/* * Copyright (c) 1998 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ // WARNING: The classes defined in this header are DEPRECATED. This // header is defined in section D.7.1 of the C++ standard, and it // MAY BE REMOVED in a future standard revision. You should use the // header instead. #ifndef __SGI_STL_STRSTREAM #define __SGI_STL_STRSTREAM #if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_STANDARD_C_PLUS_PLUS) #error This header file requires the -LANG:std option #endif #include #include #include #include #include __STL_BEGIN_NAMESPACE //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class strstreambuf, a streambuf class that manages an array of char. // Note that this class is not a template. class strstreambuf : public basic_streambuf > { public: // Types. typedef char_traits _Traits; typedef basic_streambuf _Base; public: // Constructor, destructor explicit strstreambuf(streamsize __initial_capacity = 0); strstreambuf(void* (*__alloc)(size_t), void (*__free)(void*)); strstreambuf(char* __get, streamsize __n, char* __put = 0); strstreambuf(signed char* __get, streamsize __n, signed char* __put = 0); strstreambuf(unsigned char* __get, streamsize __n, unsigned char* __put=0); strstreambuf(const char* __get, streamsize __n); strstreambuf(const signed char* __get, streamsize __n); strstreambuf(const unsigned char* __get, streamsize __n); virtual ~strstreambuf(); public: // strstreambuf operations. void freeze(bool = true); char* str(); int pcount() const; protected: // Overridden virtual member functions. virtual int_type overflow(int_type __c = _Traits::eof()); virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type __c = _Traits::eof()); virtual int_type underflow(); virtual _Base* setbuf(char* __buf, streamsize __n); virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type __off, ios_base::seekdir __dir, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type __pos, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); private: // Helper functions. // Dynamic allocation, possibly using _M_alloc_fun and _M_free_fun. char* _M_alloc(size_t); void _M_free(char*); // Helper function used in constructors. void _M_setup(char* __get, char* __put, streamsize __n); private: // Data members. void* (*_M_alloc_fun)(size_t); void (*_M_free_fun)(void*); bool _M_dynamic : 1; bool _M_frozen : 1; bool _M_constant : 1; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class istrstream, an istream that manages a strstreambuf. class istrstream : public basic_istream { public: explicit istrstream(char*); explicit istrstream(const char*); istrstream(char* , streamsize); istrstream(const char*, streamsize); virtual ~istrstream(); strstreambuf* rdbuf() const; char* str(); private: strstreambuf _M_buf; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class ostrstream class ostrstream : public basic_ostream { public: ostrstream(); ostrstream(char*, int, ios_base::openmode = ios_base::out); virtual ~ostrstream(); strstreambuf* rdbuf() const; void freeze(bool = true); char* str(); int pcount() const; private: strstreambuf _M_buf; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class strstream class strstream : public basic_iostream { public: typedef char char_type; typedef char_traits::int_type int_type; typedef char_traits::pos_type pos_type; typedef char_traits::off_type off_type; strstream(); strstream(char*, int, ios_base::openmode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); virtual ~strstream(); strstreambuf* rdbuf() const; void freeze(bool = true); int pcount() const; char* str(); private: strstreambuf _M_buf; }; __STL_END_NAMESPACE #endif /* __SGI_STL_STRSTREAM */ // Local Variables: // mode:C++ // End: