
635 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Cygnus Solutions
load_lib "libgloss.exp"
# GCJ_UNDER_TEST is the compiler under test.
global tmpdir
if ![info exists tmpdir] {
set tmpdir "/tmp"
# Read an `xfail' file if it exists. Returns a list of xfail tokens.
proc libjava_read_xfail {file} {
if {! [file exists $file]} {
return ""
set fd [open $file r]
set tokens [string trim [read $fd]]
close $fd
return $tokens
# Find `jv-scan'. FIXME: this relies on DejaGnu internals. These
# should probably be exposed in a better way.
proc find_jvscan {} {
global tool_root_dir
set file [lookfor_file $tool_root_dir jv-scan]
if { $file == "" } {
set file [lookfor_file $tool_root_dir gcc/jv-scan];
if {$file == ""} {
set file jv-scan
return $file
proc bytecompile_file { file objdir {classpath {}} } {
global env
global SUN_JAVAC
set dirname [file dirname $file];
# If JDK doesn't run on your platform but some other
# JDK-compatible javac does, you may set SUN_JAVAC to point to it.
# One of the most important properties of a SUN_JAVAC is that it
# must create class-files even for classes that have not been
# specified in the command line, but that were needed to compile
# those that have. For example, Pizza won't do it, but you can
# use `kaffe sun.tools.javac.Main', if you have Sun's classes.zip
# in the kaffe's default search path.
if ![info exists SUN_JAVAC] {
if [info exists env(SUN_JAVAC)] {
} else {
set SUN_JAVAC "javac"
catch {unset env(CLASSPATH)}
if {$classpath != ""} then {
set env(CLASSPATH) $classpath
if {[catch {system "cd $dirname; $SUN_JAVAC $file -d $objdir"} msg]} then {
verbose "couldn't compile $file: $msg"
set r 0
} else {
set r 1
return $r
set libjava_initialized 0
# Build the status wrapper library as needed.
proc libjava_init { args } {
global wrapper_file;
global wrap_compile_flags;
global libjava_initialized
global original_ld_library_path
global env
if { $libjava_initialized == 1 } { return; }
if ![info exists GCJ_UNDER_TEST] {
if [info exists TOOL_EXECUTABLE] {
} else {
if [info exists env(GCJ)] {
} else {
set GCJ_UNDER_TEST "[find_gcj]"
if [info exists env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)] {
set original_ld_library_path $env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
} else {
if [info exists env(SHLIB_PATH)] {
set original_ld_library_path $env(SHLIB_PATH)
} else {
set original_ld_library_path ""
set wrapper_file "";
set wrap_compile_flags "";
if [target_info exists needs_status_wrapper] {
set result [build_wrapper "testglue.o"];
if { $result != "" } {
set wrapper_file [lindex $result 0];
set wrap_compile_flags [lindex $result 1];
} else {
warning "Status wrapper failed to build."
set libjava_initialized 1
# Find a library. We know where libtool puts the actual libraries,
# and we look there. The implementation is fairly hacky. We can't
# compile with -nodefaultlibs, because that will also eliminate the
# system libraries we need. In order to have gcj still work, it must
# find the appropriate libraries so we must add -L options for their
# paths. However we can't simply use those libraries; we still need
# libtool for linking.
proc libjava_find_lib {dir name} {
global base_dir
set gp [get_multilibs]
foreach sub {.libs _libs} {
if {$gp != ""} {
if {[file exists $gp/$dir/$sub/lib${name}.a]} then {
return "$gp/$dir/lib${name}.la -L$gp/$dir/$sub"
set lib [findfile $base_dir/../../$dir/$sub/lib${name}.a \
"$base_dir/../../$dir/lib${name}.la -L$base_dir/../../$dir/$sub" \
if {$lib != ""} {
return $lib
return ""
