/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hpux32.S - Copyright (c) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. (c) 2008 Red Hat, Inc. (c) 2016 John David Anglin based on src/pa/linux.S HP-UX PA Foreign Function Interface Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ``Software''), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define LIBFFI_ASM #include #include .LEVEL 1.1 .SPACE $PRIVATE$ .IMPORT $global$,DATA .IMPORT $$dyncall,MILLICODE .SUBSPA $DATA$ .align 4 /* void ffi_call_pa32(void (*)(char *, extended_cif *), extended_cif *ecif, unsigned bytes, unsigned flags, unsigned *rvalue, void (*fn)(void), ffi_go_closure *closure); */ .export ffi_call_pa32,ENTRY,PRIV_LEV=3 .import ffi_prep_args_pa32,CODE .SPACE $TEXT$ .SUBSPA $CODE$ .align 4 L$FB1 ffi_call_pa32 .proc .callinfo FRAME=64,CALLS,SAVE_RP,SAVE_SP,ENTRY_GR=4 .entry stw %rp, -20(%sp) copy %r3, %r1 L$CFI11 copy %sp, %r3 L$CFI12 /* Setup the stack for calling prep_args... We want the stack to look like this: [ Previous stack ] <- %r3 [ 64-bytes register save area ] <- %r4 [ Stack space for actual call, passed as ] <- %arg0 [ arg0 to ffi_prep_args_pa32 ] [ Stack for calling prep_args ] <- %sp */ stwm %r1, 64(%sp) stw %r4, 12(%r3) L$CFI13 copy %sp, %r4 addl %arg2, %r4, %arg0 ; arg stack stw %arg3, -48(%r3) ; save flags we need it later /* Call prep_args: %arg0(stack) -- set up above %arg1(ecif) -- same as incoming param %arg2(bytes) -- same as incoming param */ bl ffi_prep_args_pa32,%r2 ldo 64(%arg0), %sp ldo -64(%sp), %sp /* now %sp should point where %arg0 was pointing. */ /* Load the arguments that should be passed in registers The fp args are loaded by the prep_args function. */ ldw -36(%sp), %arg0 ldw -40(%sp), %arg1 ldw -44(%sp), %arg2 ldw -48(%sp), %arg3 /* in case the function is going to return a structure we need to give it a place to put the result. */ ldw -52(%r3), %ret0 ; %ret0 <- rvalue ldw -56(%r3), %r22 ; %r22 <- function to call ldw -60(%r3), %ret1 ; %ret1 <- closure bl $$dyncall, %r31 ; Call the user function copy %r31, %rp /* Prepare to store the result; we need to recover flags and rvalue. */ ldw -48(%r3), %r21 ; r21 <- flags ldw -52(%r3), %r20 ; r20 <- rvalue /* Store the result according to the return type. The most likely types should come first. */ L$checkint comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_INT, %r21, L$checkint8 b L$done stw %ret0, 0(%r20) L$checkint8 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_UINT8, %r21, L$checkint16 b L$done stb %ret0, 0(%r20) L$checkint16 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_UINT16, %r21, L$checkdbl b L$done sth %ret0, 0(%r20) L$checkdbl comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_DOUBLE, %r21, L$checkfloat b L$done fstd %fr4,0(%r20) L$checkfloat comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_FLOAT, %r21, L$checkll b L$done fstw %fr4L,0(%r20) L$checkll comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_UINT64, %r21, L$checksmst2 stw %ret0, 0(%r20) b L$done stw %ret1, 4(%r20) L$checksmst2 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT2, %r21, L$checksmst3 /* 2-byte structs are returned in ret0 as ????xxyy. */ extru %ret0, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) b L$done stb %ret0, 0(%r20) L$checksmst3 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT3, %r21, L$checksmst4 /* 3-byte structs are returned in ret0 as ??xxyyzz. */ extru %ret0, 15, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret0, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) b L$done stb %ret0, 0(%r20) L$checksmst4 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT4, %r21, L$checksmst5 /* 4-byte structs are returned in ret0 as wwxxyyzz. */ extru %ret0, 7, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret0, 15, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret0, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) b L$done stb %ret0, 0(%r20) L$checksmst5 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT5, %r21, L$checksmst6 /* 5 byte values are returned right justified: ret0 ret1 5: ??????aa bbccddee */ stbs,ma %ret0, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 7, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 15, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) b L$done stb %ret1, 0(%r20) L$checksmst6 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT6, %r21, L$checksmst7 /* 6 byte values are returned right justified: ret0 ret1 6: ????aabb ccddeeff */ extru %ret0, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) stbs,ma %ret0, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 7, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 15, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) b L$done stb %ret1, 0(%r20) L$checksmst7 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT7, %r21, L$checksmst8 /* 7 byte values are returned right justified: ret0 ret1 7: ??aabbcc ddeeffgg */ extru %ret0, 15, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret0, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) stbs,ma %ret0, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 7, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 15, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) b L$done stb %ret1, 0(%r20) L$checksmst8 comib,<>,n FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT8, %r21, L$done /* 8 byte values are returned right justified: ret0 ret1 8: aabbccdd eeffgghh */ extru %ret0, 7, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret0, 15, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret0, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) stbs,ma %ret0, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 7, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 15, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) extru %ret1, 23, 8, %r22 stbs,ma %r22, 1(%r20) stb %ret1, 0(%r20) L$done /* all done, return */ copy %r4, %sp ; pop arg stack ldw 12(%r3), %r4 ldwm -64(%sp), %r3 ; .. and pop stack ldw -20(%sp), %rp bv %r0(%rp) nop .exit .procend L$FE1 /* void ffi_closure_pa32(void); Called with closure argument in %r21 */ .SPACE $TEXT$ .SUBSPA $CODE$ .export ffi_closure_pa32,ENTRY,PRIV_LEV=3,RTNVAL=GR .import ffi_closure_inner_pa32,CODE .align 4 L$FB2 ffi_closure_pa32 .proc .callinfo FRAME=64,CALLS,SAVE_RP,SAVE_SP,ENTRY_GR=3 .entry stw %rp, -20(%sp) copy %r3, %r1 L$CFI21 copy %sp, %r3 L$CFI22 stwm %r1, 64(%sp) /* Put arguments onto the stack and call ffi_closure_inner. */ stw %arg0, -36(%r3) stw %arg1, -40(%r3) stw %arg2, -44(%r3) stw %arg3, -48(%r3) /* Closure type 0. */ copy %r21, %arg0 copy %r0, %arg2 bl ffi_closure_inner_pa32, %r2 copy %r3, %arg1 ldwm -64(%sp), %r3 ldw -20(%sp), %rp ldw -36(%sp), %ret0 bv %r0(%rp) ldw -40(%sp), %ret1 .exit .procend L$FE2: /* void ffi_go_closure_pa32(void); Called with closure argument in %ret1 */ .SPACE $TEXT$ .SUBSPA $CODE$ .export ffi_go_closure_pa32,ENTRY,PRIV_LEV=3,RTNVAL=GR .import ffi_closure_inner_pa32,CODE .align 4 L$FB3 ffi_go_closure_pa32 .proc .callinfo FRAME=64,CALLS,SAVE_RP,SAVE_SP,ENTRY_GR=3 .entry stw %rp, -20(%sp) copy %r3, %r1 L$CFI31 copy %sp, %r3 L$CFI32 stwm %r1, 64(%sp) /* Put arguments onto the stack and call ffi_closure_inner. */ stw %arg0, -36(%r3) stw %arg1, -40(%r3) stw %arg2, -44(%r3) stw %arg3, -48(%r3) /* Closure type 1. */ copy %ret1, %arg0 ldi 1, %arg2 bl ffi_closure_inner_pa32, %r2 copy %r3, %arg1 ldwm -64(%sp), %r3 ldw -20(%sp), %rp ldw -36(%sp), %ret0 bv %r0(%rp) ldw -40(%sp), %ret1 .exit .procend L$FE3: .SPACE $PRIVATE$ .SUBSPA $DATA$ .align 4 .EXPORT _GLOBAL__F_ffi_call_pa32,DATA _GLOBAL__F_ffi_call_pa32 L$frame1: .word L$ECIE1-L$SCIE1 ;# Length of Common Information Entry L$SCIE1: .word 0x0 ;# CIE Identifier Tag .byte 0x1 ;# CIE Version .ascii "\0" ;# CIE Augmentation .uleb128 0x1 ;# CIE Code Alignment Factor .sleb128 4 ;# CIE Data Alignment Factor .byte 0x2 ;# CIE RA Column .byte 0xc ;# DW_CFA_def_cfa .uleb128 0x1e .uleb128 0x0 .align 4 L$ECIE1: L$SFDE1: .word L$EFDE1-L$ASFDE1 ;# FDE Length L$ASFDE1: .word L$ASFDE1-L$frame1 ;# FDE CIE offset .word L$FB1 ;# FDE initial location .word L$FE1-L$FB1 ;# FDE address range .byte 0x4 ;# DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .word L$CFI11-L$FB1 .byte 0x83 ;# DW_CFA_offset, column 0x3 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x11 ;# DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf; save r2 at [r30-20] .uleb128 0x2 .sleb128 -5 .byte 0x4 ;# DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .word L$CFI12-L$CFI11 .byte 0xd ;# DW_CFA_def_cfa_register = r3 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x4 ;# DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .word L$CFI13-L$CFI12 .byte 0x84 ;# DW_CFA_offset, column 0x4 .uleb128 0x3 .align 4 L$EFDE1: L$SFDE2: .word L$EFDE2-L$ASFDE2 ;# FDE Length L$ASFDE2: .word L$ASFDE2-L$frame1 ;# FDE CIE offset .word L$FB2 ;# FDE initial location .word L$FE2-L$FB2 ;# FDE address range .byte 0x4 ;# DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .word L$CFI21-L$FB2 .byte 0x83 ;# DW_CFA_offset, column 0x3 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x11 ;# DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf .uleb128 0x2 .sleb128 -5 .byte 0x4 ;# DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .word L$CFI22-L$CFI21 .byte 0xd ;# DW_CFA_def_cfa_register = r3 .uleb128 0x3 .align 4 L$EFDE2: L$SFDE3: .word L$EFDE3-L$ASFDE3 ;# FDE Length L$ASFDE3: .word L$ASFDE3-L$frame1 ;# FDE CIE offset .word L$FB3 ;# FDE initial location .word L$FE3-L$FB3 ;# FDE address range .byte 0x4 ;# DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .word L$CFI31-L$FB3 .byte 0x83 ;# DW_CFA_offset, column 0x3 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x11 ;# DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf .uleb128 0x2 .sleb128 -5 .byte 0x4 ;# DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .word L$CFI32-L$CFI31 .byte 0xd ;# DW_CFA_def_cfa_register = r3 .uleb128 0x3 .align 4 L$EFDE3: