Benjamin Kosnik 54c1bf7801 Makefile.am (std_headers): Remove cXXX from list.
2002-01-04  Benjamin  Kosnik  <bkoz@redhat.com>

	* include/Makefile.am (std_headers): Remove cXXX from list.
	(c_base_srcdir): No bits subdirectory.
	(c_base_builddir): Same.
	(c_base_headers): Adjust names, add ciso646.
	(bits_headers): Remove std_xxx.h headers.
	* include/Makefile.in: Regenerate.

	* include/ext/iterator: Adjust includes.
	* include/ext/ropeimpl.h: Same.
	* include/ext/stl_hash_fun.h: Same.
	* include/ext/algorithm: Same.

	* include/backward/bvector.h: Adjust includes.
	* include/backward/vector.h: Same.
	* include/backward/strstream: Same.
	* include/backward/streambuf.h: Same.
	* include/backward/stack.h: Same.
	* include/backward/set.h: Same.
	* include/backward/queue.h: Same.
	* include/backward/multiset.h: Same.
	* include/backward/multimap.h: Same.
	* include/backward/map.h: Same.
	* include/backward/list.h: Same.
	* include/backward/iterator.h: Same.
	* include/backward/iostream.h: Same.
	* include/backward/iomanip.h: Same.
	* include/backward/fstream.h: Same.
	* include/backward/deque.h: Same.
	* include/backward/complex.h: Same.

	* include/bits/std_algorithm.h: Move to...
	* include/std/algorithm: ...here.
	* include/bits/std_iosfwd.h, std_locale.h, std_stack.h,
	std_bitset.h, std_ios.h, std_map.h, std_stdexcept.h,
	std_complex.h, std_iostream.h, std_memory.h, std_streambuf.h,
	std_deque.h, std_istream.h, std_numeric.h, std_string.h,
	std_fstream.h, std_ostream.h, std_utility.h, std_iterator.h,
	std_queue.h, std_valarray.h, std_functional.h, std_limits.h,
	std_set.h, std_vector.h, std_iomanip.h, std_list.h, std_sstream.h:

	* include/c_std/bits/std_cassert.h: Move to...
	* include/c_std/cassert: Here.
	* include/c_std/std_cctype.h, std_cerrno.h, std_cfloat.h,
	std_climits.h, std_clocale.h, std_cmath.h, std_csetjmp.h,
	std_csignal.h, std_cstdarg.h, std_cstddef.h, std_cstdio.h,
	std_cstdlib.h, std_cstring.h, std_ctime.h, std_cwchar.h,
	std_cwctype.h: Same.
	* include/c_std/cmath: Adjust cmath.tcc include.
	* include/c_std/cstdlib: Adjust includes.
	* include/c_std/cwchar: Same.
	* include/c_std/ctime: Same.
	* include/c_std/cstring: Same.
	* include/c_std/cstdio: Same.
	* include/c_std/bits: Remove directory.

	* include/c/bits/std_cassert.h: Move to...
	* include/c/cassert: Here.
	* include/c/std_cctype.h, std_cerrno.h, std_cfloat.h,
	std_climits.h, std_clocale.h, std_cmath.h, std_csetjmp.h,
	std_csignal.h, std_cstdarg.h, std_cstddef.h, std_cstdio.h,
	std_cstdlib.h, std_cstring.h, std_ctime.h, std_cwchar.h,
	std_cwctype.h: Same.
	* include/c/bits: Remove directory.

	* include/std/cwctype: Remove.
	* include/std/cwchar: Remove.
	* include/std/ctime: Remove.
	* include/std/cstring: Remove.
	* include/std/cstdlib: Remove.
	* include/std/cstdio: Remove.
	* include/std/cstddef: Remove.
	* include/std/cstdarg: Remove.
	* include/std/csignal: Remove.
	* include/std/csetjmp: Remove.
	* include/std/cmath: Remove.
	* include/std/clocale: Remove.
	* include/std/climits: Remove.
	* include/std/ciso646: Remove.
	* include/std/cfloat: Remove.
	* include/std/cerrno: Remove.
	* include/std/cctype: Remove.
	* include/std/cassert: Remove.

