C++ 2011 ISO C++ 2011 This table is based on the table of contents of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Doc No: N3290 Date: 2011-04-11 Final Draft International Standard, Standard for Programming Language C++ In this implementation the -std=gnu++11 or -std=c++11 flag must be used to enable language and library features. See dialect options. The pre-defined symbol __cplusplus is used to check for the presence of the required flag. GCC 5.1 was the first release with non-experimental C++11 support, so the API and ABI of features added in C++11 is only stable since that release. This status table is based on the table of contents of ISO/IEC 14882:2011. This section describes the C++11 support in mainline GCC, not in any particular release. C++ 2011 Implementation Status Section Description Status Comments 18 Language support 18.1 General 18.2 Types Y 18.3 Implementation properties 18.3.2 Numeric Limits Class template numeric_limits Y numeric_limits members Y float_round_style N float_denorm_style N numeric_limits specializations Y 18.3.3 C Library Y 18.4 Integer types 18.4.1 Header <cstdint> synopsis Y 18.5 Start and termination Partial C library dependency for quick_exit, at_quick_exit 18.6 Dynamic memory management Y 18.7 Type identification 18.7.1 Class type_info Y 18.7.2 Class bad_cast Y 18.7.3 Class bad_typeid Y 18.8 Exception handling 18.8.1 Class exception Y 18.8.2 Class bad_exception Y 18.8.3 Abnormal termination Y 18.8.4 uncaught_exception Y 18.8.5 Exception Propagation Y 18.8.6 nested_exception Y 18.9 Initializer lists 18.9.1 Initializer list constructors Y 18.9.2 Initializer list access Y 18.9.3 Initializer list range access Y 18.10 Other runtime support Y 19 Diagnostics 19.1 General 19.2 Exception classes Y 19.3 Assertions Y 19.4 Error numbers Y 19.5 System error support 19.5.1 Class error_category Y 19.5.2 Class error_code Y 19.5.3 Class error_condition Y 19.5.4 Comparison operators Y 19.5.5 Class system_error Y 20 General utilities 20.1 General 20.2 Utility components 20.2.1 Operators Y 20.2.2 swap Y 20.2.3 forward/move helpers Y 20.2.4 Function template declval Y 20.3 Pairs 20.3.1 In general 20.3.2 Class template pair Y 20.3.3 Specialized algorithms Y 20.3.4 Tuple-like access to pair Y 20.3.5 Piecewise construction Y 20.4 Tuples 20.4.1 In general 20.4.2 Class template tuple Construction Y Assignment Y Swap Y Tuple creation functions Y Tuple helper classes Y Element access Y Relational operators Y Tuple traits Y Tuple specialized algorithms Y 20.5 Class template bitset Y 20.5.1 bitset constructors Y 20.5.2 bitset members Y 20.5.3 bitset hash support Y 20.5.4 bitset operators Y 20.6 Memory 20.6.1 In general 20.6.2 Header <memory> synopsis 20.6.3 Pointer traits Y 20.6.4 Pointer safety Y 20.6.5 Align Y 20.6.6 Allocator argument tag Y 20.6.7 uses_allocator Y 20.6.8 Allocator traits Y 20.6.9 The default allocator Y 20.6.10 Raw storage iterator Y 20.6.11 Temporary buffers Y 20.6.12 Specialized algorithms addressof Y uninitialized_copy Y uninitialized_fill Y uninitialized_fill_n Y 20.6.13 C library Y 20.7 Smart pointers 20.7.1 Class template unique_ptr Y 20.7.2 Shared-ownership pointers Class bad_weak_ptr Y Class template shared_ptr Y Uses code from boost::shared_ptr. Class template weak_ptr Y Class template enable_shared_from_this Y shared_ptr atomic access Y Smart pointer hash support Y 20.8 Function objects 20.8.1 Definitions 20.8.2 Requirements 20.8.3 Class template reference_wrapper Y 20.8.4 Arithmetic operation Y 20.8.5 Comparisons Y 20.8.6 Logical operations Y 20.8.7 Bitwise operations Y 20.8.8 Negators Y 20.8.9 Function template bind Y 20.8.10 Function template mem_fn Y 20.8.11 Polymorphic function wrappers Class bad_function_call Y Class template function Partial Missing allocator