Revert [ARM] Remove and generated tests.

From-SVN: r230296
This commit is contained in:
Christophe Lyon 2015-11-13 11:33:55 +01:00
parent 8014404589
commit 8f215e0f07
1992 changed files with 40754 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
2015-11-13 Christophe Lyon <>
Revert [ARM] Remove and generated tests.
2015-11-12 Christophe Lyon <>
[ARM] Remove and generated tests.
* config/arm/ Remove.
2015-11-13 Richard Biener <>
* tree-vect-loop.c (vect_analyze_loop_2): Add fatal parameter.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
(* Auto-generate ARM Neon intrinsics tests.
Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by CodeSourcery.
This file is part of GCC.
GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
This is an O'Caml program. The O'Caml compiler is available from:
Or from your favourite OS's friendly packaging system. Tested with version
3.09.2, though other versions will probably work too.
Compile with:
ocamlc -c
ocamlc -o neon-testgen neon.cmo
Run with:
cd /path/to/gcc/testsuite/
open Neon
type c_type_flags = Pointer | Const
(* Open a test source file. *)
let open_test_file dir name =
open_out (dir ^ "/" ^ name ^ ".c")
with Sys_error str ->
failwith ("Could not create test source file " ^ name ^ ": " ^ str)
(* Emit prologue code to a test source file. *)
let emit_prologue chan test_name effective_target compile_test_optim =
Printf.fprintf chan "/* Test the `%s' ARM Neon intrinsic. */\n" test_name;
Printf.fprintf chan "/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */\n\n";
Printf.fprintf chan "/* { dg-do assemble } */\n";
Printf.fprintf chan "/* { dg-require-effective-target %s_ok } */\n"
Printf.fprintf chan "/* { dg-options \"-save-temps %s\" } */\n" compile_test_optim;
Printf.fprintf chan "/* { dg-add-options %s } */\n" effective_target;
Printf.fprintf chan "\n#include \"arm_neon.h\"\n\n"
(* Emit declarations of variables that are going to be passed
to an intrinsic, together with one to take a returned value if needed. *)
let emit_variables chan c_types features spaces =
let emit () =
ignore (
List.fold_left (fun arg_number -> fun (flags, ty) ->
let pointer_bit =
if List.mem Pointer flags then "*" else ""
(* Const arguments to builtins are directly
written in as constants. *)
if not (List.mem Const flags) then
Printf.fprintf chan "%s%s %sarg%d_%s;\n"
spaces ty pointer_bit arg_number ty;
arg_number + 1)
0 ( c_types))
match c_types with
(_, return_ty) :: tys ->
if return_ty <> "void" then begin
(* The intrinsic returns a value. We need to do explicit register
allocation for vget_low tests or they fail because of copy
elimination. *)
((if List.mem Fixed_vector_reg features then
Printf.fprintf chan "%sregister %s out_%s asm (\"d18\");\n"
spaces return_ty return_ty
else if List.mem Fixed_core_reg features then
Printf.fprintf chan "%sregister %s out_%s asm (\"r0\");\n"
spaces return_ty return_ty
Printf.fprintf chan "%s%s out_%s;\n" spaces return_ty return_ty);
emit ())
end else
(* The intrinsic does not return a value. *)
emit ()
| _ -> assert false
(* Emit code to call an intrinsic. *)
let emit_call chan const_valuator c_types name elt_ty =
(if snd (List.hd c_types) <> "void" then
Printf.fprintf chan " out_%s = " (snd (List.hd c_types))
Printf.fprintf chan " ");
Printf.fprintf chan "%s_%s (" (intrinsic_name name) (string_of_elt elt_ty);
let print_arg chan arg_number (flags, ty) =
(* If the argument is of const type, then directly write in the
constant now. *)
if List.mem Const flags then
match const_valuator with
None ->
if List.mem Pointer flags then
Printf.fprintf chan "0"
Printf.fprintf chan "1"
| Some f -> Printf.fprintf chan "%s" (string_of_int (f arg_number))
Printf.fprintf chan "arg%d_%s" arg_number ty
let rec print_args arg_number tys =
match tys with
[] -> ()
| [ty] -> print_arg chan arg_number ty
| ty::tys ->
print_arg chan arg_number ty;
Printf.fprintf chan ", ";
print_args (arg_number + 1) tys
print_args 0 ( c_types);
Printf.fprintf chan ");\n"
(* Emit epilogue code to a test source file. *)
let emit_epilogue chan features regexps =
let no_op = List.exists (fun feature -> feature = No_op) features in
Printf.fprintf chan "}\n\n";
if not no_op then
List.iter (fun regexp ->
Printf.fprintf chan
"/* { dg-final { scan-assembler \"%s\" } } */\n" regexp)
(* Check a list of C types to determine which ones are pointers and which
ones are const. *)
let check_types tys =
let tys' = (fun ty ->
let len = String.length ty in
if len > 2 && String.get ty (len - 2) = ' '
&& String.get ty (len - 1) = '*'
then ([Pointer], String.sub ty 0 (len - 2))
else ([], ty)) tys
in (fun (flags, ty) ->
if String.length ty > 6 && String.sub ty 0 6 = "const "
then (Const :: flags, String.sub ty 6 ((String.length ty) - 6))
else (flags, ty)) tys'
(* Work out what the effective target should be. *)
let effective_target features =
match List.find (fun feature ->
match feature with Requires_feature _ -> true
| Requires_arch _ -> true
| Requires_FP_bit 1 -> true
| _ -> false)
features with
Requires_feature "FMA" -> "arm_neonv2"
| Requires_feature "CRYPTO" -> "arm_crypto"
| Requires_arch 8 -> "arm_v8_neon"
| Requires_FP_bit 1 -> "arm_neon_fp16"
| _ -> assert false
with Not_found -> "arm_neon"
(* Work out what the testcase optimization level should be, default to -O0. *)
let compile_test_optim features =
match List.find (fun feature ->
match feature with Compiler_optim _ -> true
| _ -> false)
features with
Compiler_optim opt -> opt
| _ -> assert false
with Not_found -> "-O0"
(* Given an intrinsic shape, produce a regexp that will match
the right-hand sides of instructions generated by an intrinsic of
that shape. *)
let rec analyze_shape shape =
let rec n_things n thing =
match n with
0 -> []
| n -> thing :: (n_things (n - 1) thing)
