/** * D header file for GNU stdio. * * Copyright: Danny Milosavljevic 2014 * License: Boost License 1.0. * Authors: Danny Milosavljevic */ module core.sys.linux.stdio; version (CRuntime_Glibc): public import core.sys.posix.stdio; import core.sys.posix.sys.types : ssize_t, off64_t = off_t; import core.sys.linux.config : __USE_FILE_OFFSET64; import core.stdc.stdio : FILE; import core.stdc.stddef : wchar_t; extern(C) nothrow { alias ssize_t function(void *cookie, char *buf, size_t size) cookie_read_function_t; alias ssize_t function(void *cookie, const(char) *buf, size_t size) cookie_write_function_t; alias int function(void *cookie, off64_t *offset, int whence) cookie_seek_function_t; alias int function(void *cookie) cookie_close_function_t; struct cookie_io_functions_t { cookie_read_function_t read; cookie_write_function_t write; cookie_seek_function_t seek; cookie_close_function_t close; } FILE* fopencookie(in void* cookie, in char* mode, cookie_io_functions_t io_funcs); void setbuffer(FILE *stream, char *buf, size_t size); // note: _DEFAULT_SOURCE } unittest { static int flag = 0; static int written = 0; static int closed = 0; // Note: this test needs to run on both a 32 and a 64 bit machine, both have to pass. import core.stdc.errno : errno, EBADF; //import core.sys.posix.sys.stat : off64_t; import core.stdc.stdio : FILE, fflush, fileno, fprintf, fgetc, EOF, fclose; import core.stdc.string : memcpy, memset; extern (C) ssize_t specialRead(void *cookie, char *buf, size_t size) nothrow { memset(buf, 'a', size); return size; } extern (C) int specialClose(void* cookie) nothrow { ++closed; return 0; } extern (C) ssize_t specialWrite(void *cookie, const(char) *buf, size_t size) nothrow { int* c = cast(int*) cookie; flag = *c; written += size; return size; } int dummy = 42; cookie_io_functions_t fns = { read: &specialRead, write: &specialWrite, close: &specialClose, }; FILE* f = fopencookie(&dummy, "r+", fns); assert(f !is null); //File.open(); //auto g = File(f); assert(fileno(f) == -1 && errno == EBADF); assert(fprintf(f, "hello") == "hello".length); //assert(errno == EBADF); assert(fflush(f) == 0); assert(written == "hello".length); // Note: do not swap reading and writing here. int c = 0; while ((c = fgetc(f)) != EOF) { assert(c == 'a'); break; // endless otherwise } assert(c == 'a'); assert(fclose(f) == 0); assert(closed == 1); assert(flag == dummy); //stdin.getFP(); //assert(stdin.fileno() == 0); } unittest { /* setbuffer */ char buf; int c; byte[10] dummy = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; FILE* f = fmemopen(dummy.ptr, 10, "r"); assert(f !is null); setbuffer(f, &buf, 1); assert(fgetc(f) == 1); assert(fgetc(f) == 2); assert(fgetc(f) == 3); assert(fgetc(f) == 4); assert(fclose(f) == 0); }