/**************************************************************************** (c) SYSTEC electronic GmbH, D-07973 Greiz, August-Bebel-Str. 29 www.systec-electronic.com Project: openPOWERLINK Description: source file for SDO Command Layer module License: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of SYSTEC electronic GmbH nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact info@systec-electronic.com. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Severability Clause: If a provision of this License is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that shall not affect: 1. the validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision of this License; or 2. the validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of that or any other provision of this License. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $RCSfile: EplSdoComu.c,v $ $Author: D.Krueger $ $Revision: 1.14 $ $Date: 2008/10/17 15:32:32 $ $State: Exp $ Build Environment: GCC V3.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: 2006/06/26 k.t.: start of the implementation ****************************************************************************/ #include "user/EplSdoComu.h" #if ((((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) == 0) &&\ (((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) == 0) ) #error 'ERROR: At least SDO Server or SDO Client should be activate!' #endif #if (((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) #if (((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) == 0) && (EPL_OBD_USE_KERNEL == FALSE) #error 'ERROR: SDO Server needs OBDu module!' #endif #endif /***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* G L O B A L D E F I N I T I O N S */ /* */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // const defines //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON #define EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON 5 #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // local types //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // intern events typedef enum { kEplSdoComConEventSendFirst = 0x00, // first frame to send kEplSdoComConEventRec = 0x01, // frame received kEplSdoComConEventConEstablished = 0x02, // connection established kEplSdoComConEventConClosed = 0x03, // connection closed kEplSdoComConEventAckReceived = 0x04, // acknowledge received by lower layer // -> continue sending kEplSdoComConEventFrameSended = 0x05, // lower has send a frame kEplSdoComConEventInitError = 0x06, // error duringinitialisiation // of the connection kEplSdoComConEventTimeout = 0x07 // timeout in lower layer #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) , kEplSdoComConEventInitCon = 0x08, // init connection (only client) kEplSdoComConEventAbort = 0x09 // abort sdo transfer (only client) #endif } tEplSdoComConEvent; typedef enum { kEplSdoComSendTypeReq = 0x00, // send a request kEplSdoComSendTypeAckRes = 0x01, // send a resonse without data kEplSdoComSendTypeRes = 0x02, // send response with data kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort = 0x03 // send abort } tEplSdoComSendType; // state of the state maschine typedef enum { // General State kEplSdoComStateIdle = 0x00, // idle state #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) // Server States kEplSdoComStateServerSegmTrans = 0x01, // send following frames #endif #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) // Client States kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit = 0x10, // wait for init connection // on lower layer kEplSdoComStateClientConnected = 0x11, // connection established kEplSdoComStateClientSegmTrans = 0x12 // send following frames #endif } tEplSdoComState; // control structure for transaction typedef struct { tEplSdoSeqConHdl m_SdoSeqConHdl; // if != 0 -> entry used tEplSdoComState m_SdoComState; u8 m_bTransactionId; unsigned int m_uiNodeId; // NodeId of the target // -> needed to reinit connection // after timeout tEplSdoTransType m_SdoTransType; // Auto, Expedited, Segmented tEplSdoServiceType m_SdoServiceType; // WriteByIndex, ReadByIndex tEplSdoType m_SdoProtType; // protocol layer: Auto, Udp, Asnd, Pdo u8 *m_pData; // pointer to data unsigned int m_uiTransSize; // number of bytes // to transfer unsigned int m_uiTransferredByte; // number of bytes // already transferred tEplSdoFinishedCb m_pfnTransferFinished; // callback function of the // application // -> called in the end of // the SDO transfer void *m_pUserArg; // user definable argument pointer DWORD m_dwLastAbortCode; // save the last abort code #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) // only for client unsigned int m_uiTargetIndex; // index to access unsigned int m_uiTargetSubIndex; // subiondex to access // for future use unsigned int m_uiTimeout; // timeout for this connection #endif } tEplSdoComCon; // instance table typedef struct { tEplSdoComCon m_SdoComCon[EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON]; #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) LPCRITICAL_SECTION m_pCriticalSection; CRITICAL_SECTION m_CriticalSection; #endif } tEplSdoComInstance; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modul globale vars //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static tEplSdoComInstance SdoComInstance_g; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // local function prototypes //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoComReceiveCb(tEplSdoSeqConHdl SdoSeqConHdl_p, tEplAsySdoCom *pAsySdoCom_p, unsigned int uiDataSize_p); tEplKernel EplSdoComConCb(tEplSdoSeqConHdl SdoSeqConHdl_p, tEplAsySdoConState AsySdoConState_p); static tEplKernel EplSdoComSearchConIntern(tEplSdoSeqConHdl SdoSeqConHdl_p, tEplSdoComConEvent SdoComConEvent_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p); static tEplKernel EplSdoComProcessIntern(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p, tEplSdoComConEvent SdoComConEvent_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p); static tEplKernel EplSdoComTransferFinished(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p, tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, tEplSdoComConState SdoComConState_p); #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitReadByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p); static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, unsigned int uiIndex_p, unsigned int uiSubIndex_p, tEplSdoComSendType SendType_p); static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p); #endif #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSend(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p); static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientProcessFrame(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p); static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSendAbort(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, DWORD dwAbortCode_p); #endif /***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* C L A S S */ /* */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ // // Description: SDO Command layer Modul // // /***************************************************************************/ //=========================================================================// // // // P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S // // // //=========================================================================// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComInit // // Description: Init first instance of the module // // // // Parameters: // // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoComInit(void) { tEplKernel Ret; Ret = EplSdoComAddInstance(); return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComAddInstance // // Description: Init additional instance of the module // // // // Parameters: // // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoComAddInstance(void) { tEplKernel Ret; Ret = kEplSuccessful; // init controll structure EPL_MEMSET(&SdoComInstance_g, 0x00, sizeof(SdoComInstance_g)); // init instance of lower layer Ret = EplSdoAsySeqAddInstance(EplSdoComReceiveCb, EplSdoComConCb); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) // create critical section for process function SdoComInstance_g.m_pCriticalSection = &SdoComInstance_g.m_CriticalSection; InitializeCriticalSection(SdoComInstance_g.m_pCriticalSection); #endif Exit: return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComDelInstance // // Description: delete instance of the module // // // // Parameters: // // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoComDelInstance(void) { tEplKernel Ret; Ret = kEplSuccessful; #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) // delete critical section for process function DeleteCriticalSection(SdoComInstance_g.m_pCriticalSection); #endif Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelInstance(); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } Exit: return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComDefineCon // // Description: function defines a SDO connection to another node // -> init lower layer and returns a handle for the connection. // Two client connections to the same node via the same protocol // are not allowed. If this function detects such a situation // it will return kEplSdoComHandleExists and the handle of // the existing connection in pSdoComConHdl_p. // Using of existing server connections is possible. // // Parameters: pSdoComConHdl_p = pointer to the buffer of the handle // uiTargetNodeId_p = NodeId of the targetnode // ProtType_p = type of protocol to use for connection // // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) tEplKernel EplSdoComDefineCon(tEplSdoComConHdl *pSdoComConHdl_p, unsigned int uiTargetNodeId_p, tEplSdoType ProtType_p) { tEplKernel Ret; unsigned int uiCount; unsigned int uiFreeHdl; tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon; // check Parameter ASSERT(pSdoComConHdl_p != NULL); // check NodeId if ((uiTargetNodeId_p == EPL_C_ADR_INVALID) || (uiTargetNodeId_p >= EPL_C_ADR_BROADCAST)) { Ret = kEplInvalidNodeId; } // search free control structure pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[0]; uiCount = 0; uiFreeHdl = EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON; while (uiCount < EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON) { if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl == 0) { // free entry uiFreeHdl = uiCount; } else if ((pSdoComCon->m_uiNodeId == uiTargetNodeId_p) && (pSdoComCon->m_SdoProtType == ProtType_p)) { // existing client connection with same node ID and same protocol type *pSdoComConHdl_p = uiCount; Ret = kEplSdoComHandleExists; goto Exit; } uiCount++; pSdoComCon++; } if (uiFreeHdl == EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON) { Ret = kEplSdoComNoFreeHandle; goto Exit; } pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[uiFreeHdl]; // save handle for application *pSdoComConHdl_p = uiFreeHdl; // save parameters pSdoComCon->m_SdoProtType = ProtType_p; pSdoComCon->m_uiNodeId = uiTargetNodeId_p; // set Transaction Id pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId = 0; // check protocol switch (ProtType_p) { // udp case kEplSdoTypeUdp: { // call connection int function of lower layer Ret = EplSdoAsySeqInitCon(&pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl, pSdoComCon->m_uiNodeId, kEplSdoTypeUdp); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } break; } // Asend case kEplSdoTypeAsnd: { // call connection int function of lower layer Ret = EplSdoAsySeqInitCon(&pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl, pSdoComCon->m_uiNodeId, kEplSdoTypeAsnd); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } break; } // Pdo -> not supported case kEplSdoTypePdo: default: { Ret = kEplSdoComUnsupportedProt; goto Exit; } } // end of switch(m_ProtType_p) // call process function Ret = EplSdoComProcessIntern(uiFreeHdl, kEplSdoComConEventInitCon, NULL); Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComInitTransferByIndex // // Description: function init SDO Transfer for a defined connection // // // // Parameters: SdoComTransParam_p = Structure with parameters for connection // // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) tEplKernel EplSdoComInitTransferByIndex(tEplSdoComTransParamByIndex *pSdoComTransParam_p) { tEplKernel Ret; tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon; // check parameter if ((pSdoComTransParam_p->m_uiSubindex >= 0xFF) || (pSdoComTransParam_p->m_uiIndex == 0) || (pSdoComTransParam_p->m_uiIndex > 0xFFFF) || (pSdoComTransParam_p->m_pData == NULL) || (pSdoComTransParam_p->m_uiDataSize == 0)) { Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidParam; goto Exit; } if (pSdoComTransParam_p->m_SdoComConHdl >= EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON) { Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidHandle; goto Exit; } // get pointer to control structure of connection pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[pSdoComTransParam_p->m_SdoComConHdl]; // check if handle ok if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl == 0) { Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidHandle; goto Exit; } // check if command layer is idle if ((pSdoComCon->m_uiTransferredByte + pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize) > 0) { // handle is not idle Ret = kEplSdoComHandleBusy; goto Exit; } // save parameter // callback function for end of transfer pSdoComCon->m_pfnTransferFinished = pSdoComTransParam_p->m_pfnSdoFinishedCb; pSdoComCon->m_pUserArg = pSdoComTransParam_p->m_pUserArg; // set type of SDO command if (pSdoComTransParam_p->m_SdoAccessType == kEplSdoAccessTypeRead) { pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType = kEplSdoServiceReadByIndex; } else { pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType = kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex; } // save pointer to data pSdoComCon->m_pData = pSdoComTransParam_p->m_pData; // maximal bytes to transfer pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize = pSdoComTransParam_p->m_uiDataSize; // bytes already transfered pSdoComCon->m_uiTransferredByte = 0; // reset parts of control structure pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; pSdoComCon->m_SdoTransType = kEplSdoTransAuto; // save timeout //pSdoComCon->m_uiTimeout = SdoComTransParam_p.m_uiTimeout; // save index and subindex pSdoComCon->m_uiTargetIndex = pSdoComTransParam_p->m_uiIndex; pSdoComCon->m_uiTargetSubIndex = pSdoComTransParam_p->m_uiSubindex; // call process function Ret = EplSdoComProcessIntern(pSdoComTransParam_p->m_SdoComConHdl, kEplSdoComConEventSendFirst, // event to start transfer NULL); Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComUndefineCon // // Description: function undefine a SDO connection // // // // Parameters: SdoComConHdl_p = handle for the connection // // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) tEplKernel EplSdoComUndefineCon(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComConHdl_p) { tEplKernel Ret; tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon; Ret = kEplSuccessful; if (SdoComConHdl_p >= EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON) { Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidHandle; goto Exit; } // get pointer to control structure pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[SdoComConHdl_p]; // $$$ d.k. abort a running transfer before closing the sequence layer if (((pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl & ~EPL_SDO_SEQ_HANDLE_MASK) != EPL_SDO_SEQ_INVALID_HDL) && (pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl != 0)) { // close connection in lower layer switch (pSdoComCon->m_SdoProtType) { case kEplSdoTypeAsnd: case kEplSdoTypeUdp: { Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl); break; } case kEplSdoTypePdo: case kEplSdoTypeAuto: default: { Ret = kEplSdoComUnsupportedProt; goto Exit; } } // end of switch(pSdoComCon->m_SdoProtType) } // clean controll structure EPL_MEMSET(pSdoComCon, 0x00, sizeof(tEplSdoComCon)); Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComGetState // // Description: function returns the state fo the connection // // // // Parameters: SdoComConHdl_p = handle for the connection // pSdoComFinished_p = pointer to structur for sdo state // // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) tEplKernel EplSdoComGetState(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComConHdl_p, tEplSdoComFinished *pSdoComFinished_p) { tEplKernel Ret; tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon; Ret = kEplSuccessful; if (SdoComConHdl_p >= EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON) { Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidHandle; goto Exit; } // get pointer to control structure pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[SdoComConHdl_p]; // check if handle ok if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl == 0) { Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidHandle; goto Exit; } pSdoComFinished_p->m_pUserArg = pSdoComCon->m_pUserArg; pSdoComFinished_p->m_uiNodeId = pSdoComCon->m_uiNodeId; pSdoComFinished_p->m_uiTargetIndex = pSdoComCon->m_uiTargetIndex; pSdoComFinished_p->m_uiTargetSubIndex = pSdoComCon->m_uiTargetSubIndex; pSdoComFinished_p->m_uiTransferredByte = pSdoComCon->m_uiTransferredByte; pSdoComFinished_p->m_dwAbortCode = pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode; pSdoComFinished_p->m_SdoComConHdl = SdoComConHdl_p; if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType == kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex) { pSdoComFinished_p->m_SdoAccessType = kEplSdoAccessTypeWrite; } else { pSdoComFinished_p->m_SdoAccessType = kEplSdoAccessTypeRead; } if (pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode != 0) { // sdo abort pSdoComFinished_p->m_SdoComConState = kEplSdoComTransferRxAborted; // delete abort code pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; } else if ((pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl & ~EPL_SDO_SEQ_HANDLE_MASK) == EPL_SDO_SEQ_INVALID_HDL) { // check state pSdoComFinished_p->m_SdoComConState = kEplSdoComTransferLowerLayerAbort; } else if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState == kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit) { // finished pSdoComFinished_p->m_SdoComConState = kEplSdoComTransferNotActive; } else if (pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize == 0) { // finished pSdoComFinished_p->m_SdoComConState = kEplSdoComTransferFinished; } Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComSdoAbort // // Description: function abort a sdo transfer // // // // Parameters: SdoComConHdl_p = handle for the connection // dwAbortCode_p = abort code // // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) tEplKernel EplSdoComSdoAbort(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComConHdl_p, DWORD dwAbortCode_p) { tEplKernel Ret; tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon; if (SdoComConHdl_p >= EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON) { Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidHandle; goto Exit; } // get pointer to control structure of connection pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[SdoComConHdl_p]; // check if handle ok if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl == 0) { Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidHandle; goto Exit; } // save pointer to abort code pSdoComCon->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode_p; Ret = EplSdoComProcessIntern(SdoComConHdl_p, kEplSdoComConEventAbort, (tEplAsySdoCom *) NULL); Exit: return Ret; } #endif //=========================================================================// // // // P R I V A T E F U N C T I O N S // // // //=========================================================================// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComReceiveCb // // Description: callback function for SDO Sequence