
534 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
// Functions temporarily called by C code.
//go:linkname newextram runtime.newextram
//go:linkname checkdead runtime.checkdead
//go:linkname schedtrace runtime.schedtrace
//go:linkname allgadd runtime.allgadd
// Functions temporarily in C that have not yet been ported.
func allocm(*p, bool, *unsafe.Pointer, *uintptr) *m
func malg(bool, bool, *unsafe.Pointer, *uintptr) *g
// C functions for ucontext management.
func setGContext()
func makeGContext(*g, unsafe.Pointer, uintptr)
func getTraceback(me, gp *g)
// main_init_done is a signal used by cgocallbackg that initialization
// has been completed. It is made before _cgo_notify_runtime_init_done,
// so all cgo calls can rely on it existing. When main_init is complete,
// it is closed, meaning cgocallbackg can reliably receive from it.
var main_init_done chan bool
var (
allgs []*g
allglock mutex
func allgadd(gp *g) {
if readgstatus(gp) == _Gidle {
throw("allgadd: bad status Gidle")
allgs = append(allgs, gp)
allglen = uintptr(len(allgs))
// Grow GC rescan list if necessary.
if len(allgs) > cap(work.rescan.list) {
l := work.rescan.list
// Let append do the heavy lifting, but keep the
// length the same.
work.rescan.list = append(l[:cap(l)], 0)[:len(l)]
// All reads and writes of g's status go through readgstatus, casgstatus
// castogscanstatus, casfrom_Gscanstatus.
func readgstatus(gp *g) uint32 {
return atomic.Load(&gp.atomicstatus)
// If asked to move to or from a Gscanstatus this will throw. Use the castogscanstatus
// and casfrom_Gscanstatus instead.
// casgstatus will loop if the g->atomicstatus is in a Gscan status until the routine that
// put it in the Gscan state is finished.
func casgstatus(gp *g, oldval, newval uint32) {
if (oldval&_Gscan != 0) || (newval&_Gscan != 0) || oldval == newval {
systemstack(func() {
print("runtime: casgstatus: oldval=", hex(oldval), " newval=", hex(newval), "\n")
throw("casgstatus: bad incoming values")
if oldval == _Grunning && gp.gcscanvalid {
// If oldvall == _Grunning, then the actual status must be
// _Grunning or _Grunning|_Gscan; either way,
// we own gp.gcscanvalid, so it's safe to read.
// gp.gcscanvalid must not be true when we are running.
print("runtime: casgstatus ", hex(oldval), "->", hex(newval), " gp.status=", hex(gp.atomicstatus), " gp.gcscanvalid=true\n")
// See http://golang.org/cl/21503 for justification of the yield delay.
const yieldDelay = 5 * 1000
var nextYield int64
// loop if gp->atomicstatus is in a scan state giving
// GC time to finish and change the state to oldval.
for i := 0; !atomic.Cas(&gp.atomicstatus, oldval, newval); i++ {
if oldval == _Gwaiting && gp.atomicstatus == _Grunnable {
systemstack(func() {
throw("casgstatus: waiting for Gwaiting but is Grunnable")
// Help GC if needed.
// if gp.preemptscan && !gp.gcworkdone && (oldval == _Grunning || oldval == _Gsyscall) {
// gp.preemptscan = false
// systemstack(func() {
// gcphasework(gp)
// })
// }
// But meanwhile just yield.
if i == 0 {
nextYield = nanotime() + yieldDelay
if nanotime() < nextYield {
for x := 0; x < 10 && gp.atomicstatus != oldval; x++ {
} else {
nextYield = nanotime() + yieldDelay/2
if newval == _Grunning && gp.gcscanvalid {
// Run queueRescan on the system stack so it has more space.
systemstack(func() { queueRescan(gp) })
// needm is called when a cgo callback happens on a
// thread without an m (a thread not created by Go).
// In this case, needm is expected to find an m to use
// and return with m, g initialized correctly.
