.. _QEMU-PC-System-emulator: x86 System emulator ------------------- .. _pcsys_005fdevices: Board-specific documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. This table of contents should be kept sorted alphabetically by the title text of each file, which isn't the same ordering as an alphabetical sort by filename. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 i386/microvm i386/pc Architectural features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 i386/cpu i386/kvm-pv i386/sgx i386/amd-memory-encryption .. _pcsys_005freq: OS requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On x86_64 hosts, the default set of CPU features enabled by the KVM accelerator require the host to be running Linux v4.5 or newer. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is also supported, since the required functionality was backported.