support 20.8.12 Class template hash Y 20.9 Metaprogramming and type traits 20.9.1 Requirements Y 20.9.2 Header <type_traits> synopsis 20.9.3 Helper classes Y 20.9.4 Unary Type Traits Y Primary type categories Y Composite type traits Y Type properties Y 20.9.5 Type property queries Y 20.9.6 Relationships between types Y 20.9.7 Transformations between types Const-volatile modifications Y Reference modifications Y Sign modifications Y Array modifications Y Pointer modifications Y Other transformations Y 20.10 Compile-time rational arithmetic 20.10.1 In general 20.10.2 Header <ratio> synopsis 20.10.3 Class template ratio Y 20.10.4 Arithmetic on ratios Y 20.10.5 Comparison of ratios Y 20.10.6 SI types for ratio Y 20.11 Time utilities 20.11.3 Clock requirements Y 20.11.4 Time-related traits treat_as_floating_point Y duration_values Y Specializations of common_type Y 20.11.5 Class template duration Y 20.11.6 Class template time_point Y 20.11.7 Clocks Class system_clock Y Class steady_clock Y Class high_resolution_clock Y 20.11.8 Date and time functions Y 20.12 Scoped allocator adaptor Y 20.12.1 Header <scoped_allocator> synopsis 20.12.2 Scoped allocator adaptor member types Y 20.12.3 Scoped allocator adaptor constructors Y 20.12.4 Scoped allocator adaptor members Y 20.12.5 Scoped allocator operators Y 20.13 Class type_index Y 21 Strings 21.1 General Y 21.2 Character traits 21.2.1 Character traits requirements Y 21.2.2 traits typedefs Y 21.2.3 char_traits specializations struct char_traits<char> Y struct char_traits<char16_t> Y struct char_traits<char32_t> Y struct char_traits<wchar_t> Y 21.3 String classes Y 21.4 Class template basic_string Y 21.5 Numeric Conversions Y 21.6 Hash support Y 21.7 Null-terminated sequence utilities Partial C library dependency. 22 Localization 22.1 General Y 22.2 Header <locale> synopsis Y 22.3 Locales 22.3.1 Class locale Y 22.3.2 locale globals Y 22.3.3 Convenience interfaces Character classification Y Conversions Character conversions Y string conversions Y Buffer conversions Y 22.4 Standard locale categories 22.4.1 The ctype category Y 22.4.2 The numeric category num_get Y num_put Y 22.4.3 The numeric punctuation facet Y 22.4.4 The collate category Y 22.4.5 The time category Class template time_get Y Class template time_get_byname Y Class template time_put Y Class template time_put_byname Y 22.4.6 The monetary category Class template money_get Y Class template money_put Y Class template money_punct Y Class template money_punct_byname Y 22.4.7 The message retrieval category Y 22.4.8 Program-defined facets Y 22.5 Standard code conversion facets Y 22.6 C Library Locales Y 23 Containers 23.1 General 23.2 Container requirements 23.2.1 General container requirements Y 23.2.2 Container data races Y 23.2.3 Sequence containers Y 23.2.4 Associative containers Y 23.2.5 Unordered associative containers Y 23.3 Sequence containers 23.3.2 Class template array Y 23.3.3 Class template deque Y 23.3.4 Class template forward_list Y 23.3.5 Class template list Y 23.3.6 Class template vector Y 23.3.7 Class vector<bool> Y 23.4 Associative containers 23.4.4 Class template map Y 23.4.5 Class template multimap Y 23.4.6 Class template set Y 23.4.7 Class template multiset Y 23.5 Unordered associative containers 23.5.4 Class template unordered_map Y 23.5.5 Class template unordered_multimap Y 23.5.6 Class template unordered_set Y 23.5.7 Class template unordered_multiset Y 23.6 Container adaptors 23.6.1 Class template queue Y 23.6.2 Class template priority_queue Y 23.6.3 Class template stack Y 24 Iterators 24.1 General Y 24.2 Iterator requirements Y 24.3 Header <iterator> synopsis Y 24.4 Iterator primitives Y 24.5 Iterator adaptors 24.5.1 Reverse iterators Y 24.5.2 Insert iterators Y 24.5.3 Move iterators Y 24.6 