
1033 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package shared_test
import (
var gopathInstallDir, gorootInstallDir string
// This is the smallest set of packages we can link into a shared
// library (runtime/cgo is built implicitly).
var minpkgs = []string{"runtime", "sync/atomic"}
var soname = "libruntime,sync-atomic.so"
var testX = flag.Bool("testx", false, "if true, pass -x to 'go' subcommands invoked by the test")
var testWork = flag.Bool("testwork", false, "if true, log and do not delete the temporary working directory")
// run runs a command and calls t.Errorf if it fails.
func run(t *testing.T, msg string, args ...string) {
c := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
if output, err := c.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("executing %s (%s) failed %s:\n%s", strings.Join(args, " "), msg, err, output)
// goCmd invokes the go tool with the installsuffix set up by TestMain. It calls
// t.Fatalf if the command fails.
func goCmd(t *testing.T, args ...string) string {
newargs := []string{args[0]}
if *testX {
newargs = append(newargs, "-x")
newargs = append(newargs, args[1:]...)
c := exec.Command("go", newargs...)
stderr := new(strings.Builder)
c.Stderr = stderr
if testing.Verbose() && t == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "+ go %s\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
output, err := c.Output()
if err != nil {
if t != nil {
t.Fatalf("executing %s failed %v:\n%s", strings.Join(c.Args, " "), err, stderr)
} else {
// Panic instead of using log.Fatalf so that deferred cleanup may run in testMain.
log.Panicf("executing %s failed %v:\n%s", strings.Join(c.Args, " "), err, stderr)
if testing.Verbose() && t != nil {
t.Logf("go %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
if stderr.Len() > 0 {
t.Logf("%s", stderr)
return string(bytes.TrimSpace(output))
// TestMain calls testMain so that the latter can use defer (TestMain exits with os.Exit).
func testMain(m *testing.M) (int, error) {
workDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "shared_test")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if *testWork || testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Printf("+ mkdir -p %s\n", workDir)
if !*testWork {
defer os.RemoveAll(workDir)
// Some tests need to edit the source in GOPATH, so copy this directory to a
// temporary directory and chdir to that.
gopath := filepath.Join(workDir, "gopath")
modRoot, err := cloneTestdataModule(gopath)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Printf("+ export GOPATH=%s\n", gopath)
fmt.Printf("+ cd %s\n", modRoot)
os.Setenv("GOPATH", gopath)
os.Setenv("PWD", modRoot)
// The test also needs to install libraries into GOROOT/pkg, so copy the
// subset of GOROOT that we need.
// TODO(golang.org/issue/28553): Rework -buildmode=shared so that it does not
// need to write to GOROOT.
goroot := filepath.Join(workDir, "goroot")
if err := cloneGOROOTDeps(goroot); err != nil {
return 0, err
if testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "+ export GOROOT=%s\n", goroot)
os.Setenv("GOROOT", goroot)
myContext := build.Default
myContext.GOROOT = goroot
myContext.GOPATH = gopath
runtimeP, err := myContext.Import("runtime", ".", build.ImportComment)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("import failed: %v", err)
gorootInstallDir = runtimeP.PkgTargetRoot + "_dynlink"
// All tests depend on runtime being built into a shared library. Because
// that takes a few seconds, do it here and have all tests use the version
// built here.
goCmd(nil, append([]string{"install", "-buildmode=shared"}, minpkgs...)...)
myContext.InstallSuffix = "_dynlink"
depP, err := myContext.Import("./depBase", ".", build.ImportComment)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("import failed: %v", err)
if depP.PkgTargetRoot == "" {
gopathInstallDir = filepath.Dir(goCmd(nil, "list", "-buildmode=shared", "-f", "{{.Target}}", "./depBase"))
} else {
gopathInstallDir = filepath.Join(depP.PkgTargetRoot, "testshared")
return m.Run(), nil
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// Some of the tests install binaries into a custom GOPATH.
// That won't work if GOBIN is set.
exitCode, err := testMain(m)
if err != nil {
// cloneTestdataModule clones the packages from src/testshared into gopath.
