[Ada] Proof of 'Image support for signed integers

Prove System.Image_I, similarly to the proof done for System.Image_U.
The contracts make the connection between the result of Image_Integer,
the available space computed with System.Width_U and the result of
'Value as computed by Value_Integer.

I/O units that now depend on non-pure units are also marked not Pure


	* libgnat/s-imagef.adb: Adapt to new signature of Image_I, by
	providing ghost imported subprograms. For now, no contract is
	used on these subprograms, as System.Image_F is not proved.
	* libgnat/s-imagef.ads: Add modular type Uns as formal
	parameter, to use in defining Int_Params for instantiating
	* libgnat/s-imagei.adb: Add contracts and ghost code.
	* libgnat/s-imagei.ads: Replace Int formal parameter by package
	Int_Params, which bundles type Int and Uns with ghost
	subprograms.  Add contracts.
	* libgnat/s-imfi128.ads: Adapt to new formal of Image_F.
	* libgnat/s-imfi32.ads: Adapt to new formal of Image_F.
	* libgnat/s-imfi64.ads: Adapt to new formal of Image_F.
	* libgnat/s-imgint.ads: Adapt to new formals of Image_I.
	* libgnat/s-imglli.ads: Adapt to new formals of Image_I.
	* libgnat/s-imgllli.ads: Adapt to new formals of Image_I.
	* libgnat/s-valint.ads: Adapt to new formals of Value_I.
	* libgnat/s-vallli.ads: Adapt to new formals of Value_I.
	* libgnat/s-valllli.ads: Adapt to new formals of Value_I.
	* libgnat/s-valuei.adb (Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost): New
	ghost lemma.
	* libgnat/s-valuei.ads: New formal parameters to prove the new
	* libgnat/s-valuti.ads (Int_Params): Define a generic package to
	be used as a trait-like formal parameter in Image_I and other
	generics that need to instantiate Image_I.
	* libgnat/s-widthu.ads (Big_10): Qualify the 10 literal.
This commit is contained in:
Yannick Moy 2022-02-04 15:20:20 +01:00 committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat
parent a4f6f9f176
commit 91d6876941
17 changed files with 786 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -31,9 +31,24 @@
with System.Image_I;
with System.Img_Util; use System.Img_Util;
with System.Val_Util;
package body System.Image_F is
-- Contracts, ghost code, loop invariants and assertions in this unit are
-- meant for analysis only, not for run-time checking, as it would be too
-- costly otherwise. This is enforced by setting the assertion policy to
-- Ignore.
pragma Assertion_Policy (Assert => Ignore,
Assert_And_Cut => Ignore,
Contract_Cases => Ignore,
Ghost => Ignore,
Loop_Invariant => Ignore,
Pre => Ignore,
Post => Ignore,
Subprogram_Variant => Ignore);
Maxdigs : constant Natural := Int'Width - 2;
-- Maximum number of decimal digits that can be represented in an Int.
-- The "-2" accounts for the sign and one extra digit, since we need the
@ -54,7 +69,70 @@ package body System.Image_F is
-- if the small is larger than 1, and smaller than 2**(Int'Size - 1) / 10
-- if the small is smaller than 1.
package Image_I is new System.Image_I (Int);
-- Define ghost subprograms without implementation (marked as Import) to
-- create a suitable package Int_Params for type Int, as instantiations
-- of System.Image_F use for this type one of the derived integer types
-- defined in Interfaces, instead of the standard signed integer types
-- which are used to define System.Img_*.Int_Params.
type Uns_Option (Overflow : Boolean := False) is record
case Overflow is
when True =>
when False =>
Value : Uns := 0;
end case;
end record;
Unsigned_Width_Ghost : constant Natural := Int'Width;
function Wrap_Option (Value : Uns) return Uns_Option
with Ghost, Import;
function Only_Decimal_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Boolean
with Ghost, Import;
function Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (X : Character) return Uns
with Ghost, Import;
function Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0)
return Uns_Option
with Ghost, Import;
function Is_Integer_Ghost (Str : String) return Boolean
with Ghost, Import;
procedure Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str1, Str2 : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0)
with Ghost, Import;
procedure Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str : String; Val : Int)
with Ghost, Import;
function Abs_Uns_Of_Int (Val : Int) return Uns
with Ghost, Import;
function Value_Integer (Str : String) return Int
with Ghost, Import;
package Int_Params is new Val_Util.Int_Params
(Int => Int,
Uns => Uns,
Uns_Option => Uns_Option,
Unsigned_Width_Ghost => Unsigned_Width_Ghost,
Wrap_Option => Wrap_Option,
Only_Decimal_Ghost => Only_Decimal_Ghost,
Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost => Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost,
Scan_Based_Number_Ghost => Scan_Based_Number_Ghost,
Is_Integer_Ghost => Is_Integer_Ghost,
Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost => Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost,
Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost => Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost,
Abs_Uns_Of_Int => Abs_Uns_Of_Int,
Value_Integer => Value_Integer);
package Image_I is new System.Image_I (Int_Params);
procedure Set_Image_Integer
(V : Int;

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
type Int is range <>;
type Uns is mod <>;
with procedure Scaled_Divide
(X, Y, Z : Int;

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@ -29,18 +29,140 @@
-- --
with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers_Ghost;
use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers_Ghost;
package body System.Image_I is
-- Ghost code, loop invariants and assertions in this unit are meant for
-- analysis only, not for run-time checking, as it would be too costly
-- otherwise. This is enforced by setting the assertion policy to Ignore.
pragma Assertion_Policy (Ghost => Ignore,
Loop_Invariant => Ignore,
Assert => Ignore,
Assert_And_Cut => Ignore,
Pre => Ignore,
Post => Ignore,
Subprogram_Variant => Ignore);
-- As a use_clause for Int_Params cannot be used for instances of this
-- generic in System specs, rename all constants and subprograms.
Unsigned_Width_Ghost : constant Natural := Int_Params.Unsigned_Width_Ghost;
function Wrap_Option (Value : Uns) return Uns_Option
renames Int_Params.Wrap_Option;
function Only_Decimal_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Boolean
renames Int_Params.Only_Decimal_Ghost;
function Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (X : Character) return Uns
renames Int_Params.Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost;
function Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0)
return Uns_Option
renames Int_Params.Scan_Based_Number_Ghost;
function Is_Integer_Ghost (Str : String) return Boolean
renames Int_Params.Is_Integer_Ghost;
procedure Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str1, Str2 : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0)
renames Int_Params.Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost;
procedure Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str : String; Val : Int)
renames Int_Params.Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost;
function Abs_Uns_Of_Int (Val : Int) return Uns
renames Int_Params.Abs_Uns_Of_Int;
function Value_Integer (Str : String) return Int
renames Int_Params.Value_Integer;
subtype Non_Positive is Int range Int'First .. 0;
function Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T : Non_Positive) return Uns is
(if T = Int'First then Uns (Int'Last) + 1 else Uns (-T));
procedure Set_Digits
(T : Non_Positive;
S : in out String;
P : in out Natural);
P : in out Natural)
Pre => P < Integer'Last
and then S'Last < Integer'Last
and then S'First <= P + 1
and then S'First <= S'Last
and then P <= S'Last - Unsigned_Width_Ghost + 1,
Post => S (S'First .. P'Old) = S'Old (S'First .. P'Old)
and then P in P'Old + 1 .. S'Last
and then Only_Decimal_Ghost (S, From => P'Old + 1, To => P)
and then Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (S, From => P'Old + 1, To => P)
= Wrap_Option (Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T));
-- Set digits of absolute value of T, which is zero or negative. We work
-- with the negative of the value so that the largest negative number is
-- not a special case.
package Unsigned_Conversion is new Unsigned_Conversions (Int => Uns);
function Big (Arg : Uns) return Big_Integer renames
function From_Big (Arg : Big_Integer) return Uns renames
Big_10 : constant Big_Integer := Big (10) with Ghost;
-- Local Lemmas --
procedure Lemma_Non_Zero (X : Uns)
Pre => X /= 0,
Post => Big (X) /= 0;
procedure Lemma_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Uns)
Pre => Y /= 0,
Post => Big (X) / Big (Y) = Big (X / Y);
procedure Lemma_Div_Twice (X : Big_Natural; Y, Z : Big_Positive)
Post => X / Y / Z = X / (Y * Z);
-- Lemma_Div_Commutation --
procedure Lemma_Non_Zero (X : Uns) is null;
procedure Lemma_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Uns) is null;
-- Lemma_Div_Twice --
procedure Lemma_Div_Twice (X : Big_Natural; Y, Z : Big_Positive) is
XY : constant Big_Natural := X / Y;
YZ : constant Big_Natural := Y * Z;
XYZ : constant Big_Natural := X / Y / Z;
R : constant Big_Natural := (XY rem Z) * Y + (X rem Y);
pragma Assert (X = XY * Y + (X rem Y));
pragma Assert (XY = XY / Z * Z + (XY rem Z));
pragma Assert (X = XYZ * YZ + R);
pragma Assert ((XY rem Z) * Y <= (Z - 1) * Y);
pragma Assert (R <= YZ - 1);
pragma Assert (X / YZ = (XYZ * YZ + R) / YZ);
pragma Assert (X / YZ = XYZ + R / YZ);
end Lemma_Div_Twice;
-- Image_Integer --
@ -52,6 +174,39 @@ package body System.Image_I is
pragma Assert (S'First = 1);
procedure Prove_Value_Integer
Pre => S'First = 1
and then S'Last < Integer'Last
and then P in 2 .. S'Last
and then S (1) in ' ' | '-'
and then (S (1) = '-') = (V < 0)
and then Only_Decimal_Ghost (S, From => 2, To => P)
and then Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (S, From => 2, To => P)
= Wrap_Option (Abs_Uns_Of_Int (V)),
Post => Is_Integer_Ghost (S (1 .. P))
and then Value_Integer (S (1 .. P)) = V;
-- Ghost lemma to prove the value of Value_Integer from the value of
-- Scan_Based_Number_Ghost and the sign on a decimal string.
-- Prove_Value_Integer --
procedure Prove_Value_Integer is
Str : constant String := S (1 .. P);
pragma Assert (Str'First = 1);
pragma Assert (Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str, From => 2, To => P));
Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (S, Str, From => 2, To => P);
pragma Assert (Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (Str, From => 2, To => P)
= Wrap_Option (Abs_Uns_Of_Int (V)));
Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str, V);
end Prove_Value_Integer;
-- Start of processing for Image_Integer
if V >= 0 then
S (1) := ' ';
@ -63,7 +218,16 @@ package body System.Image_I is
pragma Assert (P < S'Last - 1);
end if;
Set_Image_Integer (V, S, P);
P_Prev : constant Integer := P with Ghost;
Offset : constant Positive := (if V >= 0 then 1 else 2) with Ghost;
Set_Image_Integer (V, S, P);
pragma Assert (P_Prev + Offset = 2);
end Image_Integer;
@ -77,6 +241,106 @@ package body System.Image_I is
Nb_Digits : Natural := 0;
Value : Non_Positive := T;
-- Local ghost variables
Pow : Big_Positive := 1 with Ghost;
S_Init : constant String := S with Ghost;
Uns_T : constant Uns := Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T) with Ghost;
Uns_Value : Uns := Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value) with Ghost;
Prev, Cur : Uns_Option with Ghost;
Prev_Value : Uns with Ghost;
Prev_S : String := S with Ghost;
-- Local ghost lemmas
procedure Prove_Character_Val (RU : Uns; RI : Int)
Pre => RU in 0 .. 9
and then RI in 0 .. 9,
Post => Character'Val (48 + RU) in '0' .. '9'
and then Character'Val (48 + RI) in '0' .. '9';
-- Ghost lemma to prove the value of a character corresponding to the
-- next figure.
procedure Prove_Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (RU : Uns; RI : Int)
Pre => RU in 0 .. 9
and then RI in 0 .. 9,
Post => Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (Character'Val (48 + RU)) = RU
and then Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (Character'Val (48 + RI)) = Uns (RI);
-- Ghost lemma to prove that Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost returns the source
-- figure when applied to the corresponding character.
procedure Prove_Unchanged
Pre => P <= S'Last
and then S_Init'First = S'First
and then S_Init'Last = S'Last
and then (for all K in S'First .. P => S (K) = S_Init (K)),
Post => S (S'First .. P) = S_Init (S'First .. P);
-- Ghost lemma to prove that the part of string S before P has not been
-- modified.
procedure Prove_Uns_Of_Non_Positive_Value
Pre => Uns_Value = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value),
Post => Uns_Value / 10 = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value / 10)
and then Uns_Value rem 10 = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value rem 10);
-- Ghost lemma to prove that the relation between Value and its unsigned
-- version is preserved.
procedure Prove_Iter_Scan
(Str1, Str2 : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0)
Pre => Str1'Last /= Positive'Last
and then
(From > To or else (From >= Str1'First and then To <= Str1'Last))
and then Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str1, From, To)
and then Str1'First = Str2'First
and then Str1'Last = Str2'Last
and then (for all J in From .. To => Str1 (J) = Str2 (J)),
Post =>
Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (Str1, From, To, Base, Acc)
= Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (Str2, From, To, Base, Acc);
-- Ghost lemma to prove that the result of Scan_Based_Number_Ghost only
-- depends on the value of the argument string in the (From .. To) range
-- of indexes. This is a wrapper on Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
-- so that we can call it here on ghost arguments.
