
1918 lines
63 KiB

-- --
-- --
-- C L E A N --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2003-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
-- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with ALI; use ALI;
with Csets;
with Gnatvsn; use Gnatvsn;
with Makeutl;
with MLib.Tgt; use MLib.Tgt;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Osint.M; use Osint.M;
with Prj; use Prj;
with Prj.Env;
with Prj.Ext;
with Prj.Pars;
with Prj.Util; use Prj.Util;
with Snames;
with Table;
with Targparm; use Targparm;
with Types; use Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.IO; use GNAT.IO;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
package body Clean is
Initialized : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True by the first call to Initialize.
-- To avoid reinitialization of some packages.
-- Suffixes of various files
Assembly_Suffix : constant String := ".s";
ALI_Suffix : constant String := ".ali";
Tree_Suffix : constant String := ".adt";
Object_Suffix : constant String := Get_Target_Object_Suffix.all;
Debug_Suffix : String := ".dg";
-- Changed to "_dg" for VMS in the body of the package
Repinfo_Suffix : String := ".rep";
-- Changed to "_rep" for VMS in the body of the package
B_Start : String_Ptr := new String'("b~");
-- Prefix of binder generated file, and number of actual characters used.
-- Changed to "b__" for VMS in the body of the package.
Object_Directory_Path : String_Access := null;
-- The path name of the object directory, set with switch -D
Force_Deletions : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True by switch -f. When True, attempts to delete non writable
-- files will be done.
Do_Nothing : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True when switch -n is specified. When True, no file is deleted.
-- gnatclean only lists the files that would have been deleted if the
-- switch -n had not been specified.
File_Deleted : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True if at least one file has been deleted
Copyright_Displayed : Boolean := False;
Usage_Displayed : Boolean := False;
Project_File_Name : String_Access := null;
Project_Tree : constant Prj.Project_Tree_Ref := new Prj.Project_Tree_Data;
Main_Project : Prj.Project_Id := Prj.No_Project;
All_Projects : Boolean := False;
-- Packages of project files where unknown attributes are errors
Naming_String : aliased String := "naming";
Builder_String : aliased String := "builder";
Compiler_String : aliased String := "compiler";
Binder_String : aliased String := "binder";
Linker_String : aliased String := "linker";
Gnatmake_Packages : aliased String_List :=
(Naming_String 'Access,
Builder_String 'Access,
Compiler_String 'Access,
Binder_String 'Access,
Linker_String 'Access);
Packages_To_Check_By_Gnatmake : constant String_List_Access :=
package Processed_Projects is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Project_Id,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 0,
Table_Initial => 10,
Table_Increment => 10,
Table_Name => "Clean.Processed_Projects");
-- Table to keep track of what project files have been processed, when
-- switch -r is specified.
package Sources is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => File_Name_Type,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 0,
Table_Initial => 10,
Table_Increment => 10,
Table_Name => "Clean.Processed_Projects");
-- Table to store all the source files of a library unit: spec, body and
-- subunits, to detect .dg files and delete them.
-- Queue (Q) manipulation --
procedure Init_Q;
-- Must be called to initialize the Q
procedure Insert_Q (Lib_File : File_Name_Type);
-- If Lib_File is not marked, inserts it at the end of Q and mark it
function Empty_Q return Boolean;
-- Returns True if Q is empty
procedure Extract_From_Q (Lib_File : out File_Name_Type);
-- Extracts the first element from the Q
Q_Front : Natural;
-- Points to the first valid element in the Q
package Q is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => File_Name_Type,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 0,
Table_Initial => 4000,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Clean.Q");
-- This is the actual queue
-- Other local subprograms --
procedure Add_Source_Dir (N : String);
-- Call Add_Src_Search_Dir.
-- Output one line when in verbose mode.
procedure Add_Source_Directories is
new Prj.Env.For_All_Source_Dirs (Action => Add_Source_Dir);
procedure Add_Object_Dir (N : String);
-- Call Add_Lib_Search_Dir.
-- Output one line when in verbose mode.
procedure Add_Object_Directories is
new Prj.Env.For_All_Object_Dirs (Action => Add_Object_Dir);
function ALI_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String;
-- Returns the name of the ALI file corresponding to Source
function Assembly_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String;
-- Returns the assembly file name corresponding to Source
procedure Clean_Archive (Project : Project_Id);
-- Delete a global archive or a fake library project archive and the
-- dependency file, if they exist.
procedure Clean_Executables;
-- Do the cleaning work when no project file is specified
procedure Clean_Interface_Copy_Directory (Project : Project_Id);
-- Delete files in an interface coy directory directory: any file that is
-- a copy of a source of the project.
procedure Clean_Library_Directory (Project : Project_Id);
-- Delete the library file in a library directory and any ALI file
-- of a source of the project in a library ALI directory.
procedure Clean_Project (Project : Project_Id);
-- Do the cleaning work when a project file is specified.