let rec analyze_shape_elt elt =
match elt with
Dreg -> "\\[dD\\]\\[0-9\\]+"
| Qreg -> "\\[qQ\\]\\[0-9\\]+"
| Corereg -> "\\[rR\\]\\[0-9\\]+"
| Immed -> "#\\[0-9\\]+"
| VecArray (1, elt) ->
let elt_regexp = analyze_shape_elt elt in
"((\\\\\\{" ^ elt_regexp ^ "\\\\\\})|(" ^ elt_regexp ^ "))"
| VecArray (n, elt) ->
let elt_regexp = analyze_shape_elt elt in
let alt1 = elt_regexp ^ "-" ^ elt_regexp in
let alt2 = commas (fun x -> x) (n_things n elt_regexp) "" in
"\\\\\\{((" ^ alt1 ^ ")|(" ^ alt2 ^ "))\\\\\\}"
| (PtrTo elt | CstPtrTo elt) ->
"\\\\\\[" ^ (analyze_shape_elt elt) ^ "\\(:\\[0-9\\]+\\)?\\\\\\]"
| Element_of_dreg -> (analyze_shape_elt Dreg) ^ "\\\\\\[\\[0-9\\]+\\\\\\]"
| Element_of_qreg -> (analyze_shape_elt Qreg) ^ "\\\\\\[\\[0-9\\]+\\\\\\]"
| All_elements_of_dreg -> (analyze_shape_elt Dreg) ^ "\\\\\\[\\\\\\]"
| Alternatives (elts) -> "(" ^ (String.concat "|" ( analyze_shape_elt elts)) ^ ")"
match shape with
All (n, elt) -> commas analyze_shape_elt (n_things n elt) ""
| Long -> (analyze_shape_elt Qreg) ^ ", " ^ (analyze_shape_elt Dreg) ^
", " ^ (analyze_shape_elt Dreg)
| Long_noreg elt -> (analyze_shape_elt elt) ^ ", " ^ (analyze_shape_elt elt)
| Wide -> (analyze_shape_elt Qreg) ^ ", " ^ (analyze_shape_elt Qreg) ^
", " ^ (analyze_shape_elt Dreg)
| Wide_noreg elt -> analyze_shape (Long_noreg elt)
| Narrow -> (analyze_shape_elt Dreg) ^ ", " ^ (analyze_shape_elt Qreg) ^
", " ^ (analyze_shape_elt Qreg)
| Use_operands elts -> commas analyze_shape_elt (Array.to_list elts) ""
| By_scalar Dreg ->
analyze_shape (Use_operands [| Dreg; Dreg; Element_of_dreg |])
| By_scalar Qreg ->
analyze_shape (Use_operands [| Qreg; Qreg; Element_of_dreg |])
| By_scalar _ -> assert false
| Wide_lane ->
analyze_shape (Use_operands [| Qreg; Dreg; Element_of_dreg |])
| Wide_scalar ->
analyze_shape (Use_operands [| Qreg; Dreg; Element_of_dreg |])
| Pair_result elt ->
let elt_regexp = analyze_shape_elt elt in
elt_regexp ^ ", " ^ elt_regexp
| Unary_scalar _ -> "FIXME Unary_scalar"
| Binary_imm elt -> analyze_shape (Use_operands [| elt; elt; Immed |])
| Narrow_imm -> analyze_shape (Use_operands [| Dreg; Qreg; Immed |])
| Long_imm -> analyze_shape (Use_operands [| Qreg; Dreg; Immed |])
(* Generate tests for one intrinsic. *)
let test_intrinsic dir opcode features shape name munge elt_ty =
(* Open the test source file. *)
let test_name = name ^ (string_of_elt elt_ty) in
let chan = open_test_file dir test_name in
(* Work out what argument and return types the intrinsic has. *)
let c_arity, new_elt_ty = munge shape elt_ty in
let c_types = check_types (strings_of_arity c_arity) in
(* Extract any constant valuator (a function specifying what constant
values are to be written into the intrinsic call) from the features
list. *)
let const_valuator =
match (List.find (fun feature -> match feature with
Const_valuator _ -> true
| _ -> false) features) with
Const_valuator f -> Some f
| _ -> assert false
with Not_found -> None
(* Work out what instruction name(s) to expect. *)
let insns = get_insn_names features name in
let no_suffix = (new_elt_ty = NoElts) in
let insns =
if no_suffix then insns
else (fun insn ->
let suffix = string_of_elt_dots new_elt_ty in
insn ^ "\\." ^ suffix) insns
(* Construct a regexp to match against the expected instruction name(s). *)
let insn_regexp =
match insns with
[] -> assert false
| [insn] -> insn
| _ ->
let rec calc_regexp insns cur_regexp =
match insns with
[] -> cur_regexp
| [insn] -> cur_regexp ^ "(" ^ insn ^ "))"
| insn::insns -> calc_regexp insns (cur_regexp ^ "(" ^ insn ^ ")|")
in calc_regexp insns "("
(* Construct regexps to match against the instructions that this
intrinsic expands to. Watch out for any writeback character and
comments after the instruction. *)
let regexps = (fun regexp -> insn_regexp ^ "\\[ \t\\]+" ^ regexp ^
"!?\\(\\[ \t\\]+@\\[a-zA-Z0-9 \\]+\\)?\\n")
(analyze_all_shapes features shape analyze_shape)
let effective_target = effective_target features in
let compile_test_optim = compile_test_optim features
(* Emit file and function prologues. *)
emit_prologue chan test_name effective_target compile_test_optim;
if (compare compile_test_optim "-O0") <> 0 then
(* Emit variable declarations. *)
emit_variables chan c_types features "";
Printf.fprintf chan "void test_%s (void)\n{\n" test_name;
if compare compile_test_optim "-O0" = 0 then
(* Emit variable declarations. *)
emit_variables chan c_types features " ";
Printf.fprintf chan "\n";
(* Emit the call to the intrinsic. *)
emit_call chan const_valuator c_types name elt_ty;
(* Emit the function epilogue and the DejaGNU scan-assembler directives. *)
emit_epilogue chan features regexps;
(* Close the test file. *)
close_out chan
(* Generate tests for one element of the "ops" table. *)
let test_intrinsic_group dir (opcode, features, shape, name, munge, types) =
List.iter (test_intrinsic dir opcode features shape name munge) types
(* Program entry point. *)
let _ =
let directory = if Array.length Sys.argv <> 1 then Sys.argv.(1) else "." in
List.iter (test_intrinsic_group directory) (reinterp @ reinterpq @ ops)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRaddhns16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRaddhns16 (void)
int8x8_t out_int8x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg1_int16x8_t;
out_int8x8_t = vraddhn_s16 (arg0_int16x8_t, arg1_int16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vraddhn\.i16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRaddhns32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRaddhns32 (void)
int16x4_t out_int16x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg1_int32x4_t;