-- Local lemma null bodies --
procedure Prove_Character_Val (RU : Uns; RI : Int) is null;
procedure Prove_Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (RU : Uns; RI : Int) is null;
procedure Prove_Unchanged is null;
procedure Prove_Uns_Of_Non_Positive_Value is null;
-- Prove_Iter_Scan --
procedure Prove_Iter_Scan
(Str1, Str2 : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0)
Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (Str1, Str2, From, To, Base, Acc);
end Prove_Iter_Scan;
-- Start of processing for Set_Digits
pragma Assert (P >= S'First - 1 and P < S'Last);
-- No check is done since, as documented in the Set_Image_Integer
@ -86,19 +350,116 @@ package body System.Image_I is
-- First we compute the number of characters needed for representing
-- the number.
Lemma_Div_Commutation (Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value), 10);
Lemma_Div_Twice (Big (Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T)),
Big_10 ** Nb_Digits, Big_10);
Value := Value / 10;
Nb_Digits := Nb_Digits + 1;
Uns_Value := Uns_Value / 10;
Pow := Pow * 10;
pragma Loop_Invariant (Uns_Value = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Nb_Digits in 1 .. Unsigned_Width_Ghost - 1);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Pow = Big_10 ** Nb_Digits);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Big (Uns_Value) = Big (Uns_T) / Pow);
pragma Loop_Variant (Increases => Value);
exit when Value = 0;
Lemma_Non_Zero (Uns_Value);
pragma Assert (Pow <= Big (Uns'Last));
end loop;
Value := T;
Uns_Value := Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T);
Pow := 1;
pragma Assert (Uns_Value = From_Big (Big (Uns_T) / Big_10 ** 0));
-- We now populate digits from the end of the string to the beginning
for J in reverse 1 .. Nb_Digits loop
Lemma_Div_Commutation (Uns_Value, 10);
Lemma_Div_Twice (Big (Uns_T), Big_10 ** (Nb_Digits - J), Big_10);
Prove_Character_Val (Uns_Value rem 10, -(Value rem 10));
Prove_Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (Uns_Value rem 10, -(Value rem 10));
pragma Assert (Uns_Value rem 10 = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value rem 10));
pragma Assert (Uns_Value rem 10 = Uns (-(Value rem 10)));
Prev_Value := Uns_Value;
Prev_S := S;
Pow := Pow * 10;
Uns_Value := Uns_Value / 10;
S (P + J) := Character'Val (48 - (Value rem 10));
Value := Value / 10;
pragma Assert (S (P + J) in '0' .. '9');
pragma Assert (Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (S (P + J)) =
From_Big (Big (Uns_T) / Big_10 ** (Nb_Digits - J)) rem 10);
pragma Assert
(for all K in P + J + 1 .. P + Nb_Digits => S (K) in '0' .. '9');
Prev := Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str => S,
From => P + J + 1,
To => P + Nb_Digits,
Base => 10,
Acc => Prev_Value);
Cur := Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str => S,
From => P + J,
To => P + Nb_Digits,
Base => 10,
Acc => Uns_Value);
pragma Assert (Prev_Value = 10 * Uns_Value + (Prev_Value rem 10));
pragma Assert
(Prev_Value rem 10 = Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (S (P + J)));
pragma Assert
(Prev_Value = 10 * Uns_Value + Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (S (P + J)));
if J /= Nb_Digits then
(Prev_S, S, P + J + 1, P + Nb_Digits, 10, Prev_Value);
end if;
pragma Assert (Prev = Cur);
pragma Assert (Prev = Wrap_Option (Uns_T));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Uns_Value = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Uns_Value <= Uns'Last / 10);
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all K in S'First .. P => S (K) = S_Init (K));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Only_Decimal_Ghost (S, P + J, P + Nb_Digits));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all K in P + J .. P + Nb_Digits => S (K) in '0' .. '9');
pragma Loop_Invariant (Pow = Big_10 ** (Nb_Digits - J + 1));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Big (Uns_Value) = Big (Uns_T) / Pow);
pragma Loop_Invariant
(Str => S,
From => P + J,
To => P + Nb_Digits,
Base => 10,
Acc => Uns_Value)
= Wrap_Option (Uns_T));
end loop;
pragma Assert (Big (Uns_Value) = Big (Uns_T) / Big_10 ** (Nb_Digits));
pragma Assert (Uns_Value = 0);
pragma Assert
(Str => S,
From => P + 1,
To => P + Nb_Digits,
Base => 10,
Acc => Uns_Value)
= Wrap_Option (Uns_T));
P := P + Nb_Digits;
end Set_Digits;

