test more libU77 routines and interfaces

From-SVN: r26720
This commit is contained in:
Craig Burley 1999-05-01 22:36:32 +00:00 committed by Craig Burley
parent f9f2ac3f2c
commit 78b2090a42
4 changed files with 226 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
Sun May 2 01:13:37 1999 Craig Burley <craig@jcb-sc.com>
* g77.f-torture/execute/u77-test.f (main): List libU77
intrinsics not currently tested.
Add tests for TIME8, CTIME_subr, IARGC, TTYNAM_subr,
Trim blanks off the ends of some printed strings.
Sun May 2 00:06:45 1999 Craig Burley <craig@jcb-sc.com>
* g77.f-torture/execute/u77-test.f (main): Just warn about

View File

@ -3,6 +3,29 @@
* good squint at what it prints, though detected errors will cause
* starred messages.
* Currently not tested:
* CHDIR (func)
* CHMOD (func)
* FGET (func/subr)
* FGETC (func)
* FPUT (func/subr)
* FPUTC (func)
* FSTAT (subr)
* GETCWD (subr)
* HOSTNM (subr)
* LINK (func)
* LSTAT (subr)
* RENAME (func/subr)
* SIGNAL (subr)
* STAT (subr)
* SYMLNK (func/subr)
* UMASK (func)
* UNLINK (func)
* NOTE! This is the testsuite version, so it should compile and
* execute on all targets, and either run to completion (with
* success status) or fail (by calling abort). The *other* version,
@ -19,25 +42,29 @@
integer i, j, k, ltarray (9), idat (3), count, rate, count_max,
+ pid, mask
real tarray1(2), tarray2(2), r1, r2
double precision d1
integer(kind=2) bigi
logical issum
intrinsic getpid, getuid, getgid, ierrno, gerror,
+ fnum, isatty, getarg, access, unlink, fstat,
+ stat, lstat, getcwd, gmtime, etime, chmod,
intrinsic getpid, getuid, getgid, ierrno, gerror, time8,
+ fnum, isatty, getarg, access, unlink, fstat, iargc,
+ stat, lstat, getcwd, gmtime, etime, chmod, itime, date,
+ chdir, fgetc, fputc, system_clock, second, idate, secnds,
+ time, ctime, fdate, ttynam, date_and_time
+ time, ctime, fdate, ttynam, date_and_time, mclock, mclock8,
+ cpu_time, dtime
external lenstr, ctrlc
integer lenstr
logical l
character gerr*80, c*1
character ctim*25, line*80, lognam*20, wd*100, line2*80, ddate*8,
+ ttime*10, zone*5
+ ttime*10, zone*5, ctim2*25
integer fstatb (13), statb (13)
integer *2 i2zero
integer values(8)
integer(kind=7) sigret
ctim = ctime(time())
WRITE (6,'(A/)') '1 GNU libU77 test at: ' // ctim
i = time ()
ctim = ctime (i)
WRITE (6,'(A/)') '1 GNU libU77 test at: ' // ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
write (6,'(A,I3,'', '',I3)')
+ ' Logical units 5 and 6 correspond (FNUM) to'
+ // ' Unix i/o units ', fnum(5), fnum(6)
@ -45,6 +72,29 @@
print *, 'LNBLNK or LEN_TRIM failed'
call abort
end if
bigi = time8 ()
call ctime (ctim2, i)
if (ctim .ne. ctim2) then
write (6, *) '*** CALL CTIME disagrees with CTIME(): ',
+ ctim2(:lenstr (ctim2)), ' vs. ', ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
call doabort
end if
j = time ()
if (i .gt. bigi .or. bigi .gt. j) then
write (6, *) '*** TIME/TIME8/TIME sequence failures: ',
+ i, bigi, j
call doabort
end if
print *, 'Command-line arguments: ', iargc ()
do i = 0, iargc ()
call getarg (i, line)
print *, 'Arg ', i, ' is: ', line(:lenstr (line))
end do
l= isatty(6)
line2 = ttynam(6)
if (l) then
@ -53,6 +103,12 @@
line = 'and 6 isn''t a tty device (ISATTY)'
end if
write (6,'(1X,A)') line(:lenstr(line))
call ttynam (line, 6)
if (line .ne. line2) then
print *, '*** CALL TTYNAM disagrees with TTYNAM: ',
+ line(:lenstr (line))
call doabort
end if
* regression test for compiler crash fixed by JCB 1998-08-04 com.c
sigret = signal(2, ctrlc)
@ -66,23 +122,34 @@
call flush(6)