-- This procedure calls itself recursively when there are several
-- project files in the tree rooted at the main project file and switch -r
-- has been specified.
function Debug_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String;
-- Name of the expanded source file corresponding to Source
procedure Delete (In_Directory : String; File : String);
-- Delete one file, or list the file name if switch -n is specified
procedure Delete_Binder_Generated_Files (Dir : String; Source : Name_Id);
-- Delete the binder generated file in directory Dir for Source, if they
-- exist: for Unix these are b~<source>.ads, b~<source>.adb,
-- b~<source>.ali and b~<source>.o.
procedure Display_Copyright;
-- Display the Copyright notice.
-- If called several times, display the Copyright notice only the first
-- time.
procedure Initialize;
-- Call the necessary package initializations
function Object_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String;
-- Returns the object file name corresponding to Source
procedure Parse_Cmd_Line;
-- Parse the command line
function Repinfo_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String;
-- Returns the repinfo file name corresponding to Source
function Tree_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String;
-- Returns the tree file name corresponding to Source
function In_Extension_Chain
(Of_Project : Project_Id;
Prj : Project_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns True iff Prj is an extension of Of_Project or if Of_Project is
-- an extension of Prj.
function Ultimate_Extension_Of (Project : Project_Id) return Project_Id;
-- Returns either Project, if it is not extended by another project, or
-- the project that extends Project, directly or indirectly, and that is
-- not itself extended. Returns No_Project if Project is No_Project.
procedure Usage;
-- Display the usage.
-- If called several times, the usage is displayed only the first time.
-- Add_Object_Dir --
procedure Add_Object_Dir (N : String) is
Add_Lib_Search_Dir (N);
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
Put ("Adding object directory """);
Put (N);
Put (""".");
end if;
end Add_Object_Dir;
-- Add_Source_Dir --
procedure Add_Source_Dir (N : String) is
Add_Src_Search_Dir (N);
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
Put ("Adding source directory """);
Put (N);
Put (""".");
end if;
end Add_Source_Dir;
-- ALI_File_Name --
function ALI_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String is
Src : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source);
-- If the source name has an extension, then replace it with
-- the ALI suffix.
for Index in reverse Src'First + 1 .. Src'Last loop
if Src (Index) = '.' then
return Src (Src'First .. Index - 1) & ALI_Suffix;
end if;
end loop;
-- If there is no dot, or if it is the first character, just add the
-- ALI suffix.
return Src & ALI_Suffix;
end ALI_File_Name;
-- Assembly_File_Name --
function Assembly_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String is
Src : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source);
-- If the source name has an extension, then replace it with
-- the assembly suffix.
for Index in reverse Src'First + 1 .. Src'Last loop
if Src (Index) = '.' then
return Src (Src'First .. Index - 1) & Assembly_Suffix;
end if;
end loop;
-- If there is no dot, or if it is the first character, just add the
-- assembly suffix.
return Src & Assembly_Suffix;
end Assembly_File_Name;
-- Clean_Archive --
procedure Clean_Archive (Project : Project_Id) is
Current_Dir : constant Dir_Name_Str := Get_Current_Dir;
Data : constant Project_Data :=
Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Project);
Archive_Name : constant String :=
"lib" & Get_Name_String (Data.Name) & '.' & Archive_Ext;
-- The name of the archive file for this project
Archive_Dep_Name : constant String :=
"lib" & Get_Name_String (Data.Name) & ".deps";
-- The name of the archive dependency file for this project
Obj_Dir : constant String := Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory);
Change_Dir (Obj_Dir);
if Is_Regular_File (Archive_Name) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Archive_Name);
end if;
if Is_Regular_File (Archive_Dep_Name) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Archive_Dep_Name);
end if;
Change_Dir (Current_Dir);
end Clean_Archive;
-- Clean_Executables --
procedure Clean_Executables is
Main_Source_File : File_Name_Type;
-- Current main source
Main_Lib_File : File_Name_Type;
-- ALI file of the current main
Lib_File : File_Name_Type;
-- Current ALI file
Full_Lib_File : File_Name_Type;
-- Full name of the current ALI file
Text : Text_Buffer_Ptr;
The_ALI : ALI_Id;
-- It does not really matter if there is or not an object file
-- corresponding to an ALI file: if there is one, it will be deleted.
Opt.Check_Object_Consistency := False;
-- Proceed each executable one by one. Each source is marked as it is
-- processed, so common sources between executables will not be
-- processed several times.
for N_File in 1 .. Osint.Number_Of_Files loop
Main_Source_File := Next_Main_Source;
Main_Lib_File := Osint.Lib_File_Name
(Main_Source_File, Current_File_Index);
Insert_Q (Main_Lib_File);
while not Empty_Q loop
Sources.Set_Last (0);
Extract_From_Q (Lib_File);
Full_Lib_File := Osint.Full_Lib_File_Name (Lib_File);
-- If we have existing ALI file that is not read-only, process it
if Full_Lib_File /= No_File
and then not Is_Readonly_Library (Full_Lib_File)
Text := Read_Library_Info (Lib_File);
if Text /= null then
The_ALI :=
Scan_ALI (Lib_File, Text, Ignore_ED => False, Err => True);
Free (Text);
-- If no error was produced while loading this ALI file,
-- insert into the queue all the unmarked withed sources.
if The_ALI /= No_ALI_Id then
for J in ALIs.Table (The_ALI).First_Unit ..
