
666 lines
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-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . I N T E R R U P T S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.1 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Free Software Fundation --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This is the IRIX & NT version of this package.
with Ada.Task_Identification;
-- used for Task_Id
with Ada.Exceptions;
-- used for Raise_Exception
with System.OS_Interface;
-- used for intr_attach
with System.Storage_Elements;
-- used for To_Address
-- To_Integer
with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
-- used for Self
-- Sleep
-- Wakeup
-- Write_Lock
-- Unlock
with System.Tasking.Utilities;
-- used for Make_Independent
with System.Tasking.Rendezvous;
-- used for Call_Simple
with System.Tasking.Initialization;
-- used for Defer_Abort
-- Undefer_Abort
with System.Interrupt_Management;
with Interfaces.C;
-- used for int
with Unchecked_Conversion;
package body System.Interrupts is
use Tasking;
use Ada.Exceptions;
use System.OS_Interface;
use Interfaces.C;
package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
package IMNG renames System.Interrupt_Management;
subtype int is Interfaces.C.int;
function To_System is new Unchecked_Conversion
(Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id, Task_ID);
type Handler_Kind is (Unknown, Task_Entry, Protected_Procedure);
type Handler_Desc is record
Kind : Handler_Kind := Unknown;
T : Task_ID;
E : Task_Entry_Index;
H : Parameterless_Handler;
Static : Boolean := False;
end record;
task type Server_Task (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
pragma Interrupt_Priority (System.Interrupt_Priority'Last);
end Server_Task;
type Server_Task_Access is access Server_Task;
Attached_Interrupts : array (Interrupt_ID) of Boolean;
Handlers : array (Interrupt_ID) of Task_ID;
Descriptors : array (Interrupt_ID) of Handler_Desc;
Interrupt_Count : array (Interrupt_ID) of Integer := (others => 0);
pragma Volatile_Components (Interrupt_Count);
procedure Attach_Handler
(New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
Static : Boolean;
Restoration : Boolean);
-- This internal procedure is needed to finalize protected objects
-- that contain interrupt handlers.
procedure Signal_Handler (Sig : Interrupt_ID);
-- This procedure is used to handle all the signals.
-- Type and Head, Tail of the list containing Registered Interrupt
-- Handlers. These definitions are used to register the handlers
-- specified by the pragma Interrupt_Handler.
-- Handler Registration:
type Registered_Handler;
type R_Link is access all Registered_Handler;
type Registered_Handler is record
H : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
Next : R_Link := null;
end record;
Registered_Handlers : R_Link := null;
function Is_Registered (Handler : Parameterless_Handler) return Boolean;
-- See if the Handler has been "pragma"ed using Interrupt_Handler.
-- Always consider a null handler as registered.
type Handler_Ptr is access procedure (Sig : Interrupt_ID);
function TISR is new Unchecked_Conversion (Handler_Ptr, isr_address);
procedure Signal_Handler (Sig : Interrupt_ID) is
Handler : Task_ID renames Handlers (Sig);
if Intr_Attach_Reset and then
intr_attach (int (Sig), TISR (Signal_Handler'Access)) = FUNC_ERR
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Handler /= null then
Interrupt_Count (Sig) := Interrupt_Count (Sig) + 1;
STPO.Wakeup (Handler, Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep);
end if;
end Signal_Handler;
-- Is_Reserved --
function Is_Reserved (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
return IMNG.Reserve (IMNG.Interrupt_ID (Interrupt));
end Is_Reserved;
-- Is_Entry_Attached --
function Is_Entry_Attached (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity, "Interrupt" &
Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved");
end if;
return Descriptors (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task;
end Is_Entry_Attached;
-- Is_Handler_Attached --
function Is_Handler_Attached (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity, "Interrupt" &
Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved");
end if;
return Descriptors (Interrupt).Kind /= Unknown;
end Is_Handler_Attached;
-- Is_Ignored --
function Is_Ignored (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
raise Program_Error;
return False;
end Is_Ignored;
-- Unblocked_By --
function Unblocked_By (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Task_ID is
raise Program_Error;
return Null_Task;
end Unblocked_By;
-- Ignore_Interrupt --
procedure Ignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
raise Program_Error;
end Ignore_Interrupt;
-- Unignore_Interrupt --
procedure Unignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
raise Program_Error;
end Unignore_Interrupt;
-- Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler --
function Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler
(Object : access Dynamic_Interrupt_Protection) return Boolean is
return True;
end Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler;
-- Finalize --
procedure Finalize (Object : in out Static_Interrupt_Protection) is
-- ??? loop to be executed only when we're not doing library level
-- finalization, since in this case all interrupt tasks are gone.