// Since m and g are not set now (likely nil, but see below)
// needm is limited in what routines it can call. In particular
// it can only call nosplit functions (textflag 7) and cannot
// do any scheduling that requires an m.
// In order to avoid needing heavy lifting here, we adopt
// the following strategy: there is a stack of available m's
// that can be stolen. Using compare-and-swap
// to pop from the stack has ABA races, so we simulate
// a lock by doing an exchange (via casp) to steal the stack
// head and replace the top pointer with MLOCKED (1).
// This serves as a simple spin lock that we can use even
// without an m. The thread that locks the stack in this way
// unlocks the stack by storing a valid stack head pointer.
// In order to make sure that there is always an m structure
// available to be stolen, we maintain the invariant that there
// is always one more than needed. At the beginning of the
// program (if cgo is in use) the list is seeded with a single m.
// If needm finds that it has taken the last m off the list, its job
// is - once it has installed its own m so that it can do things like
// allocate memory - to create a spare m and put it on the list.
// Each of these extra m's also has a g0 and a curg that are
// pressed into service as the scheduling stack and current
// goroutine for the duration of the cgo callback.
// When the callback is done with the m, it calls dropm to
// put the m back on the list.
func needm(x byte) {
if iscgo && !cgoHasExtraM {
// Can happen if C/C++ code calls Go from a global ctor.
// Can not throw, because scheduler is not initialized yet.
write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&earlycgocallback[0]), int32(len(earlycgocallback)))
// Lock extra list, take head, unlock popped list.
// nilokay=false is safe here because of the invariant above,
// that the extra list always contains or will soon contain
// at least one m.
mp := lockextra(false)
// Set needextram when we've just emptied the list,
// so that the eventual call into cgocallbackg will
// allocate a new m for the extra list. We delay the
// allocation until then so that it can be done
// after exitsyscall makes sure it is okay to be
// running at all (that is, there's no garbage collection
// running right now).
mp.needextram = mp.schedlink == 0
// Save and block signals before installing g.
// Once g is installed, any incoming signals will try to execute,
// but we won't have the sigaltstack settings and other data
// set up appropriately until the end of minit, which will
// unblock the signals. This is the same dance as when
// starting a new m to run Go code via newosproc.
// Install g (= m->curg).
atomic.Store(&mp.curg.atomicstatus, _Gsyscall)
// Initialize this thread to use the m.
var earlycgocallback = []byte("fatal error: cgo callback before cgo call\n")
// newextram allocates m's and puts them on the extra list.
// It is called with a working local m, so that it can do things
// like call schedlock and allocate.
func newextram() {
c := atomic.Xchg(&extraMWaiters, 0)
if c > 0 {
for i := uint32(0); i < c; i++ {
} else {
// Make sure there is at least one extra M.
mp := lockextra(true)
if mp == nil {
// oneNewExtraM allocates an m and puts it on the extra list.
func oneNewExtraM() {
// Create extra goroutine locked to extra m.
// The goroutine is the context in which the cgo callback will run.
// The sched.pc will never be returned to, but setting it to
// goexit makes clear to the traceback routines where
// the goroutine stack ends.
var g0SP unsafe.Pointer
var g0SPSize uintptr
mp := allocm(nil, true, &g0SP, &g0SPSize)
gp := malg(true, false, nil, nil)
gp.gcscanvalid = true // fresh G, so no dequeueRescan necessary
gp.gcRescan = -1
// malg returns status as Gidle, change to Gdead before adding to allg
// where GC will see it.
// gccgo uses Gdead here, not Gsyscall, because the split
// stack context is not initialized.
casgstatus(gp, _Gidle, _Gdead)
gp.m = mp
mp.curg = gp
mp.locked = _LockInternal
mp.lockedg = gp
gp.lockedm = mp
gp.goid = int64(atomic.Xadd64(&sched.goidgen, 1))
if raceenabled {
gp.racectx = racegostart(funcPC(newextram))
// put on allg for garbage collector
// The context for gp will be set up in needm.
// Here we need to set the context for g0.
makeGContext(mp.g0, g0SP, g0SPSize)
// Add m to the extra list.
mnext := lockextra(true)
// dropm is called when a cgo callback has called needm but is now
// done with the callback and returning back into the non-Go thread.
// It puts the current m back onto the extra list.
// The main expense here is the call to signalstack to release the
// m's signal stack, and then the call to needm on the next callback
// from this thread. It is tempting to try to save the m for next time,
// which would eliminate both these costs, but there might not be
// a next time: the current thread (which Go does not control) might exit.
// If we saved the m for that thread, there would be an m leak each time
// such a thread exited. Instead, we acquire and release an m on each
// call. These should typically not be scheduling operations, just a few
// atomics, so the cost should be small.
// TODO(rsc): An alternative would be to allocate a dummy pthread per-thread
// variable using pthread_key_create. Unlike the pthread keys we already use
// on OS X, this dummy key would never be read by Go code. It would exist
// only so that we could register at thread-exit-time destructor.
// That destructor would put the m back onto the extra list.
// This is purely a performance optimization. The current version,
// in which dropm happens on each cgo call, is still correct too.
// We may have to keep the current version on systems with cgo
// but without pthreads, like Windows.
func dropm() {
// Clear m and g, and return m to the extra list.
// After the call to setg we can only call nosplit functions
// with no pointer manipulation.
mp := getg().m
// Block signals before unminit.
// Unminit unregisters the signal handling stack (but needs g on some systems).
// Setg(nil) clears g, which is the signal handler's cue not to run Go handlers.
// It's important not to try to handle a signal between those two steps.
sigmask := mp.sigmask
// gccgo sets the stack to Gdead here, because the splitstack
// context is not initialized.
mp.curg.atomicstatus = _Gdead
mp.curg.gcstack = nil
mp.curg.gcnextsp = nil
mnext := lockextra(true)
// Commit the release of mp.
// A helper function for EnsureDropM.
func getm() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(getg().m))
var extram uintptr
var extraMWaiters uint32
// lockextra locks the extra list and returns the list head.
// The caller must unlock the list by storing a new list head
// to extram. If nilokay is true, then lockextra will
// return a nil list head if that's what it finds. If nilokay is false,
// lockextra will keep waiting until the list head is no longer nil.
func lockextra(nilokay bool) *m {
const locked = 1
incr := false
for {
old := atomic.Loaduintptr(&extram)
if old == locked {
yield := osyield
if old == 0 && !nilokay {
if !incr {
// Add 1 to the number of threads
// waiting for an M.
// This is cleared by newextram.
atomic.Xadd(&extraMWaiters, 1)
incr = true
if atomic.Casuintptr(&extram, old, locked) {
return (*m)(unsafe.Pointer(old))
yield := osyield
func unlockextra(mp *m) {
atomic.Storeuintptr(&extram, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mp)))
// Check for deadlock situation.
// The check is based on number of running M's, if 0 -> deadlock.
func checkdead() {
// For -buildmode=c-shared or -buildmode=c-archive it's OK if
// there are no running goroutines. The calling program is
// assumed to be running.
if islibrary || isarchive {
// If we are dying because of a signal caught on an already idle thread,
// freezetheworld will cause all running threads to block.
// And runtime will essentially enter into deadlock state,
// except that there is a thread that will call exit soon.
if panicking > 0 {
// -1 for sysmon
run := sched.mcount - sched.nmidle - sched.nmidlelocked - 1
if run > 0 {
if run < 0 {
print("runtime: checkdead: nmidle=", sched.nmidle, " nmidlelocked=", sched.nmidlelocked, " mcount=", sched.mcount, "\n")
throw("checkdead: inconsistent counts")
grunning := 0
for i := 0; i < len(allgs); i++ {
gp := allgs[i]
if isSystemGoroutine(gp) {
s := readgstatus(gp)
switch s &^ _Gscan {
case _Gwaiting:
case _Grunnable,
print("runtime: checkdead: find g ", gp.goid, " in status ", s, "\n")
throw("checkdead: runnable g")
if grunning == 0 { // possible if main goroutine calls runtime·Goexit()
throw("no goroutines (main called runtime.Goexit) - deadlock!")
