// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "runtime.h" #include "array.h" #include "go-panic.h" #include "go-string.h" uint32 runtime_panicking; int32 runtime_gotraceback(void) { const byte *p; p = runtime_getenv("GOTRACEBACK"); if(p == nil || p[0] == '\0') return 1; // default is on return runtime_atoi(p); } static Lock paniclk; void runtime_startpanic(void) { M *m; m = runtime_m(); if(m->dying) { runtime_printf("panic during panic\n"); runtime_exit(3); } m->dying = 1; runtime_xadd(&runtime_panicking, 1); runtime_lock(&paniclk); } void runtime_dopanic(int32 unused __attribute__ ((unused))) { G* g; static bool didothers; g = runtime_g(); if(g->sig != 0) runtime_printf("[signal %x code=%p addr=%p]\n", g->sig, (void*)(g->sigcode0), (void*)(g->sigcode1)); if(runtime_gotraceback()){ if(g != runtime_m()->g0) { runtime_printf("\n"); runtime_goroutineheader(g); runtime_traceback(); runtime_goroutinetrailer(g); } if(!didothers) { didothers = true; runtime_tracebackothers(g); } } runtime_unlock(&paniclk); if(runtime_xadd(&runtime_panicking, -1) != 0) { // Some other m is panicking too. // Let it print what it needs to print. // Wait forever without chewing up cpu. // It will exit when it's done. static Lock deadlock; runtime_lock(&deadlock); runtime_lock(&deadlock); } runtime_exit(2); } void runtime_throw(const char *s) { runtime_startpanic(); runtime_printf("throw: %s\n", s); runtime_dopanic(0); *(int32*)0 = 0; // not reached runtime_exit(1); // even more not reached } void runtime_panicstring(const char *s) { Eface err; if(runtime_m()->gcing) { runtime_printf("panic: %s\n", s); runtime_throw("panic during gc"); } runtime_newErrorString(runtime_gostringnocopy((const byte*)s), &err); runtime_panic(err); } static int32 argc; static byte** argv; extern Slice os_Args asm ("os.Args"); extern Slice syscall_Envs asm ("syscall.Envs"); void (*runtime_sysargs)(int32, uint8**); void runtime_args(int32 c, byte **v) { argc = c; argv = v; if(runtime_sysargs != nil) runtime_sysargs(c, v); } void runtime_goargs(void) { String *s; int32 i; // for windows implementation see "os" package if(Windows) return; s = runtime_malloc(argc*sizeof s[0]); for(i=0; ifastrand; x += x; if(x & 0x80000000L) x ^= 0x88888eefUL; m->fastrand = x; return x; } static struct root_list runtime_roots = { nil, { { &syscall_Envs, sizeof syscall_Envs }, { &os_Args, sizeof os_Args }, { nil, 0 } }, }; void runtime_check(void) { __go_register_gc_roots(&runtime_roots); } int64 runtime_cputicks(void) { #if defined(__386__) || defined(__x86_64__) uint32 low, high; asm("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high)); return (int64)(((uint64)high << 32) | (uint64)low); #else // FIXME: implement for other processors. return 0; #endif } bool runtime_showframe(const unsigned char *s) { static int32 traceback = -1; if(traceback < 0) traceback = runtime_gotraceback(); return traceback > 1 || (s != nil && __builtin_strchr((const char*)s, '.') != nil && __builtin_memcmp(s, "runtime.", 7) != 0); } bool runtime_isInf(float64 f, int32 sign) { if(!__builtin_isinf(f)) return false; if(sign == 0) return true; if(sign > 0) return f > 0; return f < 0; }