ALIs.Table (The_ALI).Last_Unit
Sources.Table (Sources.Last) :=
ALI.Units.Table (J).Sfile;
for K in ALI.Units.Table (J).First_With ..
ALI.Units.Table (J).Last_With
Insert_Q (Withs.Table (K).Afile);
end loop;
end loop;
-- Look for subunits and put them in the Sources table
for J in ALIs.Table (The_ALI).First_Sdep ..
ALIs.Table (The_ALI).Last_Sdep
if Sdep.Table (J).Subunit_Name /= No_Name then
Sources.Table (Sources.Last) :=
Sdep.Table (J).Sfile;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
-- Now delete all existing files corresponding to this ALI file
Obj_Dir : constant String :=
Dir_Name (Get_Name_String (Full_Lib_File));
Obj : constant String := Object_File_Name (Lib_File);
Adt : constant String := Tree_File_Name (Lib_File);
Asm : constant String := Assembly_File_Name (Lib_File);
Delete (Obj_Dir, Get_Name_String (Lib_File));
if Is_Regular_File (Obj_Dir & Dir_Separator & Obj) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Obj);
end if;
if Is_Regular_File (Obj_Dir & Dir_Separator & Adt) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Adt);
end if;
if Is_Regular_File (Obj_Dir & Dir_Separator & Asm) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Asm);
end if;
-- Delete expanded source files (.dg) and/or repinfo files
-- (.rep) if any
for J in 1 .. Sources.Last loop
Deb : constant String :=
Debug_File_Name (Sources.Table (J));
Rep : constant String :=
Repinfo_File_Name (Sources.Table (J));
if Is_Regular_File (Obj_Dir & Dir_Separator & Deb) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Deb);
end if;
if Is_Regular_File (Obj_Dir & Dir_Separator & Rep) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Rep);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
-- Delete the executable, if it exists, and the binder generated
-- files, if any.
if not Compile_Only then
Source : constant Name_Id := Strip_Suffix (Main_Lib_File);
Executable : constant String := Get_Name_String
(Executable_Name (Source));
if Is_Regular_File (Executable) then
Delete ("", Executable);
end if;
Delete_Binder_Generated_Files (Get_Current_Dir, Source);
end if;
end loop;
end Clean_Executables;
-- Clean_Interface_Copy_Directory --
procedure Clean_Interface_Copy_Directory (Project : Project_Id) is
Current : constant String := Get_Current_Dir;
Data : constant Project_Data := Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Project);
Direc : Dir_Type;
Name : String (1 .. 200);
Last : Natural;
Delete_File : Boolean;
Unit : Unit_Data;
if Data.Library and then Data.Library_Src_Dir /= No_Name then
Directory : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Src_Dir);
Change_Dir (Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Src_Dir));
Open (Direc, ".");
-- For each regular file in the directory, if switch -n has not
-- been specified, make it writable and delete the file if it is
-- a copy of a source of the project.
Read (Direc, Name, Last);
exit when Last = 0;
if Is_Regular_File (Name (1 .. Last)) then
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name (1 .. Last));
Delete_File := False;
-- Compare with source file names of the project
for Index in 1 .. Unit_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Units) loop
Unit := Project_Tree.Units.Table (Index);
if Ultimate_Extension_Of
(Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Project) = Project
and then
(Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Name) =
Name (1 .. Last)
Delete_File := True;
end if;
if Ultimate_Extension_Of
(Unit.File_Names (Specification).Project) = Project
and then
(Unit.File_Names (Specification).Name) =
Name (1 .. Last)
Delete_File := True;
end if;
end loop;
if Delete_File then
if not Do_Nothing then
Set_Writable (Name (1 .. Last));
end if;
Delete (Directory, Name (1 .. Last));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
Close (Direc);
-- Restore the initial working directory
Change_Dir (Current);
end if;
end Clean_Interface_Copy_Directory;
-- Clean_Library_Directory --
procedure Clean_Library_Directory (Project : Project_Id) is
Current : constant String := Get_Current_Dir;
Data : constant Project_Data := Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Project);
Lib_Filename : constant String := Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Name);
DLL_Name : constant String :=
DLL_Prefix & Lib_Filename & "." & DLL_Ext;
Archive_Name : constant String :=
"lib" & Lib_Filename & "." & Archive_Ext;
Direc : Dir_Type;
Name : String (1 .. 200);
Last : Natural;
Delete_File : Boolean;
if Data.Library then
Lib_Directory : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Dir);
Lib_ALI_Directory : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Data.Library_ALI_Dir);
Change_Dir (Lib_Directory);
Open (Direc, ".");
-- For each regular file in the directory, if switch -n has not
-- been specified, make it writable and delete the file if it is
-- the library file.
Read (Direc, Name, Last);
exit when Last = 0;
if Is_Regular_File (Name (1 .. Last)) then
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name (1 .. Last));
Delete_File := False;
if (Data.Library_Kind = Static and then
Name (1 .. Last) = Archive_Name)
or else
((Data.Library_Kind = Dynamic or else
Data.Library_Kind = Relocatable)
and then
Name (1 .. Last) = DLL_Name)
if not Do_Nothing then
Set_Writable (Name (1 .. Last));
end if;
Delete (Lib_Directory, Name (1 .. Last));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
Close (Direc);
Change_Dir (Lib_ALI_Directory);
Open (Direc, ".");
-- For each regular file in the directory, if switch -n has not
-- been specified, make it writable and delete the file if it is
-- any ALI file of a source of the project.
Read (Direc, Name, Last);
exit when Last = 0;
if Is_Regular_File (Name (1 .. Last)) then
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name (1 .. Last));
Delete_File := False;
if Last > 4 and then Name (Last - 3 .. Last) = ".ali" then
Unit : Unit_Data;
-- Compare with ALI file names of the project
Index in 1 .. Unit_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Units)
Unit := Project_Tree.Units.Table (Index);
if Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Project /=
if Ultimate_Extension_Of
(Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Project) =
(Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Name);
Name_Len := Name_Len -
(Name (1 .. Name_Len))'Length;
if Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) =
Name (1 .. Last - 4)
Delete_File := True;
end if;
end if;
elsif Ultimate_Extension_Of
(Unit.File_Names (Specification).Project) =
(Unit.File_Names (Specification).Name);
Name_Len := Name_Len -
(Name (1 .. Name_Len))'Length;
if Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) =
Name (1 .. Last - 4)
Delete_File := True;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
if Delete_File then
if not Do_Nothing then
Set_Writable (Name (1 .. Last));
end if;
Delete (Lib_ALI_Directory, Name (1 .. Last));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
Close (Direc);
-- Restore the initial working directory
Change_Dir (Current);
end if;
end Clean_Library_Directory;
-- Clean_Project --
procedure Clean_Project (Project : Project_Id) is
Main_Source_File : File_Name_Type;
-- Name of executable on the command line without directory info
Executable : Name_Id;
-- Name of the executable file
Current_Dir : constant Dir_Name_Str := Get_Current_Dir;
Data : constant Project_Data :=
Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Project);
U_Data : Unit_Data;
File_Name1 : Name_Id;
Index1 : Int;
File_Name2 : Name_Id;
Index2 : Int;
Lib_File : File_Name_Type;
Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Source : Other_Source;
Global_Archive : Boolean := False;
-- Check that we don't specify executable on the command line for
-- a main library project.
if Project = Main_Project
and then Osint.Number_Of_Files /= 0
and then Data.Library
("Cannot specify executable(s) for a Library Project File");
end if;
-- Nothing to clean in an externally built project
if Data.Externally_Built then
if Verbose_Mode then
Put ("Nothing to do to clean externally built project """);
Put (Get_Name_String (Data.Name));
Put_Line ("""");
end if;
if Verbose_Mode then
Put ("Cleaning project """);
Put (Get_Name_String (Data.Name));
Put_Line ("""");
end if;
-- Add project to the list of processed projects
Processed_Projects.Table (Processed_Projects.Last) := Project;
if Data.Object_Directory /= No_Name then
Obj_Dir : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory);
Change_Dir (Obj_Dir);
-- First, deal with Ada
-- Look through the units to find those that are either
-- immediate sources or inherited sources of the project.
-- Extending projects may have no language specified, if
-- Source_Dirs or Source_Files is specified as an empty list,
-- so always look for Ada units in extending projects.
if Data.Languages (Ada_Language_Index)
or else Data.Extends /= No_Project
for Unit in Unit_Table.First ..
Unit_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Units)
U_Data := Project_Tree.Units.Table (Unit);
File_Name1 := No_Name;
File_Name2 := No_Name;
-- If either the spec or the body is a source of the
-- project, check for the corresponding ALI file in the
-- object directory.
if In_Extension_Chain
(U_Data.File_Names (Body_Part).Project, Project)
or else
(U_Data.File_Names (Specification).Project, Project)
File_Name1 := U_Data.File_Names (Body_Part).Name;
Index1 := U_Data.File_Names (Body_Part).Index;
File_Name2 := U_Data.File_Names (Specification).Name;
Index2 := U_Data.File_Names (Specification).Index;
-- If there is no body file name, then there may be
-- only a spec.
if File_Name1 = No_Name then
File_Name1 := File_Name2;
Index1 := Index2;
File_Name2 := No_Name;
Index2 := 0;
end if;
end if;
-- If there is either a spec or a body, look for files
-- in the object directory.