CALL SYSTEM ('echo " " `id`')
call flush
lognam = 'blahblahblah'
call getlog (lognam)
write (6,*) 'Login name (GETLOG): ', lognam
write (6,*) 'Login name (GETLOG): ', lognam(:lenstr (lognam))
wd = 'blahblahblah'
call getenv ('LOGNAME', wd)
write (6,*) 'Login name (GETENV of LOGNAME): ', wd(:lenstr (wd))
call umask(0, mask)
write(6,*) 'UMASK returns', mask
call umask(mask)
ctim = fdate()
write (6,*) 'FDATE returns: ', ctim
write (6,*) 'FDATE returns: ', ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
call fdate (ctim)
write (6,*) 'CALL FDATE returns: ', ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
call ltime (j, ltarray)
write (6,'(1x,a,9i4)') 'LTIME returns:', ltarray
call gmtime (j, ltarray)
write (6,'(1x,a,9i4)') 'GMTIME returns:', ltarray
call system_clock(count) ! omitting optional args
call system_clock(count, rate, count_max)
write(6,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK returns: ', count, rate, count_max
call date_and_time(ddate) ! omitting optional args
call date_and_time(ddate, ttime, zone, values)
write(6, *) 'DATE_AND_TIME returns: ', ddate, ' ', ttime, ' ',
@ -119,10 +186,10 @@ c now try to get times to change enough to see in etime/dtime
do i = 1,1000
do j = 1,1000
end do
r2 = dtime (tarray2)
call dtime (r2, tarray2)
if (tarray2(1) .ne. 0. .or. tarray2(2) .ne. 0.) exit
end do
r1 = etime (tarray1)
call etime (r1, tarray1)
if (.not. issum (r1, tarray1(1), tarray1(2))) then
write (6,*) '*** ETIME didn''t return sum of the array: ',
+ r1, ' /= ', tarray1(1), '+', tarray1(2)
@ -149,18 +216,29 @@ c now try to get times to change enough to see in etime/dtime
print *, '*** VXT and U77 versions don''t agree'
call doabort
end if
call date (ctim)
write (6,*) 'DATE (dd-mmm-yy): ', ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
call itime (idat)
write (6,*) 'ITIME (hour,minutes,seconds): ', idat
call time(line(:8))
print *, 'TIME: ', line(:8)
write (6,*) 'SECNDS(0.0) returns: ',secnds(0.0)
write (6,*) 'SECOND returns: ', second()
call dumdum(r1)
call second(r1)
write (6,*) 'CALL SECOND returns: ', r1
* compiler crash fixed by 1998-10-01 com.c change
if (rand(0).lt.0.0 .or. rand(0).gt.1.0) then
write (6,*) '*** rand(0) error'
call doabort()
end if
i = getcwd(wd)
if (i.ne.0) then
call perror ('*** getcwd')
@ -173,6 +251,7 @@ c now try to get times to change enough to see in etime/dtime
write (6,*) '***CHDIR to ".": ', i
call doabort
end if
if(i.ne.0) then
call perror ('*** hostnm')
@ -180,6 +259,7 @@ c now try to get times to change enough to see in etime/dtime
write (6,*) 'Host name is ', wd(:lenstr(wd))
end if
i = access('/dev/null ', 'rw')
if (i.ne.0) write (6,*) '***Read/write ACCESS to /dev/null: ', i
write (6,*) 'Creating file "foo" for testing...'
@ -210,6 +290,11 @@ C the better to test with, my dear! (-- burley)
write(6,*) '***FTELL offset: ', i
call doabort
end if
call ftell(3, i)
if (i.ne.1) then
write(6,*) '***CALL FTELL offset: ', i
call doabort
end if
call chmod ('foo', 'a+w',i)
if (i.ne.0) then
write (6,*) '***CHMOD of "foo": ', i
@ -266,6 +351,7 @@ C in case it exists already:
write (6,*) '***UNLINK "foo" again: ', i
call doabort
end if
call gerror (gerr)
i = ierrno()
write (6,'(A,I3,A/1X,A)') ' The current error number is: ',
@ -275,6 +361,13 @@ C in case it exists already:
call getarg (0, line)
call perror (line (:lenstr (line)))
call unlink ('bar')
print *, 'MCLOCK returns ', mclock ()
print *, 'MCLOCK8 returns ', mclock8 ()
call cpu_time (d1)
print *, 'CPU_TIME returns ', d1
C WRITE (6,*) 'You should see exit status 1'
99 END

View File

@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
Sun May 2 01:13:37 1999 Craig Burley <craig@jcb-sc.com>
* libU77/u77-test.f (main): List libU77 intrinsics
not currently tested.
Add tests for TIME8, CTIME_subr, IARGC, TTYNAM_subr,
Trim blanks off the ends of some printed strings.
Sun May 2 00:06:45 1999 Craig Burley <craig@jcb-sc.com>
* libU77/u77-test.f (main): Just warn about FSTAT gid

View File

@ -3,6 +3,29 @@
* good squint at what it prints, though detected errors will cause
* starred messages.
* Currently not tested:
* CHDIR (func)
* CHMOD (func)
* FGET (func/subr)
* FGETC (func)
* FPUT (func/subr)
* FPUTC (func)
* FSTAT (subr)
* GETCWD (subr)
* HOSTNM (subr)
* LINK (func)
* LSTAT (subr)
* RENAME (func/subr)
* SIGNAL (subr)
* STAT (subr)
* SYMLNK (func/subr)
* UMASK (func)
* UNLINK (func)
* NOTE! This is the libU77 version, so it should be a bit more
* "interactive" than the testsuite version, which is in
* gcc/testsuite/g77.f-torture/execute/u77-test.f.
@ -22,25 +45,29 @@
integer i, j, k, ltarray (9), idat (3), count, rate, count_max,
+ pid, mask
real tarray1(2), tarray2(2), r1, r2
double precision d1
integer(kind=2) bigi
logical issum
intrinsic getpid, getuid, getgid, ierrno, gerror,
+ fnum, isatty, getarg, access, unlink, fstat,
+ stat, lstat, getcwd, gmtime, etime, chmod,
intrinsic getpid, getuid, getgid, ierrno, gerror, time8,
+ fnum, isatty, getarg, access, unlink, fstat, iargc,
+ stat, lstat, getcwd, gmtime, etime, chmod, itime, date,
+ chdir, fgetc, fputc, system_clock, second, idate, secnds,
+ time, ctime, fdate, ttynam, date_and_time
+ time, ctime, fdate, ttynam, date_and_time, mclock, mclock8,
+ cpu_time, dtime
external lenstr, ctrlc
integer lenstr
logical l
character gerr*80, c*1
character ctim*25, line*80, lognam*20, wd*100, line2*80, ddate*8,
+ ttime*10, zone*5
+ ttime*10, zone*5, ctim2*25
integer fstatb (13), statb (13)
integer *2 i2zero
integer values(8)
integer(kind=7) sigret
ctim = ctime(time())
WRITE (6,'(A/)') '1 GNU libU77 test at: ' // ctim
i = time ()
ctim = ctime (i)
WRITE (6,'(A/)') '1 GNU libU77 test at: ' // ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
write (6,'(A,I3,'', '',I3)')
+ ' Logical units 5 and 6 correspond (FNUM) to'
+ // ' Unix i/o units ', fnum(5), fnum(6)
@ -48,6 +75,29 @@
print *, 'LNBLNK or LEN_TRIM failed'
call abort
end if
bigi = time8 ()
call ctime (ctim2, i)
if (ctim .ne. ctim2) then
write (6, *) '*** CALL CTIME disagrees with CTIME(): ',
+ ctim2(:lenstr (ctim2)), ' vs. ', ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
call doabort
end if
j = time ()
if (i .gt. bigi .or. bigi .gt. j) then
write (6, *) '*** TIME/TIME8/TIME sequence failures: ',
+ i, bigi, j
call doabort
end if
print *, 'Command-line arguments: ', iargc ()
do i = 0, iargc ()
call getarg (i, line)
print *, 'Arg ', i, ' is: ', line(:lenstr (line))
end do
l= isatty(6)
line2 = ttynam(6)
if (l) then
@ -56,6 +106,12 @@
line = 'and 6 isn''t a tty device (ISATTY)'
end if
write (6,'(1X,A)') line(:lenstr(line))
call ttynam (line, 6)
if (line .ne. line2) then
print *, '*** CALL TTYNAM disagrees with TTYNAM: ',
+ line(:lenstr (line))
call doabort
end if
* regression test for compiler crash fixed by JCB 1998-08-04 com.c
sigret = signal(2, ctrlc)
@ -69,23 +125,34 @@
call flush(6)
CALL SYSTEM ('echo " " `id`')
call flush
lognam = 'blahblahblah'
call getlog (lognam)
write (6,*) 'Login name (GETLOG): ', lognam