// It returns the directory within gopath at which the module root is located.
func cloneTestdataModule(gopath string) (string, error) {
modRoot := filepath.Join(gopath, "src", "testshared")
if err := overlayDir(modRoot, "testdata"); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(modRoot, "go.mod"), []byte("module testshared\n"), 0644); err != nil {
return "", err
return modRoot, nil
// cloneGOROOTDeps copies (or symlinks) the portions of GOROOT/src and
// GOROOT/pkg relevant to this test into the given directory.
// It must be run from within the testdata module.
func cloneGOROOTDeps(goroot string) error {
oldGOROOT := strings.TrimSpace(goCmd(nil, "env", "GOROOT"))
if oldGOROOT == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("go env GOROOT returned an empty string")
// Before we clone GOROOT, figure out which packages we need to copy over.
listArgs := []string{
"-f", "{{if and .Standard (not .ForTest)}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}",
stdDeps := goCmd(nil, append(listArgs, minpkgs...)...)
testdataDeps := goCmd(nil, append(listArgs, "-test", "./...")...)
pkgs := append(strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(stdDeps), "\n"),
strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(testdataDeps), "\n")...)
var pkgRoots []string
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
parentFound := false
for _, prev := range pkgRoots {
if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, prev) {
// We will copy in the source for pkg when we copy in prev.
parentFound = true
if !parentFound {
pkgRoots = append(pkgRoots, pkg)
gorootDirs := []string{
for _, pkg := range pkgRoots {
gorootDirs = append(gorootDirs, filepath.Join("src", pkg))
for _, dir := range gorootDirs {
if testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "+ cp -r %s %s\n", filepath.Join(goroot, dir), filepath.Join(oldGOROOT, dir))
if err := overlayDir(filepath.Join(goroot, dir), filepath.Join(oldGOROOT, dir)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// The shared library was built at the expected location.
func TestSOBuilt(t *testing.T) {
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(gorootInstallDir, soname))
if err != nil {
func hasDynTag(f *elf.File, tag elf.DynTag) bool {
ds := f.SectionByType(elf.SHT_DYNAMIC)
if ds == nil {
return false
d, err := ds.Data()
if err != nil {
return false
for len(d) > 0 {
var t elf.DynTag
switch f.Class {
case elf.ELFCLASS32:
t = elf.DynTag(f.ByteOrder.Uint32(d[0:4]))
d = d[8:]
case elf.ELFCLASS64:
t = elf.DynTag(f.ByteOrder.Uint64(d[0:8]))
d = d[16:]
if t == tag {
return true
return false
// The shared library does not have relocations against the text segment.
func TestNoTextrel(t *testing.T) {
sopath := filepath.Join(gorootInstallDir, soname)
f, err := elf.Open(sopath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("elf.Open failed: ", err)
defer f.Close()
if hasDynTag(f, elf.DT_TEXTREL) {
t.Errorf("%s has DT_TEXTREL set", soname)
// The shared library does not contain symbols called ".dup"
// (See golang.org/issue/14841.)
func TestNoDupSymbols(t *testing.T) {
sopath := filepath.Join(gorootInstallDir, soname)
f, err := elf.Open(sopath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("elf.Open failed: ", err)
defer f.Close()
syms, err := f.Symbols()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error reading symbols %v", err)
for _, s := range syms {
if s.Name == ".dup" {
t.Fatalf("%s contains symbol called .dup", sopath)
// The install command should have created a "shlibname" file for the
// listed packages (and runtime/cgo, and math on arm) indicating the
// name of the shared library containing it.
func TestShlibnameFiles(t *testing.T) {
pkgs := append([]string{}, minpkgs...)
pkgs = append(pkgs, "runtime/cgo")
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
pkgs = append(pkgs, "math")
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
shlibnamefile := filepath.Join(gorootInstallDir, pkg+".shlibname")
contentsb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(shlibnamefile)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error reading shlibnamefile for %s: %v", pkg, err)
contents := strings.TrimSpace(string(contentsb))
if contents != soname {
t.Errorf("shlibnamefile for %s has wrong contents: %q", pkg, contents)
// Is a given offset into the file contained in a loaded segment?
func isOffsetLoaded(f *elf.File, offset uint64) bool {
for _, prog := range f.Progs {
if prog.Type == elf.PT_LOAD {
if prog.Off <= offset && offset < prog.Off+prog.Filesz {
return true
return false
func rnd(v int32, r int32) int32 {
if r <= 0 {
return v
v += r - 1
c := v % r
if c < 0 {
c += r
v -= c
return v
func readwithpad(r io.Reader, sz int32) ([]byte, error) {
data := make([]byte, rnd(sz, 4))
_, err := io.ReadFull(r, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data = data[:sz]
return data, nil
type note struct {
name string
tag int32
desc string
section *elf.Section
// Read all notes from f. As ELF section names are not supposed to be special, one
// looks for a particular note by scanning all SHT_NOTE sections looking for a note
// with a particular "name" and "tag".
func readNotes(f *elf.File) ([]*note, error) {
var notes []*note
for _, sect := range f.Sections {
if sect.Type != elf.SHT_NOTE {
r := sect.Open()
for {
var namesize, descsize, tag int32
err := binary.Read(r, f.ByteOrder, &namesize)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read namesize failed: %v", err)
err = binary.Read(r, f.ByteOrder, &descsize)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read descsize failed: %v", err)
err = binary.Read(r, f.ByteOrder, &tag)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read type failed: %v", err)
name, err := readwithpad(r, namesize)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read name failed: %v", err)
desc, err := readwithpad(r, descsize)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read desc failed: %v", err)
notes = append(notes, &note{name: string(name), tag: tag, desc: string(desc), section: sect})
return notes, nil
func dynStrings(t *testing.T, path string, flag elf.DynTag) []string {
f, err := elf.Open(path)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("elf.Open(%q) failed: %v", path, err)
defer f.Close()
dynstrings, err := f.DynString(flag)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("DynString(%s) failed on %s: %v", flag, path, err)
return dynstrings
func AssertIsLinkedToRegexp(t *testing.T, path string, re *regexp.Regexp) {
for _, dynstring := range dynStrings(t, path, elf.DT_NEEDED) {
if re.MatchString(dynstring) {
t.Errorf("%s is not linked to anything matching %v", path, re)
func AssertIsLinkedTo(t *testing.T, path, lib string) {
AssertIsLinkedToRegexp(t, path, regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(lib)))
func AssertHasRPath(t *testing.T, path, dir string) {
for _, tag := range []elf.DynTag{elf.DT_RPATH, elf.DT_RUNPATH} {
for _, dynstring := range dynStrings(t, path, tag) {
for _, rpath := range strings.Split(dynstring, ":") {
if filepath.Clean(rpath) == filepath.Clean(dir) {
t.Errorf("%s does not have rpath %s", path, dir)
// Build a trivial program that links against the shared runtime and check it runs.
func TestTrivialExecutable(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./trivial")
run(t, "trivial executable", "../../bin/trivial")
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, "../../bin/trivial", soname)
AssertHasRPath(t, "../../bin/trivial", gorootInstallDir)
// Build a trivial program in PIE mode that links against the shared runtime and check it runs.
func TestTrivialExecutablePIE(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "build", "-buildmode=pie", "-o", "trivial.pie", "-linkshared", "./trivial")
run(t, "trivial executable", "./trivial.pie")
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, "./trivial.pie", soname)
AssertHasRPath(t, "./trivial.pie", gorootInstallDir)
// Build a division test program and check it runs.
func TestDivisionExecutable(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./division")
run(t, "division executable", "../../bin/division")
// Build an executable that uses cgo linked against the shared runtime and check it
// runs.
