Iain Buclaw 685ae5b871 libphobos: Merge phobos and druntime with upstream.
Commits merged from druntime.

    Fix struct tls_index definition on x32

    Update SectionGroup signatures to match on all targets

    Fix issue 19128 - argument to alloca may be too large

    Define some common filesystem limits in core.stdc.limits

    Use version Darwin instead of OSX in core.sys.posix.aio

Commits merged from phobos.

    Don't run HardFloat tests on SoftFloat systems

    Remove reliance on stdin, stdout, stderr being aliasable

    Solaris: add import clock_gettime to currStdTime

    Don't print debug messages when building unittests

    Add HPPA support to phobos
    Fixes https://gcc.gnu.org/PR89054

From-SVN: r268293
2019-01-26 13:41:26 +00:00

631 lines
18 KiB

* Contains druntime startup and shutdown routines.
* Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2013.
* License: Distributed under the
* $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0).
* (See accompanying file LICENSE)
* Authors: Walter Bright, Sean Kelly
* Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC src/rt/_dmain2.d)
/* NOTE: This file has been patched from the original DMD distribution to
* work with the GDC compiler.
module rt.dmain2;
import rt.memory;
import rt.sections;
import core.atomic;
import core.stdc.stddef;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import core.stdc.string;
import core.stdc.stdio; // for printf()
import core.stdc.errno : errno;
version (Windows)
private import core.stdc.wchar_;
private import core.sys.windows.windows;
pragma(lib, "shell32.lib"); // needed for CommandLineToArgvW
version (FreeBSD)
import core.stdc.fenv;
version (NetBSD)
import core.stdc.fenv;
extern (C) void _d_monitor_staticctor();
extern (C) void _d_monitor_staticdtor();
extern (C) void _d_critical_init();
extern (C) void _d_critical_term();
extern (C) void gc_init();
extern (C) void gc_term();
extern (C) void lifetime_init();
extern (C) void rt_moduleCtor();
extern (C) void rt_moduleTlsCtor();
extern (C) void rt_moduleDtor();
extern (C) void rt_moduleTlsDtor();
extern (C) void thread_joinAll();
extern (C) bool runModuleUnitTests();
extern (C) void _d_initMonoTime();
version (OSX)
// The bottom of the stack
extern (C) __gshared void* __osx_stack_end = cast(void*)0xC0000000;
version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
extern(C) void init_msvc();
* These are a temporary means of providing a GC hook for DLL use. They may be
* replaced with some other similar functionality later.
extern (C)
void* gc_getProxy();
void gc_setProxy(void* p);
void gc_clrProxy();
alias void* function() gcGetFn;
alias void function(void*) gcSetFn;
alias void function() gcClrFn;
version (Windows)
* Loads a DLL written in D with the name 'name'.
* Returns:
* opaque handle to the DLL if successfully loaded
* null if failure
extern (C) void* rt_loadLibrary(const char* name)
return initLibrary(.LoadLibraryA(name));
extern (C) void* rt_loadLibraryW(const wchar_t* name)
return initLibrary(.LoadLibraryW(name));
void* initLibrary(void* mod)
// BUG: LoadLibrary() call calls rt_init(), which fails if proxy is not set!
// (What? LoadLibrary() is a Windows API call, it shouldn't call rt_init().)
if (mod is null)
return mod;
gcSetFn gcSet = cast(gcSetFn) GetProcAddress(mod, "gc_setProxy");
if (gcSet !is null)
{ // BUG: Set proxy, but too late
return mod;
* Unloads DLL that was previously loaded by rt_loadLibrary().
* Input:
* ptr the handle returned by rt_loadLibrary()
* Returns:
* 1 succeeded
* 0 some failure happened
extern (C) int rt_unloadLibrary(void* ptr)
gcClrFn gcClr = cast(gcClrFn) GetProcAddress(ptr, "gc_clrProxy");
if (gcClr !is null)
return FreeLibrary(ptr) != 0;
/* To get out-of-band access to the args[] passed to main().
__gshared string[] _d_args = null;
extern (C) string[] rt_args()
return _d_args;
// make arguments passed to main available for being filtered by runtime initializers
extern(C) __gshared char[][] _d_main_args = null;
// This variable is only ever set by a debugger on initialization so it should
// be fine to leave it as __gshared.
extern (C) __gshared bool rt_trapExceptions = true;
alias void delegate(Throwable) ExceptionHandler;
* Keep track of how often rt_init/rt_term were called.
shared size_t _initCount;
* Initialize druntime.
* If a C program wishes to call D code, and there's no D main(), then it
* must call rt_init() and rt_term().
extern (C) int rt_init()
/* @@BUG 11380 @@ Need to synchronize rt_init/rt_term calls for
version (Shared) druntime, because multiple C threads might
initialize different D libraries without knowing about the
shared druntime. Also we need to attach any thread that calls