out_int16x4_t = vraddhn_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, arg1_int32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vraddhn\.i32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRaddhns64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRaddhns64 (void)
int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
int64x2_t arg0_int64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg1_int64x2_t;
out_int32x2_t = vraddhn_s64 (arg0_int64x2_t, arg1_int64x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vraddhn\.i64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRaddhnu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRaddhnu16 (void)
uint8x8_t out_uint8x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg1_uint16x8_t;
out_uint8x8_t = vraddhn_u16 (arg0_uint16x8_t, arg1_uint16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vraddhn\.i16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRaddhnu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRaddhnu32 (void)
uint16x4_t out_uint16x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg1_uint32x4_t;
out_uint16x4_t = vraddhn_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, arg1_uint32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vraddhn\.i32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRaddhnu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRaddhnu64 (void)
uint32x2_t out_uint32x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg0_uint64x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg1_uint64x2_t;
out_uint32x2_t = vraddhn_u64 (arg0_uint64x2_t, arg1_uint64x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vraddhn\.i64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddQs16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddQs16 (void)
int16x8_t out_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg1_int16x8_t;
out_int16x8_t = vrhaddq_s16 (arg0_int16x8_t, arg1_int16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.s16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddQs32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddQs32 (void)
int32x4_t out_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg1_int32x4_t;
out_int32x4_t = vrhaddq_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, arg1_int32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.s32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddQs8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddQs8 (void)
int8x16_t out_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg0_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg1_int8x16_t;
out_int8x16_t = vrhaddq_s8 (arg0_int8x16_t, arg1_int8x16_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.s8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddQu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddQu16 (void)
uint16x8_t out_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg1_uint16x8_t;
out_uint16x8_t = vrhaddq_u16 (arg0_uint16x8_t, arg1_uint16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.u16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddQu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddQu32 (void)
uint32x4_t out_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg1_uint32x4_t;
out_uint32x4_t = vrhaddq_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, arg1_uint32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.u32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddQu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddQu8 (void)
uint8x16_t out_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg0_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg1_uint8x16_t;
out_uint8x16_t = vrhaddq_u8 (arg0_uint8x16_t, arg1_uint8x16_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.u8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhadds16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhadds16 (void)
int16x4_t out_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg0_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg1_int16x4_t;
out_int16x4_t = vrhadd_s16 (arg0_int16x4_t, arg1_int16x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.s16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhadds32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhadds32 (void)
int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg0_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg1_int32x2_t;
out_int32x2_t = vrhadd_s32 (arg0_int32x2_t, arg1_int32x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.s32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhadds8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhadds8 (void)
int8x8_t out_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg0_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg1_int8x8_t;
out_int8x8_t = vrhadd_s8 (arg0_int8x8_t, arg1_int8x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.s8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddu16 (void)
uint16x4_t out_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg0_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg1_uint16x4_t;
out_uint16x4_t = vrhadd_u16 (arg0_uint16x4_t, arg1_uint16x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.u16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddu32 (void)
uint32x2_t out_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg0_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg1_uint32x2_t;
out_uint32x2_t = vrhadd_u32 (arg0_uint32x2_t, arg1_uint32x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.u32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRhaddu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRhaddu8 (void)
uint8x8_t out_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg0_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg1_uint8x8_t;