# Compute arguments needed for compiler. MODE is a libtool mode:
# either compile or link.
proc libjava_arguments {{mode compile}} {
global base_dir
global LIBJAVA
global LIBGC
global LIBZ
global srcdir subdir objdir
global tmpdir
global runtests
global env
if [info exists LIBJAVA] {
set libjava $LIBJAVA;
} else {
set libjava [libjava_find_lib libjava gcj]
if [info exists LIBGC] {
set libgc $LIBGC;
} else {
set libgc [libjava_find_lib boehm-gc gcjgc]
if [info exists LIBQTHREADS] {
set libqthreads $LIBQTHREADS
} else {
set libqthreads [libjava_find_lib qthreads gcjcoop]
if [info exists LIBZ] {
set libz $LIBZ
} else {
set libz [libjava_find_lib zlib zgcj]
# FIXME: there's no way to determine whether -lpthread is
# required. We should get this info from configure, or it should
# just be in the compiler driver.
verbose "using LIBJAVA = $libjava" 2
verbose "using LIBGC = $libgc" 2
verbose "using LIBQTHREADS = $libqthreads" 2
verbose "using LIBZ = $libz" 2
set args ""
# Basically we want to build up a colon separated path list from
# the value of $libjava.
# First strip away any -L arguments.
regsub -all -- "-L" $libjava "" ld_library_path
# Then remove any -lgcj argument.
regsub -all -- " -lgcj.*" $ld_library_path "" ld_library_path
# First strip away any -L arguments.
regsub -all -- "-L" $libgc $ld_library_path ld_library_path
# Then remove any -lgcjgc argument.
regsub -all -- " -lgcjgc.*" $ld_library_path "" ld_library_path
# That's enough to make things work for the normal case.
# If we wanted to handle an arbitrary value of libjava,
# then we'd have to do a lot more work.
# Set variables the dynamic linker looks at.
global original_ld_library_path
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
setenv SHLIB_PATH "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
# Set the CLASSPATH environment variable
verbose "CLASSPATH is .:$srcdir/$subdir:$objdir/..:$objdir/../libgcj.zip"
global env
set env(CLASSPATH) ".:$srcdir/$subdir:$objdir/..:$objdir/../libgcj.zip"
global wrapper_file wrap_compile_flags;
lappend args "additional_flags=$wrap_compile_flags";
lappend args "libs=$wrapper_file";
lappend args "libs=$libjava";
lappend args "libs=$libgc";
lappend args "libs=$libqthreads"
lappend args "libs=$libz"
lappend args debug
if { [target_info needs_status_wrapper]!="" && [info exists gluefile] } {
lappend args "libs=${gluefile}"
lappend args "ldflags=$wrap_flags"
if [info exists TOOL_OPTIONS] {
lappend args "additional_flags=$TOOL_OPTIONS"
# Search for libtool. We need it to link.
set found_compiler 0
set d [absolute $objdir]
foreach x {. .. ../.. ../../..} {
if {[file exists $d/$x/libtool]} then {
# We have to run silently to avoid DejaGNU lossage.
lappend args \
"compiler=$d/$x/libtool --silent --mode=$mode $GCJ_UNDER_TEST -B$objdir/../"
set found_compiler 1
if {! $found_compiler} {
# Append -B$objdir/../ so that we find libgcj.spec before it
# is installed.
lappend args "compiler=$GCJ_UNDER_TEST -B$objdir/../"
return $args
# Run the test specified by srcfile and resultfile. compile_args and
# exec_args are options telling this proc how to work.
# `no-link' don't try to link the program
# `no-exec' don't try to run the test
# `xfail-gcj' compilation from source will fail
# `xfail-javac' compilation with javac will fail
# `xfail-gcjC' compilation with gcj -C will fail
# `xfail-byte' compilation from bytecode will fail
# `xfail-exec' exec will fail
# `xfail-output' output will be wrong
proc test_libjava_from_source { options srcfile compile_args inpfile resultfile exec_args } {