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@ -33,17 +33,45 @@
-- signed integer types, and also for conversion operations required in
-- Text_IO.Integer_IO for such types.
-- Preconditions in this unit are meant for analysis only, not for run-time
-- checking, so that the expected exceptions are raised. This is enforced by
-- setting the corresponding assertion policy to Ignore. Postconditions and
-- contract cases should not be executed at runtime as well, in order not to
-- slow down the execution of these functions.
pragma Assertion_Policy (Pre => Ignore,
Post => Ignore,
Contract_Cases => Ignore,
Ghost => Ignore,
Subprogram_Variant => Ignore);
with System.Val_Util;
type Int is range <>;
with package Int_Params is new System.Val_Util.Int_Params (<>);
package System.Image_I is
pragma Pure;
subtype Int is Int_Params.Int;
use type Int_Params.Int;
subtype Uns is Int_Params.Uns;
use type Int_Params.Uns;
subtype Uns_Option is Int_Params.Uns_Option;
use type Int_Params.Uns_Option;
procedure Image_Integer
(V : Int;
S : in out String;
P : out Natural);
P : out Natural)
Pre => S'First = 1
and then S'Last < Integer'Last
and then S'Last >= Int_Params.Unsigned_Width_Ghost,
Post => P in S'Range
and then Int_Params.Value_Integer (S (1 .. P)) = V;
-- Computes Int'Image (V) and stores the result in S (1 .. P)
-- setting the resulting value of P. The caller guarantees that S
-- is long enough to hold the result, and that S'First is 1.
@ -51,7 +79,31 @@ package System.Image_I is
procedure Set_Image_Integer
(V : Int;
S : in out String;
P : in out Natural);
P : in out Natural)
Pre => P < Integer'Last
and then S'Last < Integer'Last
and then S'First <= P + 1
and then S'First <= S'Last
and then
(if V >= 0 then
P <= S'Last - Int_Params.Unsigned_Width_Ghost + 1
P <= S'Last - Int_Params.Unsigned_Width_Ghost),
Post => S (S'First .. P'Old) = S'Old (S'First .. P'Old)
and then
Minus : constant Boolean := S (P'Old + 1) = '-';
Offset : constant Positive := (if V >= 0 then 1 else 2);
Abs_V : constant Uns := Int_Params.Abs_Uns_Of_Int (V);
Minus = (V < 0)
and then P in P'Old + Offset .. S'Last
and then Int_Params.Only_Decimal_Ghost
(S, From => P'Old + Offset, To => P)
and then Int_Params.Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(S, From => P'Old + Offset, To => P)
= Int_Params.Wrap_Option (Abs_V));
-- Stores the image of V in S starting at S (P + 1), P is updated to point
-- to the last character stored. The value stored is identical to the value
-- of Int'Image (V) except that no leading space is stored when V is