Stream iterators 24.6.1 Class template istream_iterator Y 24.6.2 Class template ostream_iterator Y 24.6.3 Class template istreambuf_iterator Y 24.6.4 Class template ostreambuf_iterator Y 24.6.5 range access Y 25 Algorithms 25.1 General 25.2 Non-modifying sequence operations Y 25.3 Mutating sequence operations Y 25.4 Sorting and related operations Y 25.5 C library algorithms Y 26 Numerics 26.1 General 26.2 Numeric type requirements Y 26.3 The floating-point environment Y 26.4 Complex numbers Y 26.5 Random number generation 26.5.1 Requirements 26.5.2 Header <random> synopsis 26.5.3 Random number engine class templates Class template linear_congruential_engine Y Class template mersenne_twister_engine Y Class template subtract_with_carry_engine Y 26.5.4 Random number engine adaptor class templates Class template discard_block_engine Y Class template independent_bits_engine Y Class template shuffle_order_engine Y 26.5.5 Engines and engine adaptors with predefined parameters Y 26.5.6 Class random_device Y 26.5.7 Utilities Class seed_seq Y Function template generate_canonical Y 26.5.8 Random number distribution class templates Uniform distributions Class template uniform_int_distribution Y Class template uniform_real_distribution Y Bernoulli distributions Class bernoulli_distribution Y Class template binomial_distribution Y Class template geometric_distribution Y Class template negative_binomial_distribution Y Poisson distributions Class template poisson_distribution Y Class template exponential_distribution Y Class template gamma_distribution Y Class template weibull_distribution Y Class template extreme_value_distribution Y Normal distributions Class template normal_distribution Y Class template lognormal_distribution Y Class template chi_squared_distribution Y Class template cauchy_distribution Y Class template fisher_f_distribution Y Class template student_t_distribution Y Sampling distributions Class template discrete_distribution Y Class template piecewise_constant_distribution Y Class template piecewise_linear_distribution Y 26.6 Numeric arrays 26.6.1 Header <valarray> synopsis Y 26.6.2 Class template valarray Y 26.6.3 valarray non-member operations Y 26.6.4 Class slice Y 26.6.5 Class template slice_array Y 26.6.6 The gslice class Y 26.6.7 Class template gslice_array Y 26.6.8 Class template mask_array Y 26.6.9 Class template indirect_array Y 26.6.10 valarray range access Y 26.7 Generalized numeric operations 26.7.1 Header <numeric> synopsis Y 26.7.2 Accumulate> Y 26.7.3 Inner product Y 26.7.4 Partial sum Y 26.7.5 Adjacent difference Y 26.7.6 Iota Y 26.8 C Library Y 27 Input/output library 27.1 General Y 27.2 Iostreams requirements Y 27.2.1 Imbue Limitations Y 27.2.2 Positioning Type Limitations Y 27.2.3 Thread safety Partial 27.3 Forward declarations Y 27.4 Standard iostream objects Y 27.4.1 Overview Y 27.4.2 Narrow stream objects Y 27.4.3 Wide stream objects Y 27.5 Iostreams base classes Y 27.6 Stream buffers Y 27.7 Formatting and manipulators Y 27.8 String-based streams Y 27.9 File-based streams Y 28 Regular expressions 28.1 General Y 28.2 Definitions Y 28.3 Requirements Y 28.4 Header <regex> synopsis Y 28.5 Namespace std::regex_constants Y 28.6 Class regex_error Y 28.7 Class template regex_traits Partial transform_primary is not correctly implemented 28.8 Class template basic_regex Y 28.9 Class template sub_match Y 28.10 Class template match_results Y 28.11 Regular expression algorithms Y 28.12 Regular expression Iterators Y 28.13 Modified ECMAScript regular expression grammar Y 29 Atomic operations 29.1 General Y 29.2 Header <atomic> synopsis Y 29.3 Order and consistency Y 29.4 Lock-free property Y 29.5 Atomic types Y 29.6 Operations on atomic types Y 29.7 Flag Type and operations Y 29.8 Fences Y 30 Thread support 30.1 General Y 30.2 Requirements Y 30.3 Threads 30.3.1 Class thread Partial thread::id comparisons not well-defined 30.3.2 Namespace this_thread Y 30.4 Mutual exclusion 30.4.1 Mutex requirements In general Mutex types Class mutex Y Class recursive_mutex Y Timed mutex types Class timed_mutex Y Class recursive_timed_mutex Y 30.4.2 Locks Class template lock_guard Y Class template unique_lock Y 30.4.3 Generic locking algorithms Y 30.4.4 Call once Struct once_flag Y Function call_once Y Exception support is broken on non-Linux targets. See PR 66146. 