#include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "qemu-common.h" #include "qapi/qmp/qdict.h" #include "qapi/qmp/qnum.h" #include "qapi/qmp/qbool.h" #include "libqtest.h" static char *get_cpu0_qom_path(void) { QDict *resp; QList *ret; QDict *cpu0; char *path; resp = qmp("{'execute': 'query-cpus', 'arguments': {}}"); g_assert(qdict_haskey(resp, "return")); ret = qdict_get_qlist(resp, "return"); cpu0 = qobject_to_qdict(qlist_peek(ret)); path = g_strdup(qdict_get_str(cpu0, "qom_path")); QDECREF(resp); return path; } static QObject *qom_get(const char *path, const char *prop) { QDict *resp = qmp("{ 'execute': 'qom-get'," " 'arguments': { 'path': %s," " 'property': %s } }", path, prop); QObject *ret = qdict_get(resp, "return"); qobject_incref(ret); QDECREF(resp); return ret; } #ifdef CONFIG_HAS_GLIB_SUBPROCESS_TESTS static bool qom_get_bool(const char *path, const char *prop) { QBool *value = qobject_to_qbool(qom_get(path, prop)); bool b = qbool_get_bool(value); QDECREF(value); return b; } #endif typedef struct CpuidTestArgs { const char *cmdline; const char *property; int64_t expected_value; } CpuidTestArgs; static void test_cpuid_prop(const void *data) { const CpuidTestArgs *args = data; char *path; QNum *value; int64_t val; qtest_start(args->cmdline); path = get_cpu0_qom_path(); value = qobject_to_qnum(qom_get(path, args->property)); g_assert(qnum_get_try_int(value, &val)); g_assert_cmpint(val, ==, args->expected_value); qtest_end(); QDECREF(value); g_free(path); } static void add_cpuid_test(const char *name, const char *cmdline, const char *property, int64_t expected_value) { CpuidTestArgs *args = g_new0(CpuidTestArgs, 1); args->cmdline = cmdline; args->property = property; args->expected_value = expected_value; qtest_add_data_func(name, args, test_cpuid_prop); } /* Parameters to a add_feature_test() test case */ typedef struct FeatureTestArgs { /* cmdline to start QEMU */ const char *cmdline; /* * cpuid-input-eax and cpuid-input-ecx values to look for, * in "feature-words" and "filtered-features" properties. */ uint32_t in_eax, in_ecx; /* The register name to look for, in the X86CPUFeatureWordInfo array */ const char *reg; /* The bit to check in X86CPUFeatureWordInfo.features */ int bitnr; /* The expected value for the bit in (X86CPUFeatureWordInfo.features) */ bool expected_value; } FeatureTestArgs; /* Get the value for a feature word in a X86CPUFeatureWordInfo list */ static uint32_t get_feature_word(QList *features, uint32_t eax, uint32_t ecx, const char *reg) { const QListEntry *e; for (e = qlist_first(features); e; e = qlist_next(e)) { QDict *w = qobject_to_qdict(qlist_entry_obj(e)); const char *rreg = qdict_get_str(w, "cpuid-register"); uint32_t reax = qdict_get_int(w, "cpuid-input-eax"); bool has_ecx = qdict_haskey(w, "cpuid-input-ecx"); uint32_t recx = 0; int64_t val; if (has_ecx) { recx = qdict_get_int(w, "cpuid-input-ecx"); } if (eax == reax && (!has_ecx || ecx == recx) && !strcmp(rreg, reg)) { g_assert(qnum_get_try_int(qobject_to_qnum(qdict_get(w, "features")), &val)); return val; } } return 0; } static void test_feature_flag(const void *data) { const FeatureTestArgs *args = data; char *path; QList *present, *filtered; uint32_t value; qtest_start(args->cmdline); path = get_cpu0_qom_path(); present = qobject_to_qlist(qom_get(path, "feature-words")); filtered = qobject_to_qlist(qom_get(path, "filtered-features")); value = get_feature_word(present, args->in_eax, args->in_ecx, args->reg); value |= get_feature_word(filtered, args->in_eax, args->in_ecx, args->reg); qtest_end(); g_assert(!!(value & (1U << args->bitnr)) == args->expected_value); QDECREF(present); QDECREF(filtered); g_free(path); } /* * Add test case to ensure that a given feature flag is set in * either "feature-words" or "filtered-features", when running QEMU * using cmdline */ static FeatureTestArgs *add_feature_test(const char *name, const char *cmdline, uint32_t eax, uint32_t ecx, const char *reg, int bitnr, bool expected_value) { FeatureTestArgs *args = g_new0(FeatureTestArgs, 1); args->cmdline = cmdline; args->in_eax = eax; args->in_ecx = ecx; args->reg = reg; args->bitnr = bitnr; args->expected_value = expected_value; qtest_add_data_func(name, args, test_feature_flag); return args; } #ifdef CONFIG_HAS_GLIB_SUBPROCESS_TESTS static void test_plus_minus_subprocess(void) { char *path; /* Rules: * 1)"-foo" overrides "+foo" * 2) "[+-]foo" overrides "foo=..." * 3) Old feature names with underscores (e.g. "sse4_2") * should keep working * * Note: rules 1 and 2 are planned to be removed soon, and * should generate a warning. */ qtest_start("-cpu pentium,-fpu,+fpu,-mce,mce=on,+cx8,cx8=off,+sse4_1,sse4_2=on"); path = get_cpu0_qom_path(); g_assert_false(qom_get_bool(path, "fpu")); g_assert_false(qom_get_bool(path, "mce")); g_assert_true(qom_get_bool(path, "cx8")); /* Test both the original and the alias feature names: */ g_assert_true(qom_get_bool(path, "sse4-1")); g_assert_true(qom_get_bool(path, "sse4.1")); g_assert_true(qom_get_bool(path, "sse4-2")); g_assert_true(qom_get_bool(path, "sse4.2")); qtest_end(); g_free(path); } static void test_plus_minus(void) { g_test_trap_subprocess("/x86/cpuid/parsing-plus-minus/subprocess", 0, 0); g_test_trap_assert_passed(); g_test_trap_assert_stderr("*Ambiguous CPU