for N in reverse Object.Previous_Handlers'Range loop
(New_Handler => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Handler,
Interrupt => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Interrupt,
Static => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Static,
Restoration => True);
end loop;
(Tasking.Protected_Objects.Entries.Protection_Entries (Object));
end Finalize;
-- Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler --
function Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler
(Object : access Static_Interrupt_Protection)
return Boolean
return True;
end Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler;
-- Install_Handlers --
procedure Install_Handlers
(Object : access Static_Interrupt_Protection;
New_Handlers : in New_Handler_Array)
for N in New_Handlers'Range loop
-- We need a lock around this ???
Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Interrupt := New_Handlers (N).Interrupt;
Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Static := Descriptors
(New_Handlers (N).Interrupt).Static;
-- We call Exchange_Handler and not directly Interrupt_Manager.
-- Exchange_Handler so we get the Is_Reserved check.
(Old_Handler => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Handler,
New_Handler => New_Handlers (N).Handler,
Interrupt => New_Handlers (N).Interrupt,
Static => True);
end loop;
end Install_Handlers;
-- Current_Handler --
function Current_Handler (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID)
return Parameterless_Handler is
if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Descriptors (Interrupt).Kind = Protected_Procedure then
return Descriptors (Interrupt).H;
return null;
end if;
end Current_Handler;
-- Attach_Handler --
procedure Attach_Handler
(New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
Static : Boolean := False) is
Attach_Handler (New_Handler, Interrupt, Static, False);
end Attach_Handler;
procedure Attach_Handler
(New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
Static : Boolean;
Restoration : Boolean)
New_Task : Server_Task_Access;
if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if not Restoration and then not Static
-- Tries to overwrite a static Interrupt Handler with a
-- dynamic Handler
and then (Descriptors (Interrupt).Static
-- The new handler is not specified as an
-- Interrupt Handler by a pragma.
or else not Is_Registered (New_Handler))
Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity,
"Trying to overwrite a static Interrupt Handler with a " &
"dynamic Handler");
end if;
if Handlers (Interrupt) = null then
New_Task := new Server_Task (Interrupt);
Handlers (Interrupt) := To_System (New_Task.all'Identity);
end if;
if intr_attach (int (Interrupt),
TISR (Signal_Handler'Access)) = FUNC_ERR
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if New_Handler = null then
-- The null handler means we are detaching the handler.
Attached_Interrupts (Interrupt) := False;
Descriptors (Interrupt) :=
(Kind => Unknown, T => null, E => 0, H => null, Static => False);
Descriptors (Interrupt).Kind := Protected_Procedure;
Descriptors (Interrupt).H := New_Handler;
Descriptors (Interrupt).Static := Static;
Attached_Interrupts (Interrupt) := True;
end if;
end Attach_Handler;
-- Exchange_Handler --
procedure Exchange_Handler
(Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
Static : Boolean := False) is
if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Descriptors (Interrupt).Kind = Task_Entry then
-- In case we have an Interrupt Entry already installed.
-- raise a program error. (propagate it to the caller).
Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity,
"An interrupt is already installed");
end if;
Old_Handler := Current_Handler (Interrupt);
Attach_Handler (New_Handler, Interrupt, Static);
end Exchange_Handler;
-- Detach_Handler --
procedure Detach_Handler
(Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
Static : Boolean := False) is
if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Descriptors (Interrupt).Kind = Task_Entry then
Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity,
"Trying to detach an Interrupt Entry");
end if;
if not Static and then Descriptors (Interrupt).Static then
Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity,
"Trying to detach a static Interrupt Handler");
end if;
Attached_Interrupts (Interrupt) := False;
Descriptors (Interrupt) :=
(Kind => Unknown, T => null, E => 0, H => null, Static => False);
if intr_attach (int (Interrupt), null) = FUNC_ERR then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end Detach_Handler;
-- Reference --
function Reference (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return System.Address is
Signal : System.Address :=
(System.Storage_Elements.Integer_Address (Interrupt));
if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
-- Only usable Interrupts can be used for binding it to an Entry.
raise Program_Error;
end if;
return Signal;
end Reference;
-- Register_Interrupt_Handler --
procedure Register_Interrupt_Handler (Handler_Addr : System.Address) is
Registered_Handlers :=
new Registered_Handler'(H => Handler_Addr, Next => Registered_Handlers);
end Register_Interrupt_Handler;
-- Is_Registered --
-- See if the Handler has been "pragma"ed using Interrupt_Handler.
