/** * Written in the D programming language. * This module provides functions to converting different values to const(ubyte)[] * * Copyright: Copyright Igor Stepanov 2013-2013. * License: $(WEB www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: Igor Stepanov * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/internal/_convert.d) */ module core.internal.convert; import core.internal.traits : Unqual; /+ A @nogc function can allocate memory during CTFE. +/ @nogc nothrow pure @trusted private ubyte[] ctfe_alloc()(size_t n) { if (!__ctfe) { assert(0, "CTFE only"); } else { static ubyte[] alloc(size_t x) nothrow pure { if (__ctfe) // Needed to prevent _d_newarray from appearing in compiled prorgam. return new ubyte[x]; else assert(0); } return (cast(ubyte[] function(size_t) @nogc nothrow pure) &alloc)(n); } } @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const ref T val) if (is(Unqual!T == float) || is(Unqual!T == double) || is(Unqual!T == real) || is(Unqual!T == ifloat) || is(Unqual!T == idouble) || is(Unqual!T == ireal)) { static const(ubyte)[] reverse_(const(ubyte)[] arr) { ubyte[] buff = ctfe_alloc(arr.length); foreach (k, v; arr) { buff[$-k-1] = v; } return buff; } if (__ctfe) { auto parsed = parse(val); ulong mantissa = parsed.mantissa; uint exp = parsed.exponent; uint sign = parsed.sign; ubyte[] buff = ctfe_alloc(T.sizeof); size_t off_bytes = 0; size_t off_bits = 0; // Quadruples won't fit in one ulong, so check for that. enum mantissaMax = FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA < ulong.sizeof*8 ? FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA : ulong.sizeof*8; for (; off_bytes < mantissaMax/8; ++off_bytes) { buff[off_bytes] = cast(ubyte)mantissa; mantissa >>= 8; } static if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Quadruple) { ulong mantissa2 = parsed.mantissa2; off_bytes--; // go back one, since mantissa only stored data in 56 // bits, ie 7 bytes for (; off_bytes < FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA/8; ++off_bytes) { buff[off_bytes] = cast(ubyte)mantissa2; mantissa2 >>= 8; } } else { off_bits = FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA%8; buff[off_bytes] = cast(ubyte)mantissa; } for (size_t i=0; i>= 8; buff[off_bytes] |= (cur_exp << off_bits); ++off_bytes; buff[off_bytes] |= cur_exp >> 8 - off_bits; } exp <<= 8 - FloatTraits!T.EXPONENT%8 - 1; buff[off_bytes] |= exp; sign <<= 7; buff[off_bytes] |= sign; version (LittleEndian) { return buff; } else { return reverse_(buff); } } else { return (cast(const(ubyte)*)&val)[0 .. T.sizeof]; } } @safe pure nothrow @nogc private Float parse(bool is_denormalized = false, T)(T x) if (is(Unqual!T == ifloat) || is(Unqual!T == idouble) || is(Unqual!T == ireal)) { return parse(x.im); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc private Float parse(bool is_denormalized = false, T:real)(T x_) if (floatFormat!T != FloatFormat.Real80) { Unqual!T x = x_; static assert(floatFormat!T != FloatFormat.DoubleDouble, "doubledouble float format not supported in CTFE"); if (x is cast(T)0.0) return FloatTraits!T.ZERO; if (x is cast(T)-0.0) return FloatTraits!T.NZERO; if (x is T.nan) return FloatTraits!T.NAN; if (x is -T.nan) return FloatTraits!T.NNAN; if (x is T.infinity || x > T.max) return FloatTraits!T.INF; if (x is -T.infinity || x < -T.max) return FloatTraits!T.NINF; uint sign = x < 0; x = sign ? -x : x; int e = binLog2(x); real x2 = x; uint exp = cast(uint)(e + (2^^(FloatTraits!T.EXPONENT-1) - 1)); if (!exp) { if (is_denormalized) return Float(0, 0, sign); else return denormalizedMantissa(x, sign); } x2 /= binPow2(e); static if (!is_denormalized) x2 -= 1.0; static if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Quadruple) { // Store the 112-bit mantissa in two ulongs, specifically the lower 56 // bits of each, with the most significant bits in mantissa2. There's // an edge case exposed by the labeled test below, where only a subnormal // with the highest bit set being the 57th bit will "overflow" to the // 57th bit in mantissa2 with