func TestCgoExecutable(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./execgo")
run(t, "cgo executable", "../../bin/execgo")
func checkPIE(t *testing.T, name string) {
f, err := elf.Open(name)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("elf.Open failed: ", err)
defer f.Close()
if f.Type != elf.ET_DYN {
t.Errorf("%s has type %v, want ET_DYN", name, f.Type)
if hasDynTag(f, elf.DT_TEXTREL) {
t.Errorf("%s has DT_TEXTREL set", name)
func TestTrivialPIE(t *testing.T) {
name := "trivial_pie"
goCmd(t, "build", "-buildmode=pie", "-o="+name, "./trivial")
defer os.Remove(name)
run(t, name, "./"+name)
checkPIE(t, name)
func TestCgoPIE(t *testing.T) {
name := "cgo_pie"
goCmd(t, "build", "-buildmode=pie", "-o="+name, "./execgo")
defer os.Remove(name)
run(t, name, "./"+name)
checkPIE(t, name)
// Build a GOPATH package into a shared library that links against the goroot runtime
// and an executable that links against both.
func TestGopathShlib(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
shlib := goCmd(t, "list", "-f", "{{.Shlib}}", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, shlib, soname)
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./exe")
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, "../../bin/exe", soname)
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, "../../bin/exe", filepath.Base(shlib))
AssertHasRPath(t, "../../bin/exe", gorootInstallDir)
AssertHasRPath(t, "../../bin/exe", filepath.Dir(gopathInstallDir))
// And check it runs.
run(t, "executable linked to GOPATH library", "../../bin/exe")
// The shared library contains a note listing the packages it contains in a section
// that is not mapped into memory.
func testPkgListNote(t *testing.T, f *elf.File, note *note) {
if note.section.Flags != 0 {
t.Errorf("package list section has flags %v, want 0", note.section.Flags)
if isOffsetLoaded(f, note.section.Offset) {
t.Errorf("package list section contained in PT_LOAD segment")
if note.desc != "testshared/depBase\n" {
t.Errorf("incorrect package list %q, want %q", note.desc, "testshared/depBase\n")
// The shared library contains a note containing the ABI hash that is mapped into
// memory and there is a local symbol called go.link.abihashbytes that points 16
// bytes into it.
func testABIHashNote(t *testing.T, f *elf.File, note *note) {
if note.section.Flags != elf.SHF_ALLOC {
t.Errorf("abi hash section has flags %v, want SHF_ALLOC", note.section.Flags)
if !isOffsetLoaded(f, note.section.Offset) {
t.Errorf("abihash section not contained in PT_LOAD segment")
var hashbytes elf.Symbol
symbols, err := f.Symbols()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error reading symbols %v", err)
for _, sym := range symbols {
if sym.Name == "go.link.abihashbytes" {
hashbytes = sym
if hashbytes.Name == "" {
t.Errorf("no symbol called go.link.abihashbytes")
if elf.ST_BIND(hashbytes.Info) != elf.STB_LOCAL {
t.Errorf("%s has incorrect binding %v, want STB_LOCAL", hashbytes.Name, elf.ST_BIND(hashbytes.Info))
if f.Sections[hashbytes.Section] != note.section {
t.Errorf("%s has incorrect section %v, want %s", hashbytes.Name, f.Sections[hashbytes.Section].Name, note.section.Name)
if hashbytes.Value-note.section.Addr != 16 {
t.Errorf("%s has incorrect offset into section %d, want 16", hashbytes.Name, hashbytes.Value-note.section.Addr)
// A Go shared library contains a note indicating which other Go shared libraries it
// was linked against in an unmapped section.
func testDepsNote(t *testing.T, f *elf.File, note *note) {
if note.section.Flags != 0 {
t.Errorf("package list section has flags %v, want 0", note.section.Flags)
if isOffsetLoaded(f, note.section.Offset) {
t.Errorf("package list section contained in PT_LOAD segment")
// libdepBase.so just links against the lib containing the runtime.
if note.desc != soname {
t.Errorf("incorrect dependency list %q, want %q", note.desc, soname)
// The shared library contains notes with defined contents; see above.