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@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ with System.Image_F;
package System.Img_Fixed_128 is
subtype Int128 is Interfaces.Integer_128;
subtype Uns128 is Interfaces.Unsigned_128;
package Impl is new Image_F (Int128, Arith_128.Scaled_Divide128);
package Impl is new Image_F (Int128, Uns128, Arith_128.Scaled_Divide128);
procedure Image_Fixed128
(V : Int128;

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@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ with System.Image_F;
package System.Img_Fixed_32 is
subtype Int32 is Interfaces.Integer_32;
subtype Uns32 is Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
package Impl is new Image_F (Int32, Arith_32.Scaled_Divide32);
package Impl is new Image_F (Int32, Uns32, Arith_32.Scaled_Divide32);
procedure Image_Fixed32
(V : Int32;

View File

@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ with System.Image_F;
package System.Img_Fixed_64 is
subtype Int64 is Interfaces.Integer_64;
subtype Uns64 is Interfaces.Unsigned_64;
package Impl is new Image_F (Int64, Arith_64.Scaled_Divide64);
package Impl is new Image_F (Int64, Uns64, Arith_64.Scaled_Divide64);
procedure Image_Fixed64
(V : Int64;

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@ -33,12 +33,51 @@
-- signed integer types up to Integer, and also for conversion operations
-- required in Text_IO.Integer_IO for such types.
-- Preconditions in this unit are meant for analysis only, not for run-time
-- checking, so that the expected exceptions are raised. This is enforced by
-- setting the corresponding assertion policy to Ignore. Postconditions and
-- contract cases should not be executed at runtime as well, in order not to
-- slow down the execution of these functions.
pragma Assertion_Policy (Pre => Ignore,
Post => Ignore,
Contract_Cases => Ignore,
Ghost => Ignore,
Subprogram_Variant => Ignore);
with System.Image_I;
with System.Unsigned_Types;
with System.Val_Int;
with System.Val_Uns;
with System.Val_Util;
with System.Wid_Uns;
package System.Img_Int is
pragma Pure;
package System.Img_Int
with SPARK_Mode
subtype Unsigned is Unsigned_Types.Unsigned;
package Impl is new Image_I (Integer);
package Int_Params is new Val_Util.Int_Params
(Int => Integer,
Uns => Unsigned,
Uns_Option => Val_Uns.Impl.Uns_Option,
Unsigned_Width_Ghost =>
Wid_Uns.Width_Unsigned (0, Unsigned'Last),
Only_Decimal_Ghost => Val_Uns.Impl.Only_Decimal_Ghost,
Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost =>
Wrap_Option => Val_Uns.Impl.Wrap_Option,
Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
Is_Integer_Ghost => Val_Int.Impl.Is_Integer_Ghost,
Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost =>
Abs_Uns_Of_Int => Val_Int.Impl.Abs_Uns_Of_Int,
Value_Integer => Val_Int.Impl.Value_Integer);
package Impl is new Image_I (Int_Params);
procedure Image_Integer
(V : Integer;

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@ -33,12 +33,51 @@
-- signed integer types larger than Integer, and also for conversion
-- operations required in Text_IO.Integer_IO for such types.
-- Preconditions in this unit are meant for analysis only, not for run-time
-- checking, so that the expected exceptions are raised. This is enforced by
-- setting the corresponding assertion policy to Ignore. Postconditions and
-- contract cases should not be executed at runtime as well, in order not to
-- slow down the execution of these functions.
pragma Assertion_Policy (Pre => Ignore,
Post => Ignore,
Contract_Cases => Ignore,
Ghost => Ignore,
Subprogram_Variant => Ignore);
with System.Image_I;
with System.Unsigned_Types;
with System.Val_LLI;
with System.Val_LLU;
with System.Val_Util;
with System.Wid_LLU;
package System.Img_LLI is
pragma Pure;
package System.Img_LLI
with SPARK_Mode
subtype Long_Long_Unsigned is Unsigned_Types.Long_Long_Unsigned;
package Impl is new Image_I (Long_Long_Integer);
package Int_Params is new Val_Util.Int_Params
(Int => Long_Long_Integer,
Uns => Long_Long_Unsigned,
Uns_Option => Val_LLU.Impl.Uns_Option,
Unsigned_Width_Ghost =>
Wid_LLU.Width_Long_Long_Unsigned (0, Long_Long_Unsigned'Last),
Only_Decimal_Ghost => Val_LLU.Impl.Only_Decimal_Ghost,
Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost =>
Wrap_Option => Val_LLU.Impl.Wrap_Option,
Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
Is_Integer_Ghost => Val_LLI.Impl.Is_Integer_Ghost,
Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost =>
Abs_Uns_Of_Int => Val_LLI.Impl.Abs_Uns_Of_Int,
Value_Integer => Val_LLI.Impl.Value_Integer);
package Impl is new Image_I (Int_Params);
procedure Image_Long_Long_Integer
(V : Long_Long_Integer;

View File

@ -33,12 +33,52 @@
-- signed integer types larger than Long_Long_Integer, and also for conversion
-- operations required in Text_IO.Integer_IO for such types.
-- Preconditions in this unit are meant for analysis only, not for run-time
-- checking, so that the expected exceptions are raised. This is enforced by
-- setting the corresponding assertion policy to Ignore. Postconditions and
-- contract cases should not be executed at runtime as well, in order not to
-- slow down the execution of these functions.
pragma Assertion_Policy (Pre => Ignore,
Post => Ignore,
Contract_Cases => Ignore,
Ghost => Ignore,
Subprogram_Variant => Ignore);
with System.Image_I;
with System.Unsigned_Types;
with System.Val_LLLI;
with System.Val_LLLU;
with System.Val_Util;
with System.Wid_LLLU;
package System.Img_LLLI is
pragma Pure;
package System.Img_LLLI
with SPARK_Mode
subtype Long_Long_Long_Unsigned is Unsigned_Types.Long_Long_Long_Unsigned;
package Impl is new Image_I (Long_Long_Long_Integer);
package Int_Params is new Val_Util.Int_Params
(Int => Long_Long_Long_Integer,
Uns => Long_Long_Long_Unsigned,
Uns_Option => Val_LLLU.Impl.Uns_Option,
Unsigned_Width_Ghost =>
(0, Long_Long_Long_Unsigned'Last),
Only_Decimal_Ghost => Val_LLLU.Impl.Only_Decimal_Ghost,
Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost =>
Wrap_Option => Val_LLLU.Impl.Wrap_Option,
Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
Is_Integer_Ghost => Val_LLLI.Impl.Is_Integer_Ghost,
Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost =>
Abs_Uns_Of_Int => Val_LLLI.Impl.Abs_Uns_Of_Int,
Value_Integer => Val_LLLI.Impl.Value_Integer);
package Impl is new Image_I (Int_Params);
procedure Image_Long_Long_Long_Integer
(V : Long_Long_Long_Integer;

View File

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ package System.Val_Int with SPARK_Mode is
(Int => Integer,
Uns => Unsigned,
Scan_Raw_Unsigned => Val_Uns.Scan_Raw_Unsigned,
Uns_Option => Val_Uns.Impl.Uns_Option,
Wrap_Option => Val_Uns.Impl.Wrap_Option,
Is_Raw_Unsigned_Format_Ghost =>
Raw_Unsigned_Overflows_Ghost =>
@ -64,7 +66,11 @@ package System.Val_Int with SPARK_Mode is
Scan_Raw_Unsigned_Ghost =>
Raw_Unsigned_Last_Ghost =>
Only_Decimal_Ghost =>
Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
procedure Scan_Integer
(Str : String;

View File

@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ package System.Val_LLI with SPARK_Mode is
Uns => Long_Long_Unsigned,
Scan_Raw_Unsigned =>
Uns_Option => Val_LLU.Impl.Uns_Option,
Wrap_Option => Val_LLU.Impl.Wrap_Option,
Is_Raw_Unsigned_Format_Ghost =>
Raw_Unsigned_Overflows_Ghost =>
@ -65,7 +67,11 @@ package System.Val_LLI with SPARK_Mode is
Scan_Raw_Unsigned_Ghost =>
Raw_Unsigned_Last_Ghost =>
Only_Decimal_Ghost =>
Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
procedure Scan_Long_Long_Integer
(Str : String;

View File

@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ package System.Val_LLLI with SPARK_Mode is
Uns => Long_Long_Long_Unsigned,
Scan_Raw_Unsigned =>
Uns_Option => Val_LLLU.Impl.Uns_Option,
Wrap_Option => Val_LLLU.Impl.Wrap_Option,
Is_Raw_Unsigned_Format_Ghost =>
Raw_Unsigned_Overflows_Ghost =>
@ -65,7 +67,11 @@ package System.Val_LLLI with SPARK_Mode is
Scan_Raw_Unsigned_Ghost =>
Raw_Unsigned_Last_Ghost =>
Only_Decimal_Ghost =>
Scan_Based_Number_Ghost =>
procedure Scan_Long_Long_Long_Integer
(Str : String;

View File

@ -41,6 +41,59 @@ package body System.Value_I is
Assert_And_Cut => Ignore,
Subprogram_Variant => Ignore);
-- Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost --
procedure Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str : String; Val : Int) is
Non_Blank : constant Positive := First_Non_Space_Ghost
(Str, Str'First, Str'Last);
pragma Assert
(if Val < 0 then Non_Blank = Str'First
Only_Space_Ghost (Str, Str'First, Str'First)
and then Non_Blank = Str'First + 1);
Minus : constant Boolean := Str (Non_Blank) = '-';
Fst_Num : constant Positive :=
(if Minus then Non_Blank + 1 else Non_Blank);
pragma Assert (Fst_Num = Str'First + 1);
Uval : constant Uns :=
Scan_Raw_Unsigned_Ghost (Str, Fst_Num, Str'Last);
procedure Unique_Int_Of_Uns (Val1, Val2 : Int)
Pre => Uns_Is_Valid_Int (Minus, Uval)
and then Is_Int_Of_Uns (Minus, Uval, Val1)
and then Is_Int_Of_Uns (Minus, Uval, Val2),
Post => Val1 = Val2;
-- Local proof of the unicity of the signed representation
procedure Unique_Int_Of_Uns (Val1, Val2 : Int) is null;
-- Start of processing for Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost
pragma Assert (Minus = (Val < 0));
pragma Assert (Uval = Abs_Uns_Of_Int (Val));
pragma Assert (if Minus then Uval <= Uns (Int'Last) + 1
else Uval <= Uns (Int'Last));
pragma Assert (Uns_Is_Valid_Int (Minus, Uval));
pragma Assert
(if Minus and then Uval = Uns (Int'Last) + 1 then Val = Int'First
elsif Minus then Val = -(Int (Uval))
else Val = Int (Uval));
pragma Assert (Is_Int_Of_Uns (Minus, Uval, Val));
pragma Assert
(Is_Raw_Unsigned_Format_Ghost (Str (Fst_Num .. Str'Last)));
pragma Assert
(not Raw_Unsigned_Overflows_Ghost (Str, Fst_Num, Str'Last));
pragma Assert (Only_Space_Ghost
(Str, Raw_Unsigned_Last_Ghost (Str, Fst_Num, Str'Last), Str'Last));
pragma Assert (Is_Integer_Ghost (Str));
pragma Assert (Is_Value_Integer_Ghost (Str, Val));
Unique_Int_Of_Uns (Val, Value_Integer (Str));
end Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost;
-- Scan_Integer --

