
444 lines
11 KiB

(c) Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2010
All rights reserved and confidential information of CSR
Refer to LICENSE.txt included with this source for details
on the license terms.
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "csr_types.h"
#include "csr_pmem.h"
#include "csr_util.h"
/* Bits */
/* Time proportional with the number of 1's */
u8 CsrBitCountSparse(u32 n)
u8 count = 0;
while (n)
n &= (n - 1);
return count;
/* Time proportional with the number of 0's */
u8 CsrBitCountDense(u32 n)
u8 count = 8 * sizeof(u32);
n ^= (u32) (-1);
while (n)
n &= (n - 1);
return count;
/* Base conversion */
CsrBool CsrHexStrToUint8(const CsrCharString *string, u8 *returnValue)
u16 currentIndex = 0;
*returnValue = 0;
if ((string[currentIndex] == '0') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex + 1]) == 'X'))
string += 2;
if (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) || ((CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) >= 'A') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) <= 'F')))
while (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) || ((CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) >= 'A') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) <= 'F')))
*returnValue = (u8) (*returnValue * 16 + (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) ? string[currentIndex] - '0' : CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) - 'A' + 10));
if (currentIndex >= 2)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
CsrBool CsrHexStrToUint16(const CsrCharString *string, u16 *returnValue)
u16 currentIndex = 0;
*returnValue = 0;
if ((string[currentIndex] == '0') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex + 1]) == 'X'))
string += 2;
if (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) || ((CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) >= 'A') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) <= 'F')))
while (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) || ((CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) >= 'A') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) <= 'F')))
*returnValue = (u16) (*returnValue * 16 + (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) ? string[currentIndex] - '0' : CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) - 'A' + 10));
if (currentIndex >= 4)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
CsrBool CsrHexStrToUint32(const CsrCharString *string, u32 *returnValue)
u16 currentIndex = 0;
*returnValue = 0;
if ((string[currentIndex] == '0') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex + 1]) == 'X'))
string += 2;
if (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) || ((CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) >= 'A') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) <= 'F')))
while (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) || ((CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) >= 'A') && (CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) <= 'F')))
*returnValue = *returnValue * 16 + (((string[currentIndex] >= '0') && (string[currentIndex] <= '9')) ? string[currentIndex] - '0' : CSR_TOUPPER(string[currentIndex]) - 'A' + 10);
if (currentIndex >= 8)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
u32 CsrPow(u32 base, u32 exponent)
if (exponent == 0)
return 1;
u32 i, t = base;
for (i = 1; i < exponent; i++)
t = t * base;
return t;
/* Convert signed 32 bit (or less) integer to string */
#define I2B10_MAX 12
void CsrIntToBase10(s32 number, CsrCharString *str)
s32 digit;
u8 index;
CsrCharString res[I2B10_MAX];
CsrBool foundDigit = FALSE;
for (digit = 0; digit < I2B10_MAX; digit++)
res[digit] = '\0';
/* Catch sign - and deal with positive numbers only afterwards */
index = 0;
if (number < 0)
res[index++] = '-';
number = -1 * number;
digit = 1000000000;
if (number > 0)
while ((index < I2B10_MAX - 1) && (digit > 0))
/* If the foundDigit flag is TRUE, this routine should be proceeded.
Otherwise the number which has '0' digit cannot be converted correctly */
if (((number / digit) > 0) || foundDigit)
foundDigit = TRUE; /* set foundDigit flag to TRUE*/
res[index++] = (char) ('0' + (number / digit));
number = number % digit;
digit = digit / 10;
res[index] = (char) '0';
CsrStrCpy(str, res);
void CsrUInt16ToHex(u16 number, CsrCharString *str)
u16 index;
u16 currentValue;
for (index = 0; index < 4; index++)
currentValue = (u16) (number & 0x000F);
number >>= 4;
str[3 - index] = (char) (currentValue > 9 ? currentValue + 55 : currentValue + '0');
str[4] = '\0';
void CsrUInt32ToHex(u32 number, CsrCharString *str)
u16 index;
u32 currentValue;
for (index = 0; index < 8; index++)
currentValue = (u32) (number & 0x0000000F);
number >>= 4;
str[7 - index] = (char) (currentValue > 9 ? currentValue + 55 : currentValue + '0');
str[8] = '\0';
/* String */
void *CsrMemCpy(void *dest, const void *src, CsrSize count)
return memcpy(dest, src, count);
void *CsrMemSet(void *dest, u8 c, CsrSize count)
return memset(dest, c, count);
void *CsrMemMove(void *dest, const void *src, CsrSize count)
return memmove(dest, src, count);
s32 CsrMemCmp(const void *buf1, const void *buf2, CsrSize count)
return memcmp(buf1, buf2, count);
void *CsrMemDup(const void *buf1, CsrSize count)
void *buf2 = NULL;
if (buf1)
buf2 = CsrPmemAlloc(count);
CsrMemCpy(buf2, buf1, count);
return buf2;
CsrCharString *CsrStrCpy(CsrCharString *dest, const CsrCharString *src)
return strcpy(dest, src);
CsrCharString *CsrStrNCpy(CsrCharString *dest, const CsrCharString *src, CsrSize count)
return strncpy(dest, src, count);
CsrCharString *CsrStrCat(CsrCharString *dest, const CsrCharString *src)
return strcat(dest, src);
CsrCharString *CsrStrNCat(CsrCharString *dest, const CsrCharString *src, CsrSize count)
return strncat(dest, src, count);
CsrCharString *CsrStrStr(const CsrCharString *string1, const CsrCharString *string2)
return strstr(string1, string2);
CsrSize CsrStrLen(const CsrCharString *string)
return strlen(string);
s32 CsrStrCmp(const CsrCharString *string1, const CsrCharString *string2)
return strcmp(string1, string2);
s32 CsrStrNCmp(const CsrCharString *string1, const CsrCharString *string2, CsrSize count)
return strncmp(string1, string2, count);
CsrCharString *CsrStrChr(const CsrCharString *string, CsrCharString c)
return strchr(string, c);
s32 CsrVsnprintf(CsrCharString *string, CsrSize count, const CsrCharString *format, va_list args)
return vsnprintf(string, count, format, args);
CsrCharString *CsrStrNCpyZero(CsrCharString *dest,
const CsrCharString *src,
CsrSize count)
CsrStrNCpy(dest, src, count - 1);
dest[count - 1] = '\0';
return dest;
/* Convert string with base 10 to integer */
u32 CsrStrToInt(const CsrCharString *str)
s16 i;
u32 res;
u32 digit;
res = 0;
digit = 1;
/* Start from the string end */
for (i = (u16) (CsrStrLen(str) - 1); i >= 0; i--)
/* Only convert numbers */
if ((str[i] >= '0') && (str[i] <= '9'))
res += digit * (str[i] - '0');
digit = digit * 10;
return res;
CsrCharString *CsrStrDup(const CsrCharString *string)
CsrCharString *copy;
u32 len;
copy = NULL;
if (string != NULL)
len = CsrStrLen(string) + 1;
copy = CsrPmemAlloc(len);
CsrMemCpy(copy, string, len);
return copy;
int CsrStrNICmp(const CsrCharString *string1,
const CsrCharString *string2,
CsrSize count)
u32 index;
int returnValue = 0;
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
if (CSR_TOUPPER(string1[index]) != CSR_TOUPPER(string2[index]))
if (CSR_TOUPPER(string1[index]) > CSR_TOUPPER(string2[index]))
returnValue = 1;
returnValue = -1;
if (string1[index] == '\0')
return returnValue;
const CsrCharString *CsrGetBaseName(const CsrCharString *file)
const CsrCharString *pch;
static const CsrCharString dotDir[] = ".";
if (!file)
return NULL;
if (file[0] == '\0')
return dotDir;
pch = file + CsrStrLen(file) - 1;
while (*pch != '\\' && *pch != '/' && *pch != ':')
if (pch == file)
return pch;
return ++pch;
/* Misc */
CsrBool CsrIsSpace(u8 c)
switch (c)
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\f':
case '\r':
case ' ':
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("CSR Operating System Kernel Abstraction");
MODULE_AUTHOR("Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd.");
MODULE_LICENSE("GPL and additional rights");