out_uint8x8_t = vrhadd_u8 (arg0_uint8x8_t, arg1_uint8x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrhadd\.u8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlQs16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlQs16 (void)
int16x8_t out_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg1_int16x8_t;
out_int16x8_t = vrshlq_s16 (arg0_int16x8_t, arg1_int16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.s16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlQs32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlQs32 (void)
int32x4_t out_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg1_int32x4_t;
out_int32x4_t = vrshlq_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, arg1_int32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.s32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlQs64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlQs64 (void)
int64x2_t out_int64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg0_int64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg1_int64x2_t;
out_int64x2_t = vrshlq_s64 (arg0_int64x2_t, arg1_int64x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.s64\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlQs8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlQs8 (void)
int8x16_t out_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg0_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg1_int8x16_t;
out_int8x16_t = vrshlq_s8 (arg0_int8x16_t, arg1_int8x16_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.s8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlQu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlQu16 (void)
uint16x8_t out_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg1_int16x8_t;
out_uint16x8_t = vrshlq_u16 (arg0_uint16x8_t, arg1_int16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.u16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlQu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlQu32 (void)
uint32x4_t out_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg1_int32x4_t;
out_uint32x4_t = vrshlq_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, arg1_int32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.u32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlQu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlQu64 (void)
uint64x2_t out_uint64x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg0_uint64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg1_int64x2_t;
out_uint64x2_t = vrshlq_u64 (arg0_uint64x2_t, arg1_int64x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.u64\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlQu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlQu8 (void)
uint8x16_t out_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg0_uint8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg1_int8x16_t;
out_uint8x16_t = vrshlq_u8 (arg0_uint8x16_t, arg1_int8x16_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.u8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshls16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshls16 (void)
int16x4_t out_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg0_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg1_int16x4_t;
out_int16x4_t = vrshl_s16 (arg0_int16x4_t, arg1_int16x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.s16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshls32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshls32 (void)
int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg0_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg1_int32x2_t;
out_int32x2_t = vrshl_s32 (arg0_int32x2_t, arg1_int32x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.s32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshls64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshls64 (void)
int64x1_t out_int64x1_t;
int64x1_t arg0_int64x1_t;
int64x1_t arg1_int64x1_t;
out_int64x1_t = vrshl_s64 (arg0_int64x1_t, arg1_int64x1_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.s64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshls8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshls8 (void)
int8x8_t out_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg0_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg1_int8x8_t;
out_int8x8_t = vrshl_s8 (arg0_int8x8_t, arg1_int8x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.s8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlu16 (void)
uint16x4_t out_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg0_uint16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg1_int16x4_t;
out_uint16x4_t = vrshl_u16 (arg0_uint16x4_t, arg1_int16x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.u16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlu32 (void)
uint32x2_t out_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg0_uint32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg1_int32x2_t;
out_uint32x2_t = vrshl_u32 (arg0_uint32x2_t, arg1_int32x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.u32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlu64 (void)
uint64x1_t out_uint64x1_t;
uint64x1_t arg0_uint64x1_t;
int64x1_t arg1_int64x1_t;
out_uint64x1_t = vrshl_u64 (arg0_uint64x1_t, arg1_int64x1_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.u64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRshlu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshlu8 (void)
uint8x8_t out_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg0_uint8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg1_int8x8_t;
out_uint8x8_t = vrshl_u8 (arg0_uint8x8_t, arg1_int8x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshl\.u8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrQ_ns16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrQ_ns16 (void)