global base_dir
global LIBJAVA
global LIBGC
global srcdir subdir objdir
global tmpdir
global runtests
# Make opts into an array.
set opts(_) x
unset opts(_)
foreach item $exec_args {
set opts($item) x
set errname [file rootname [file tail $srcfile]]
if {! [runtest_file_p $runtests $errname]} {
if {[info exists opts(no-link)]} {
set mode compile
} else {
set mode link
set args [libjava_arguments $mode]
if {! [info exists opts(no-link)]} {
# Add the --main flag
lappend args "additional_flags=--main=[file rootname [file tail $srcfile]]"
if { $compile_args != "" } {
lappend args "additional_flags=$compile_args"
regsub "^.*/(\[^/.\]+)\[.\]\[^/]*$" "$srcfile" "\\1" out
set executable "${objdir}/$out"
if {[info exists opts(no-link)]} {
append executable ".o"
set target object
} else {
set target executable
if { $compile_args != "" } {
set errname "$errname $compile_args"
set x [target_compile $srcfile "$executable" $target $args]
if {[info exists opts(xfail-gcj)]} {
setup_xfail *-*-*
if { $x != "" } {
verbose "target_compile failed: $x" 2
fail "$errname compilation from source"
if {[info exists opts(xfail-gcj)] || ! [info exists opts(no-exec)]} {
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
fail "$errname execution from source compiled test"
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
fail "$errname output from source compiled test"
pass "$errname compilation from source"
if {[info exists opts(no-exec)]
|| [info exists opts(no-link)]} {
set result [libjava_load $executable "" "$inpfile"];
set status [lindex $result 0];
set output [lindex $result 1];
if {[info exists opts(xfail-exec)]} then {
setup_xfail *-*-*
$status "$errname execution from source compiled test"
if { $status != "pass" } {
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
fail "$errname execution from source compiled test"
verbose "resultfile is $resultfile"
set id [open $resultfile r];
set expected ""
append expected [read $id];
regsub -all "\r" "$output" "" output;
regsub "\n*$" $expected "" expected
regsub "\n*$" $output "" output
regsub "^\n*" $expected "" expected
regsub "^\n*" $output "" output
regsub -all "\[ \t\]\[ \t\]*" $expected " " expected
regsub -all "\[ \t\]*\n\n*" $expected "\n" expected
regsub -all "\[ \t\]\[ \t\]*" $output " " output
regsub -all "\[ \t\]*\n\n*" $output "\n" output
verbose "expected is $expected"
verbose "actual is $output"
set passed 0;
if {$options == "regexp_match"} {
if [regexp $expected $output] {
set passed 1;
} else {
if { $expected == $output } {
set passed 1;
if {[info exists opts(xfail-output)]} {
setup_xfail *-*-*
if { $passed == 1 } {
pass "$errname output from source compiled test"
} else {
clone_output "expected was $expected"
clone_output "output was $output"
fail "$errname output from source compiled test"
close $id;
# Run the test specified by srcfile and resultfile. compile_args and
# exec_args are options telling this proc how to work.
# `no-link' don't try to link the program
# `no-exec' don't try to run the test
# `xfail-gcj' compilation from source will fail
# `xfail-javac' compilation with javac will fail
# `xfail-gcjC' compilation with gcj -C will fail
# `xfail-byte' compilation from bytecode will fail
# `xfail-exec' exec will fail
# `xfail-output' output will be wrong
proc test_libjava_from_javac { options srcfile compile_args inpfile resultfile exec_args } {
global base_dir
global LIBJAVA
global LIBGC
global srcdir subdir objdir
global tmpdir
global runtests
# Make opts into an array.
set opts(_) x
unset opts(_)
foreach item $exec_args {
set opts($item) x
set errname [file rootname [file tail $srcfile]]
if {! [runtest_file_p $runtests $errname]} {
# bytecompile files with Sun's compiler for now.
set bc_ok [bytecompile_file $srcfile $objdir]
# FIXME: assumes we are using javac to compile to bytecode.
# This is not always the case.
if {[info exists opts(xfail-javac)]} {
setup_xfail *-*-*
if {! $bc_ok} then {
fail "$errname byte compilation"
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
fail "$errname compilation from bytecode"
if {! [info exists opts(no-exec)]} {
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
fail "$errname execution from bytecode->native test"
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
fail "$errname output from bytecode->native test"
pass "$errname byte compilation"
# Find name to use for --main, and name of all class files.
set jvscan [find_jvscan]
verbose "jvscan is $jvscan"
set main_name [string trim \
[target_compile $srcfile "" none \
"compiler=$jvscan additional_flags=--print-main"]]
verbose "main name is $main_name"
set class_out [string trim \
[target_compile $srcfile "" none \
"compiler=$jvscan additional_flags=--list-class"]]
verbose "class list is $class_out"
# FIXME: As of Wed Feb 24 1999, `jv-scan --list-class' prints
# nothing if the file contains an interface and not a class. I
# believe this is a jv-scan bug.
if {$class_out == ""} then {
set class_files \
[list $objdir/[file rootname [file tail $srcfile]].class]
} else {
# Turn "a b" into "a.class b.class".
# Also, turn "foo.bar" into "foo/bar.class".
set class_files {}
foreach file [split [string trim $class_out]] {
set file [join [split $file .] /]
lappend class_files $objdir/$file.class
# Usually it is an error for a test program not to have a `main'
# method. However, for no-exec tests it is ok. Treat no-link
# like no-exec here.
if {[info exists opts(no-link)]} {
set opts(no-exec) x
set largs {}
if {$main_name == ""} {
if {! [info exists opts(no-exec)]} {
perror "No `main' given in program $errname"
} else {
set type object
set mode compile
} else {
set type executable
lappend largs "additional_flags=--main=$main_name"
set executable "${objdir}/$main_name"
set mode link
# Initial arguments.
set args [libjava_arguments $mode]
eval lappend args $largs
if { $compile_args != "" } {
lappend args "additional_flags=$compile_args"
if { $compile_args != "" } {
set errname "$errname $compile_args"
verbose "compilation command = $args" 2
# When compiling and not linking, we have to build each .o
# separately. We do this because DejaGNU's target_compile won't
# accept an empty "destfile" argument when the mode is "compile".
if {$mode == "compile"} {
foreach c_file $class_files {
set executable [file rootname [file tail $c_file]].o
set x [target_compile $c_file "$executable" $type $args]
if {$x != ""} {
} else {
set x [target_compile $class_files "$executable" $type $args]
if {[info exists opts(xfail-byte)]} {
setup_xfail *-*-*
if { $x != "" } {
verbose "target_compile failed: $x" 2
fail "$errname compilation from bytecode"
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
if {! [info exists opts(no-exec)]} {
fail "$errname execution from bytecode->native test"
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
fail "$errname output from bytecode->native test"
pass "$errname compilation from bytecode"
if {[info exists opts(no-exec)]} {
set result [libjava_load $executable "" "$inpfile"];
set status [lindex $result 0];
set output [lindex $result 1];
if {[info exists opts(xfail-exec)]} {
setup_xfail *-*-*
$status "$errname execution from bytecode->native test"
if { $status != "pass" } {
setup_xfail "*-*-*"
fail "$errname output from bytecode->native test"
verbose "resultfile is $resultfile"
set id [open $resultfile r];
set expected ""
append expected [read $id];
regsub -all "\r" "$output" "" output;
regsub "\n*$" $expected "" expected
regsub "\n*$" $output "" output
regsub "^\n*" $expected "" expected
regsub "^\n*" $output "" output
regsub -all "\[ \t\]\[ \t\]*" $expected " " expected
regsub -all "\[ \t\]*\n\n*" $expected "\n" expected
regsub -all "\[ \t\]\[ \t\]*" $output " " output
regsub -all "\[ \t\]*\n\n*" $output "\n" output
verbose "expected is $expected"
verbose "actual is $output"
set passed 0;
if {[info exists opts(xfail-output)]} {
setup_xfail *-*-*
if {$options == "regexp_match"} {
if [regexp $expected $output] {
set passed 1;
} else {
if { $expected == $output } {
set passed 1;
if { $passed == 1 } {
pass "$errname output from bytecode->native test"
} else {
clone_output "expected was $expected"
clone_output "output was $output"
fail "$errname output from bytecode->native test"
close $id;
# Run the test specified by srcfile and resultfile. compile_args and
# exec_args are options telling this proc how to work.
# `no-link' don't try to link the program
# `no-exec' don't try to run the test
# `xfail-gcj' compilation from source will fail
# `xfail-javac' compilation with javac will fail
# `xfail-gcjC' compilation with gcj -C will fail
# `xfail-byte' compilation from bytecode will fail
# `xfail-exec' exec will fail
# `xfail-output' output will be wrong
proc test_libjava { options srcfile compile_args inpfile resultfile exec_args } {
test_libjava_from_source $options $srcfile $compile_args $inpfile $resultfile $exec_args
test_libjava_from_javac $options $srcfile $compile_args $inpfile $resultfile $exec_args
# libjava_version -- extract and print the version number of libjavap
proc default_libjava_version {} {
proc default_libjava_start { } {
# Local Variables:
# tcl-indent-level:4
# End: