
412 lines
14 KiB

-- --
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-- U S A G E --
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-- B o d y --
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-- $Revision$
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-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). --
-- --
with Hostparm;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Output; use Output;
with System.WCh_Con; use System.WCh_Con;
procedure Usage is
procedure Write_Switch_Char (Sw : String; Prefix : String := "gnat");
-- Output two spaces followed by default switch character followed
-- Prefix, followed by the string given as the argument, and then
-- enough blanks to tab to column 13, i.e. assuming Sw is not longer
-- than 5 characters, the maximum allowed, Write_Switch_Char will
-- always output exactly 12 characters.
procedure Write_Switch_Char (Sw : String; Prefix : String := "gnat") is
Write_Str (" ");
Write_Char (Switch_Character);
Write_Str (Prefix);
Write_Str (Sw);
for J in 1 .. 12 - 3 - Prefix'Length - Sw'Length loop
Write_Char (' ');
end loop;
end Write_Switch_Char;
-- Start of processing for Usage
-- For gnatmake, we are appending this information to the end of
-- the normal gnatmake output, so generate appropriate header
if Name_Len >= 8
and then (Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 7 .. Name_Len) = "gnatmake"
or else
Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 7 .. Name_Len) = "GNATMAKE")
Write_Line ("Compiler switches (passed to the compiler by gnatmake):");
-- Usage line
Write_Str ("Usage: ");
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Str ("switches sfile");
-- Line for sfile
Write_Line (" sfile Source file name");
end if;
-- Common GCC switches not available in JGNAT
if not Hostparm.Java_VM then
Write_Switch_Char ("fstack-check ", "");
Write_Line ("Generate stack checking code");
Write_Switch_Char ("fno-inline ", "");
Write_Line ("Inhibit all inlining (makes executable smaller)");
end if;
-- Common switches available to both GCC and JGNAT
Write_Switch_Char ("g ", "");
Write_Line ("Generate debugging information");
Write_Switch_Char ("Idir ", "");
Write_Line ("Specify source files search path");
Write_Switch_Char ("I- ", "");
Write_Line ("Do not look for sources in current directory");
Write_Switch_Char ("O[0123] ", "");
Write_Line ("Control the optimization level");
-- Individual lines for switches. Write_Switch_Char outputs fourteen
-- characters, so the remaining message is allowed to be a maximum
-- of 65 characters to be comfortable on an 80 character device.
-- If the Write_Str fits on one line, it is short enough!
-- Line for -gnata switch
Write_Switch_Char ("a");
Write_Line ("Assertions enabled. Pragma Assert/Debug to be activated");
-- Line for -gnatA switch
Write_Switch_Char ("A");
Write_Line ("Avoid processing gnat.adc, if present file will be ignored");
-- Line for -gnatb switch
Write_Switch_Char ("b");
Write_Line ("Generate brief messages to stderr even if verbose mode set");
-- Line for -gnatc switch
Write_Switch_Char ("c");
Write_Line ("Check syntax and semantics only (no code generation)");
Write_Switch_Char ("C");
Write_Line ("Compress names in external names and debug info tables");
-- Line for -gnatd switch
Write_Switch_Char ("d?");
Write_Line ("Compiler debug option ? (a-z,A-Z,0-9), see debug.adb");
-- Line for -gnatD switch
Write_Switch_Char ("D");
Write_Line ("Debug expanded generated code rather than source code");
-- Line for -gnatec switch
Write_Switch_Char ("ec?");
Write_Line ("Specify configuration pragmas file, e.g. -gnatec/x/f.adc");
-- Line for -gnatem switch
Write_Switch_Char ("em?");
Write_Line ("Specify mapping file, e.g. -gnatemmapping");
-- Line for -gnatE switch
Write_Switch_Char ("E");
Write_Line ("Dynamic elaboration checking mode enabled");
-- Line for -gnatf switch
Write_Switch_Char ("f");
Write_Line ("Full errors. Verbose details, all undefined references");
-- Line for -gnatF switch
Write_Switch_Char ("F");
Write_Line ("Force all import/export external names to all uppercase");
-- Line for -gnatg switch
Write_Switch_Char ("g");
Write_Line ("GNAT implementation mode (used for compiling GNAT units)");
-- Line for -gnatG switch
Write_Switch_Char ("G");
Write_Line ("Output generated expanded code in source form");
-- Line for -gnath switch
Write_Switch_Char ("h");
Write_Line ("Output this usage (help) information");
-- Line for -gnati switch
Write_Switch_Char ("i?");
Write_Line ("Identifier char set (?=1/2/3/4/5/8/p/f/n/w)");
-- Line for -gnatk switch
Write_Switch_Char ("k");
Write_Line ("Limit file names to nnn characters (k = krunch)");
-- Line for -gnatl switch
Write_Switch_Char ("l");
Write_Line ("Output full source listing with embedded error messages");
-- Line for -gnatL switch
Write_Switch_Char ("L");
Write_Line ("Use longjmp/setjmp for exception handling");
-- Line for -gnatm switch
Write_Switch_Char ("mnnn");
Write_Line ("Limit number of detected errors to nnn (1-999)");
-- Line for -gnatn switch
Write_Switch_Char ("n");
Write_Line ("Inlining of subprograms (apply pragma Inline across units)");
-- Line for -gnatN switch
Write_Switch_Char ("N");
Write_Line ("Full (frontend) inlining of subprograqms");
-- Line for -gnato switch
Write_Switch_Char ("o");
Write_Line ("Enable overflow checking (off by default)");
-- Line for -gnatO switch
Write_Switch_Char ("O nm ");
Write_Line ("Set name of output ali file (internal switch)");
-- Line for -gnatp switch
Write_Switch_Char ("p");
Write_Line ("Suppress all checks");
