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/* Implementation of the ERFC_SCALED intrinsic, to be included by erfc_scaled.c
Copyright (c) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU Fortran runtime library (libgfortran).
Libgfortran is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
from the use of this file. (The General Public License restrictions
do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
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Libgfortran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
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write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
/* This implementation of ERFC_SCALED is based on the netlib algorithm
available at http://www.netlib.org/specfun/erf */
#define CONCAT(x,y) x ## y
#define KIND_SUFFIX(x,y) CONCAT(x,y)
#if (KIND == 4)
# define EXP(x) expf(x)
# define TRUNC(x) truncf(x)
#elif (KIND == 8)
# define EXP(x) exp(x)
# define TRUNC(x) trunc(x)
# ifdef HAVE_EXPL
# define EXP(x) expl(x)
# endif
# define TRUNC(x) truncl(x)
# endif
#if defined(EXP) && defined(TRUNC)
extern TYPE KIND_SUFFIX(erfc_scaled_r,KIND) (TYPE);
KIND_SUFFIX(erfc_scaled_r,KIND) (TYPE x)
/* The main computation evaluates near-minimax approximations
from "Rational Chebyshev approximations for the error function"
by W. J. Cody, Math. Comp., 1969, PP. 631-638. This
transportable program uses rational functions that theoretically
approximate erf(x) and erfc(x) to at least 18 significant
decimal digits. The accuracy achieved depends on the arithmetic
system, the compiler, the intrinsic functions, and proper
selection of the machine-dependent constants. */
int i;
TYPE del, res, xden, xnum, y, ysq;
#if (KIND == 4)
static TYPE xneg = -9.382, xsmall = 5.96e-8,
xbig = 9.194, xhuge = 2.90e+3, xmax = 4.79e+37;
static TYPE xneg = -26.628, xsmall = 1.11e-16,
xbig = 26.543, xhuge = 6.71e+7, xmax = 2.53e+307;
#define SQRPI ((TYPE) 0.56418958354775628695L)
#define THRESH ((TYPE) 0.46875L)
static TYPE a[5] = { 3.16112374387056560l, 113.864154151050156l,
377.485237685302021l, 3209.37758913846947l, 0.185777706184603153l };
static TYPE b[4] = { 23.6012909523441209l, 244.024637934444173l,
1282.61652607737228l, 2844.23683343917062l };
static TYPE c[9] = { 0.564188496988670089l, 8.88314979438837594l,
66.1191906371416295l, 298.635138197400131l, 881.952221241769090l,
1712.04761263407058l, 2051.07837782607147l, 1230.33935479799725l,
2.15311535474403846e-8l };
static TYPE d[8] = { 15.7449261107098347l, 117.693950891312499l,
537.181101862009858l, 1621.38957456669019l, 3290.79923573345963l,
4362.61909014324716l, 3439.36767414372164l, 1230.33935480374942l };
static TYPE p[6] = { 0.305326634961232344l, 0.360344899949804439l,
0.125781726111229246l, 0.0160837851487422766l,
0.000658749161529837803l, 0.0163153871373020978l };
static TYPE q[5] = { 2.56852019228982242l, 1.87295284992346047l,
0.527905102951428412l, 0.0605183413124413191l,
0.00233520497626869185l };
y = (x > 0 ? x : -x);
if (y <= THRESH)
ysq = 0;
if (y > xsmall)
ysq = y * y;
xnum = a[4]*ysq;
xden = ysq;
for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
xnum = (xnum + a[i]) * ysq;
xden = (xden + b[i]) * ysq;
res = x * (xnum + a[3]) / (xden + b[3]);
res = 1 - res;
res = EXP(ysq) * res;
return res;
else if (y <= 4)
xnum = c[8]*y;
xden = y;
for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
xnum = (xnum + c[i]) * y;
xden = (xden + d[i]) * y;
res = (xnum + c[7]) / (xden + d[7]);
res = 0;
if (y >= xbig)
if (y >= xmax)
goto finish;
if (y >= xhuge)
res = SQRPI / y;
goto finish;
ysq = ((TYPE) 1) / (y * y);
xnum = p[5]*ysq;
xden = ysq;
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
xnum = (xnum + p[i]) * ysq;
xden = (xden + q[i]) * ysq;
res = ysq *(xnum + p[4]) / (xden + q[4]);
res = (SQRPI - res) / y;
if (x < 0)
if (x < xneg)
res = __builtin_inf ();
ysq = TRUNC (x*((TYPE) 16))/((TYPE) 16);
del = (x-ysq)*(x+ysq);
y = EXP(ysq*ysq) * EXP(del);
res = (y+y) - res;
return res;
#undef EXP
#undef TRUNC
#undef CONCAT
#undef TYPE