int16x8_t out_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
out_int16x8_t = vrshrq_n_s16 (arg0_int16x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.s16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrQ_ns32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrQ_ns32 (void)
int32x4_t out_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
out_int32x4_t = vrshrq_n_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.s32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrQ_ns64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrQ_ns64 (void)
int64x2_t out_int64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg0_int64x2_t;
out_int64x2_t = vrshrq_n_s64 (arg0_int64x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.s64\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrQ_ns8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrQ_ns8 (void)
int8x16_t out_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg0_int8x16_t;
out_int8x16_t = vrshrq_n_s8 (arg0_int8x16_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.s8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrQ_nu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrQ_nu16 (void)
uint16x8_t out_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
out_uint16x8_t = vrshrq_n_u16 (arg0_uint16x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.u16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrQ_nu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrQ_nu32 (void)
uint32x4_t out_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
out_uint32x4_t = vrshrq_n_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.u32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrQ_nu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrQ_nu64 (void)
uint64x2_t out_uint64x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg0_uint64x2_t;
out_uint64x2_t = vrshrq_n_u64 (arg0_uint64x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.u64\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrQ_nu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrQ_nu8 (void)
uint8x16_t out_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg0_uint8x16_t;
out_uint8x16_t = vrshrq_n_u8 (arg0_uint8x16_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.u8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshr_ns16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshr_ns16 (void)
int16x4_t out_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg0_int16x4_t;
out_int16x4_t = vrshr_n_s16 (arg0_int16x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.s16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshr_ns32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshr_ns32 (void)
int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg0_int32x2_t;
out_int32x2_t = vrshr_n_s32 (arg0_int32x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.s32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshr_ns64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshr_ns64 (void)
int64x1_t out_int64x1_t;
int64x1_t arg0_int64x1_t;
out_int64x1_t = vrshr_n_s64 (arg0_int64x1_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.s64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshr_ns8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshr_ns8 (void)
int8x8_t out_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg0_int8x8_t;
out_int8x8_t = vrshr_n_s8 (arg0_int8x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.s8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshr_nu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshr_nu16 (void)
uint16x4_t out_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg0_uint16x4_t;
out_uint16x4_t = vrshr_n_u16 (arg0_uint16x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.u16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshr_nu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshr_nu32 (void)
uint32x2_t out_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg0_uint32x2_t;
out_uint32x2_t = vrshr_n_u32 (arg0_uint32x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.u32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshr_nu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshr_nu64 (void)
uint64x1_t out_uint64x1_t;
uint64x1_t arg0_uint64x1_t;
out_uint64x1_t = vrshr_n_u64 (arg0_uint64x1_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.u64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshr_nu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshr_nu8 (void)
uint8x8_t out_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg0_uint8x8_t;
out_uint8x8_t = vrshr_n_u8 (arg0_uint8x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshr\.u8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrn_ns16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrn_ns16 (void)
int8x8_t out_int8x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
out_int8x8_t = vrshrn_n_s16 (arg0_int16x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshrn\.i16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrn_ns32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrn_ns32 (void)
int16x4_t out_int16x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
out_int16x4_t = vrshrn_n_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshrn\.i32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrn_ns64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrn_ns64 (void)
int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
int64x2_t arg0_int64x2_t;
out_int32x2_t = vrshrn_n_s64 (arg0_int64x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshrn\.i64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrn_nu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrn_nu16 (void)
uint8x8_t out_uint8x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