	* include/bits/fpos.h: Adjust includes, removing <bits/std_xxx.h>
	files and subsituting <.xxx>
	* include/bits/valarray_array.h: Same.
	* include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h: Same.
	* include/bits/stl_alloc.h: Same.
	* include/bits/stl_algobase.h: Same.
	* include/bits/sstream.tcc: Same.
	* include/bits/pthread_allocimpl.h: Same.
	* include/bits/ostream.tcc: Same.
	* include/bits/localefwd.h: Same.
	* include/bits/locale_facets.tcc: Same.
	* include/bits/locale_facets.h: Same.
	* include/bits/istream.tcc: Same.
	* include/bits/char_traits.h: Same.
	* include/bits/boost_concept_check.h: Same.
	* include/bits/basic_file.h: Same.
	* include/std/bitset: Same.
	* include/std/complex: Same.
	* include/std/fstream: Same.
	* include/std/functional: Same.
	* include/std/ios: Same.
	* include/std/iostream: Same.
	* include/std/ostream: Same.
	* include/std/sstream: Same.
	* include/std/streambuf: Same.
	* include/std/string: Same.
	* include/std/iterator: Same.
	* include/std/valarray: Same.

	* src/ios.cc: Adjust includes.
	* src/valarray-inst.cc: Same.
	* src/string-inst.cc: Same.
	* src/stl-inst.cc: Same.
	* src/stdexcept.cc: Same.
	* src/misc-inst.cc: Same.
	* src/localename.cc: Same.
	* src/locale-inst.cc: Same.
	* src/locale.cc: Same.
	* src/limits.cc: Same.
	* src/concept-inst.cc: Same.
	* src/complex_io.cc: Same.
	* src/codecvt.cc: Same.
	* src/bitset.cc: Same.
	* src/cmath.cc: Same.