if File_Name1 /= No_Name then
Lib_File := Osint.Lib_File_Name (File_Name1, Index1);
Asm : constant String :=
Assembly_File_Name (Lib_File);
ALI : constant String :=
ALI_File_Name (Lib_File);
Obj : constant String :=
Object_File_Name (Lib_File);
Adt : constant String :=
Tree_File_Name (Lib_File);
Deb : constant String :=
Debug_File_Name (File_Name1);
Rep : constant String :=
Repinfo_File_Name (File_Name1);
Del : Boolean := True;
-- If the ALI file exists and is read-only, no file
-- is deleted.
if Is_Regular_File (ALI) then
if Is_Writable_File (ALI) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, ALI);
Del := False;
if Verbose_Mode then
Put ('"');
Put (Obj_Dir);
if Obj_Dir (Obj_Dir'Last) /=
Put (Dir_Separator);
end if;
Put (ALI);
Put_Line (""" is read-only");
end if;
end if;
end if;
if Del then
-- Object file
if Is_Regular_File (Obj) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Obj);
end if;
-- Assembly file
if Is_Regular_File (Asm) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Asm);
end if;
-- Tree file
if Is_Regular_File (Adt) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Adt);
end if;
-- First expanded source file
if Is_Regular_File (Deb) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Deb);
end if;
-- Repinfo file
if Is_Regular_File (Rep) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Rep);
end if;
-- Second expanded source file
if File_Name2 /= No_Name then
Deb : constant String :=
Debug_File_Name (File_Name2);
Rep : constant String :=
Repinfo_File_Name (File_Name2);
if Is_Regular_File (Deb) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Deb);
end if;
if Is_Regular_File (Rep) then
Delete (Obj_Dir, Rep);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- Check if a global archive and it dependency file could have
-- been created and, if they exist, delete them.
if Project = Main_Project and then not Data.Library then
Global_Archive := False;
for Proj in Project_Table.First ..
Project_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Projects)
if Project_Tree.Projects.Table
Global_Archive := True;
end if;
end loop;
if Global_Archive then
Clean_Archive (Project);
end if;
end if;
if Data.Other_Sources_Present then
-- There is non-Ada code: delete the object files and
-- the dependency files if they exist.
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source :=
Project_Tree.Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
if Is_Regular_File
(Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name))
Delete (Obj_Dir, Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name));
end if;
Is_Regular_File (Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name))
Delete (Obj_Dir, Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name));
end if;
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
-- If it is a library with only non Ada sources, delete
-- the fake archive and the dependency file, if they exist.
if Data.Library
and then not Data.Languages (Ada_Language_Index)
Clean_Archive (Project);
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- If this is a library project, clean the library directory, the
-- interface copy dir and, for a Stand-Alone Library, the binder
-- generated files of the library.
-- The directories are cleaned only if switch -c is not specified
if Data.Library then
if not Compile_Only then
Clean_Library_Directory (Project);
if Data.Library_Src_Dir /= No_Name then
Clean_Interface_Copy_Directory (Project);
end if;
end if;
if Data.Standalone_Library and then
Data.Object_Directory /= No_Name
(Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory), Data.Library_Name);
end if;
end if;
if Verbose_Mode then
end if;
end if;
-- If switch -r is specified, call Clean_Project recursively for the
-- imported projects and the project being extended.
if All_Projects then
Imported : Project_List := Data.Imported_Projects;
Element : Project_Element;
Process : Boolean;
-- For each imported project, call Clean_Project if the project
-- has not been processed already.
while Imported /= Empty_Project_List loop
Element := Project_Tree.Project_Lists.Table (Imported);
Imported := Element.Next;
Process := True;
J in Processed_Projects.First .. Processed_Projects.Last
if Element.Project = Processed_Projects.Table (J) then
Process := False;
end if;
end loop;
if Process then
Clean_Project (Element.Project);
end if;
end loop;
-- If this project extends another project, call Clean_Project for
-- the project being extended. It is guaranteed that it has not
-- called before, because no other project may import or extend
-- this project.
if Data.Extends /= No_Project then
Clean_Project (Data.Extends);
end if;
end if;
-- For the main project, delete the executables and the binder
-- generated files.