the following logic, but that special case // is handled by an additional check in denormalizedMantissa for // Quadruples below. x2 *= 2UL<<(FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA - (ulong.sizeof - 1)*8 - 1); ulong mant2 = cast(ulong) x2; x2 -= mant2; x2 *= 2UL<<((ulong.sizeof - 1)*8 - 1); ulong mant = cast(ulong) x2; return Float(mant, exp, sign, mant2); } else { x2 *= 2UL<<(FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA); ulong mant = shiftrRound(cast(ulong)x2); return Float(mant, exp, sign); } } @safe pure nothrow @nogc private Float parse(bool _ = false, T:real)(T x_) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Real80) { Unqual!T x = x_; //HACK @@@3632@@@ if (x == 0.0L) { real y = 1.0L/x; if (y == real.infinity) // -0.0 return FloatTraits!T.ZERO; else return FloatTraits!T.NZERO; //0.0 } if (x != x) //HACK: should be if (x is real.nan) and if (x is -real.nan) { auto y = cast(double)x; if (y is double.nan) return FloatTraits!T.NAN; else return FloatTraits!T.NNAN; } if (x == real.infinity) return FloatTraits!T.INF; if (x == -real.infinity) return FloatTraits!T.NINF; enum EXPONENT_MED = (2^^(FloatTraits!T.EXPONENT-1) - 1); uint sign = x < 0; x = sign ? -x : x; int e = binLog2(x); uint exp = cast(uint)(e + EXPONENT_MED); if (!exp) { return denormalizedMantissa(x, sign); } int pow = (FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA-1-e); x *= binPow2((pow / EXPONENT_MED)*EXPONENT_MED); //To avoid overflow in 2.0L ^^ pow x *= binPow2(pow % EXPONENT_MED); ulong mant = cast(ulong)x; return Float(mant, exp, sign); } private struct Float { ulong mantissa; uint exponent; uint sign; ulong mantissa2; } private template FloatTraits(T) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Float) { enum DATASIZE = 4; enum EXPONENT = 8; enum MANTISSA = 23; enum ZERO = Float(0, 0, 0); enum NZERO = Float(0, 0, 1); enum NAN = Float(0x400000UL, 0xff, 0); enum NNAN = Float(0x400000UL, 0xff, 1); enum INF = Float(0, 255, 0); enum NINF = Float(0, 255, 1); } private template FloatTraits(T) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Double) { enum DATASIZE = 8; enum EXPONENT = 11; enum MANTISSA = 52; enum ZERO = Float(0, 0, 0); enum NZERO = Float(0, 0, 1); enum NAN = Float(0x8000000000000UL, 0x7ff, 0); enum NNAN = Float(0x8000000000000UL, 0x7ff, 1); enum INF = Float(0, 0x7ff, 0); enum NINF = Float(0, 0x7ff, 1); } private template FloatTraits(T) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Real80) { enum DATASIZE = 10; enum EXPONENT = 15; enum MANTISSA = 64; enum ZERO = Float(0, 0, 0); enum NZERO = Float(0, 0, 1); enum NAN = Float(0xC000000000000000UL, 0x7fff, 0); enum NNAN = Float(0xC000000000000000UL, 0x7fff, 1); enum INF = Float(0x8000000000000000UL, 0x7fff, 0); enum NINF = Float(0x8000000000000000UL, 0x7fff, 1); } private template FloatTraits(T) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.DoubleDouble) //Unsupported in CTFE { enum DATASIZE = 16; enum EXPONENT = 11; enum MANTISSA = 106; enum ZERO = Float(0, 0, 0); enum NZERO = Float(0, 0, 1); enum NAN = Float(0x8000000000000UL, 0x7ff, 0); enum NNAN = Float(0x8000000000000UL, 0x7ff, 1); enum INF = Float(0, 0x7ff, 0); enum NINF = Float(0, 0x7ff, 1); } private template FloatTraits(T) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Quadruple) { enum DATASIZE = 16; enum EXPONENT = 15; enum MANTISSA = 112; enum ZERO = Float(0, 0, 0); enum NZERO = Float(0, 0, 1); enum NAN = Float(0, 0x7fff, 0, 0x80000000000000UL); enum NNAN = Float(0, 0x7fff, 1, 0x80000000000000UL); enum INF = Float(0, 0x7fff, 0); enum NINF = Float(0, 0x7fff, 1); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc private real binPow2(int pow) { static real binPosPow2(int pow) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { assert(pow > 0); if (pow == 1) return 2.0L; int subpow = pow/2; real p = binPosPow2(subpow); real ret = p*p; if (pow%2) { ret *= 2.0L; } return ret; } if (!pow) return 1.0L; if (pow > 0) return binPosPow2(pow); return 1.0L/binPosPow2(-pow); } //Need in CTFE, because CTFE float