func TestNotes(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
shlib := goCmd(t, "list", "-f", "{{.Shlib}}", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
f, err := elf.Open(shlib)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
notes, err := readNotes(f)
if err != nil {
pkgListNoteFound := false
abiHashNoteFound := false
depsNoteFound := false
for _, note := range notes {
if note.name != "Go\x00\x00" {
switch note.tag {
if pkgListNoteFound {
t.Error("multiple package list notes")
testPkgListNote(t, f, note)
pkgListNoteFound = true
if abiHashNoteFound {
t.Error("multiple abi hash notes")
testABIHashNote(t, f, note)
abiHashNoteFound = true
if depsNoteFound {
t.Error("multiple dependency list notes")
testDepsNote(t, f, note)
depsNoteFound = true
if !pkgListNoteFound {
t.Error("package list note not found")
if !abiHashNoteFound {
t.Error("abi hash note not found")
if !depsNoteFound {
t.Error("deps note not found")
// Build a GOPATH package (depBase) into a shared library that links against the goroot
// runtime, another package (dep2) that links against the first, and an
// executable that links against dep2.
func TestTwoGopathShlibs(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./dep2")
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./exe2")
run(t, "executable linked to GOPATH library", "../../bin/exe2")
func TestThreeGopathShlibs(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./dep2")
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./dep3")
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./exe3")
run(t, "executable linked to GOPATH library", "../../bin/exe3")
// If gccgo is not available or not new enough, call t.Skip.
func requireGccgo(t *testing.T) {
gccgoName := os.Getenv("GCCGO")
if gccgoName == "" {
gccgoName = "gccgo"
gccgoPath, err := exec.LookPath(gccgoName)
if err != nil {
t.Skip("gccgo not found")
cmd := exec.Command(gccgoPath, "-dumpversion")
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s -dumpversion failed: %v\n%s", gccgoPath, err, output)
if string(output) < "5" {
t.Skipf("gccgo too old (%s)", strings.TrimSpace(string(output)))
gomod, err := exec.Command("go", "env", "GOMOD").Output()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("go env GOMOD: %v", err)
if len(bytes.TrimSpace(gomod)) > 0 {
t.Skipf("gccgo not supported in module mode; see golang.org/issue/30344")
// Build a GOPATH package into a shared library with gccgo and an executable that
// links against it.
func TestGoPathShlibGccgo(t *testing.T) {
libgoRE := regexp.MustCompile("libgo.so.[0-9]+")
goCmd(t, "install", "-compiler=gccgo", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
// Run 'go list' after 'go install': with gccgo, we apparently don't know the
// shlib location until after we've installed it.
shlib := goCmd(t, "list", "-compiler=gccgo", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "-f", "{{.Shlib}}", "./depBase")
AssertIsLinkedToRegexp(t, shlib, libgoRE)
goCmd(t, "install", "-compiler=gccgo", "-linkshared", "./exe")
AssertIsLinkedToRegexp(t, "../../bin/exe", libgoRE)
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, "../../bin/exe", filepath.Base(shlib))
AssertHasRPath(t, "../../bin/exe", filepath.Dir(shlib))
// And check it runs.
run(t, "gccgo-built", "../../bin/exe")
// The gccgo version of TestTwoGopathShlibs: build a GOPATH package into a shared
// library with gccgo, another GOPATH package that depends on the first and an
// executable that links the second library.
func TestTwoGopathShlibsGccgo(t *testing.T) {
libgoRE := regexp.MustCompile("libgo.so.[0-9]+")
goCmd(t, "install", "-compiler=gccgo", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
goCmd(t, "install", "-compiler=gccgo", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./dep2")
goCmd(t, "install", "-compiler=gccgo", "-linkshared", "./exe2")
// Run 'go list' after 'go install': with gccgo, we apparently don't know the
// shlib location until after we've installed it.
dep2 := goCmd(t, "list", "-compiler=gccgo", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "-f", "{{.Shlib}}", "./dep2")
depBase := goCmd(t, "list", "-compiler=gccgo", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "-f", "{{.Shlib}}", "./depBase")
AssertIsLinkedToRegexp(t, depBase, libgoRE)
AssertIsLinkedToRegexp(t, dep2, libgoRE)
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, dep2, filepath.Base(depBase))
AssertIsLinkedToRegexp(t, "../../bin/exe2", libgoRE)
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, "../../bin/exe2", filepath.Base(dep2))
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, "../../bin/exe2", filepath.Base(depBase))
// And check it runs.
