#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation # # Analyze changes in GCC DejaGNU test logs for binutils, gcc, gdb, etc. # Original version written in 2005 by James Lemke . # # See usage() below. usage () { cat <&2 Usage: dg-cmp-results.sh [-v] [-v] [-v] names the desired variant, "/" must be written as "\/". Use the empty string ("") for the first variant in each file. Output is to stdout. Non-verbose output is degradation info like PASS->FAIL. -v adds improvement info like FAIL->PASS. -v -v adds info like tests that are no longer run. -v -v -v adds info for tests that have not changed status. -v -v -v -v is used for debugging. EOF } verbose=0 while test "$1" = "-v"; do verbose=`expr $verbose + 1` shift done if test $# -ne 3 -o ! -f "$2" -o ! -f "$3"; then usage exit 1 fi # Command differences for various platforms. case `uname -s` in Darwin|NetBSD) E=-E # sed ;; *) E=-r # sed ;; esac # sections are identified by separator lines beginning with '\t\t==='. # section 0 identifies run date, target, and host. # section 1 and subsequent contain test data for a target variant. # -skip to /^Running target/ and use that line to identify the variant. # -subsequent lines contain the result data. They begin with: # '(PASS|FAIL|XFAIL|XPASS|UNTESTED|UNSUPPORTED|UNRESOLVED):' VARIANT="$1" OFILE="$2" OBASE=`basename "$2"` NFILE="$3" NBASE=`basename "$3"` echo "dg-cmp-results.sh: Verbosity is ${verbose}, Variant is \"${VARIANT}\"" echo header="^Running target $VARIANT" temp=`grep "$header" $OFILE` if test -z "$temp"; then echo "Error: variant \"$VARIANT\" not found in $OFILE." exit 1 fi temp=`grep "$header" $NFILE` if test -z "$temp"; then echo "Error: variant \"$VARIANT\" not found in $NFILE." exit 1 fi unset temp # Copy out the old file's section 0. echo "Older log file: $OFILE" sed $E -e '/^[[:space:]]+===/,$d' $OFILE # Copy out the new file's section 0. echo "Newer log file: $NFILE" sed $E -e '/^[[:space:]]+===/,$d' $NFILE # Create a temporary file from the old file's interesting section. sed $E -e "1,/$header/d" \ -e '/^[[:space:]]+===/,$d' \ -e '/^[A-Z]+:/!d' \ -e '/^(WARNING|ERROR):/d' \ -e 's/\r$//' \ -e 's/^/O:/' \ $OFILE | sort -s -t : -k 3b - \ >/tmp/o$$-$OBASE # Create a temporary file from the new file's interesting section. sed $E -e "1,/$header/d" \ -e '/^[[:space:]]+===/,$d' \ -e '/^[A-Z]+:/!d' \ -e '/^(WARNING|ERROR):/d' \ -e 's/\r$//' \ -e 's/^/N:/' \ $NFILE | sort -s -t : -k 3b - \ >/tmp/n$$-$NBASE # Merge the two files, then compare adjacent lines. # Comparison is complicated by tests that may be run multiple times. # If that case, we assume that the order is the same in both files. cat <compare-$$.awk BEGIN { FS = ":" queue1 = 1; queueN = 0; status[queue1] = ""; name[queue1] = "" verbose = verbose + 0 # Make sure it's defined. } # FIFO circular queue function push(st, nm) { queueN += 1; status[queueN] = st; name[queueN] = nm } function peek() { result = 0 if (queueN >= queue1) result = queue1 return result } function drop() { queue1 += 1 if (queue1 > queueN) { queue1 = 1; queueN = 0; } } function compare(st, nm) { old = peek() if (old == 0) { # This new test wasn't run last time. if (verbose >= 2) printf("NA->%s:%s\n", st, nm) } else { # Compare this new test to the first queued old one. if (verbose >= 4) { printf("Comparing two lines:\n O:%s:%s\n N:%s:%s\n", status[old], nm[old], st, nm) } if (name[old] != nm) { # The old test wasn't run this time and # the new test wasn't run last time. if (verbose >= 2) { printf("%s->NA:%s\n", status[old], name[old]) if (nm != "") printf("NA->%s:%s\n", st, nm) } drop() } else { notable = 0 if (status[old] == st) { # Status of this test has not changed. if (verbose >= 3) printf("%s:%s\n", st, nm) } else if(status[old] == "PASS" && st == "XFAIL") { if (verbose >= 1) notable = 1 } else if(status[old] == "PASS" || st == "FAIL") { # Test did pass but doesn't now # or didn't fail but does now. notable = 1 } else if(st == "PASS") { # Test didn't pass but does now. if (verbose >= 1) notable = 1 } else if(verbose >= 2) { # Miscellaneous status change. notable = 1 } if (notable > 0) printf("%s->%s:%s\n", status[old], st, nm) drop() } } } /^O:/ { while (old = peek()) { if (name[old] == \$3) break; # The queued test is no longer run. compare("", ""); } # Save this test for later comparison. push(\$2, \$3) } /^N:/ { compare(\$2, \$3) } END { while (old = peek()) compare("", "") } EOF sort -m -s -t : -k 3b /tmp/o$$-$OBASE /tmp/n$$-$NBASE | awk -v verbose=$verbose -f compare-$$.awk /dev/stdin # Delete the temporary files. rm -f compare-$$.awk /tmp/o$$-$OBASE /tmp/n$$-$NBASE exit 0