On one machine I've been getting hangs, a page fault's anon_vma_prepare() waiting in anon_vma_lock(), other processes waiting for that page's lock. This is a replay of last year's f18194275c39 "mm: fix hang on anon_vma->root->lock". The new page_lock_anon_vma() places too much faith in its refcount: when it has acquired the mutex_trylock(), it's possible that a racing task in anon_vma_alloc() has just reallocated the struct anon_vma, set refcount to 1, and is about to reset its anon_vma->root. Fix this by saving anon_vma->root, and relying on the usual page_mapped() check instead of a refcount check: if page is still mapped, the anon_vma is still ours; if page is not still mapped, we're no longer interested. Signed-off-by: Hugh Dickins <> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>