-- The executables are deleted only if switch -c is not specified
if Project = Main_Project and then Data.Exec_Directory /= No_Name then
Exec_Dir : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Data.Exec_Directory);
Change_Dir (Exec_Dir);
for N_File in 1 .. Osint.Number_Of_Files loop
Main_Source_File := Next_Main_Source;
if not Compile_Only then
Executable :=
Exec_File_Name : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Executable);
if Is_Absolute_Path (Name => Exec_File_Name) then
if Is_Regular_File (Exec_File_Name) then
Delete ("", Exec_File_Name);
end if;
if Is_Regular_File (Exec_File_Name) then
Delete (Exec_Dir, Exec_File_Name);
end if;
end if;
end if;
if Data.Object_Directory /= No_Name then
Strip_Suffix (Main_Source_File));
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- Change back to previous directory
Change_Dir (Current_Dir);
end Clean_Project;
-- Debug_File_Name --
function Debug_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String is
return Get_Name_String (Source) & Debug_Suffix;
end Debug_File_Name;
-- Delete --
procedure Delete (In_Directory : String; File : String) is
Full_Name : String (1 .. In_Directory'Length + File'Length + 1);
Last : Natural := 0;
Success : Boolean;
-- Indicate that at least one file is deleted or is to be deleted
File_Deleted := True;
-- Build the path name of the file to delete
Last := In_Directory'Length;
Full_Name (1 .. Last) := In_Directory;
if Last > 0 and then Full_Name (Last) /= Directory_Separator then
Last := Last + 1;
Full_Name (Last) := Directory_Separator;
end if;
Full_Name (Last + 1 .. Last + File'Length) := File;
Last := Last + File'Length;
-- If switch -n was used, simply output the path name
if Do_Nothing then
Put_Line (Full_Name (1 .. Last));
-- Otherwise, delete the file if it is writable
if Force_Deletions
or else Is_Writable_File (Full_Name (1 .. Last))
Delete_File (Full_Name (1 .. Last), Success);
Success := False;
end if;
if Verbose_Mode or else not Quiet_Output then
if not Success then
Put ("Warning: """);
Put (Full_Name (1 .. Last));
Put_Line (""" could not be deleted");
Put ("""");
Put (Full_Name (1 .. Last));
Put_Line (""" has been deleted");
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Delete;
-- Delete_Binder_Generated_Files --
procedure Delete_Binder_Generated_Files (Dir : String; Source : Name_Id) is
Source_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source);
Current : constant String := Get_Current_Dir;
Last : constant Positive := B_Start'Length + Source_Name'Length;
File_Name : String (1 .. Last + 4);
Change_Dir (Dir);
-- Build the file name (before the extension)
File_Name (1 .. B_Start'Length) := B_Start.all;
File_Name (B_Start'Length + 1 .. Last) := Source_Name;
-- Spec
File_Name (Last + 1 .. Last + 4) := ".ads";
if Is_Regular_File (File_Name (1 .. Last + 4)) then
Delete (Dir, File_Name (1 .. Last + 4));
end if;
-- Body
File_Name (Last + 1 .. Last + 4) := ".adb";
if Is_Regular_File (File_Name (1 .. Last + 4)) then
Delete (Dir, File_Name (1 .. Last + 4));
end if;
-- ALI file
File_Name (Last + 1 .. Last + 4) := ".ali";
if Is_Regular_File (File_Name (1 .. Last + 4)) then
Delete (Dir, File_Name (1 .. Last + 4));
end if;
-- Object file
File_Name (Last + 1 .. Last + Object_Suffix'Length) := Object_Suffix;
if Is_Regular_File (File_Name (1 .. Last + Object_Suffix'Length)) then
Delete (Dir, File_Name (1 .. Last + Object_Suffix'Length));
end if;
-- Change back to previous directory
Change_Dir (Current);
end Delete_Binder_Generated_Files;
-- Display_Copyright --
procedure Display_Copyright is
if not Copyright_Displayed then
Copyright_Displayed := True;
("GNATCLEAN " & Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String
& " Copyright 2003-"
& Current_Year
& " Free Software Foundation, Inc.");
end if;
end Display_Copyright;
-- Empty_Q --
function Empty_Q return Boolean is
return Q_Front >= Q.Last;
end Empty_Q;
-- Extract_From_Q --
procedure Extract_From_Q (Lib_File : out File_Name_Type) is
Lib : constant File_Name_Type := Q.Table (Q_Front);
Q_Front := Q_Front + 1;
Lib_File := Lib;
end Extract_From_Q;
-- Gnatclean --
procedure Gnatclean is
-- Do the necessary initializations
-- Parse the command line, getting the switches and the executable names
if Verbose_Mode then
end if;
if Project_File_Name /= null then
-- A project file was specified by a -P switch
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
Put ("Parsing Project File """);
Put (Project_File_Name.all);
Put_Line (""".");
end if;
-- Set the project parsing verbosity to whatever was specified
-- by a possible -vP switch.
Prj.Pars.Set_Verbosity (To => Current_Verbosity);
-- Parse the project file. If there is an error, Main_Project
-- will still be No_Project.
(Project => Main_Project,
In_Tree => Project_Tree,
Project_File_Name => Project_File_Name.all,
Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check_By_Gnatmake);
if Main_Project = No_Project then
Fail ("""" & Project_File_Name.all & """ processing failed");
end if;
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
Put ("Parsing of Project File """);
Put (Project_File_Name.all);
Put (""" is finished.");
end if;
-- Add source directories and object directories to the search paths
Add_Source_Directories (Main_Project, Project_Tree);
Add_Object_Directories (Main_Project, Project_Tree);
end if;
-- If a project file was specified, but no executable name, put all
-- the mains of the project file (if any) as if there were on the
-- command line.
if Main_Project /= No_Project and then Osint.Number_Of_Files = 0 then
Value : String_List_Id :=
Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Main_Project).Mains;
Main : String_Element;
while Value /= Prj.Nil_String loop
Main := Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (Value);
(File_Name => Get_Name_String (Main.Value),
Index => Main.Index);
Value := Main.Next;
end loop;
end if;
-- If neither a project file nor an executable were specified,
-- output the usage and exit.
if Main_Project = No_Project and then Osint.Number_Of_Files = 0 then
end if;
if Verbose_Mode then
end if;
if Main_Project /= No_Project then
-- If a project file has been specified, call Clean_Project with the
-- project id of this project file, after resetting the list of
-- processed projects.