and double expressions computed more precisely that run-time expressions. @safe pure nothrow @nogc private ulong shiftrRound(ulong x) { return (x >> 1) + (x & 1); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc private uint binLog2(T)(const T x) { assert(x > 0); int max = 2 ^^ (FloatTraits!T.EXPONENT-1)-1; int min = -max+1; int med = (min + max) / 2; if (x < T.min_normal) return -max; while ((max - min) > 1) { if (binPow2(med) > x) { max = med; } else { min = med; } med = (min + max) / 2; } if (x < binPow2(max)) return min; return max; } @safe pure nothrow @nogc private Float denormalizedMantissa(T)(T x, uint sign) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Real80) { x *= 2.0L^^FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA; auto fl = parse(x); uint pow = FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA - fl.exponent + 1; return Float(fl.mantissa >> pow, 0, sign); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc private Float denormalizedMantissa(T)(T x, uint sign) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Float || floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Double) { x *= 2.0L^^FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA; auto fl = parse!true(x); ulong mant = fl.mantissa >> (FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA - fl.exponent); return Float(shiftrRound(mant), 0, sign); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc private Float denormalizedMantissa(T)(T x, uint sign) if (floatFormat!T == FloatFormat.Quadruple) { x *= 2.0L^^FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA; auto fl = parse!true(x); uint offset = FloatTraits!T.MANTISSA - fl.exponent + 1; enum mantissaSize = (ulong.sizeof - 1) * 8; if (offset < mantissaSize) { // Create a new mantissa ulong with the trailing mantissa2 bits that // need to be shifted into mantissa, by shifting the needed bits left, // zeroing out the first byte, and then ORing it with mantissa shifted // right by offset. ulong shiftedMantissa = ((fl.mantissa2 << (mantissaSize - offset)) & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL) | fl.mantissa >> offset; return Float(shiftedMantissa, 0, sign, fl.mantissa2 >> offset); } else if (offset > mantissaSize) return Float(fl.mantissa2 >> offset - mantissaSize , 0, sign, 0); else // Handle special case mentioned in parse() above by zeroing out the // 57'th bit of mantissa2, "shifting" it into mantissa, and setting the // first bit of mantissa2. return Float(fl.mantissa2 & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL , 0, sign, 1); } version (unittest) { private const(ubyte)[] toUbyte2(T)(T val) { return toUbyte(val).dup; } private void testNumberConvert(string v)() { enum ctval = mixin(v); alias TYPE = typeof(ctval); auto rtval = ctval; auto rtbytes = *cast(ubyte[TYPE.sizeof]*)&rtval; enum ctbytes = toUbyte2(ctval); // don't test pad bytes because can be anything enum testsize = (FloatTraits!TYPE.EXPONENT + FloatTraits!TYPE.MANTISSA + 1)/8; assert(rtbytes[0..testsize] == ctbytes[0..testsize]); } private void testConvert() { /**Test special values*/ testNumberConvert!("-float.infinity"); testNumberConvert!("float.infinity"); testNumberConvert!("-0.0F"); testNumberConvert!("0.0F"); //testNumberConvert!("-float.nan"); //BUG @@@3632@@@ testNumberConvert!("float.nan"); testNumberConvert!("-double.infinity"); testNumberConvert!("double.infinity"); testNumberConvert!("-0.0"); testNumberConvert!("0.0"); //testNumberConvert!("-double.nan"); //BUG @@@3632@@@ testNumberConvert!("double.nan"); testNumberConvert!("-real.infinity"); testNumberConvert!("real.infinity"); testNumberConvert!("-0.0L"); testNumberConvert!("0.0L"); //testNumberConvert!("-real.nan"); //BUG @@@3632@@@ testNumberConvert!("real.nan"); /** Test min and max values values: min value has an '1' mantissa and minimal exponent, Max value has an all '1' bits mantissa and max exponent. */ testNumberConvert!("float.min_normal"); testNumberConvert!("float.max"); /**Test common values*/ testNumberConvert!("-0.17F"); testNumberConvert!