out_uint8x8_t = vrshrn_n_u16 (arg0_uint16x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshrn\.i16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrn_nu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrn_nu32 (void)
uint16x4_t out_uint16x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
out_uint16x4_t = vrshrn_n_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshrn\.i32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Test the `vRshrn_nu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRshrn_nu64 (void)
uint32x2_t out_uint32x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg0_uint64x2_t;
out_uint32x2_t = vrshrn_n_u64 (arg0_uint64x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrshrn\.i64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsraQ_ns16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsraQ_ns16 (void)
int16x8_t out_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg1_int16x8_t;
out_int16x8_t = vrsraq_n_s16 (arg0_int16x8_t, arg1_int16x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.s16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsraQ_ns32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsraQ_ns32 (void)
int32x4_t out_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg1_int32x4_t;
out_int32x4_t = vrsraq_n_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, arg1_int32x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.s32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsraQ_ns64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsraQ_ns64 (void)
int64x2_t out_int64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg0_int64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg1_int64x2_t;
out_int64x2_t = vrsraq_n_s64 (arg0_int64x2_t, arg1_int64x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.s64\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsraQ_ns8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsraQ_ns8 (void)
int8x16_t out_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg0_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg1_int8x16_t;
out_int8x16_t = vrsraq_n_s8 (arg0_int8x16_t, arg1_int8x16_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.s8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsraQ_nu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsraQ_nu16 (void)
uint16x8_t out_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg1_uint16x8_t;
out_uint16x8_t = vrsraq_n_u16 (arg0_uint16x8_t, arg1_uint16x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.u16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsraQ_nu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsraQ_nu32 (void)
uint32x4_t out_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg1_uint32x4_t;
out_uint32x4_t = vrsraq_n_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, arg1_uint32x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.u32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsraQ_nu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsraQ_nu64 (void)
uint64x2_t out_uint64x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg0_uint64x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg1_uint64x2_t;
out_uint64x2_t = vrsraq_n_u64 (arg0_uint64x2_t, arg1_uint64x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.u64\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsraQ_nu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsraQ_nu8 (void)
uint8x16_t out_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg0_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg1_uint8x16_t;
out_uint8x16_t = vrsraq_n_u8 (arg0_uint8x16_t, arg1_uint8x16_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.u8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsra_ns16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsra_ns16 (void)
int16x4_t out_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg0_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg1_int16x4_t;
out_int16x4_t = vrsra_n_s16 (arg0_int16x4_t, arg1_int16x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.s16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsra_ns32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsra_ns32 (void)
int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg0_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg1_int32x2_t;
out_int32x2_t = vrsra_n_s32 (arg0_int32x2_t, arg1_int32x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.s32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsra_ns64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsra_ns64 (void)
int64x1_t out_int64x1_t;
int64x1_t arg0_int64x1_t;
int64x1_t arg1_int64x1_t;
out_int64x1_t = vrsra_n_s64 (arg0_int64x1_t, arg1_int64x1_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.s64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsra_ns8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsra_ns8 (void)
int8x8_t out_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg0_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg1_int8x8_t;
out_int8x8_t = vrsra_n_s8 (arg0_int8x8_t, arg1_int8x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.s8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsra_nu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsra_nu16 (void)
uint16x4_t out_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg0_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg1_uint16x4_t;
out_uint16x4_t = vrsra_n_u16 (arg0_uint16x4_t, arg1_uint16x4_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.u16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsra_nu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsra_nu32 (void)
uint32x2_t out_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg0_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg1_uint32x2_t;
out_uint32x2_t = vrsra_n_u32 (arg0_uint32x2_t, arg1_uint32x2_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.u32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsra_nu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsra_nu64 (void)
uint64x1_t out_uint64x1_t;
uint64x1_t arg0_uint64x1_t;
uint64x1_t arg1_uint64x1_t;
out_uint64x1_t = vrsra_n_u64 (arg0_uint64x1_t, arg1_uint64x1_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.u64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsra_nu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsra_nu8 (void)
uint8x8_t out_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg0_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg1_uint8x8_t;
out_uint8x8_t = vrsra_n_u8 (arg0_uint8x8_t, arg1_uint8x8_t, 1);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsra\.u8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, #\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsubhns16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsubhns16 (void)
int8x8_t out_int8x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg1_int16x8_t;
out_int8x8_t = vrsubhn_s16 (arg0_int16x8_t, arg1_int16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsubhn\.i16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsubhns32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsubhns32 (void)
int16x4_t out_int16x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg1_int32x4_t;
out_int16x4_t = vrsubhn_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, arg1_int32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsubhn\.i32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsubhns64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsubhns64 (void)
int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
int64x2_t arg0_int64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg1_int64x2_t;
out_int32x2_t = vrsubhn_s64 (arg0_int64x2_t, arg1_int64x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsubhn\.i64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsubhnu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsubhnu16 (void)
uint8x8_t out_uint8x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg1_uint16x8_t;
out_uint8x8_t = vrsubhn_u16 (arg0_uint16x8_t, arg1_uint16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsubhn\.i16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsubhnu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsubhnu32 (void)
uint16x4_t out_uint16x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg1_uint32x4_t;
out_uint16x4_t = vrsubhn_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, arg1_uint32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsubhn\.i32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vRsubhnu64' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vRsubhnu64 (void)
uint32x2_t out_uint32x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg0_uint64x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg1_uint64x2_t;
out_uint32x2_t = vrsubhn_u64 (arg0_uint64x2_t, arg1_uint64x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vrsubhn\.i64\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabaQs16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabaQs16 (void)
int16x8_t out_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg1_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg2_int16x8_t;
out_int16x8_t = vabaq_s16 (arg0_int16x8_t, arg1_int16x8_t, arg2_int16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.s16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabaQs32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabaQs32 (void)
int32x4_t out_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg1_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg2_int32x4_t;
out_int32x4_t = vabaq_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, arg1_int32x4_t, arg2_int32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.s32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabaQs8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabaQs8 (void)
int8x16_t out_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg0_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg1_int8x16_t;
int8x16_t arg2_int8x16_t;
out_int8x16_t = vabaq_s8 (arg0_int8x16_t, arg1_int8x16_t, arg2_int8x16_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.s8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabaQu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabaQu16 (void)
uint16x8_t out_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg1_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg2_uint16x8_t;
out_uint16x8_t = vabaq_u16 (arg0_uint16x8_t, arg1_uint16x8_t, arg2_uint16x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.u16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabaQu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabaQu32 (void)
uint32x4_t out_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg1_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg2_uint32x4_t;
out_uint32x4_t = vabaq_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, arg1_uint32x4_t, arg2_uint32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.u32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabaQu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabaQu8 (void)
uint8x16_t out_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg0_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg1_uint8x16_t;
uint8x16_t arg2_uint8x16_t;
out_uint8x16_t = vabaq_u8 (arg0_uint8x16_t, arg1_uint8x16_t, arg2_uint8x16_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.u8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabals16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabals16 (void)
int32x4_t out_int32x4_t;
int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
int16x4_t arg1_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg2_int16x4_t;
out_int32x4_t = vabal_s16 (arg0_int32x4_t, arg1_int16x4_t, arg2_int16x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vabal\.s16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabals32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabals32 (void)
int64x2_t out_int64x2_t;
int64x2_t arg0_int64x2_t;
int32x2_t arg1_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg2_int32x2_t;
out_int64x2_t = vabal_s32 (arg0_int64x2_t, arg1_int32x2_t, arg2_int32x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vabal\.s32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabals8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabals8 (void)
int16x8_t out_int16x8_t;
int16x8_t arg0_int16x8_t;
int8x8_t arg1_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg2_int8x8_t;
out_int16x8_t = vabal_s8 (arg0_int16x8_t, arg1_int8x8_t, arg2_int8x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vabal\.s8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabalu16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabalu16 (void)
uint32x4_t out_uint32x4_t;
uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg1_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg2_uint16x4_t;
out_uint32x4_t = vabal_u16 (arg0_uint32x4_t, arg1_uint16x4_t, arg2_uint16x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vabal\.u16\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabalu32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabalu32 (void)
uint64x2_t out_uint64x2_t;
uint64x2_t arg0_uint64x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg1_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg2_uint32x2_t;
out_uint64x2_t = vabal_u32 (arg0_uint64x2_t, arg1_uint32x2_t, arg2_uint32x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vabal\.u32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabalu8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabalu8 (void)
uint16x8_t out_uint16x8_t;
uint16x8_t arg0_uint16x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg1_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg2_uint8x8_t;
out_uint16x8_t = vabal_u8 (arg0_uint16x8_t, arg1_uint8x8_t, arg2_uint8x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vabal\.u8\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabas16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabas16 (void)
int16x4_t out_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg0_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg1_int16x4_t;
int16x4_t arg2_int16x4_t;
out_int16x4_t = vaba_s16 (arg0_int16x4_t, arg1_int16x4_t, arg2_int16x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.s16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabas32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabas32 (void)
int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg0_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg1_int32x2_t;
int32x2_t arg2_int32x2_t;
out_int32x2_t = vaba_s32 (arg0_int32x2_t, arg1_int32x2_t, arg2_int32x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.s32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabas8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabas8 (void)
int8x8_t out_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg0_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg1_int8x8_t;
int8x8_t arg2_int8x8_t;
out_int8x8_t = vaba_s8 (arg0_int8x8_t, arg1_int8x8_t, arg2_int8x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.s8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabau16' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabau16 (void)
uint16x4_t out_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg0_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg1_uint16x4_t;
uint16x4_t arg2_uint16x4_t;
out_uint16x4_t = vaba_u16 (arg0_uint16x4_t, arg1_uint16x4_t, arg2_uint16x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.u16\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabau32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabau32 (void)
uint32x2_t out_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg0_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg1_uint32x2_t;
uint32x2_t arg2_uint32x2_t;
out_uint32x2_t = vaba_u32 (arg0_uint32x2_t, arg1_uint32x2_t, arg2_uint32x2_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.u32\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* Test the `vabau8' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabau8 (void)
uint8x8_t out_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg0_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg1_uint8x8_t;
uint8x8_t arg2_uint8x8_t;
out_uint8x8_t = vaba_u8 (arg0_uint8x8_t, arg1_uint8x8_t, arg2_uint8x8_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vaba\.u8\[ \]+\[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+, \[dD\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Test the `vabdQf32' ARM Neon intrinsic. */
/* This file was autogenerated by neon-testgen. */
/* { dg-do assemble } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target arm_neon_ok } */
/* { dg-options "-save-temps -O0" } */
/* { dg-add-options arm_neon } */
#include "arm_neon.h"
void test_vabdQf32 (void)
float32x4_t out_float32x4_t;
float32x4_t arg0_float32x4_t;
float32x4_t arg1_float32x4_t;
out_float32x4_t = vabdq_f32 (arg0_float32x4_t, arg1_float32x4_t);
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "vabd\.f32\[ \]+\[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+, \[qQ\]\[0-9\]+!?\(\[ \]+@\[a-zA-Z0-9 \]+\)?\n" } } */

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More