rt_init. */
if (atomicOp!"+="(_initCount, 1) > 1) return 1;
version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
// this initializes mono time before anything else to allow usage
// in other druntime systems.
return 1;
catch (Throwable t)
_initCount = 0;
return 0;
* Terminate use of druntime.
extern (C) int rt_term()
if (!_initCount) return 0; // was never initialized
if (atomicOp!"-="(_initCount, 1)) return 1;
return 1;
catch (Throwable t)
return 0;
* Trace handler
alias Throwable.TraceInfo function(void* ptr) TraceHandler;
private __gshared TraceHandler traceHandler = null;
* Overrides the default trace hander with a user-supplied version.
* Params:
* h = The new trace handler. Set to null to use the default handler.
extern (C) void rt_setTraceHandler(TraceHandler h)
traceHandler = h;
* Return the current trace handler
extern (C) TraceHandler rt_getTraceHandler()
return traceHandler;
* This function will be called when an exception is constructed. The
* user-supplied trace handler will be called if one has been supplied,
* otherwise no trace will be generated.
* Params:
* ptr = A pointer to the location from which to generate the trace, or null
* if the trace should be generated from within the trace handler
* itself.
* Returns:
* An object describing the current calling context or null if no handler is
* supplied.
extern (C) Throwable.TraceInfo _d_traceContext(void* ptr = null)
if (traceHandler is null)
return null;
return traceHandler(ptr);
* Provide out-of-band access to the original C argc/argv
* passed to this program via main(argc,argv).
struct CArgs
int argc;
char** argv;
__gshared CArgs _cArgs;
extern (C) CArgs rt_cArgs() @nogc
return _cArgs;
* Run the given main function.
* Its purpose is to wrap the D main()
* function and catch any unhandled exceptions.
private alias extern(C) int function(char[][] args) MainFunc;
extern (C) int _d_run_main(int argc, char **argv, MainFunc mainFunc)
// Remember the original C argc/argv
_cArgs.argc = argc;
_cArgs.argv = argv;
int result;
version (OSX)
{ /* OSX does not provide a way to get at the top of the
* stack, except for the magic value 0xC0000000.
* But as far as the gc is concerned, argv is at the top
* of the main thread's stack, so save the address of that.
__osx_stack_end = cast(void*)&argv;
version (FreeBSD) version (D_InlineAsm_X86)
* FreeBSD/i386 sets the FPU precision mode to 53 bit double.
* Make it 64 bit extended.
ushort fpucw;
fstsw fpucw;
or fpucw, 0b11_00_111111; // 11: use 64 bit extended-precision
// 111111: mask all FP exceptions
fldcw fpucw;
version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
// enable full precision for reals
version (Win64)
push RAX;
fstcw word ptr [RSP];
or [RSP], 0b11_00_111111; // 11: use 64 bit extended-precision
// 111111: mask all FP exceptions
fldcw word ptr [RSP];
pop RAX;
else version (Win32)
push EAX;
fstcw word ptr [ESP];
or [ESP], 0b11_00_111111; // 11: use 64 bit extended-precision
// 111111: mask all FP exceptions
fldcw word ptr [ESP];
pop EAX;
version (Windows)
/* Because we want args[] to be UTF-8, and Windows doesn't guarantee that,
* we ignore argc/argv and go get the Windows command line again as UTF-16.
* Then, reparse into wargc/wargs, and then use Windows API to convert
* to UTF-8.
const wchar_t* wCommandLine = GetCommandLineW();
immutable size_t wCommandLineLength = wcslen(wCommandLine);
int wargc;
wchar_t** wargs = CommandLineToArgvW(wCommandLine, &wargc);
// assert(wargc == argc); /* argc can be broken by Unicode arguments */
// Allocate args[] on the stack - use wargc
char[][] args = (cast(char[]*) alloca(wargc * (char[]).sizeof))[0 .. wargc];
// This is required because WideCharToMultiByte requires int as input.
assert(wCommandLineLength <= cast(size_t) int.max, "Wide char command line length must not exceed int.max");
immutable size_t totalArgsLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wCommandLine, cast(int)wCommandLineLength, null, 0, null, null);
char* totalArgsBuff = cast(char*) alloca(totalArgsLength);
size_t j = 0;
foreach (i; 0 .. wargc)
immutable size_t wlen = wcslen(wargs[i]);
assert(wlen <= cast(size_t) int.max, "wlen cannot exceed int.max");
immutable int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, &wargs[i][0], cast(int) wlen, null, 0, null, null);
args[i] = totalArgsBuff[j .. j + len];
if (len == 0)
j += len;
assert(j <= totalArgsLength);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, &wargs[i][0], cast(int) wlen, &args[i][0], len, null, null);
wargs = null;
wargc = 0;
else version (Posix)
// Allocate args[] on the stack
char[][] args = (cast(char[]*) alloca(argc * (char[]).sizeof))[0 .. argc];
size_t totalArgsLength = 0;