("3.14F"); /**Test immutable and const*/ testNumberConvert!("cast(const)3.14F"); testNumberConvert!("cast(immutable)3.14F"); /**The same tests for double and real*/ testNumberConvert!("double.min_normal"); testNumberConvert!("double.max"); testNumberConvert!("-0.17"); testNumberConvert!("3.14"); testNumberConvert!("cast(const)3.14"); testNumberConvert!("cast(immutable)3.14"); testNumberConvert!("real.min_normal"); testNumberConvert!("real.max"); testNumberConvert!("-0.17L"); testNumberConvert!("3.14L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(const)3.14L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(immutable)3.14L"); /**Test denormalized values*/ /**Max denormalized value, first bit is 1*/ testNumberConvert!("float.min_normal/2"); /**Min denormalized value, last bit is 1*/ testNumberConvert!("float.min_normal/2UL^^23"); /**Denormalized values with round*/ testNumberConvert!("float.min_normal/19"); testNumberConvert!("float.min_normal/17"); testNumberConvert!("double.min_normal/2"); testNumberConvert!("double.min_normal/2UL^^52"); testNumberConvert!("double.min_normal/19"); testNumberConvert!("double.min_normal/17"); testNumberConvert!("real.min_normal/2"); testNumberConvert!("real.min_normal/2UL^^63"); // check subnormal storage edge case for Quadruple testNumberConvert!("real.min_normal/2UL^^56"); testNumberConvert!("real.min_normal/19"); testNumberConvert!("real.min_normal/17"); /**Test imaginary values: convert algorithm is same with real values*/ testNumberConvert!("0.0Fi"); testNumberConvert!("0.0i"); testNumberConvert!("0.0Li"); /**True random values*/ testNumberConvert!("-0x9.0f7ee55df77618fp-13829L"); testNumberConvert!("0x7.36e6e2640120d28p+8797L"); testNumberConvert!("-0x1.05df6ce4702ccf8p+15835L"); testNumberConvert!("0x9.54bb0d88806f714p-7088L"); testNumberConvert!("-0x9.0f7ee55df7ffp-338"); testNumberConvert!("0x7.36e6e264012dp+879"); testNumberConvert!("-0x1.05df6ce4708ep+658"); testNumberConvert!("0x9.54bb0d888061p-708"); testNumberConvert!("-0x9.0f7eefp-101F"); testNumberConvert!("0x7.36e6ep+87F"); testNumberConvert!("-0x1.05df6p+112F"); testNumberConvert!("0x9.54bb0p-70F"); /**Big overflow or underflow*/ testNumberConvert!("cast(double)-0x9.0f7ee55df77618fp-13829L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(double)0x7.36e6e2640120d28p+8797L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(double)-0x1.05df6ce4702ccf8p+15835L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(double)0x9.54bb0d88806f714p-7088L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(float)-0x9.0f7ee55df77618fp-13829L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(float)0x7.36e6e2640120d28p+8797L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(float)-0x1.05df6ce4702ccf8p+15835L"); testNumberConvert!("cast(float)0x9.54bb0d88806f714p-7088L"); } unittest { testConvert(); } } private enum FloatFormat { Float, Double, Real80, DoubleDouble, Quadruple } template floatFormat(T) if (is(T:real) || is(T:ireal)) { static if (T.mant_dig == 24) enum floatFormat = FloatFormat.Float; else static if (T.mant_dig == 53) enum floatFormat = FloatFormat.Double; else static if (T.mant_dig == 64) enum floatFormat = FloatFormat.Real80; else static if (T.mant_dig == 106) enum floatFormat = FloatFormat.DoubleDouble; else static if (T.mant_dig == 113) enum floatFormat = FloatFormat.Quadruple; else static assert(0); } package template floatSize(T) if (is(T:real) || is(T:ireal)) { enum floatSize = FloatTraits!