View File

@ -56,19 +56,31 @@ generic
-- Additional parameters for ghost subprograms used inside contracts
type Uns_Option is private;
with function Wrap_Option (Value : Uns) return Uns_Option;
with function Is_Raw_Unsigned_Format_Ghost (Str : String) return Boolean;
with function Raw_Unsigned_Overflows_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Boolean;
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Boolean;
with function Scan_Raw_Unsigned_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Uns;
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Uns;
with function Raw_Unsigned_Last_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Positive;
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Positive;
with function Only_Decimal_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Boolean;
with function Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0)
return Uns_Option;
package System.Value_I is
pragma Preelaborate;
@ -96,6 +108,13 @@ package System.Value_I is
Post => True;
-- Return True if Uval (or -Uval when Minus is True) is equal to Val
function Abs_Uns_Of_Int (Val : Int) return Uns is
(if Val = Int'First then Uns (Int'Last) + 1
elsif Val < 0 then Uns (-Val)
else Uns (Val))
with Ghost;
-- Return the unsigned absolute value of Val
procedure Scan_Integer
(Str : String;
Ptr : not null access Integer;
@ -238,6 +257,22 @@ package System.Value_I is
-- argument of the attribute. Constraint_Error is raised if the string is
-- malformed, or if the value is out of range.
procedure Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str : String; Val : Int)
Pre => Str'Last /= Positive'Last
and then Str'Length >= 2
and then Str (Str'First) in ' ' | '-'
and then (Str (Str'First) = '-') = (Val < 0)
and then Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str, Str'First + 1, Str'Last)
and then Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (Str, Str'First + 1, Str'Last)
= Wrap_Option (Abs_Uns_Of_Int (Val)),
Post => Is_Integer_Ghost (Slide_If_Necessary (Str))
and then Value_Integer (Str) = Val;
-- Ghost lemma used in the proof of 'Image implementation, to prove that
-- the result of Value_Integer on a decimal string is the same as the
-- signing the result of Scan_Based_Number_Ghost.

View File

@ -376,6 +376,41 @@ is
-- no check for this case, the caller must ensure this condition is met.
pragma Warnings (GNATprove, On, """Ptr"" is not modified");
-- Bundle Int type with other types, constants and subprograms used in
-- ghost code, so that this package can be instantiated once and used
-- multiple times as generic formal for a given Int type.
type Int is range <>;
type Uns is mod <>;
type Uns_Option is private;
Unsigned_Width_Ghost : Natural;
with function Wrap_Option (Value : Uns) return Uns_Option;
with function Only_Decimal_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer)
return Boolean;
with function Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (X : Character) return Uns;
with function Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0)
return Uns_Option;
with function Is_Integer_Ghost (Str : String) return Boolean;
with procedure Prove_Iter_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str1, Str2 : String;
From, To : Integer;
Base : Uns := 10;
Acc : Uns := 0);
with procedure Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str : String; Val : Int);
with function Abs_Uns_Of_Int (Val : Int) return Uns;
with function Value_Integer (Str : String) return Int;
package Int_Params is
end Int_Params;

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ is
function Big (Arg : Uns) return Big_Integer renames
Big_10 : constant Big_Integer := Big (10) with Ghost;
Big_10 : constant Big_Integer := Big (Uns'(10)) with Ghost;
-- Maximum value of exponent for 10 that fits in Uns'Base
function Max_Log10 return Natural is