write (6,*) 'Login name (GETLOG): ', lognam(:lenstr (lognam))
wd = 'blahblahblah'
call getenv ('LOGNAME', wd)
write (6,*) 'Login name (GETENV of LOGNAME): ', wd(:lenstr (wd))
call umask(0, mask)
write(6,*) 'UMASK returns', mask
call umask(mask)
ctim = fdate()
write (6,*) 'FDATE returns: ', ctim
write (6,*) 'FDATE returns: ', ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
call fdate (ctim)
write (6,*) 'CALL FDATE returns: ', ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
call ltime (j, ltarray)
write (6,'(1x,a,9i4)') 'LTIME returns:', ltarray
call gmtime (j, ltarray)
write (6,'(1x,a,9i4)') 'GMTIME returns:', ltarray
call system_clock(count) ! omitting optional args
call system_clock(count, rate, count_max)
write(6,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK returns: ', count, rate, count_max
call date_and_time(ddate) ! omitting optional args
call date_and_time(ddate, ttime, zone, values)
write(6, *) 'DATE_AND_TIME returns: ', ddate, ' ', ttime, ' ',
@ -122,10 +189,10 @@ c now try to get times to change enough to see in etime/dtime
do i = 1,1000
do j = 1,1000
end do
r2 = dtime (tarray2)
call dtime (r2, tarray2)
if (tarray2(1) .ne. 0. .or. tarray2(2) .ne. 0.) exit
end do
r1 = etime (tarray1)
call etime (r1, tarray1)
if (.not. issum (r1, tarray1(1), tarray1(2))) then
write (6,*) '*** ETIME didn''t return sum of the array: ',
+ r1, ' /= ', tarray1(1), '+', tarray1(2)
@ -152,18 +219,29 @@ c now try to get times to change enough to see in etime/dtime
print *, '*** VXT and U77 versions don''t agree'
call doabort
end if
call date (ctim)
write (6,*) 'DATE (dd-mmm-yy): ', ctim(:lenstr (ctim))
call itime (idat)
write (6,*) 'ITIME (hour,minutes,seconds): ', idat
call time(line(:8))
print *, 'TIME: ', line(:8)
write (6,*) 'SECNDS(0.0) returns: ',secnds(0.0)
write (6,*) 'SECOND returns: ', second()
call dumdum(r1)
call second(r1)
write (6,*) 'CALL SECOND returns: ', r1
* compiler crash fixed by 1998-10-01 com.c change
if (rand(0).lt.0.0 .or. rand(0).gt.1.0) then
write (6,*) '*** rand(0) error'
call doabort()
end if
i = getcwd(wd)
if (i.ne.0) then
call perror ('*** getcwd')
@ -176,6 +254,7 @@ c now try to get times to change enough to see in etime/dtime
write (6,*) '***CHDIR to ".": ', i
call doabort
end if
if(i.ne.0) then
call perror ('*** hostnm')
@ -183,6 +262,7 @@ c now try to get times to change enough to see in etime/dtime
write (6,*) 'Host name is ', wd(:lenstr(wd))
end if
i = access('/dev/null ', 'rw')
if (i.ne.0) write (6,*) '***Read/write ACCESS to /dev/null: ', i
write (6,*) 'Creating file "foo" for testing...'
@ -213,6 +293,11 @@ C the better to test with, my dear! (-- burley)
write(6,*) '***FTELL offset: ', i
call doabort
end if
call ftell(3, i)
if (i.ne.1) then
write(6,*) '***CALL FTELL offset: ', i
call doabort
end if
call chmod ('foo', 'a+w',i)
if (i.ne.0) then
write (6,*) '***CHMOD of "foo": ', i
@ -269,6 +354,7 @@ C in case it exists already:
write (6,*) '***UNLINK "foo" again: ', i
call doabort
end if
call gerror (gerr)
i = ierrno()
write (6,'(A,I3,A/1X,A)') ' The current error number is: ',
@ -278,6 +364,13 @@ C in case it exists already:
call getarg (0, line)
call perror (line (:lenstr (line)))
call unlink ('bar')
print *, 'MCLOCK returns ', mclock ()
print *, 'MCLOCK8 returns ', mclock8 ()
call cpu_time (d1)
print *, 'CPU_TIME returns ', d1
WRITE (6,*) 'You should see exit status 1'
99 END