(T).DATASIZE; } // all toUbyte functions must be evaluable at compile time @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const T[] arr) if (T.sizeof == 1) { return cast(const(ubyte)[])arr; } @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const T[] arr) if (T.sizeof > 1) { if (__ctfe) { ubyte[] ret = ctfe_alloc(T.sizeof * arr.length); static if (is(T EType == enum)) // Odd style is to avoid template instantiation in most cases. alias E = OriginalType!EType; else alias E = T; static if (is(E == struct) || is(E == union) || __traits(isStaticArray, E) || !is(typeof(arr[0] is null))) { size_t offset = 0; foreach (ref cur; arr) { ret[offset .. offset + T.sizeof] = toUbyte(cur)[0 .. T.sizeof]; offset += T.sizeof; } } else { foreach (cur; arr) assert(cur is null, "Unable to compute byte representation of non-null pointer at compile time"); } return ret; } else { return (cast(const(ubyte)*)(arr.ptr))[0 .. T.sizeof*arr.length]; } } @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const ref T val) if (__traits(isIntegral, T) && !is(T == enum) && !is(T == __vector)) { static if (T.sizeof == 1) { if (__ctfe) { ubyte[] result = ctfe_alloc(1); result[0] = cast(ubyte) val; return result; } else { return (cast(const(ubyte)*)(&val))[0 .. T.sizeof]; } } else if (__ctfe) { ubyte[] tmp = ctfe_alloc(T.sizeof); Unqual!T val_ = val; for (size_t i = 0; i < T.sizeof; ++i) { size_t idx; version (LittleEndian) idx = i; else idx = T.sizeof-i-1; tmp[idx] = cast(ubyte)(val_&0xff); val_ >>= 8; } return tmp; } else { return (cast(const(ubyte)*)(&val))[0 .. T.sizeof]; } } @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const ref T val) if (is(T == __vector)) { if (!__ctfe) return (cast(const ubyte*) &val)[0 .. T.sizeof]; else static if (is(typeof(val[0]) : void)) assert(0, "Unable to compute byte representation of " ~ T.stringof ~ " at compile time."); else { // This code looks like it should work in CTFE but it segfaults: // auto a = val.array; // return toUbyte(a); alias E = typeof(val[0]); ubyte[] result = ctfe_alloc(T.sizeof); for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < T.sizeof; i += E.sizeof, ++j) { result[i .. i + E.sizeof] = toUbyte(val[j]); } return result; } } @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const ref T val) if (is(Unqual!T == cfloat) || is(Unqual!T == cdouble) ||is(Unqual!T == creal)) { if (__ctfe) { auto re = val.re; auto im = val.im; auto a = re.toUbyte(); auto b = im.toUbyte(); ubyte[] result = ctfe_alloc(a.length + b.length); result[0 .. a.length] = a[0 .. a.length]; result[a.length .. $] = b[0 .. b.length]; return result; } else { return (cast(const(ubyte)*)&val)[0 .. T.sizeof]; } } @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const ref T val) if (is(T == enum)) { if (__ctfe) { static if (is(T V == enum)){} return toUbyte(cast(const V) val); } else { return (cast(const(ubyte)*)&val)[0 .. T.sizeof]; } } nothrow pure @safe unittest { // Issue 19008 - check toUbyte works on enums. enum Month : uint { jan = 1} Month m = Month.jan; const bytes = toUbyte(m); enum ctfe_works = (() => { Month x = Month.jan; return toUbyte(x).length > 0; })(); } @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const ref T val) if (is(T == delegate) || is(T : V*, V) && __traits(getAliasThis, T).length == 0) { if (__ctfe) { if (val !is null) assert(0, "Unable to compute byte representation of non-null pointer at compile time"); return ctfe_alloc(T.sizeof); } else { return (cast(const(ubyte)*)&val)[0 .. T.sizeof]; } } @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const(ubyte)[] toUbyte(T)(const ref T val) if (is(T == struct) || is(T == union)) { if (__ctfe) { ubyte[] bytes = ctfe_alloc(T.sizeof); foreach (key, ref cur; val.tupleof) { static if (is(typeof(cur) EType == enum)) // Odd style is to avoid template instantiation in most cases. alias CurType = OriginalType!EType; else alias CurType = typeof(cur); static if (is(CurType == struct) || is(CurType == union) || __traits(isStaticArray, CurType) || !is(typeof(cur is null))) { bytes[val.tupleof[key].offsetof .. val.tupleof[key].offsetof + CurType.sizeof] = toUbyte(cur)[]; } else { assert(cur is null, "Unable to compute byte representation of non-null reference field at compile time"); //skip, because val bytes are zeros } } return bytes; } else { return (cast(const(ubyte)*)&val)[0 .. T.sizeof]; } } // Strips off all `enum`s from type `T`. // Perhaps move to core.internal.types. private template OriginalType(T) { static if (is(T EType == enum)) alias OriginalType = .OriginalType!EType; else alias OriginalType = T; }