run(t, "gccgo-built", "../../bin/exe2")
// Testing rebuilding of shared libraries when they are stale is a bit more
// complicated that it seems like it should be. First, we make everything "old": but
// only a few seconds old, or it might be older than gc (or the runtime source) and
// everything will get rebuilt. Then define a timestamp slightly newer than this
// time, which is what we set the mtime to of a file to cause it to be seen as new,
// and finally another slightly even newer one that we can compare files against to
// see if they have been rebuilt.
var oldTime = time.Now().Add(-9 * time.Second)
var nearlyNew = time.Now().Add(-6 * time.Second)
var stampTime = time.Now().Add(-3 * time.Second)
// resetFileStamps makes "everything" (bin, src, pkg from GOPATH and the
// test-specific parts of GOROOT) appear old.
func resetFileStamps() {
chtime := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
return os.Chtimes(path, oldTime, oldTime)
reset := func(path string) {
if err := filepath.Walk(path, chtime); err != nil {
log.Panicf("resetFileStamps failed: %v", err)
// touch changes path and returns a function that changes it back.
// It also sets the time of the file, so that we can see if it is rewritten.
func touch(t *testing.T, path string) (cleanup func()) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
old := make([]byte, len(data))
copy(old, data)
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("!<arch>\n")) {
// Change last digit of build ID.
// (Content ID in the new content-based build IDs.)
const marker = `build id "`
i := bytes.Index(data, []byte(marker))
if i < 0 {
t.Fatal("cannot find build id in archive")
j := bytes.IndexByte(data[i+len(marker):], '"')
if j < 0 {
t.Fatal("cannot find build id in archive")
i += len(marker) + j - 1
if data[i] == 'a' {
data[i] = 'b'
} else {
data[i] = 'a'
} else {
// assume it's a text file
data = append(data, '\n')
// If the file is still a symlink from an overlay, delete it so that we will
// replace it with a regular file instead of overwriting the symlinked one.
fi, err := os.Lstat(path)
if err == nil && !fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
fi, err = os.Stat(path)
if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil {
if err != nil {
// If we're replacing a symlink to a read-only file, make the new file
// user-writable.
perm := fi.Mode().Perm() | 0200
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, perm); err != nil {
if err := os.Chtimes(path, nearlyNew, nearlyNew); err != nil {
return func() {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, old, perm); err != nil {
// isNew returns if the path is newer than the time stamp used by touch.
func isNew(t *testing.T, path string) bool {
fi, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return fi.ModTime().After(stampTime)
// Fail unless path has been rebuilt (i.e. is newer than the time stamp used by
// isNew)
func AssertRebuilt(t *testing.T, msg, path string) {
if !isNew(t, path) {
t.Errorf("%s was not rebuilt (%s)", msg, path)
// Fail if path has been rebuilt (i.e. is newer than the time stamp used by isNew)
func AssertNotRebuilt(t *testing.T, msg, path string) {
if isNew(t, path) {
t.Errorf("%s was rebuilt (%s)", msg, path)
func TestRebuilding(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./exe")
info := strings.Fields(goCmd(t, "list", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "-f", "{{.Target}} {{.Shlib}}", "./depBase"))
if len(info) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("go list failed to report Target and/or Shlib")
target := info[0]
shlib := info[1]
// If the source is newer than both the .a file and the .so, both are rebuilt.
t.Run("newsource", func(t *testing.T) {
cleanup := touch(t, "./depBase/dep.go")
defer func() {
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./exe")
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./exe")
AssertRebuilt(t, "new source", target)
AssertRebuilt(t, "new source", shlib)
// If the .a file is newer than the .so, the .so is rebuilt (but not the .a)
t.Run("newarchive", func(t *testing.T) {
AssertNotRebuilt(t, "new .a file before build", target)
goCmd(t, "list", "-linkshared", "-f={{.ImportPath}} {{.Stale}} {{.StaleReason}} {{.Target}}", "./depBase")
AssertNotRebuilt(t, "new .a file before build", target)
cleanup := touch(t, target)
defer func() {
goCmd(t, "install", "-v", "-linkshared", "./exe")
goCmd(t, "install", "-v", "-linkshared", "./exe")
AssertNotRebuilt(t, "new .a file", target)
AssertRebuilt(t, "new .a file", shlib)
func appendFile(t *testing.T, path, content string) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0660)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("os.OpenFile failed: %v", err)
defer func() {
err := f.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("f.Close failed: %v", err)
_, err = f.WriteString(content)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("f.WriteString failed: %v", err)
func createFile(t *testing.T, path, content string) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0644)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("os.OpenFile failed: %v", err)
_, err = f.WriteString(content)
if closeErr := f.Close(); err == nil {
err = closeErr
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteString failed: %v", err)
func TestABIChecking(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./exe")
// If we make an ABI-breaking change to depBase and rebuild libp.so but not exe,
// exe will abort with a complaint on startup.
// This assumes adding an exported function breaks ABI, which is not true in
// some senses but suffices for the narrow definition of ABI compatibility the
// toolchain uses today.
createFile(t, "./depBase/break.go", "package depBase\nfunc ABIBreak() {}\n")
defer os.Remove("./depBase/break.go")
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
c := exec.Command("../../bin/exe")
output, err := c.CombinedOutput()
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("executing exe did not fail after ABI break")
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(output))
foundMsg := false
const wantPrefix = "abi mismatch detected between the executable and lib"
for scanner.Scan() {
if strings.HasPrefix(scanner.Text(), wantPrefix) {
foundMsg = true
if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("scanner encountered error: %v", err)
if !foundMsg {
t.Fatalf("exe failed, but without line %q; got output:\n%s", wantPrefix, output)
// Rebuilding exe makes it work again.
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./exe")
run(t, "rebuilt exe", "../../bin/exe")
// If we make a change which does not break ABI (such as adding an unexported
// function) and rebuild libdepBase.so, exe still works, even if new function
// is in a file by itself.
createFile(t, "./depBase/dep2.go", "package depBase\nfunc noABIBreak() {}\n")
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./depBase")
run(t, "after non-ABI breaking change", "../../bin/exe")
// If a package 'explicit' imports a package 'implicit', building
// 'explicit' into a shared library implicitly includes implicit in
// the shared library. Building an executable that imports both
// explicit and implicit builds the code from implicit into the
// executable rather than fetching it from the shared library. The
// link still succeeds and the executable still runs though.
func TestImplicitInclusion(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./explicit")
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./implicitcmd")
run(t, "running executable linked against library that contains same package as it", "../../bin/implicitcmd")
// Tests to make sure that the type fields of empty interfaces and itab
// fields of nonempty interfaces are unique even across modules,
// so that interface equality works correctly.
func TestInterface(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./iface_a")
// Note: iface_i gets installed implicitly as a dependency of iface_a.
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./iface_b")
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./iface")
run(t, "running type/itab uniqueness tester", "../../bin/iface")
// Access a global variable from a library.
func TestGlobal(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./globallib")
goCmd(t, "install", "-linkshared", "./global")
run(t, "global executable", "../../bin/global")
AssertIsLinkedTo(t, "../../bin/global", soname)
AssertHasRPath(t, "../../bin/global", gorootInstallDir)
// Run a test using -linkshared of an installed shared package.
// Issue 26400.
func TestTestInstalledShared(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(nil, "test", "-linkshared", "-test.short", "sync/atomic")
// Test generated pointer method with -linkshared.
// Issue 25065.
func TestGeneratedMethod(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(t, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./issue25065")
// Test use of shared library struct with generated hash function.
// Issue 30768.
func TestGeneratedHash(t *testing.T) {
goCmd(nil, "install", "-buildmode=shared", "-linkshared", "./issue30768/issue30768lib")
goCmd(nil, "test", "-linkshared", "./issue30768")