-- Always consider a null handler as registered.
function Is_Registered (Handler : Parameterless_Handler) return Boolean is
Ptr : R_Link := Registered_Handlers;
type Fat_Ptr is record
Object_Addr : System.Address;
Handler_Addr : System.Address;
end record;
function To_Fat_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion
(Parameterless_Handler, Fat_Ptr);
Fat : Fat_Ptr;
if Handler = null then
return True;
end if;
Fat := To_Fat_Ptr (Handler);
while Ptr /= null loop
if Ptr.H = Fat.Handler_Addr then
return True;
end if;
Ptr := Ptr.Next;
end loop;
return False;
end Is_Registered;
-- Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry --
procedure Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry
(T : Task_ID;
E : Task_Entry_Index;
Int_Ref : System.Address)
Interrupt : constant Interrupt_ID :=
Interrupt_ID (Storage_Elements.To_Integer (Int_Ref));
New_Task : Server_Task_Access;
if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Descriptors (Interrupt).Kind /= Unknown then
Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity,
"A binding for this interrupt is already present");
end if;
if Handlers (Interrupt) = null then
New_Task := new Server_Task (Interrupt);
Handlers (Interrupt) := To_System (New_Task.all'Identity);
end if;
if intr_attach (int (Interrupt),
TISR (Signal_Handler'Access)) = FUNC_ERR
raise Program_Error;
end if;
Descriptors (Interrupt).Kind := Task_Entry;
Descriptors (Interrupt).T := T;
Descriptors (Interrupt).E := E;
-- Indicate the attachment of Interrupt Entry in ATCB.
-- This is need so that when an Interrupt Entry task terminates
-- the binding can be cleaned. The call to unbinding must be
-- make by the task before it terminates.
T.Interrupt_Entry := True;
Attached_Interrupts (Interrupt) := True;
end Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry;
-- Detach_Interrupt_Entries --
procedure Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T : Task_ID) is
for I in Interrupt_ID loop
if not Is_Reserved (I) then
if Descriptors (I).Kind = Task_Entry and then
Descriptors (I).T = T then
Attached_Interrupts (I) := False;
Descriptors (I).Kind := Unknown;
if intr_attach (int (I), null) = FUNC_ERR then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- Indicate in ATCB that no Interrupt Entries are attached.
T.Interrupt_Entry := True;
end Detach_Interrupt_Entries;
-- Block_Interrupt --
procedure Block_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
raise Program_Error;
end Block_Interrupt;
-- Unblock_Interrupt --
procedure Unblock_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
raise Program_Error;
end Unblock_Interrupt;
-- Is_Blocked --
function Is_Blocked (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
raise Program_Error;
return False;
end Is_Blocked;
task body Server_Task is
Desc : Handler_Desc renames Descriptors (Interrupt);
Self_Id : Task_ID := STPO.Self;
Temp : Parameterless_Handler;
while Interrupt_Count (Interrupt) > 0 loop
Interrupt_Count (Interrupt) := Interrupt_Count (Interrupt) - 1;
case Desc.Kind is
when Unknown =>
when Task_Entry =>
Rendezvous.Call_Simple (Desc.T, Desc.E, Null_Address);
when Protected_Procedure =>
Temp := Desc.H;
end case;
when others => null;
end loop;
Initialization.Defer_Abort (Self_Id);
STPO.Write_Lock (Self_Id);
Self_Id.Common.State := Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep;
STPO.Sleep (Self_Id, Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep);
Self_Id.Common.State := Runnable;
STPO.Unlock (Self_Id);
Initialization.Undefer_Abort (Self_Id);
-- Undefer abort here to allow a window for this task
-- to be aborted at the time of system shutdown.
end loop;
end Server_Task;
end System.Interrupts;