Layer // -> indicates new data // // // // Parameters: SdoSeqConHdl_p = Handle for connection // pAsySdoCom_p = pointer to data // uiDataSize_p = size of data ($$$ not used yet, but it should) // // // Returns: // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoComReceiveCb(tEplSdoSeqConHdl SdoSeqConHdl_p, tEplAsySdoCom *pAsySdoCom_p, unsigned int uiDataSize_p) { tEplKernel Ret; // search connection internally Ret = EplSdoComSearchConIntern(SdoSeqConHdl_p, kEplSdoComConEventRec, pAsySdoCom_p); EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE3 ("EplSdoComReceiveCb SdoSeqConHdl: 0x%X, First Byte of pAsySdoCom_p: 0x%02X, uiDataSize_p: 0x%04X\n", SdoSeqConHdl_p, (WORD) pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[0], uiDataSize_p); return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComConCb // // Description: callback function called by SDO Sequence Layer to inform // command layer about state change of connection // // // // Parameters: SdoSeqConHdl_p = Handle of the connection // AsySdoConState_p = Event of the connection // // // Returns: tEplKernel = Errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoComConCb(tEplSdoSeqConHdl SdoSeqConHdl_p, tEplAsySdoConState AsySdoConState_p) { tEplKernel Ret; tEplSdoComConEvent SdoComConEvent = kEplSdoComConEventSendFirst; Ret = kEplSuccessful; // check state switch (AsySdoConState_p) { case kAsySdoConStateConnected: { EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0("Connection established\n"); SdoComConEvent = kEplSdoComConEventConEstablished; // start transmission if needed break; } case kAsySdoConStateInitError: { EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0("Error during initialisation\n"); SdoComConEvent = kEplSdoComConEventInitError; // inform app about error and close sequence layer handle break; } case kAsySdoConStateConClosed: { EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0("Connection closed\n"); SdoComConEvent = kEplSdoComConEventConClosed; // close sequence layer handle break; } case kAsySdoConStateAckReceived: { EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0("Acknowlage received\n"); SdoComConEvent = kEplSdoComConEventAckReceived; // continue transmission break; } case kAsySdoConStateFrameSended: { EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0("One Frame sent\n"); SdoComConEvent = kEplSdoComConEventFrameSended; // to continue transmission break; } case kAsySdoConStateTimeout: { EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0("Timeout\n"); SdoComConEvent = kEplSdoComConEventTimeout; // close sequence layer handle break; } } // end of switch(AsySdoConState_p) Ret = EplSdoComSearchConIntern(SdoSeqConHdl_p, SdoComConEvent, (tEplAsySdoCom *) NULL); return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComSearchConIntern // // Description: search a Sdo Sequence Layer connection handle in the // control structure of the Command Layer // // Parameters: SdoSeqConHdl_p = Handle to search // SdoComConEvent_p = event to process // pAsySdoCom_p = pointer to received frame // // Returns: tEplKernel // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static tEplKernel EplSdoComSearchConIntern(tEplSdoSeqConHdl SdoSeqConHdl_p, tEplSdoComConEvent SdoComConEvent_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p) { tEplKernel Ret; tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon; tEplSdoComConHdl HdlCount; tEplSdoComConHdl HdlFree; Ret = kEplSdoComNotResponsible; // get pointer to first element of the array pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[0]; HdlCount = 0; HdlFree = 0xFFFF; while (HdlCount < EPL_MAX_SDO_COM_CON) { if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl == SdoSeqConHdl_p) { // matching command layer handle found Ret = EplSdoComProcessIntern(HdlCount, SdoComConEvent_p, pAsySdoCom_p); } else if ((pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl == 0) && (HdlFree == 0xFFFF)) { HdlFree = HdlCount; } pSdoComCon++; HdlCount++; } if (Ret == kEplSdoComNotResponsible) { // no responsible command layer handle found if (HdlFree == 0xFFFF) { // no free handle // delete connection immediately // 2008/04/14 m.u./d.k. This connection actually does not exist. // pSdoComCon is invalid. // Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl); Ret = kEplSdoComNoFreeHandle; } else { // create new handle HdlCount = HdlFree; pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[HdlCount]; pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl = SdoSeqConHdl_p; Ret = EplSdoComProcessIntern(HdlCount, SdoComConEvent_p, pAsySdoCom_p); } } return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComProcessIntern // // Description: search a Sdo Sequence Layer connection handle in the // control structer of the Command Layer // // // // Parameters: SdoComCon_p = index of control structure of connection // SdoComConEvent_p = event to process // pAsySdoCom_p = pointer to received frame // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static tEplKernel EplSdoComProcessIntern(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p, tEplSdoComConEvent SdoComConEvent_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p) { tEplKernel Ret; tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon; u8 bFlag; #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) DWORD dwAbortCode; unsigned int uiSize; #endif #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) // enter critical section for process function EnterCriticalSection(SdoComInstance_g.m_pCriticalSection); EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0 ("\n\tEnterCiticalSection EplSdoComProcessIntern\n\n"); #endif Ret = kEplSuccessful; // get pointer to control structure pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[SdoComCon_p]; // process state maschine switch (pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState) { // idle state case kEplSdoComStateIdle: { // check events switch (SdoComConEvent_p) { #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) // init con for client case kEplSdoComConEventInitCon: { // call of the init function already // processed in EplSdoComDefineCon() // only change state to kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit; break; } #endif // int con for server case kEplSdoComConEventRec: { #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) // check if init of an transfer and no SDO abort if ((pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_bFlags & 0x80) == 0) { // SDO request if ((pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_bFlags & 0x40) == 0) { // no SDO abort // save tansaction id pSdoComCon-> m_bTransactionId = AmiGetByteFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bTransactionId); // check command switch (pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bCommandId) { case kEplSdoServiceNIL: { // simply acknowlegde NIL command on sequence layer Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData (pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, 0, (tEplFrame *) NULL); break; } case kEplSdoServiceReadByIndex: { // read by index // search entry an start transfer EplSdoComServerInitReadByIndex (pSdoComCon, pAsySdoCom_p); // check next state if (pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize == 0) { // ready -> stay idle pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateIdle; // reset abort code pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; } else { // segmented transfer pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateServerSegmTrans; } break; } case kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex: { // search entry an start write EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex (pSdoComCon, pAsySdoCom_p); // check next state if (pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize == 0) { // already -> stay idle pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateIdle; // reset abort code pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; } else { // segmented transfer pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateServerSegmTrans; } break; } default: { // unsupported command // -> abort senden dwAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_UNKNOWN_COMMAND_SPECIFIER; // send abort pSdoComCon-> m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern (pSdoComCon, 0, 0, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); } } // end of switch(pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_bCommandId) } } else { // this command layer handle is not responsible // (wrong direction or wrong transaction ID) Ret = kEplSdoComNotResponsible; goto Exit; } #endif // end of #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) break; } // connection closed case kEplSdoComConEventInitError: case kEplSdoComConEventTimeout: case kEplSdoComConEventConClosed: { Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl); // clean control structure EPL_MEMSET(pSdoComCon, 0x00, sizeof(tEplSdoComCon)); break; } default: // d.k. do nothing break; } // end of switch(SdoComConEvent_p) break; } #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SDO Server part // segmented transfer case kEplSdoComStateServerSegmTrans: { // check events switch (SdoComConEvent_p) { // send next frame case kEplSdoComConEventAckReceived: case kEplSdoComConEventFrameSended: { // check if it is a read if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType == kEplSdoServiceReadByIndex) { // send next frame EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern (pSdoComCon, 0, 0, kEplSdoComSendTypeRes); // if all send -> back to idle if (pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize == 0) { // back to idle pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateIdle; // reset abort code pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; } } break; } // process next frame case kEplSdoComConEventRec: { // check if the frame is a SDO response and has the right transaction ID bFlag = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bFlags); if (((bFlag & 0x80) != 0) && (AmiGetByteFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bTransactionId) == pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId)) { // check if it is a abort if ((bFlag & 0x40) != 0) { // SDO abort // clear control structure pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize = 0; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransferredByte = 0; // change state pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateIdle; // reset abort code pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; // d.k.: do not execute anything further on this command break; } // check if it is a write if (pSdoComCon-> m_SdoServiceType == kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex) { // write data to OD uiSize = AmiGetWordFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_wSegmentSize); if (pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode == 0) { EPL_MEMCPY (pSdoComCon-> m_pData, &pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_abCommandData [0], uiSize); } // update counter pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransferredByte += uiSize; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize -= uiSize; // update pointer if (pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode == 0) { ( /*(u8*) */ pSdoComCon-> m_pData) += uiSize; } // check end of transfer if ((pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_bFlags & 0x30) == 0x30) { // transfer ready pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize = 0; if (pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode == 0) { // send response // send next frame EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern (pSdoComCon, 0, 0, kEplSdoComSendTypeRes); // if all send -> back to idle if (pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize == 0) { // back to idle pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateIdle; // reset abort code pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; } } else { // send dabort code // send abort pSdoComCon-> m_pData = (u8 *) & pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern (pSdoComCon, 0, 0, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); // reset abort code pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; } } else { // send acknowledge without any Command layer data Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData (pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, 0, (tEplFrame *) NULL); } } } else { // this command layer handle is not responsible // (wrong direction or wrong transaction ID) Ret = kEplSdoComNotResponsible; goto Exit; } break; } // connection closed case kEplSdoComConEventInitError: case kEplSdoComConEventTimeout: case kEplSdoComConEventConClosed: { Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl); // clean control structure EPL_MEMSET(pSdoComCon, 0x00, sizeof(tEplSdoComCon)); break; } default: // d.k. do nothing break; } // end of switch(SdoComConEvent_p) break; } #endif // endif of #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SDO Client part // wait for finish of establishing connection case kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit: { // if connection handle is invalid reinit connection // d.k.: this will be done only on new events (i.e. InitTransfer) if ((pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl & ~EPL_SDO_SEQ_HANDLE_MASK) == EPL_SDO_SEQ_INVALID_HDL) { // check kind of connection to reinit // check protocol switch (pSdoComCon->m_SdoProtType) { // udp case kEplSdoTypeUdp: { // call connection int function of lower layer Ret = EplSdoAsySeqInitCon (&pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, pSdoComCon->m_uiNodeId, kEplSdoTypeUdp); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } break; } // Asend -> not supported case kEplSdoTypeAsnd: { // call connection int function of lower layer Ret = EplSdoAsySeqInitCon (&pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, pSdoComCon->m_uiNodeId, kEplSdoTypeAsnd); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } break; } // Pdo -> not supported case kEplSdoTypePdo: default: { Ret = kEplSdoComUnsupportedProt; goto Exit; } } // end of switch(m_ProtType_p) // d.k.: reset transaction ID, because new sequence layer connection was initialized // $$$ d.k. is this really necessary? //pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId = 0; } // check events switch (SdoComConEvent_p) { // connection established case kEplSdoComConEventConEstablished: { //send first frame if needed if ((pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize > 0) && (pSdoComCon->m_uiTargetIndex != 0)) { // start SDO transfer Ret = EplSdoComClientSend (pSdoComCon); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } // check if segemted transfer if (pSdoComCon-> m_SdoTransType == kEplSdoTransSegmented) { pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientSegmTrans; goto Exit; } } // goto state kEplSdoComStateClientConnected pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientConnected; goto Exit; } case kEplSdoComConEventSendFirst: { // infos for transfer already saved by function EplSdoComInitTransferByIndex break; } case kEplSdoComConEventConClosed: case kEplSdoComConEventInitError: case kEplSdoComConEventTimeout: { // close sequence layer handle Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl); pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl |= EPL_SDO_SEQ_INVALID_HDL; // call callback function if (SdoComConEvent_p == kEplSdoComConEventTimeout) { pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_TIME_OUT; } else { pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; } Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferLowerLayerAbort); // d.k.: do not clean control structure break; } default: // d.k. do nothing break; } // end of switch(SdoComConEvent_p) break; } // connected case kEplSdoComStateClientConnected: { // check events switch (SdoComConEvent_p) { // send a frame case kEplSdoComConEventSendFirst: case kEplSdoComConEventAckReceived: case kEplSdoComConEventFrameSended: { Ret = EplSdoComClientSend(pSdoComCon); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } // check if read transfer finished if ((pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize == 0) && (pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransferredByte != 0) && (pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType == kEplSdoServiceReadByIndex)) { // inc transaction id pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId++; // call callback of application pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferFinished); goto Exit; } // check if segemted transfer if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoTransType == kEplSdoTransSegmented) { pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientSegmTrans; goto Exit; } break; } // frame received case kEplSdoComConEventRec: { // check if the frame is a SDO response and has the right transaction ID bFlag = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bFlags); if (((bFlag & 0x80) != 0) && (AmiGetByteFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bTransactionId) == pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId)) { // check if abort or not if ((bFlag & 0x40) != 0) { // send acknowledge without any Command layer data Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData (pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, 0, (tEplFrame *) NULL); // inc transaction id pSdoComCon-> m_bTransactionId++; // save abort code pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = AmiGetDwordFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_abCommandData [0]); // call callback of application Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferRxAborted); goto Exit; } else { // normal frame received // check frame Ret = EplSdoComClientProcessFrame (SdoComCon_p, pAsySdoCom_p); // check if transfer ready if (pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize == 0) { // send acknowledge without any Command layer data Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData (pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, 0, (tEplFrame *) NULL); // inc transaction id pSdoComCon-> m_bTransactionId++; // call callback of application pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferFinished); goto Exit; } } } else { // this command layer handle is not responsible // (wrong direction or wrong transaction ID) Ret = kEplSdoComNotResponsible; goto Exit; } break; } // connection closed event go back to kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit case kEplSdoComConEventConClosed: { // connection closed by communication partner // close sequence layer handle Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl); // set handle to invalid and enter kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl |= EPL_SDO_SEQ_INVALID_HDL; // change state pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit; // call callback of application pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferLowerLayerAbort); goto Exit; break; } // abort to send from higher layer case kEplSdoComConEventAbort: { EplSdoComClientSendAbort(pSdoComCon, *((DWORD *) pSdoComCon-> m_pData)); // inc transaction id pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId++; // call callback of application pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = *((DWORD *) pSdoComCon->m_pData); Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferTxAborted); break; } case kEplSdoComConEventInitError: case kEplSdoComConEventTimeout: { // close sequence layer handle Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl); pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl |= EPL_SDO_SEQ_INVALID_HDL; // change state pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit; // call callback of application pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_TIME_OUT; Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferLowerLayerAbort); } default: // d.k. do nothing break; } // end of switch(SdoComConEvent_p) break; } // process segmented transfer case kEplSdoComStateClientSegmTrans: { // check events switch (SdoComConEvent_p) { // sned a frame case kEplSdoComConEventSendFirst: case kEplSdoComConEventAckReceived: case kEplSdoComConEventFrameSended: { Ret = EplSdoComClientSend(pSdoComCon); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } // check if read transfer finished if ((pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize == 0) && (pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType == kEplSdoServiceReadByIndex)) { // inc transaction id pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId++; // change state pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientConnected; // call callback of application pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferFinished); goto Exit; } break; } // frame received case kEplSdoComConEventRec: { // check if the frame is a response bFlag = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bFlags); if (((bFlag & 0x80) != 0) && (AmiGetByteFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bTransactionId) == pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId)) { // check if abort or not if ((bFlag & 0x40) != 0) { // send acknowledge without any Command layer data Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData (pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, 0, (tEplFrame *) NULL); // inc transaction id pSdoComCon-> m_bTransactionId++; // change state pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientConnected; // save abort code pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = AmiGetDwordFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_abCommandData [0]); // call callback of application Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferRxAborted); goto Exit; } else { // normal frame received // check frame Ret = EplSdoComClientProcessFrame (SdoComCon_p, pAsySdoCom_p); // check if transfer ready if (pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize == 0) { // send acknowledge without any Command layer data Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData (pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, 0, (tEplFrame *) NULL); // inc transaction id pSdoComCon-> m_bTransactionId++; // change state pSdoComCon-> m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientConnected; // call callback of application pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferFinished); } } } break; } // connection closed event go back to kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit case kEplSdoComConEventConClosed: { // connection closed by communication partner // close sequence layer handle Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl); // set handle to invalid and enter kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl |= EPL_SDO_SEQ_INVALID_HDL; // change state pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit; // inc transaction id pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId++; // call callback of application pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferFinished); break; } // abort to send from higher layer case kEplSdoComConEventAbort: { EplSdoComClientSendAbort(pSdoComCon, *((DWORD *) pSdoComCon-> m_pData)); // inc transaction id pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId++; // change state pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientConnected; // call callback of application pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = *((DWORD *) pSdoComCon->m_pData); Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferTxAborted); break; } case kEplSdoComConEventInitError: case kEplSdoComConEventTimeout: { // close sequence layer handle Ret = EplSdoAsySeqDelCon(pSdoComCon-> m_SdoSeqConHdl); pSdoComCon->m_SdoSeqConHdl |= EPL_SDO_SEQ_INVALID_HDL; // change state pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState = kEplSdoComStateClientWaitInit; // call callback of application pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_TIME_OUT; Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferLowerLayerAbort); } default: // d.k. do nothing break; } // end of switch(SdoComConEvent_p) break; } #endif // endo of #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) } // end of switch(pSdoComCon->m_SdoComState) #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) Exit: #endif #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) // leave critical section for process function EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0 ("\n\tLeaveCriticalSection EplSdoComProcessIntern\n\n"); LeaveCriticalSection(SdoComInstance_g.m_pCriticalSection); #endif return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComServerInitReadByIndex // // Description: function start the processing of an read by index command // // // // Parameters: pSdoComCon_p = pointer to control structure of connection // pAsySdoCom_p = pointer to received frame // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitReadByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p) { tEplKernel Ret; unsigned int uiIndex; unsigned int uiSubindex; tEplObdSize EntrySize; tEplObdAccess AccessType; DWORD dwAbortCode; dwAbortCode = 0; // a init of a read could not be a segmented transfer // -> no variable part of header // get index and subindex uiIndex = AmiGetWordFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[0]); uiSubindex = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[2]); // check accesstype of entry // existens of entry //#if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) != 0) Ret = EplObduGetAccessType(uiIndex, uiSubindex, &AccessType); /*#else Ret = kEplObdSubindexNotExist; AccessType = 0; #endif*/ if (Ret == kEplObdSubindexNotExist) { // subentry doesn't exist dwAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_SUB_INDEX_NOT_EXIST; // send abort pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); goto Exit; } else if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { // entry doesn't exist dwAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_OBJECT_NOT_EXIST; // send abort pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); goto Exit; } // compare accesstype must be read or const if (((AccessType & kEplObdAccRead) == 0) && ((AccessType & kEplObdAccConst) == 0)) { if ((AccessType & kEplObdAccWrite) != 0) { // entry read a write only object dwAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_READ_TO_WRITE_ONLY_OBJ; } else { dwAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS; } // send abort pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); goto Exit; } // save service pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType = kEplSdoServiceReadByIndex; // get size of object to see iof segmented or expedited transfer //#if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) != 0) EntrySize = EplObduGetDataSize(uiIndex, uiSubindex); /*#else EntrySize = 0; #endif*/ if (EntrySize > EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD) { // segmented transfer pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType = kEplSdoTransSegmented; // get pointer to object-entry data //#if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) != 0) pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = EplObduGetObjectDataPtr(uiIndex, uiSubindex); //#endif } else { // expedited transfer pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType = kEplSdoTransExpedited; } pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = EntrySize; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte = 0; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeRes); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { // error -> abort dwAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_GENERAL_ERROR; // send abort pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); goto Exit; } Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(); // // Description: function creats and send a frame for server // // // // Parameters: pSdoComCon_p = pointer to control structure of connection // uiIndex_p = index to send if expedited transfer else 0 // uiSubIndex_p = subindex to send if expedited transfer else 0 // SendType_p = to of frame to send // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, unsigned int uiIndex_p, unsigned int uiSubIndex_p, tEplSdoComSendType SendType_p) { tEplKernel Ret; u8 abFrame[EPL_MAX_SDO_FRAME_SIZE]; tEplFrame *pFrame; tEplAsySdoCom *pCommandFrame; unsigned int uiSizeOfFrame; u8 bFlag; Ret = kEplSuccessful; pFrame = (tEplFrame *) & abFrame[0]; EPL_MEMSET(&abFrame[0], 0x00, sizeof(abFrame)); // build generic part of frame // get pointer to command layerpart of frame pCommandFrame = &pFrame->m_Data.m_Asnd.m_Payload.m_SdoSequenceFrame. m_le_abSdoSeqPayload; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bCommandId, pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType); AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bTransactionId, pSdoComCon_p->m_bTransactionId); // set size to header size uiSizeOfFrame = 8; // check SendType switch (SendType_p) { // requestframe to send case kEplSdoComSendTypeReq: { // nothing to do for server //-> error Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidSendType; break; } // response without data to send case kEplSdoComSendTypeAckRes: { // set response flag AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bFlags, 0x80); // send frame Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoSeqConHdl, uiSizeOfFrame, pFrame); break; } // responsframe to send case kEplSdoComSendTypeRes: { // set response flag bFlag = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bFlags); bFlag |= 0x80; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bFlags, bFlag); // check type of resonse if (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType == kEplSdoTransExpedited) { // Expedited transfer // copy data in frame //#if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) != 