foreach (i, ref arg; args)
arg = argv[i][0 .. strlen(argv[i])];
totalArgsLength += arg.length;
static assert(0);
/* Create a copy of args[] on the stack to be used for main, so that rt_args()
* cannot be modified by the user.
* Note that when this function returns, _d_args will refer to garbage.
_d_args = cast(string[]) args;
auto buff = cast(char[]*) alloca(args.length * (char[]).sizeof + totalArgsLength);
char[][] argsCopy = buff[0 .. args.length];
auto argBuff = cast(char*) (buff + args.length);
size_t j = 0;
foreach (arg; args)
if (arg.length < 6 || arg[0..6] != "--DRT-") // skip D runtime options
argsCopy[j++] = (argBuff[0 .. arg.length] = arg[]);
argBuff += arg.length;
args = argsCopy[0..j];
bool trapExceptions = rt_trapExceptions;
version (Windows)
if (IsDebuggerPresent())
trapExceptions = false;
version (GNU)
/* IsDebuggerPresent doesn't detect GDC. Would be nice to have
some way of detecting valid console output */
trapExceptions = true;
void tryExec(scope void delegate() dg)
if (trapExceptions)
catch (Throwable t)
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
// NOTE: The lifetime of a process is much like the lifetime of an object:
// it is initialized, then used, then destroyed. If initialization
// fails, the successive two steps are never reached. However, if
// initialization succeeds, then cleanup will occur even if the use
// step fails in some way. Here, the use phase consists of running
// the user's main function. If main terminates with an exception,
// the exception is handled and then cleanup begins. An exception
// thrown during cleanup, however, will abort the cleanup process.
void runAll()
if (rt_init() && runModuleUnitTests())
tryExec({ result = mainFunc(args); });
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
if (!rt_term())
result = (result == EXIT_SUCCESS) ? EXIT_FAILURE : result;
// Issue 10344: flush stdout and return nonzero on failure
if (.fflush(.stdout) != 0)
.fprintf(.stderr, "Failed to flush stdout: %s\n", .strerror(.errno));
if (result == 0)
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
return result;
private void formatThrowable(Throwable t, scope void delegate(in char[] s) nothrow sink)
for (; t; t = t.next)
t.toString(sink); sink("\n");
auto e = cast(Error)t;
if (e is null || e.bypassedException is null) continue;
sink("=== Bypassed ===\n");
for (auto t2 = e.bypassedException; t2; t2 = t2.next)
t2.toString(sink); sink("\n");
sink("=== ~Bypassed ===\n");
extern (C) void _d_print_throwable(Throwable t)
// On Windows, a console may not be present to print the output to.
// Show a message box instead. If the console is present, convert to
// the correct encoding.
version (Windows)
static struct WSink
wchar_t* ptr; size_t len;
void sink(in char[] s) scope nothrow
if (!s.length) return;
int swlen = MultiByteToWideChar(
CP_UTF8, 0, s.ptr, cast(int)s.length, null, 0);
if (!swlen) return;
auto newPtr = cast(wchar_t*)realloc(ptr,
(this.len + swlen + 1) * wchar_t.sizeof);
if (!newPtr) return;
ptr = newPtr;
auto written = MultiByteToWideChar(
CP_UTF8, 0, s.ptr, cast(int)s.length, ptr+len, swlen);
len += written;
wchar_t* get() { if (ptr) ptr[len] = 0; return ptr; }
void free() { .free(ptr); }
HANDLE windowsHandle(int fd)
version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
return cast(HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
return _fdToHandle(fd);
auto hStdErr = windowsHandle(fileno(stderr));
bool isConsole = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdErr, &sbi) != 0;
// ensure the exception is shown at the beginning of the line, while also
// checking whether stderr is a valid file
int written = fprintf(stderr, "\n");
if (written <= 0)
WSink buf;
formatThrowable(t, &buf.sink);
if (buf.ptr)
WSink caption;
if (t)
// Avoid static user32.dll dependency for console applications
// by loading it dynamically as needed
auto user32 = LoadLibraryW("user32.dll");
if (user32)
alias typeof(&MessageBoxW) PMessageBoxW;
auto pMessageBoxW = cast(PMessageBoxW)
GetProcAddress(user32, "MessageBoxW");
if (pMessageBoxW)
pMessageBoxW(null, buf.get(), caption.get(), MB_ICONERROR);
else if (isConsole)
WSink buf;
formatThrowable(t, &buf.sink);
if (buf.ptr)
uint codepage = GetConsoleOutputCP();
int slen = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0,
buf.ptr, cast(int)buf.len, null, 0, null, null);
auto sptr = cast(char*)malloc(slen * char.sizeof);
if (sptr)
WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0,
buf.ptr, cast(int)buf.len, sptr, slen, null, null);
WriteFile(hStdErr, sptr, slen, null, null);
void sink(in char[] buf) scope nothrow
fprintf(stderr, "%.*s", cast(int)buf.length, buf.ptr);
formatThrowable(t, &sink);