Clean_Project (Main_Project);
-- If no project file has been specified, the work is done in
-- Clean_Executables.
end if;
-- In verbose mode, if Delete has not been called, indicate that
-- no file needs to be deleted.
if Verbose_Mode and (not File_Deleted) then
if Do_Nothing then
Put_Line ("No file needs to be deleted");
Put_Line ("No file has been deleted");
end if;
end if;
end Gnatclean;
-- In_Extension_Chain --
function In_Extension_Chain
(Of_Project : Project_Id;
Prj : Project_Id) return Boolean
Data : Project_Data;
if Prj = No_Project or else Of_Project = No_Project then
return False;
end if;
if Of_Project = Prj then
return True;
end if;
Data := Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Of_Project);
while Data.Extends /= No_Project loop
if Data.Extends = Prj then
return True;
end if;
Data := Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Data.Extends);
end loop;
Data := Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Prj);
while Data.Extends /= No_Project loop
if Data.Extends = Of_Project then
return True;
end if;
Data := Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Data.Extends);
end loop;
return False;
end In_Extension_Chain;
-- Init_Q --
procedure Init_Q is
Q_Front := Q.First;
Q.Set_Last (Q.First);
end Init_Q;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
if not Initialized then
Initialized := True;
-- Get default search directories to locate system.ads when calling
-- Targparm.Get_Target_Parameters.
-- Initialize some packages
Prj.Initialize (Project_Tree);
-- Check if the platform is VMS and, if it is, change some variables
if OpenVMS_On_Target then
Debug_Suffix (Debug_Suffix'First) := '_';
Repinfo_Suffix (Repinfo_Suffix'First) := '_';
B_Start := new String'("b__");
end if;
end if;
-- Reset global variables
Free (Object_Directory_Path);
Do_Nothing := False;
File_Deleted := False;
Copyright_Displayed := False;
Usage_Displayed := False;
Free (Project_File_Name);
Main_Project := Prj.No_Project;
All_Projects := False;
end Initialize;
-- Insert_Q --
procedure Insert_Q (Lib_File : File_Name_Type) is
-- Do not insert an empty name or an already marked source
if Lib_File /= No_Name and then not Makeutl.Is_Marked (Lib_File) then
Q.Table (Q.Last) := Lib_File;
-- Mark the source that has been just added to the Q
Makeutl.Mark (Lib_File);
end if;
end Insert_Q;
-- Object_File_Name --
function Object_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String is
Src : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source);
-- If the source name has an extension, then replace it with
-- the Object suffix.
for Index in reverse Src'First + 1 .. Src'Last loop
if Src (Index) = '.' then
return Src (Src'First .. Index - 1) & Object_Suffix;
end if;
end loop;
-- If there is no dot, or if it is the first character, just add the
-- ALI suffix.
return Src & Object_Suffix;
end Object_File_Name;
-- Parse_Cmd_Line --
procedure Parse_Cmd_Line is
Source_Index : Int := 0;
Index : Positive := 1;
Last : constant Natural := Argument_Count;
while Index <= Last loop
Arg : constant String := Argument (Index);
procedure Bad_Argument;
-- Signal bad argument
-- Bad_Argument --
procedure Bad_Argument is
Fail ("invalid argument """, Arg, """");
end Bad_Argument;
if Arg'Length /= 0 then
if Arg (1) = '-' then
if Arg'Length = 1 then
end if;
case Arg (2) is
when 'a' =>
if Arg'Length < 4 or else Arg (3) /= 'O' then
end if;
Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Arg (3 .. Arg'Last));
when 'c' =>
Compile_Only := True;
when 'D' =>
if Object_Directory_Path /= null then
Fail ("duplicate -D switch");
elsif Project_File_Name /= null then
Fail ("-P and -D cannot be used simultaneously");
end if;
if Arg'Length > 2 then
Dir : constant String := Arg (3 .. Arg'Last);
if not Is_Directory (Dir) then
Fail (Dir, " is not a directory");
Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Dir);
end if;
if Index = Last then
Fail ("no directory specified after -D");
end if;
Index := Index + 1;
Dir : constant String := Argument (Index);
if not Is_Directory (Dir) then
Fail (Dir, " is not a directory");
Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Dir);
end if;
end if;
when 'f' =>
Force_Deletions := True;
when 'F' =>
Full_Path_Name_For_Brief_Errors := True;
when 'h' =>
when 'i' =>
if Arg'Length = 2 then
end if;
Source_Index := 0;