0) Ret = EplObduReadEntryToLe(uiIndex_p, uiSubIndex_p, &pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData [0], (tEplObdSize *) & pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { goto Exit; } //#endif // set size of frame AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, (WORD) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); // correct byte-counter uiSizeOfFrame += pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte += pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = 0; // send frame uiSizeOfFrame += pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize; Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, uiSizeOfFrame, pFrame); } else if (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType == kEplSdoTransSegmented) { // segmented transfer // distinguish between init, segment and complete if (pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte == 0) { // init // set init flag bFlag = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags); bFlag |= 0x10; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags, bFlag); // init variable header AmiSetDwordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData[0], pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); // copy data in frame EPL_MEMCPY(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData[4], pSdoComCon_p->m_pData, (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 4)); // correct byte-counter pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize -= (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 4); pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte += (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 4); // move data pointer pSdoComCon_p->m_pData += (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 4); // set segment size AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 4)); // send frame uiSizeOfFrame += EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, uiSizeOfFrame, pFrame); } else if ((pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte > 0) && (pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize > EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD)) { // segment // set segment flag bFlag = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags); bFlag |= 0x20; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags, bFlag); // copy data in frame EPL_MEMCPY(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData[0], pSdoComCon_p->m_pData, EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD); // correct byte-counter pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize -= EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte += EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; // move data pointer pSdoComCon_p->m_pData += EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; // set segment size AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD); // send frame uiSizeOfFrame += EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, uiSizeOfFrame, pFrame); } else { if ((pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize == 0) && (pSdoComCon_p-> m_SdoServiceType != kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex)) { goto Exit; } // complete // set segment complete flag bFlag = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags); bFlag |= 0x30; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags, bFlag); // copy data in frame EPL_MEMCPY(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData[0], pSdoComCon_p->m_pData, pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize); // correct byte-counter pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte += pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize; // move data pointer pSdoComCon_p->m_pData += pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize; // set segment size AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, (WORD) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); // send frame uiSizeOfFrame += pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = 0; Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p-> m_SdoSeqConHdl, uiSizeOfFrame, pFrame); } } break; } // abort to send case kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort: { // set response and abort flag bFlag = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bFlags); bFlag |= 0xC0; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bFlags, bFlag); // copy abortcode to frame AmiSetDwordToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_abCommandData[0], *((DWORD *) pSdoComCon_p->m_pData)); // set size of segment AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_wSegmentSize, sizeof(DWORD)); // update counter pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte = sizeof(DWORD); pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = 0; // calc framesize uiSizeOfFrame += sizeof(DWORD); Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoSeqConHdl, uiSizeOfFrame, pFrame); break; } } // end of switch(SendType_p) Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex // // Description: function start the processing of an write by index command // // // // Parameters: pSdoComCon_p = pointer to control structure of connection // pAsySdoCom_p = pointer to received frame // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOS)) != 0) static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p) { tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful; unsigned int uiIndex; unsigned int uiSubindex; unsigned int uiBytesToTransfer; tEplObdSize EntrySize; tEplObdAccess AccessType; DWORD dwAbortCode; u8 *pbSrcData; dwAbortCode = 0; // a init of a write // -> variable part of header possible // check if expedited or segmented transfer if ((pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_bFlags & 0x30) == 0x10) { // initiate segmented transfer pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType = kEplSdoTransSegmented; // get index and subindex uiIndex = AmiGetWordFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[4]); uiSubindex = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[6]); // get source-pointer for copy pbSrcData = &pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[8]; // save size pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = AmiGetDwordFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[0]); } else if ((pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_bFlags & 0x30) == 0x00) { // expedited transfer pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType = kEplSdoTransExpedited; // get index and subindex uiIndex = AmiGetWordFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[0]); uiSubindex = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[2]); // get source-pointer for copy pbSrcData = &pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_abCommandData[4]; // save size pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = AmiGetWordFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_wSegmentSize); // subtract header pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize -= 4; } else { // just ignore any other transfer type goto Exit; } // check accesstype of entry // existens of entry //#if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) != 0) Ret = EplObduGetAccessType(uiIndex, uiSubindex, &AccessType); /*#else Ret = kEplObdSubindexNotExist; AccessType = 0; #endif*/ if (Ret == kEplObdSubindexNotExist) { // subentry doesn't exist pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_SUB_INDEX_NOT_EXIST; // send abort // d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write /*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); */ goto Abort; } else if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { // entry doesn't exist pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_OBJECT_NOT_EXIST; // send abort // d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write /* pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)&dwAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); */ goto Abort; } // compare accesstype must be read if ((AccessType & kEplObdAccWrite) == 0) { if ((AccessType & kEplObdAccRead) != 0) { // entry write a read only object pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_WRITE_TO_READ_ONLY_OBJ; } else { pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS; } // send abort // d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write /*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)&dwAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); */ goto Abort; } // save service pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType = kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte = 0; // write data to OD if (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType == kEplSdoTransExpedited) { // expedited transfer // size checking is done by EplObduWriteEntryFromLe() //#if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) != 0) Ret = EplObduWriteEntryFromLe(uiIndex, uiSubindex, pbSrcData, pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize); switch (Ret) { case kEplSuccessful: { break; } case kEplObdAccessViolation: { pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS; // send abort goto Abort; } case kEplObdValueLengthError: { pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_DATA_TYPE_LENGTH_NOT_MATCH; // send abort goto Abort; } case kEplObdValueTooHigh: { pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_VALUE_RANGE_TOO_HIGH; // send abort goto Abort; } case kEplObdValueTooLow: { pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_VALUE_RANGE_TOO_LOW; // send abort goto Abort; } default: { pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_GENERAL_ERROR; // send abort goto Abort; } } //#endif // send command acknowledge Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, 0, 0, kEplSdoComSendTypeAckRes); pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = 0; goto Exit; } else { // get size of the object to check if it fits // because we directly write to the destination memory // d.k. no one calls the user OD callback function //#if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) != 0) EntrySize = EplObduGetDataSize(uiIndex, uiSubindex); /*#else EntrySize = 0; #endif */ if (EntrySize < pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize) { // parameter too big pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_DATA_TYPE_LENGTH_TOO_HIGH; // send abort // d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write /*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)&dwAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); */ goto Abort; } uiBytesToTransfer = AmiGetWordFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_wSegmentSize); // eleminate header (Command header (8) + variable part (4) + Command header (4)) uiBytesToTransfer -= 16; // get pointer to object entry //#if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_OBDU)) != 0) pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = EplObduGetObjectDataPtr(uiIndex, uiSubindex); //#endif if (pSdoComCon_p->m_pData == NULL) { pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_GENERAL_ERROR; // send abort // d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write /* pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)&pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort);*/ goto Abort; } // copy data EPL_MEMCPY(pSdoComCon_p->m_pData, pbSrcData, uiBytesToTransfer); // update internal counter pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte = uiBytesToTransfer; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize -= uiBytesToTransfer; // update target pointer ( /*(u8*) */ pSdoComCon_p->m_pData) += uiBytesToTransfer; // send acknowledge without any Command layer data Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoSeqConHdl, 0, (tEplFrame *) NULL); goto Exit; } Abort: if (pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode != 0) { // send abort pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode; Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex, uiSubindex, kEplSdoComSendTypeAbort); // reset abort code pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = 0; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = 0; goto Exit; } Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComClientSend // // Description: function starts an sdo transfer an send all further frames // // // // Parameters: pSdoComCon_p = pointer to control structure of connection // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSend(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p) { tEplKernel Ret; u8 abFrame[EPL_MAX_SDO_FRAME_SIZE]; tEplFrame *pFrame; tEplAsySdoCom *pCommandFrame; unsigned int uiSizeOfFrame; u8 bFlags; u8 *pbPayload; Ret = kEplSuccessful; pFrame = (tEplFrame *) & abFrame[0]; EPL_MEMSET(&abFrame[0], 0x00, sizeof(abFrame)); // build generic part of frame // get pointer to command layerpart of frame pCommandFrame = &pFrame->m_Data.m_Asnd.m_Payload.m_SdoSequenceFrame. m_le_abSdoSeqPayload; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bCommandId, pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType); AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bTransactionId, pSdoComCon_p->m_bTransactionId); // set size constant part of header uiSizeOfFrame = 8; // check if first frame to send -> command header needed if (pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize > 0) { if (pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte == 0) { // start SDO transfer // check if segmented or expedited transfer // only for write commands switch (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType) { case kEplSdoServiceReadByIndex: { // first frame of read access always expedited pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType = kEplSdoTransExpedited; pbPayload = &pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData[0]; // fill rest of header AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, 4); // create command header AmiSetWordToLe(pbPayload, (WORD) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTargetIndex); pbPayload += 2; AmiSetByteToLe(pbPayload, (u8) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTargetSubIndex); // calc size uiSizeOfFrame += 4; // set pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte to one pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte = 1; break; } case kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex: { if (pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize > EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD) { // segmented transfer // -> variable part of header needed // save that transfer is segmented pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType = kEplSdoTransSegmented; // fill variable part of header AmiSetDwordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData [0], pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); // set pointer to real payload pbPayload = &pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData[4]; // fill rest of header AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD); bFlags = 0x10; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags, bFlags); // create command header AmiSetWordToLe(pbPayload, (WORD) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTargetIndex); pbPayload += 2; AmiSetByteToLe(pbPayload, (u8) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTargetSubIndex); // on byte for reserved pbPayload += 2; // calc size uiSizeOfFrame += EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; // copy payload EPL_MEMCPY(pbPayload, pSdoComCon_p-> m_pData, (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 8)); pSdoComCon_p->m_pData += (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 8); // correct intern counter pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize -= (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 8); pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransferredByte = (EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD - 8); } else { // expedited trandsfer // save that transfer is expedited pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType = kEplSdoTransExpedited; pbPayload = &pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData[0]; // create command header AmiSetWordToLe(pbPayload, (WORD) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTargetIndex); pbPayload += 2; AmiSetByteToLe(pbPayload, (u8) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTargetSubIndex); // + 2 -> one byte for subindex and one byte reserved pbPayload += 2; // copy data EPL_MEMCPY(pbPayload, pSdoComCon_p-> m_pData, pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); // calc size uiSizeOfFrame += (4 + pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); // fill rest of header AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, (WORD) (4 + pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize)); pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransferredByte = pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = 0; } break; } case kEplSdoServiceNIL: default: // invalid service requested Ret = kEplSdoComInvalidServiceType; goto Exit; } // end of switch(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType) } else // (pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte > 0) { // continue SDO transfer switch (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType) { // for expedited read is nothing to do // -> server sends data case kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex: { // send next frame if (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoTransType == kEplSdoTransSegmented) { if (pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize > EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD) { // next segment pbPayload = &pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData [0]; // fill rest of header AmiSetWordToLe (&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD); bFlags = 0x20; AmiSetByteToLe (&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags, bFlags); // copy data EPL_MEMCPY(pbPayload, pSdoComCon_p-> m_pData, EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD); pSdoComCon_p->m_pData += EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; // correct intern counter pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize -= EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransferredByte = EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; // calc size uiSizeOfFrame += EPL_SDO_MAX_PAYLOAD; } else { // end of transfer pbPayload = &pCommandFrame-> m_le_abCommandData [0]; // fill rest of header AmiSetWordToLe (&pCommandFrame-> m_le_wSegmentSize, (WORD) pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); bFlags = 0x30; AmiSetByteToLe (&pCommandFrame-> m_le_bFlags, bFlags); // copy data EPL_MEMCPY(pbPayload, pSdoComCon_p-> m_pData, pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize); pSdoComCon_p->m_pData += pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize; // calc size uiSizeOfFrame += pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize; // correct intern counter pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize = 0; pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransferredByte = pSdoComCon_p-> m_uiTransSize; } } else { goto Exit; } break; } default: { goto Exit; } } // end of switch(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType) } } else { goto Exit; } // call send function of lower layer switch (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoProtType) { case kEplSdoTypeAsnd: case kEplSdoTypeUdp: { Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoSeqConHdl, uiSizeOfFrame, pFrame); break; } default: { Ret = kEplSdoComUnsupportedProt; } } // end of switch(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoProtType) Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComClientProcessFrame // // Description: function process a received frame // // // // Parameters: SdoComCon_p = connection handle // pAsySdoCom_p = pointer to frame to process // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientProcessFrame(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p, tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p) { tEplKernel Ret; u8 bBuffer; unsigned int uiBuffer; unsigned int uiDataSize; unsigned long ulBuffer; tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon; Ret = kEplSuccessful; // get pointer to control structure pSdoComCon = &SdoComInstance_g.m_SdoComCon[SdoComCon_p]; // check if transaction Id fit bBuffer = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_bTransactionId); if (pSdoComCon->m_bTransactionId != bBuffer) { // incorrect transaction id // if running transfer if ((pSdoComCon->m_uiTransferredByte != 0) && (pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize != 0)) { pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_GENERAL_ERROR; // -> send abort EplSdoComClientSendAbort(pSdoComCon, pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode); // call callback of application Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished(SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferTxAborted); } } else { // check if correct command bBuffer = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p->m_le_bCommandId); if (pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType != bBuffer) { // incorrect command // if running transfer if ((pSdoComCon->m_uiTransferredByte != 0) && (pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize != 0)) { pSdoComCon->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_GENERAL_ERROR; // -> send abort EplSdoComClientSendAbort(pSdoComCon, pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode); // call callback of application Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished(SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferTxAborted); } } else { // switch on command switch (pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType) { case kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex: { // check if confirmation from server // nothing more to do break; } case kEplSdoServiceReadByIndex: { // check if it is an segmented or an expedited transfer bBuffer = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_bFlags); // mask uninteressting bits bBuffer &= 0x30; switch (bBuffer) { // expedited transfer case 0x00: { // check size of buffer uiBuffer = AmiGetWordFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_wSegmentSize); if (uiBuffer > pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize) { // buffer provided by the application is to small // copy only a part uiDataSize = pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize; } else { // buffer fits uiDataSize = uiBuffer; } // copy data EPL_MEMCPY(pSdoComCon-> m_pData, &pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_abCommandData [0], uiDataSize); // correct counter pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize = 0; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransferredByte = uiDataSize; break; } // start of a segmented transfer case 0x10: { // get total size of transfer ulBuffer = AmiGetDwordFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_abCommandData [0]); if (ulBuffer <= pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize) { // buffer fit pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize = (unsigned int) ulBuffer; } else { // buffer to small // send abort pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_DATA_TYPE_LENGTH_TOO_HIGH; // -> send abort EplSdoComClientSendAbort (pSdoComCon, pSdoComCon-> m_dwLastAbortCode); // call callback of application Ret = EplSdoComTransferFinished (SdoComCon_p, pSdoComCon, kEplSdoComTransferRxAborted); goto Exit; } // get segment size // check size of buffer uiBuffer = AmiGetWordFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_wSegmentSize); // subtract size of vaiable header from datasize uiBuffer -= 4; // copy data EPL_MEMCPY(pSdoComCon-> m_pData, &pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_abCommandData [4], uiBuffer); // correct counter an pointer pSdoComCon->m_pData += uiBuffer; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransferredByte += uiBuffer; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize -= uiBuffer; break; } // segment case 0x20: { // get segment size // check size of buffer uiBuffer = AmiGetWordFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_wSegmentSize); // check if data to copy fit to buffer if (uiBuffer >= pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize) { // to much data uiBuffer = (pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize - 1); } // copy data EPL_MEMCPY(pSdoComCon-> m_pData, &pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_abCommandData [0], uiBuffer); // correct counter an pointer pSdoComCon->m_pData += uiBuffer; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransferredByte += uiBuffer; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize -= uiBuffer; break; } // last segment case 0x30: { // get segment size // check size of buffer uiBuffer = AmiGetWordFromLe (&pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_wSegmentSize); // check if data to copy fit to buffer if (uiBuffer > pSdoComCon->m_uiTransSize) { // to much data uiBuffer = (pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize - 1); } // copy data EPL_MEMCPY(pSdoComCon-> m_pData, &pAsySdoCom_p-> m_le_abCommandData [0], uiBuffer); // correct counter an pointer pSdoComCon->m_pData += uiBuffer; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransferredByte += uiBuffer; pSdoComCon-> m_uiTransSize = 0; break; } } // end of switch(bBuffer & 0x30) break; } case kEplSdoServiceNIL: default: // invalid service requested // $$$ d.k. What should we do? break; } // end of switch(pSdoComCon->m_SdoServiceType) } } Exit: return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComClientSendAbort // // Description: function send a abort message // // // // Parameters: pSdoComCon_p = pointer to control structure of connection // dwAbortCode_p = Sdo abort code // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDOC)) != 0) static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSendAbort(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, DWORD dwAbortCode_p) { tEplKernel Ret; u8 abFrame[EPL_MAX_SDO_FRAME_SIZE]; tEplFrame *pFrame; tEplAsySdoCom *pCommandFrame; unsigned int uiSizeOfFrame; Ret = kEplSuccessful; pFrame = (tEplFrame *) & abFrame[0]; EPL_MEMSET(&abFrame[0], 0x00, sizeof(abFrame)); // build generic part of frame // get pointer to command layerpart of frame pCommandFrame = &pFrame->m_Data.m_Asnd.m_Payload.m_SdoSequenceFrame. m_le_abSdoSeqPayload; AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bCommandId, pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType); AmiSetByteToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_bTransactionId, pSdoComCon_p->m_bTransactionId); uiSizeOfFrame = 8; // set response and abort flag pCommandFrame->m_le_bFlags |= 0x40; // copy abortcode to frame AmiSetDwordToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_abCommandData[0], dwAbortCode_p); // set size of segment AmiSetWordToLe(&pCommandFrame->m_le_wSegmentSize, sizeof(DWORD)); // update counter pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte = sizeof(DWORD); pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = 0; // calc framesize uiSizeOfFrame += sizeof(DWORD); // save abort code pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = dwAbortCode_p; // call send function of lower layer switch (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoProtType) { case kEplSdoTypeAsnd: case kEplSdoTypeUdp: { Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoSeqConHdl, uiSizeOfFrame, pFrame); break; } default: { Ret = kEplSdoComUnsupportedProt; } } // end of switch(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoProtType) return Ret; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoComTransferFinished // // Description: calls callback function of application if available // and clears entry in control structure // // Parameters: pSdoComCon_p = pointer to control structure of connection // SdoComConState_p = state of SDO transfer // // Returns: tEplKernel = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static tEplKernel EplSdoComTransferFinished(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p, tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p, tEplSdoComConState SdoComConState_p) { tEplKernel Ret; Ret = kEplSuccessful; if (pSdoComCon_p->m_pfnTransferFinished != NULL) { tEplSdoFinishedCb pfnTransferFinished; tEplSdoComFinished SdoComFinished; SdoComFinished.m_pUserArg = pSdoComCon_p->m_pUserArg; SdoComFinished.m_uiNodeId = pSdoComCon_p->m_uiNodeId; SdoComFinished.m_uiTargetIndex = pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTargetIndex; SdoComFinished.m_uiTargetSubIndex = pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTargetSubIndex; SdoComFinished.m_uiTransferredByte = pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte; SdoComFinished.m_dwAbortCode = pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode; SdoComFinished.m_SdoComConHdl = SdoComCon_p; SdoComFinished.m_SdoComConState = SdoComConState_p; if (pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoServiceType == kEplSdoServiceWriteByIndex) { SdoComFinished.m_SdoAccessType = kEplSdoAccessTypeWrite; } else { SdoComFinished.m_SdoAccessType = kEplSdoAccessTypeRead; } // reset transfer state so this handle is not busy anymore pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransferredByte = 0; pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize = 0; pfnTransferFinished = pSdoComCon_p->m_pfnTransferFinished; // delete function pointer to inform application only once for each transfer pSdoComCon_p->m_pfnTransferFinished = NULL; // call application's callback function pfnTransferFinished(&SdoComFinished); } return Ret; } // EOF