/* Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, if you link this library with files compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ // This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- /* * a few tests for streams * */ #include #include #ifndef _OLD_STREAMS #include #include "unistd.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include class record { public: char c; int i; double d; }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, record& r) { return(s << "(i = " << r.i << " c = " << r.c << " d = " << r.d << ")"); } void t1() { char ch; assert(cout.good()); assert(cout.writable()); assert(cout.is_open()); cout << "Hello, world via cout\n"; assert(cerr.good()); assert(cerr.writable()); assert(cerr.is_open()); cerr << "Hello, world via cerr\n"; assert(cin.good()); assert(cin.readable()); assert(cin.is_open()); cout << "enter a char:"; cin >> ch; cout.put('c'); cout.put(' '); cout.put('='); cout.put(' '); cout.put('"'); cout.put(ch); cout << '"'; cout << char('\n'); assert(cin.good()); assert(cout.good()); } void t2() { int i; short h; long l; float f; double d; char s[100]; cout << "enter three integers (short, int, long):"; cin >> h; cin >> i; // cin.scan("%ld", &l); cin >> l; cout << "first = " << h << " via dec = " << dec(h, 8) << "\n"; cout << "second = " << i << form(" via form = %d = 0%o", i, i); cout.form(" via cout.form = %d = 0x%x\n", i, i); cout << "third = " << l << " via hex = " << hex(l) << "\n"; assert(cin.good()); assert(cout.good()); cout << "enter a float then a double:"; cin >> f; cin >> d; cout << "first = " << f << "\n"; cout << "second = " << d << "\n"; assert(cin.good()); assert(cout.good()); cout << "enter 5 characters separated with spaces:"; cin >> s; cout << "first = " << s << "\n"; cin.get(s, 100); cout << "rest = " << s << "\n"; assert(cin.good()); cin.width(10); cin >> s; cin.clear(); cout << "A 10-character buffer: " << s << endl; assert(cout.good()); } void t3() { char ch; cout << "\nMaking streams sout and sin..."; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS ostream sout("streamfile", io_writeonly, a_create); #else ofstream sout("streamfile"); #endif assert(sout.good()); assert(sout.is_open()); assert(sout.writable()); assert(!sout.readable()); sout << "This file has one line testing output streams.\n"; sout.close(); assert(!sout.is_open()); #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS istream sin("streamfile", io_readonly, a_useonly); #else ifstream sin("streamfile"); #endif assert(sin.good()); assert(sin.is_open()); assert(!sin.writable()); assert(sin.readable()); cout << "contents of file:\n"; while(sin >> ch) cout << ch; sin.close(); assert(!sin.is_open()); } void t4() { char s[100]; char ch; int i; cout << "\nMaking File tf ... "; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS File tf("tempfile", io_readwrite, a_create); #else fstream tf("tempfile", ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc); #endif assert(tf.good()); assert(tf.is_open()); assert(tf.writable()); assert(tf.readable()); strcpy(s, "This is the first and only line of this file.\n"); #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS tf.put(s); tf.seek(0); #else tf << s; tf.rdbuf()->seekoff(0, ios::beg); #endif tf.get(s, 100); assert(tf.good()); cout << "first line of file:\n" << s << "\n"; cout << "next char = "; tf.get(ch); cout << (int)ch; cout.put('\n'); assert(ch == 10); strcpy(s, "Now there is a second line.\n"); cout << "reopening tempfile, appending: " << s; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS tf.open(tf.name(), io_appendonly, a_use); #else tf.close(); tf.open("tempfile", ios::app); #endif assert(tf.good()); assert(tf.is_open()); assert(tf.writable()); assert(!tf.readable()); #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS tf.put(s); assert(tf.good()); tf.open(tf.name(), io_readonly, a_use); #else tf << s; assert(tf.good()); tf.close(); tf.open("tempfile", ios::in); #endif tf.raw(); assert(tf.good()); assert(tf.is_open()); assert(!tf.writable()); assert(tf.readable()); cout << "First 10 chars via raw system read after reopen for input:\n"; read(tf.filedesc(), s, 10); assert(tf.good()); for (i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) cout.put(s[i]); lseek(tf.filedesc(), 5, 0); cout << "\nContents after raw lseek to pos 5:\n"; while ( (tf.get(ch)) && (cout.put(ch)) ); #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS tf.remove(); #else tf.close(); unlink("tempfile"); #endif assert(!tf.is_open()); } void t5() { record r; int i; cout << "\nMaking SFile rf..."; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS SFile rf("recfile", sizeof(record), io_readwrite, a_create); #else SFile rf("recfile", sizeof(record), ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc); #endif assert(rf.good()); assert(rf.is_open()); assert(rf.writable()); assert(rf.readable()); for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { r.c = i + 'a'; r.i = i; r.d = (double)(i) / 1000.0; rf.put(&r); } assert(rf.good()); cout << "odd elements of file in reverse order:\n"; for (i = 9; i >= 0; i -= 2) { rf[i].get(&r); assert(r.c == i + 'a'); assert(r.i == i); cout << r << "\n"; } assert(rf.good()); #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS rf.remove(); #else rf.close(); unlink("recfile"); #endif assert(!rf.is_open()); } void t6() { cout << "\nMaking PlotFile pf ..."; static const char plot_name[] = "plot.out"; PlotFile pf(plot_name); assert(pf.good()); assert(pf.is_open()); assert(pf.writable()); assert(!pf.readable()); pf.move(10,10); pf.label("Test"); pf.circle(300,300,200); pf.line(100, 100, 500, 500); assert(pf.good()); #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS cout << "(You may delete or attempt to plot " << pf.name() << ")\n"; #else cout << "(You may delete or attempt to plot " << plot_name << ")\n"; #endif } void t7() { char ch; static char t7_line1[] = "This is a string-based stream.\n"; static char t7_line2[] = "With two lines.\n"; char mybuf[60]; char *bufp; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS cout << "creating string-based ostream...\n"; ostream strout(60, mybuf); #else cout << "creating ostrstream...\n"; ostrstream strout(mybuf, 60); #endif assert(strout.good()); assert(strout.writable()); strout << t7_line1 << t7_line2 << ends; assert(strout.good()); cout << "with contents:\n"; bufp = strout.str(); assert(bufp == mybuf); strout.rdbuf()->freeze(0); /* Should be a no-op */ cout << mybuf; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS cout << "using it to create string-based istream...\n"; istream strin(strlen(mybuf), mybuf); #else cout << "using it to create istrstream...\n"; istrstream strin(mybuf, strlen(mybuf)); #endif assert(strin.good()); assert(strin.readable()); cout << "with contents:\n"; #ifndef _OLD_STREAMS char line[100]; strin.getline(line, 100); int line1_len = strlen(t7_line1); assert(strin.tellg() == line1_len); int line_len = strin.gcount(); assert(line_len == line1_len); cout.write(line, line1_len - 1); cout << endl; #endif while (strin.get(ch)) cout.put(ch); strstream str1; strstream str2; str1 << "Testing string-based stream using strstream.\n"; str1.seekg(0); for (;;) { int i = str1.get(); if (i == EOF) break; str2 << (char)i; } str2 << ends; cout << str2.str(); // This should make it overflow. strout << t7_line1; assert (strout.bad()); } void t8() { #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS cout << "\nThe following file open should generate error message:"; cout.flush(); File ef("shouldnotexist", io_readonly, a_useonly); #else ifstream ef("shouldnotexist"); #endif assert(!ef.good()); assert(!ef.is_open()); } void t9() { char ch; static char ffile_name[] = "ftmp"; { cout << "\nMaking filebuf streams fout and fin..."; filebuf foutbuf; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS foutbuf.open(ffile_name, output); #else foutbuf.open(ffile_name, ios::out); #endif ostream fout(&foutbuf); assert(fout.good()); assert(fout.is_open()); assert(fout.writable()); assert(!fout.readable()); fout << "This file has one line testing output streams.\n"; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS fout.close(); assert(!fout.is_open()); #endif } filebuf finbuf; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS finbuf.open(ffile_name, input); #else finbuf.open(ffile_name, ios::in); #endif istream fin(&finbuf); assert(fin.good()); assert(fin.is_open()); assert(!fin.writable()); assert(fin.readable()); cout << "contents of file:\n"; while(fin >> ch) cout << ch; #ifndef _OLD_STREAMS cout << '\n'; #endif fin.close(); assert(!fin.is_open()); } void t10() { int fileCnt = 3; char *file_name_pattern = "ftmp%d"; char current_file_name[50]; ifstream inFile; ofstream outFile; char c; int i; cout << '\n'; // Write some files. for (i=0; i < fileCnt; i++) { sprintf(current_file_name, file_name_pattern, i); outFile.open(current_file_name, ios::out); if ( outFile.fail() ) cerr << "File " << current_file_name << " can't be opened for output" << endl; else { outFile << "This is line 1 of " << current_file_name << '\n'; outFile << "This is line 2 of " << current_file_name << endl; outFile.close(); } } // Now read the files back in, and write then out to cout. for (i=0; i < fileCnt; i++) { sprintf(current_file_name, file_name_pattern, i); inFile.open(current_file_name, ios::in); if ( inFile.fail() ) cerr << "File " << current_file_name << " can't be opened for input" << endl; else { while ( inFile.get (c)) cout << c; cout << endl; inFile.close(); } } } // Test form void t11() { int count1, count2; cout.form("%.2f+%.2f = %4.3e\n%n", 5.5, 6.25, 5.5+6.25, &count1); char *text = "Previous line has12345"; char text_length_to_use = strlen(text) - 5; count2 = cout.rdbuf()->form("%-*.*s%3g characters\n", text_length_to_use + 1, text_length_to_use, text, (double)(count1-1)); cout.form("%-*.*s%+d characters\n%n", text_length_to_use + 1, text_length_to_use, text, count2-1, &count1); assert(count1 == 33); } static void show_int (long val) { cout.setf(ios::showbase); cout << dec; cout.width (8); cout << val << "(dec) = "; cout << hex; cout.width (8); cout << (0xFFFF & val) << "(hex) = "; cout << oct; cout.width (8); cout << (0xFFFF & val) << "(oct) [showbase on]\n"; cout.unsetf(ios::showbase); cout << dec; cout.width (8); cout << val << "(dec) = "; cout << hex; cout.width (8); cout << (0xFFFF & val) << "(hex) = "; cout << oct; cout.width (8); cout << (0xFFFF & val) << "(oct) [showbase off]\n"; } void t12 () { ios::fmtflags old_flags = cout.setf(ios::showpos); int fill = cout.fill('_'); cout.unsetf(ios::uppercase); cout.setf(ios::internal, ios::adjustfield); show_int(34567); show_int(-34567); cout.setf(ios::right, ios::adjustfield); show_int(0); cout.setf(ios::uppercase); cout.unsetf(ios::showpos); show_int(34567); cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield); show_int(-34567); cout.fill(fill); show_int(0); cout.setf(old_flags, ios::adjustfield|ios::basefield |ios::showbase|ios::showpos|ios::uppercase); } main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-b", 2) == 0) { streambuf *sb = cout.rdbuf(); streambuf *ret; int buffer_size = atoi(&argv[1][2]); if (buffer_size == 0) ret = sb->setbuf(NULL, 0); else ret = sb->setbuf(new char[buffer_size], buffer_size); if (ret != sb) cerr << "Warning: cout.rdbuf()->setbuf failed!\n"; } t1(); t2(); t3(); t4(); t5(); t6(); t7(); t9(); t8(); t10(); t11(); t12(); cout << "Final names & states:\n"; #ifdef _OLD_STREAMS cout << "cin: " << cin.name() << "\t" << cin.rdstate() << "\n"; cout << "cout: " << cout.name() << "\t" << cout.rdstate() << "\n"; cout << "cerr: " << cerr.name() << "\t" << cerr.rdstate() << "\n"; #else cout << "cin: " << "(stdin)" << "\t" << cin.rdstate() << "\n"; cout << "cout: " << "(stdout)" << "\t" << cout.rdstate() << "\n"; cout << "cerr: " << "(stderr)" << "\t" << cerr.rdstate() << "\n"; #endif cout << "\nend of test.\n"; }