From-SVN: r48544
2002-01-04 21:27:36 +00:00

471 lines
12 KiB

// Locale support -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
// USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.
// ISO C++ 14882: 22.1 Locales
/** @file localefwd.h
* This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
* You should not attempt to use it directly.
#pragma GCC system_header
#include <bits/c++config.h>
#include <bits/c++locale.h> // Defines __c_locale, config-specific includes
#include <climits> // For CHAR_BIT
#include <cctype> // For isspace, etc.
#include <string> // For string
#include <bits/functexcept.h>
namespace std
// NB: Don't instantiate required wchar_t facets if no wchar_t support.
// 22.1.1 Locale
template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
class vector;
class locale;
// 22.1.3 Convenience interfaces
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
isspace(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
isprint(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
iscntrl(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
isupper(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
islower(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
isalpha(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
isdigit(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
ispunct(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
isxdigit(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
isalnum(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline bool
isgraph(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline _CharT
toupper(_CharT, const locale&);
template<typename _CharT>
inline _CharT
tolower(_CharT, const locale&);
// 22.2.1 and ctype
class ctype_base;
template<typename _CharT>
class ctype;
template<> class ctype<char>;
template<> class ctype<wchar_t>;
template<typename _CharT>
class ctype_byname;
// NB: Specialized for char and wchar_t in locale_facets.h.
class codecvt_base;
class __enc_traits;
template<typename _InternT, typename _ExternT, typename _StateT>
class codecvt;
template<> class codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>;
template<> class codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>;
template<typename _InternT, typename _ExternT, typename _StateT>
class codecvt_byname;
// 22.2.2 and 22.2.3 numeric
template<typename _CharT, typename _InIter = istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >
class num_get;
template<typename _CharT, typename _OutIter = ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >
class num_put;
template<typename _CharT> class numpunct;
template<typename _CharT> class numpunct_byname;
// 22.2.4 collation
template<typename _CharT>
class collate;
template<typename _CharT> class
// 22.2.5 date and time
class time_base;
template<typename _CharT, typename _InIter = istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >
class time_get;
template<typename _CharT, typename _InIter = istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >
class time_get_byname;
template<typename _CharT, typename _OutIter = ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >
class time_put;
template<typename _CharT, typename _OutIter = ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >
class time_put_byname;
// 22.2.6 money
class money_base;
template<typename _CharT, typename _InIter = istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >
class money_get;
template<typename _CharT, typename _OutIter = ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >
class money_put;
template<typename _CharT, bool _Intl = false>
class moneypunct;
template<typename _CharT, bool _Intl = false>
class moneypunct_byname;
// 22.2.7 message retrieval
class messages_base;
template<typename _CharT>
class messages;
template<typename _CharT>
class messages_byname;
// 22.1.1 Class locale
class locale
// Types:
typedef unsigned int category;
// Forward decls and friends:
class facet;
class id;
class _Impl;
friend class facet;
friend class _Impl;
template<typename _Facet>
friend const _Facet&
use_facet(const locale&);
template<typename _Facet>
friend bool
has_facet(const locale&) throw();
// Category values:
// NB: Order must match _S_facet_categories definition in locale.cc
static const category none = 0;
static const category ctype = 1L << 0;
static const category numeric = 1L << 1;
static const category collate = 1L << 2;
static const category time = 1L << 3;
static const category monetary = 1L << 4;
static const category messages = 1L << 5;
static const category all = (collate | ctype | monetary |
numeric | time | messages);
// Construct/copy/destroy:
locale() throw();
locale(const locale& __other) throw();
locale(const char* __std_name);
locale(const locale& __base, const char* __s, category __cat);
locale(const locale& __base, const locale& __add, category __cat);
template<typename _Facet>
locale(const locale& __other, _Facet* __f);
~locale() throw();
const locale&
operator=(const locale& __other) throw();
template<typename _Facet>
combine(const locale& __other) const;
// Locale operations:
name() const;
operator==(const locale& __other) const throw ();
inline bool
operator!=(const locale& __other) const throw ()
{ return !(this->operator==(__other)); }
template<typename _Char, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
operator()(const basic_string<_Char, _Traits, _Alloc>& __s1,
const basic_string<_Char, _Traits, _Alloc>& __s2) const;
// Global locale objects:
static locale
global(const locale&);
static const locale&
// The (shared) implementation
_Impl* _M_impl;
// The "C" reference locale
static _Impl* _S_classic;
// Current global reference locale
static _Impl* _S_global;
static const size_t _S_num_categories = 6;
static const size_t _S_num_facets = _GLIBCPP_NUM_FACETS;
locale(_Impl*) throw();
static inline void
if (!_S_classic)
static category
_M_coalesce(const locale& __base, const locale& __add, category __cat);
// locale implementation object
class locale::_Impl
// Types.
typedef vector<facet*, allocator<facet*> > __vec_facet;
// Friends.
friend class locale;
friend class locale::facet;
template<typename _Facet>
friend const _Facet&
use_facet(const locale&);
template<typename _Facet>
friend bool
has_facet(const locale&) throw();
// Data Members.
size_t _M_references;
__vec_facet* _M_facets;
string _M_names[_S_num_categories];
static const locale::id* const _S_id_ctype[];
static const locale::id* const _S_id_numeric[];
static const locale::id* const _S_id_collate[];
static const locale::id* const _S_id_time[];
static const locale::id* const _S_id_monetary[];
static const locale::id* const _S_id_messages[];
static const locale::id* const* const _S_facet_categories[];
inline void
_M_add_reference() throw()
{ ++_M_references; } // XXX MT
inline void
_M_remove_reference() throw()
if (--_M_references == 0) // XXX MT
{ delete this; }
{ }
_Impl(const _Impl&, size_t);
_Impl(string __name, size_t);
~_Impl() throw();
inline bool
bool __ret = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _S_num_categories - 1; ++i)
__ret &= _M_names[i] == _M_names[i + 1];
return __ret;
_M_replace_categories(const _Impl*, category);
_M_replace_category(const _Impl*, const locale::id* const*);
_M_replace_facet(const _Impl*, const locale::id*);
_M_install_facet(const locale::id*, facet*);
template<typename _Facet>
inline void
_M_init_facet(_Facet* __facet)
{ _M_install_facet(&_Facet::id, __facet); }
template<typename _Facet>
locale::locale(const locale& __other, _Facet* __f)
_M_impl = new _Impl(*__other._M_impl, 1);
_M_impl->_M_install_facet(&_Facet::id, __f);
for (size_t __i = 0; __i < _S_num_categories; ++__i)
_M_impl->_M_names[__i] = "*";
// Class locale::facet
class locale::facet
friend class locale;
friend class locale::_Impl;
friend class __enc_traits;
// Contains data from the underlying "C" library for default "C"
// and "POSIX" locales.
static __c_locale _S_c_locale;
facet(size_t __refs = 0) throw();
static void
_S_create_c_locale(__c_locale& __cloc, const char* __s);
static __c_locale
_S_clone_c_locale(__c_locale& __cloc);
static void
_S_destroy_c_locale(__c_locale& __cloc);
size_t _M_references;
_M_add_reference() throw();
_M_remove_reference() throw();
facet(const facet&); // not defined
operator=(const facet&); // not defined
// Class locale::id
class locale::id
friend class locale;
friend class locale::_Impl;
template<typename _Facet>
friend const _Facet&
use_facet(const locale&);
template<typename _Facet>
friend bool
has_facet(const locale&) throw ();
// NB: There is no accessor for _M_index because it may be used
// before the constructor is run; the effect of calling a member
// function (even an inline) would be undefined.
mutable size_t _M_index;
// Last id number assigned
static size_t _S_highwater;
operator=(const id&); // not defined
id(const id&); // not defined
// NB: This class is always a static data member, and thus can be
// counted on to be zero-initialized.
template<typename _Facet>
const _Facet&
use_facet(const locale& __loc);
template<typename _Facet>
has_facet(const locale& __loc) throw();
} // namespace std