// Maybe jump time forward for playground.
gp := timejump()
if gp != nil {
// Temporarily commented out for gccgo.
// For gccgo this code will never run anyhow.
// casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
// globrunqput(gp)
// _p_ := pidleget()
// if _p_ == nil {
// throw("checkdead: no p for timer")
// }
// mp := mget()
// if mp == nil {
// // There should always be a free M since
// // nothing is running.
// throw("checkdead: no m for timer")
// }
// nmp.nextp.set(_p_)
// notewakeup(&mp.park)
// return
getg().m.throwing = -1 // do not dump full stacks
throw("all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!")
var starttime int64
func schedtrace(detailed bool) {
now := nanotime()
if starttime == 0 {
starttime = now
gomaxprocs := int32(GOMAXPROCS(0))
print("SCHED ", (now-starttime)/1e6, "ms: gomaxprocs=", gomaxprocs, " idleprocs=", sched.npidle, " threads=", sched.mcount, " spinningthreads=", sched.nmspinning, " idlethreads=", sched.nmidle, " runqueue=", sched.runqsize)
if detailed {
print(" gcwaiting=", sched.gcwaiting, " nmidlelocked=", sched.nmidlelocked, " stopwait=", sched.stopwait, " sysmonwait=", sched.sysmonwait, "\n")
// We must be careful while reading data from P's, M's and G's.
// Even if we hold schedlock, most data can be changed concurrently.
// E.g. (p->m ? p->m->id : -1) can crash if p->m changes from non-nil to nil.
for i := int32(0); i < gomaxprocs; i++ {
_p_ := allp[i]
if _p_ == nil {
mp := _p_.m.ptr()
h := atomic.Load(&_p_.runqhead)
t := atomic.Load(&_p_.runqtail)
if detailed {
id := int32(-1)
if mp != nil {
id = mp.id
print(" P", i, ": status=", _p_.status, " schedtick=", _p_.schedtick, " syscalltick=", _p_.syscalltick, " m=", id, " runqsize=", t-h, " gfreecnt=", _p_.gfreecnt, "\n")
} else {
// In non-detailed mode format lengths of per-P run queues as:
// [len1 len2 len3 len4]
print(" ")
if i == 0 {
print(t - h)
if i == gomaxprocs-1 {
if !detailed {
for mp := allm(); mp != nil; mp = mp.alllink {
_p_ := mp.p.ptr()
gp := mp.curg
lockedg := mp.lockedg
id1 := int32(-1)
if _p_ != nil {
id1 = _p_.id
id2 := int64(-1)
if gp != nil {
id2 = gp.goid
id3 := int64(-1)
if lockedg != nil {
id3 = lockedg.goid
print(" M", mp.id, ": p=", id1, " curg=", id2, " mallocing=", mp.mallocing, " throwing=", mp.throwing, " preemptoff=", mp.preemptoff, ""+" locks=", mp.locks, " dying=", mp.dying, " helpgc=", mp.helpgc, " spinning=", mp.spinning, " blocked=", mp.blocked, " lockedg=", id3, "\n")
for gi := 0; gi < len(allgs); gi++ {
gp := allgs[gi]
mp := gp.m
lockedm := gp.lockedm
id1 := int32(-1)
if mp != nil {
id1 = mp.id
id2 := int32(-1)
if lockedm != nil {
id2 = lockedm.id
print(" G", gp.goid, ": status=", readgstatus(gp), "(", gp.waitreason, ") m=", id1, " lockedm=", id2, "\n")