30.5 Condition variables Y 30.5.1 Class condition_variable Y 30.5.2 Class condition_variable_any Y 30.6 Futures 30.6.1 Overview 30.6.2 Error handling Y 30.6.3 Class future_error Y 30.6.4 Shared state Y 30.6.5 Class template promise Y 30.6.6 Class template future Y 30.6.7 Class template shared_future Y 30.6.8 Function template async Y 30.6.9 Class template packaged_task Y Appendix D Compatibility features D.1 Increment operator with bool operand D.2 register keyword D.3 Implicit declaration of copy functions D.4 Dynamic exception specifications D.5 C standard library headers Y D.6 Old iostreams members Y D.7 char* streams Y D.8 Function objects Y D.9 Binders Y D.10 auto_ptr Y D.11 Violating exception-specifications Y
Implementation Specific Behavior For behaviour which is also specified by the 1998 and 2003 standards, see C++ 1998/2003 Implementation Specific Behavior. This section only documents behaviour which is new in the 2011 standard. [res.on.exception.handling] There are no implementation-defined exception classes, only standard exception classes (or classes derived from them) will be thrown. [value.error.codes] The error_category for errors originating outside the OS, and the possible error code values for each error category, should be documented here. [new.badlength] what() returns "std::bad_array_new_length". [allocator.member]/5 Over-aligned types are not supported by std::allocator. [util.smartptr.shared.const] When a shared_ptr constructor fails bad_alloc (or types derived from it) will be thrown, or when an allocator is passed to the constructor then any exceptions thrown by the allocator. [util.smartptr.weakptr] what() returns "bad_weak_ptr". [func.bind.place]/1 There are 29 placeholders defined and the placeholder types are CopyAssignable. [time.clock.system]/3, /4 Time point values are truncated to time_t values. There is no loss of precision for conversions in the other direction. 20.15.7 [meta.trans]/2 aligned_storage does not support extended alignment. [char.traits.specializations.char16_t], [char.traits.specializations.char32_t] The types u16streampos and u32streampos are both synonyms for fpos<mbstate_t>. The function eof returns int_type(-1). char_traits<char16_t>::to_int_type will transform the "noncharacter" U+FFFF to U+FFFD (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER). This is done to ensure that to_int_type never returns the same value as eof, which is U+FFFF. 22.3.1 [locale] There is one global locale for the whole program, not per-thread. [locale.time.get.virtuals], [locale.time.put.virtuals] Additional supported formats should be documented here. [locale.messages.virtuals] The mapping should be documented here. [array.overview] array<T, N>::iterator is T* and array<T, N>::const_iterator is const T*. [unord.map.cnstr], [unord.multimap.cnstr], [unord.set.cnstr], [unord.multiset.cnstr] The default minimal bucket count is 0 for the default constructors, range constructors and initializer-list constructors. 25.3.12 [alg.random.shuffle] The two-argument overload of random_shuffle uses rand as the source of randomness. 26.5.5 [rand.predef] The type default_random_engine is a synonym for minstd_rand0. 26.5.6 [rand.device] The token parameter of the random_device constructor can be used to select a specific source of random bytes. The valid token values are shown in the list below. The default constructor uses the token "default". "default" Select the first available source from the other entries below. This is the only token that is always valid. "rand_s" Use the MSVCRT rand_s function. This token is only valid for mingw-w64 targets. "rdseed" "rdrand" or "rdrnd" Use the IA-32 RDSEED or RDRAND instruction to read from an on-chip hardware random number generator. These tokens are only valid for x86 and x86_64 targets when both the assembler and CPU support the corresponding instruction. "darn" Use the Power ISA-3.0 DARN ("Deliver A Random Number") instruction to read from an on-chip hardware random number generator. This token is only valid for 64-bit powerpc targets when both the assembler and CPU support the corresponding instruction. "hw" "hardware" Use any available CPU instruction to read from an on-chip hardware random number generator. This is equivalent to trying each of the following and using the first that is supported: "rdseed" "rdrand" "darn" "arc4random" "getentropy" Use the named C library function, if available on the target. "/dev/urandom" "/dev/random" Use the named character special file to read random bytes from. These tokens are only valid when the device files are present and readable by the current user. "mt19937" seed value When no source of nondeterministic random numbers is available a mersenne_twister_engine will be used. An integer seed value can be used as the token and will be converted to an unsigned long using strtoul. These tokens are only valid when no other source of random bytes is available. An exception of type runtime_error will be thrown if a random_device object is constructed with an invalid token, or if it cannot open or read from the source of random bytes. [rand.dist.general] The algorithms used by the distributions should be documented here. 26.8 [c.math] Whether the rand function introduces data races depends on the C library as the function is not provided by libstdc++. [stringbuf.cons] Whether the sequence pointers are copied by the basic_stringbuf move constructor should be documented here. [filebuf.cons] Whether the sequence pointers are copied by the basic_filebuf move constructor should be documented here. 28.5.1 [re.synopt], 28.5.2 [re.matchflag] , 28.5.3 [re.err] syntax_option_type, match_flag_type and error_type are unscoped enumeration types. 28.7 [re.traits] The blank character class corresponds to the ctype_base::blank mask. 29.4 [atomics.lockfree] The values of the ATOMIC_xxx_LOCK_FREE macros depend on the target and cannot be listed here. 30.2.3 [thread.req.native]/1 native_handle_type and native_handle are provided. The handle types are defined in terms of the Gthreads abstraction layer, although this is subject to change at any time. Any use of native_handle is inherently non-portable and not guaranteed to work between major releases of GCC. thread The native handle type is a typedef for __gthread_t i.e. pthread_t when GCC is configured with the posix thread model. The value of the native handle is undefined for a thread which is not joinable. mutex timed_mutex The native handle type is __gthread_mutex_t* i.e. pthread_mutex_t* for the posix thread model. recursive_mutex recursive_timed_mutex The native handle type is __gthread_recursive_mutex_t* i.e. pthread_mutex_t* for the posix thread model. condition_variable The native handle type is __gthread_cond_t* i.e. pthread_cond_t* for the posix thread model. 30.6.1 [futures.overview]/2 launch is a scoped enumeration type with overloaded operators to support bitmask operations. There are no additional bitmask elements defined.