-- Line for -gnatP switch
Write_Switch_Char ("P");
Write_Line ("Generate periodic calls to System.Polling.Poll");
-- Line for -gnatq switch
Write_Switch_Char ("q");
Write_Line ("Don't quit, try semantics, even if parse errors");
-- Line for -gnatQ switch
Write_Switch_Char ("Q");
Write_Line ("Don't quit, write ali/tree file even if compile errors");
-- Line for -gnatR switch
Write_Switch_Char ("R?");
Write_Line ("List rep inf (?=0/1/2/3 for none/types/all/variable)");
-- Lines for -gnats switch
Write_Switch_Char ("s");
Write_Line ("Syntax check only");
-- Lines for -gnatt switch
Write_Switch_Char ("t");
Write_Line ("Tree output file to be generated");
-- Line for -gnatT switch
Write_Switch_Char ("Tnnn");
Write_Line ("All compiler tables start at nnn times usual starting size");
-- Line for -gnatu switch
Write_Switch_Char ("u");
Write_Line ("List units for this compilation");
-- Line for -gnatU switch
Write_Switch_Char ("U");
Write_Line ("Enable unique tag for error messages");
-- Line for -gnatv switch
Write_Switch_Char ("v");
Write_Line ("Verbose mode. Full error output with source lines to stdout");
-- Line for -gnatV switch
Write_Switch_Char ("Vxx");
("Enable selected validity checking mode, xx = list of parameters:");
Write_Line (" a turn on all validity checking options");
Write_Line (" c turn on validity checking for copies");
Write_Line (" C turn off validity checking for copies");
Write_Line (" f turn on validity checking for floating-point");
Write_Line (" F turn off validity checking for floating-point");
Write_Line (" i turn on validity checking for in params");
Write_Line (" I turn off validity checking for in params");
Write_Line (" m turn on validity checking for in out params");
Write_Line (" M turn off validity checking for in out params");
Write_Line (" r turn on validity checking for returns");
Write_Line (" R turn off validity checking for returns");
Write_Line (" s turn on validity checking for subscripts");
Write_Line (" S turn off validity checking for subscripts");
Write_Line (" t turn on validity checking for tests");
Write_Line (" T turn off validity checking for tests");
Write_Line (" n turn off all validity checks (including RM)");
-- Lines for -gnatw switch
Write_Switch_Char ("wxx");
Write_Line ("Enable selected warning modes, xx = list of parameters:");
Write_Line (" a turn on all optional warnings (except b,h)");
Write_Line (" A turn off all optional warnings");
Write_Line (" b turn on biased rounding warnings");
Write_Line (" B turn off biased rounding warnings");
Write_Line (" c turn on constant conditional warnings");
Write_Line (" C* turn off constant conditional warnings");
Write_Line (" e treat all warnings as errors");
Write_Line (" h turn on warnings for hiding variables");
Write_Line (" H* turn off warnings for hiding variables");
Write_Line (" i* turn on warnings for implementation units");
Write_Line (" I turn off warnings for implementation units");
Write_Line (" l turn on elaboration warnings");
Write_Line (" L* turn off elaboration warnings");
Write_Line (" o* turn on address clause overlay warnings");
Write_Line (" O turn off address clause overlay warnings");
Write_Line (" p turn on warnings for ineffective pragma inline");
Write_Line (" P* turn off warnings for ineffective pragma inline");
Write_Line (" r turn on redundant construct warnings");
Write_Line (" R* turn off redundant construct warnings");
Write_Line (" s suppress all warnings");
Write_Line (" u turn on warnings for unused entities");
Write_Line (" U* turn off warnings for unused entities");
Write_Line (" * indicates default in above list");
-- Line for -gnatW switch
Write_Switch_Char ("W");
Write_Str ("Wide character encoding method (");
for J in WC_Encoding_Method loop
Write_Char (WC_Encoding_Letters (J));
if J = WC_Encoding_Method'Last then
Write_Char (')');
Write_Char ('/');
end if;
end loop;
-- Line for -gnatx switch
Write_Switch_Char ("x");
Write_Line ("Suppress output of cross-reference information");
-- Line for -gnatX switch
Write_Switch_Char ("X");
Write_Line ("Language extensions permitted");
-- Lines for -gnaty switch
Write_Switch_Char ("y");
Write_Line ("Enable all style checks except 'o', indent=3");
Write_Switch_Char ("yxx");
Write_Line ("Enable selected style checks xx = list of parameters:");
Write_Line (" 1-9 check indentation");
Write_Line (" a check attribute casing");
Write_Line (" b check no blanks at end of lines");
Write_Line (" c check comment format");
Write_Line (" e check end/exit labels present");
Write_Line (" f check no form feeds/vertical tabs in source");
Write_Line (" h check no horizontal tabs in source");
Write_Line (" i check if-then layout");
Write_Line (" k check casing rules for keywords, identifiers");
Write_Line (" l check reference manual layout");
Write_Line (" m check line length <= 79 characters");
Write_Line (" n check casing of package Standard identifiers");
Write_Line (" Mnnn check line length <= nnn characters");
Write_Line (" o check subprogram bodies in alphabetical order");
Write_Line (" p check pragma casing");
Write_Line (" r check RM column layout");
Write_Line (" s check separate subprogram specs present");
Write_Line (" t check token separation rules");
-- Lines for -gnatz switch
Write_Switch_Char ("z");
Write_Line ("Distribution stub generation (r/s for receiver/sender stubs)");
-- Line for -gnatZ switch
Write_Switch_Char ("Z");
Write_Line ("Use zero cost exception handling");
-- Line for -gnat83 switch
Write_Switch_Char ("83");
Write_Line ("Enforce Ada 83 restrictions");
end Usage;