for J in 3 .. Arg'Last loop
if Arg (J) not in '0' .. '9' then
end if;
Source_Index :=
(20 * Source_Index) +
(Character'Pos (Arg (J)) - Character'Pos ('0'));
end loop;
when 'I' =>
if Arg = "-I-" then
Opt.Look_In_Primary_Dir := False;
if Arg'Length = 2 then
end if;
Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Arg (3 .. Arg'Last));
end if;
when 'n' =>
Do_Nothing := True;
when 'P' =>
if Project_File_Name /= null then
Fail ("multiple -P switches");
elsif Object_Directory_Path /= null then
Fail ("-D and -P cannot be used simultaneously");
end if;
if Arg'Length > 2 then
Prj : constant String := Arg (3 .. Arg'Last);
if Prj'Length > 1 and then
Prj (Prj'First) = '='
Project_File_Name :=
new String'
(Prj (Prj'First + 1 .. Prj'Last));
Project_File_Name := new String'(Prj);
end if;
if Index = Last then
Fail ("no project specified after -P");
end if;
Index := Index + 1;
Project_File_Name := new String'(Argument (Index));
end if;
when 'q' =>
Quiet_Output := True;
when 'r' =>
All_Projects := True;
when 'v' =>
if Arg = "-v" then
Verbose_Mode := True;
elsif Arg = "-vP0" then
Current_Verbosity := Prj.Default;
elsif Arg = "-vP1" then
Current_Verbosity := Prj.Medium;
elsif Arg = "-vP2" then
Current_Verbosity := Prj.High;
end if;
when 'X' =>
if Arg'Length = 2 then
end if;
Ext_Asgn : constant String := Arg (3 .. Arg'Last);
Start : Positive := Ext_Asgn'First;
Stop : Natural := Ext_Asgn'Last;
Equal_Pos : Natural;
OK : Boolean := True;
if Ext_Asgn (Start) = '"' then
if Ext_Asgn (Stop) = '"' then
Start := Start + 1;
Stop := Stop - 1;
OK := False;
end if;
end if;
Equal_Pos := Start;
while Equal_Pos <= Stop
and then Ext_Asgn (Equal_Pos) /= '='
Equal_Pos := Equal_Pos + 1;
end loop;
if Equal_Pos = Start or else Equal_Pos > Stop then
OK := False;
end if;
if OK then
(External_Name =>
Ext_Asgn (Start .. Equal_Pos - 1),
Value =>
Ext_Asgn (Equal_Pos + 1 .. Stop));
("illegal external assignment '",
Ext_Asgn, "'");
end if;
when others =>
end case;
Add_File (Arg, Source_Index);
end if;
end if;
Index := Index + 1;
end loop;
end Parse_Cmd_Line;
-- Repinfo_File_Name --
function Repinfo_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String is
return Get_Name_String (Source) & Repinfo_Suffix;
end Repinfo_File_Name;
-- Tree_File_Name --
function Tree_File_Name (Source : Name_Id) return String is
Src : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source);
-- If the source name has an extension, then replace it with
-- the tree suffix.
for Index in reverse Src'First + 1 .. Src'Last loop
if Src (Index) = '.' then
return Src (Src'First .. Index - 1) & Tree_Suffix;
end if;
end loop;
-- If there is no dot, or if it is the first character, just add the
-- tree suffix.
return Src & Tree_Suffix;
end Tree_File_Name;
-- Ultimate_Extension_Of --
function Ultimate_Extension_Of (Project : Project_Id) return Project_Id is
Result : Project_Id := Project;
Data : Project_Data;
if Project /= No_Project then
Data := Project_Tree.Projects.Table (Result);
exit when Data.Extended_By = No_Project;
Result := Data.Extended_By;
end loop;
end if;
return Result;
end Ultimate_Extension_Of;
-- Usage --
procedure Usage is
if not Usage_Displayed then
Usage_Displayed := True;
Put_Line ("Usage: gnatclean [switches] {[-innn] name}");
Put_Line (" names is one or more file names from which " &
"the .adb or .ads suffix may be omitted");
Put_Line (" names may be omitted if -P<project> is specified");
Put_Line (" -c Only delete compiler generated files");
Put_Line (" -D dir Specify dir as the object library");
Put_Line (" -f Force deletions of unwritable files");
Put_Line (" -F Full project path name " &
"in brief error messages");
Put_Line (" -h Display this message");
Put_Line (" -innn Index of unit in source for following names");
Put_Line (" -n Nothing to do: only list files to delete");
Put_Line (" -Pproj Use GNAT Project File proj");
Put_Line (" -q Be quiet/terse");
Put_Line (" -r Clean all projects recursively");
Put_Line (" -v Verbose mode");
Put_Line (" -vPx Specify verbosity when parsing " &
"GNAT Project Files");
Put_Line (" -Xnm=val Specify an external reference " &
"for GNAT Project Files");
Put_Line (" -aOdir Specify ALI/object files search path");
Put_Line (" -Idir Like -aOdir");
Put_Line (" -I- Don't look for source/library files " &
"in the default directory");
end if;
end Usage;
end Clean;