_eptr, c_fptr, N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 105
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 106
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr again after target-value modification
ee = 5555.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(ee)
call copy3_array(c_eptr, c_fptr, N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 5555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 107
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 108
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check Fortran pointer after target-value modification
ee = 55555.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(ee)
call copy3_array(c_loc(eptr), c_loc(fptr), N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 109
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ff))) stop 110
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 111
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 112
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
end subroutine test_dummy_opt_callee_2
end module test_dummies_opt
! Test nullptr
module test_nullptr
use iso_c_binding
implicit none (type, external)
public :: test_nullptr_1
subroutine test_nullptr_1()
real(c_float), pointer :: aa(:), bb(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
real(c_float), allocatable, target :: gg(:), hh(:)
type(c_ptr) :: c_aptr, c_bptr, c_eptr, c_fptr, c_gptr, c_hptr
real(c_float), pointer :: aptr(:), bptr(:), eptr(:), fptr(:), gptr(:), hptr(:)
aa => null()
bb => null()
ee => null()
ff => null()
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (associated(aa) .or. associated(bb)) stop 113
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:aa) map(from:bb) use_device_addr(aa,bb)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_loc(aa)) .or. c_associated(c_loc(bb))) stop 114
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
c_aptr = c_loc(aa)
c_bptr = c_loc(bb)
aptr => aa
bptr => bb
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_aptr) .or. c_associated(c_bptr)) stop 115
if (associated(aptr) .or. associated(bptr, bb)) stop 116
if (associated(aa) .or. associated(bb)) stop 117
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_aptr) .or. c_associated(c_bptr)) stop 118
if (associated(aptr) .or. associated(bptr, bb)) stop 119
if (associated(aa) .or. associated(bb)) stop 120
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (allocated(gg)) stop 121
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(tofrom:gg) use_device_addr(gg)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_loc(gg))) stop 122
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
c_gptr = c_loc(gg)
gptr => gg
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_gptr)) stop 123
if (associated(gptr)) stop 124
if (allocated(gg)) stop 125
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_gptr)) stop 126
if (associated(gptr)) stop 127
if (allocated(gg)) stop 128
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
call test_dummy_opt_nullptr_callee_1(ee, ff, hh, c_eptr, c_fptr, c_hptr, eptr, fptr, hptr)
end subroutine test_nullptr_1
subroutine test_dummy_opt_nullptr_callee_1(ee, ff, hh, c_eptr, c_fptr, c_hptr, eptr, fptr, hptr)
! scalars
real(c_float), optional, pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
real(c_float), optional, allocatable, target :: hh(:)
type(c_ptr), optional :: c_eptr, c_fptr, c_hptr
real(c_float), optional, pointer :: eptr(:), fptr(:), hptr(:)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(ee) .or. .not.present(ff)) stop 129
if (associated(ee) .or. associated(ff)) stop 130
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:ee) map(from:ff) use_device_addr(ee,ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (.not.present(ee) .or. .not.present(ff)) stop 131
if (associated(ee) .or. associated(ff)) stop 132
if (c_associated(c_loc(ee)) .or. c_associated(c_loc(ff))) stop 133
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
c_eptr = c_loc(ee)
c_fptr = c_loc(ff)
eptr => ee
fptr => ff
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_eptr) .or. c_associated(c_fptr)) stop 134
if (associated(eptr) .or. associated(fptr)) stop 135
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_eptr) .or. c_associated(c_fptr)) stop 136
if (associated(eptr) .or. associated(fptr)) stop 137
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (allocated(hh)) stop 138
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(tofrom:hh) use_device_addr(hh)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_loc(hh))) stop 139
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
c_hptr = c_loc(hh)
hptr => hh
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_hptr)) stop 140
if (associated(hptr)) stop 141
if (allocated(hh)) stop 142
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (c_associated(c_hptr)) stop 143
if (associated(hptr)) stop 144
if (allocated(hh)) stop 145
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
end subroutine test_dummy_opt_nullptr_callee_1
end module test_nullptr
! Test local variables
module tests
use iso_c_binding
use target_procs
implicit none (type, external)
public :: test_main_1, test_main_2
! map + use_device_addr + c_loc
subroutine test_main_1()
integer, parameter :: N = 1000
real(c_float), target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
allocate(cc(N), dd(N), ee(N), ff(N))
cc = 33.0_c_float
dd = 44.0_c_float
ee = 55.0_c_float
ff = 66.0_c_float
!$omp target data map(to:cc) map(from:dd) use_device_addr(cc,dd)
call copy3_array(c_loc(cc), c_loc(dd), N)
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 146
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 147
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:ee) map(from:ff) use_device_addr(ee,ff)
call copy3_array(c_loc(ee), c_loc(ff), N)
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 148
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 149
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
deallocate(ee, ff) ! pointers, only
end subroutine test_main_1
! Save device ptr - and recall pointer
subroutine test_main_2
integer, parameter :: N = 1000
real(c_float), target, allocatable :: cc(:), dd(:)
real(c_float), pointer :: ee(:), ff(:)
real(c_float) :: dummy
type(c_ptr) :: c_cptr, c_dptr, c_eptr, c_fptr
real(c_float), pointer :: cptr(:), dptr(:), eptr(:), fptr(:)
allocate(cc(N), dd(N), ee(N), ff(N))
cc = 333.0_c_float
dd = 444.0_c_float
ee = 555.0_c_float
ff = 666.0_c_float
!$omp target data map(to:cc) map(from:dd)
!$omp target data map(alloc:dummy) use_device_addr(cc,dd)
c_cptr = c_loc(cc)
c_dptr = c_loc(dd)
cptr => cc
dptr => dd
!$omp end target data
! check c_loc ptr once
call copy3_array(c_cptr, c_dptr, N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 150
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 151
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr again after target-value modification
cc = 3333.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(cc)
call copy3_array(c_cptr, c_dptr, N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 3333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 152
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 153
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check Fortran pointer after target-value modification
cc = 33333.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(cc)
call copy3_array(c_loc(cptr), c_loc(dptr), N)
!$omp target update from(dd)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 154
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(cc))) stop 155
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(cc - 33333.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(dd))) stop 156
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * cc - dd) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(dd))) stop 157
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp target data map(to:ee) map(from:ff)
!$omp target data map(alloc:dummy) use_device_addr(ee,ff)
c_eptr = c_loc(ee)
c_fptr = c_loc(ff)
eptr => ee
fptr => ff
!$omp end target data
! check c_loc ptr once
call copy3_array(c_eptr, c_fptr, N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 158
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 159
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check c_loc ptr again after target-value modification
ee = 5555.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(ee)
call copy3_array(c_eptr, c_fptr, N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 5555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 160
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 161
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
! check Fortran pointer after target-value modification
ee = 55555.0_c_float
!$omp target update to(ee)
call copy3_array(c_loc(eptr), c_loc(fptr), N)
!$omp target update from(ff)
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 162
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ff))) stop 163
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
!$omp end target data
2019-12-09 12:21:22 +01:00
if (any(abs(ee - 55555.0_c_float) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 164
if (any(abs(3.0_c_float * ee - ff) > 10.0_c_float * epsilon(ee))) stop 165
2019-11-01 08:59:23 +01:00
deallocate(ee, ff)
end subroutine test_main_2
end module tests
program omp_device_addr
use tests
use test_dummies
use test_dummies_opt
use test_nullptr
implicit none (type, external)
call test_main_1()
call test_main_2()
call test_dummy_call_1()
call test_dummy_call_2()
call test_dummy_opt_call_1()
call test_dummy_opt_call_2()
call test_nullptr_1()
end program omp_device_addr