#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Helper to enforce array-ness. proc makearray {name} { upvar $name ary set ary(_) 1 unset ary(_) } # Verbose printer. proc verbose {text} { # puts stderr $text } # This maps a name to its style: # * bc objects in this package and all its sub-packages # are to be compiled with the BC ABI. It is an error # for sub-packages to also appear in the map. # * package # objects in this package (and possibly sub-packages, # if they do not appear in the map) will be compiled en masse # from source into a single object, using the C++ ABI. # * ordinary # objects in this package (and possibly sub-packages # if they do not appear in the map) will be compiled one at # a time into separate .o files. # * ignore # objects in this package are not used. Note however that # most ignored files are actually handled by listing them in # 'standard.omit' # # If a package does not appear in the map, the default is 'package'. global package_map set package_map(.) package # These are ignored in Classpath. set package_map(gnu/test) ignore set package_map(gnu/javax/swing/plaf/gtk) ignore # This package doesn't really work yet, and seems to trigger bug #26390 set package_map(gnu/java/awt/peer/swing) ignore set package_map(gnu/xml) bc set package_map(javax/imageio) bc set package_map(javax/xml) bc set package_map(gnu/java/beans) bc set package_map(gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk) bc set package_map(gnu/java/awt/peer/qt) bc set package_map(gnu/javax/sound/midi) bc set package_map(org/xml) bc set package_map(org/w3c) bc set package_map(javax/rmi) bc set package_map(org/omg) bc set package_map(gnu/CORBA) bc set package_map(gnu/javax/rmi) bc # This is handled specially by the Makefile. # We still want it byte-compiled so it isn't in the .omit file. set package_map(gnu/gcj/tools/gcj_dbtool/Main.java) ignore # These are handled specially. If we list Class.java with other files # in java.lang, we hit a compiler bug. set package_map(java/lang/Class.java) ignore set package_map(java/lang/Object.java) ignore # More special cases. These end up in their own library. # Note that if we BC-compile AWT we must update these as well. set package_map(gnu/gcj/xlib) package set package_map(gnu/awt/xlib) package # Some BC ABI packages have classes which must not be compiled BC. # This maps such packages to a grep expression for excluding such # classes. global exclusion_map makearray exclusion_map # set exclusion_map(java/awt) AWTPermission # This maps a package name to a list of corresponding .java file base # names. The package name will either appear as a key in package_map, # or it will be '.' for the default. global name_map makearray name_map # This maps a java file base name, like 'java/lang/Object.java', to # the source directory in which it resides. We keep a layer of # indirection here so that we can override sources in Classpath with # our own sources. global dir_map makearray dir_map # List of all '@' files that we are going to compile. set package_files {} # List of all header file variables. set header_vars {} # List of all BC object files. set bc_objects {} # List of regexps for matching ignored files. set ignore_rx_list {} # Return true if a given file should be ignored. # The argument is the path name including the package part. proc ignore_file_p {file} { global ignore_rx_list foreach rx $ignore_rx_list { if {[regexp -- $rx $file]} { verbose "ignoring $file for $rx" return 1 } } return 0 } # Read a '.omit' file and update the internal data structures. proc read_omit_file {name} { global ignore_rx_list set fd [open $name r] while {! [eof $fd]} { set line [gets $fd] # Classpath's entries bogusly start with "../". if {[string match ../* $line]} { set line [string range $line 3 end] } if {$line != ""} { lappend ignore_rx_list $line } } close $fd } # Classify a single source file. proc classify_source_file {basedir file} { global package_map name_map dir_map if {[ignore_file_p $file]} { return } set seen [info exists dir_map($file)] set dir_map($file) $basedir set pkg $file while {1} { if {[info exists package_map($pkg)]} { # If the entry for '.' is 'package', then set up a new entry for # the file's package. if {$pkg == "." && $package_map($pkg) == "package"} { set pkg [file dirname $file] set package_map($pkg) package } verbose "classify succeeded: $file -> $pkg" if {! $seen} { lappend name_map($pkg) $file } return } set pkg [file dirname $pkg] } error "can't happen" } # Scan a directory and its subdirectories for .java source files. # Note that we keep basedir and subdir separate so we can properly # update our global data structures. proc scan_directory {basedir subdir} { global dir_map set subdirs {} set files {} set here [pwd] cd $basedir/$subdir foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain *]] { if {[string match *.java $file]} { lappend files $subdir/$file } elseif {[file isdirectory $file]} { lappend subdirs $subdir/$file } } cd $here # Recurse first, so that we don't create new packages too eagerly. foreach dir $subdirs { scan_directory $basedir $dir } foreach file $files { classify_source_file $basedir $file } } # Scan known packages beneath the base directory for .java source # files. proc scan_packages {basedir} { foreach subdir {gnu java javax org} { if {[file exists $basedir/$subdir]} { scan_directory $basedir $subdir } } } # Emit a rule for a 'bc' package. proc emit_bc_rule {package} { global package_map exclusion_map bc_objects if {$package == "."} { set pkgname ordinary } else { set pkgname $package } set varname [join [split $pkgname /] _]_source_files set loname [join [split $pkgname /] -].lo set tname [join [split $pkgname /] -].list puts "$loname: \$($varname)" # Create a temporary list file and then compile it. This works # around the libtool problem mentioned in PR 21058. classpath was # built first, so the class files are to be found there. set omit "" if {[info exists exclusion_map($package)]} { set omit "| grep -v $exclusion_map($package)" } puts "\t@find classpath/lib/$package -name '*.class'${omit} > $tname" puts "\t\$(LTGCJCOMPILE) -fjni -findirect-dispatch -c -o $loname @$tname" puts "\t@rm -f $tname" puts "" # We skip these because they are built into their own libraries and # are handled specially in Makefile.am. if {$loname != "gnu-java-awt-peer-gtk.lo" && $loname != "gnu-java-awt-peer-qt.lo"} { lappend bc_objects $loname } } # Emit a rule for a 'package' package. proc emit_package_rule {package} { global package_map exclusion_map package_files if {$package == "."} { set pkgname ordinary } else { set pkgname $package } set varname [join [split $pkgname /] _]_source_files set base $pkgname set lname $base.list set dname $base.deps # A rule to make the phony file we are going to compile. puts "$lname: \$($varname)" puts "\t@\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(dir \$@)" puts "\t@for file in \$($varname); do \\" puts "\t if test -f \$(srcdir)/\$\$file; then \\" puts "\t echo \$(srcdir)/\$\$file; \\" puts "\t else echo \$\$file; fi; \\" puts "\tdone > $lname" puts "" puts "-include $dname" puts "" puts "" if {$pkgname != "gnu/gcj/xlib" && $pkgname != "gnu/awt/xlib"} { lappend package_files $lname } } # Emit a source file variable for a package, and corresponding header # file variable, if needed. proc emit_source_var {package} { global package_map name_map dir_map header_vars if {$package == "."} { set pkgname ordinary } else { set pkgname $package } set uname [join [split $pkgname /] _] set varname ${uname}_source_files puts -nonewline "$varname =" makearray dirs foreach base [lsort $name_map($package)] { # Terminate previous line. puts " \\" # Having files start with './' is ugly and confuses the automake # "dirstamp" code; see automake PR 461. set ndir $dir_map($base)/ if {$ndir == "./"} { set ndir "" } puts -nonewline "${ndir}${base}" set dirs($dir_map($base)) 1 } puts "" puts "" if {$package_map($package) != "bc"} { # Ugly code to build up the appropriate patsubst. set result "\$(patsubst %.java,%.h,\$($varname))" foreach dir [lsort [array names dirs]] { if {$dir != "."} { set result "\$(patsubst $dir/%,%,$result)" } } if {$package == "." || $package == "java/lang"} { # Ugly hack. set result "\$(filter-out java/lang/Object.h java/lang/Class.h,$result)" } puts "${uname}_header_files = $result" puts "" if {$pkgname != "gnu/gcj/xlib" && $pkgname != "gnu/awt/xlib"} { lappend header_vars "${uname}_header_files" } } } # Pretty-print a Makefile variable. proc pp_var {name valueList {pre ""} {post ""}} { puts "" puts -nonewline "$name =" foreach val $valueList { puts " \\" puts -nonewline " ${pre}${val}${post}" } puts "" } # Read the proper .omit files. read_omit_file standard.omit.in read_omit_file classpath/lib/standard.omit # Scan classpath first. scan_packages classpath scan_packages classpath/external/sax scan_packages classpath/external/w3c_dom # Now scan our own files; this will correctly override decisions made # when scanning classpath. scan_packages . # Files created by the build. classify_source_file . java/lang/ConcreteProcess.java classify_source_file classpath java/util/LocaleData.java classify_source_file classpath gnu/classpath/Configuration.java puts "## This file was automatically generated by scripts/makemake.tcl" puts "## Do not edit!" puts "" foreach package [lsort [array names package_map]] { if {$package_map($package) == "ignore"} { continue } if {! [info exists name_map($package)]} { continue } emit_source_var $package if {$package_map($package) == "bc"} { emit_bc_rule $package } elseif {$package_map($package) == "ordinary"} { # Nothing in particular to do here. } elseif {$package_map($package) == "package"} { emit_package_rule $package } else { error "unrecognized type: $package_map($package)" } } pp_var all_packages_source_files $package_files pp_var ordinary_header_files $header_vars "\$(" ")" pp_var bc_objects $bc_objects