model string. " "Don't mix both \"-mce\" and \"mce=on\"*"); g_test_trap_assert_stderr("*Ambiguous CPU model string. " "Don't mix both \"+cx8\" and \"cx8=off\"*"); g_test_trap_assert_stdout(""); } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL); #ifdef CONFIG_HAS_GLIB_SUBPROCESS_TESTS g_test_add_func("/x86/cpuid/parsing-plus-minus/subprocess", test_plus_minus_subprocess); g_test_add_func("/x86/cpuid/parsing-plus-minus", test_plus_minus); #endif /* Original level values for CPU models: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/phenom/level", "-cpu phenom", "level", 5); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/Conroe/level", "-cpu Conroe", "level", 10); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/SandyBridge/level", "-cpu SandyBridge", "level", 0xd); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/486/xlevel", "-cpu 486", "xlevel", 0); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/core2duo/xlevel", "-cpu core2duo", "xlevel", 0x80000008); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/phenom/xlevel", "-cpu phenom", "xlevel", 0x8000001A); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/athlon/xlevel", "-cpu athlon", "xlevel", 0x80000008); /* If level is not large enough, it should increase automatically: */ /* CPUID[6].EAX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/phenom/arat", "-cpu 486,+arat", "level", 6); /* CPUID[EAX=7,ECX=0].EBX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/phenom/fsgsbase", "-cpu phenom,+fsgsbase", "level", 7); /* CPUID[EAX=7,ECX=0].ECX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/phenom/avx512vbmi", "-cpu phenom,+avx512vbmi", "level", 7); /* CPUID[EAX=0xd,ECX=1].EAX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/phenom/xsaveopt", "-cpu phenom,+xsaveopt", "level", 0xd); /* CPUID[8000_0001].EDX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/486/3dnow", "-cpu 486,+3dnow", "xlevel", 0x80000001); /* CPUID[8000_0001].ECX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/486/sse4a", "-cpu 486,+sse4a", "xlevel", 0x80000001); /* CPUID[8000_0007].EDX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/486/invtsc", "-cpu 486,+invtsc", "xlevel", 0x80000007); /* CPUID[8000_000A].EDX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/486/npt", "-cpu 486,+npt", "xlevel", 0x8000000A); /* CPUID[C000_0001].EDX: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel2/phenom/xstore", "-cpu phenom,+xstore", "xlevel2", 0xC0000001); /* SVM needs CPUID[0x8000000A] */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/athlon/svm", "-cpu athlon,+svm", "xlevel", 0x8000000A); /* If level is already large enough, it shouldn't change: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/SandyBridge/multiple", "-cpu SandyBridge,+arat,+fsgsbase,+avx512vbmi", "level", 0xd); /* If level is explicitly set, it shouldn't change: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/486/fixed/0xF", "-cpu 486,level=0xF,+arat,+fsgsbase,+avx512vbmi,+xsaveopt", "level", 0xF); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/486/fixed/2", "-cpu 486,level=2,+arat,+fsgsbase,+avx512vbmi,+xsaveopt", "level", 2); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/486/fixed/0", "-cpu 486,level=0,+arat,+fsgsbase,+avx512vbmi,+xsaveopt", "level", 0); /* if xlevel is already large enough, it shouldn't change: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/phenom/3dnow", "-cpu phenom,+3dnow,+sse4a,+invtsc,+npt,+svm", "xlevel", 0x8000001A); /* If xlevel is explicitly set, it shouldn't change: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/486/fixed/80000002", "-cpu 486,xlevel=0x80000002,+3dnow,+sse4a,+invtsc,+npt,+svm", "xlevel", 0x80000002); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/486/fixed/8000001A", "-cpu 486,xlevel=0x8000001A,+3dnow,+sse4a,+invtsc,+npt,+svm", "xlevel", 0x8000001A); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/phenom/fixed/0", "-cpu 486,xlevel=0,+3dnow,+sse4a,+invtsc,+npt,+svm", "xlevel", 0); /* if xlevel2 is already large enough, it shouldn't change: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel2/486/fixed", "-cpu 486,xlevel2=0xC0000002,+xstore", "xlevel2", 0xC0000002); /* Check compatibility of old machine-types that didn't * auto-increase level/xlevel/xlevel2: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level/pc-2.7", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.7 -cpu 486,+arat,+avx512vbmi,+xsaveopt", "level", 1); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel/pc-2.7", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.7 -cpu 486,+3dnow,+sse4a,+invtsc,+npt,+svm", "xlevel", 0); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-xlevel2/pc-2.7", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.7 -cpu 486,+xstore", "xlevel2", 0); /* * QEMU 1.4.0 had auto-level enabled for CPUID[7], already, * and the compat code that sets default level shouldn't * disable the auto-level=7 code: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level7/pc-i440fx-1.4/off", "-machine pc-i440fx-1.4 -cpu Nehalem", "level", 2); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level7/pc-i440fx-1.5/on", "-machine pc-i440fx-1.4 -cpu Nehalem,+smap", "level", 7); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level7/pc-i440fx-2.3/off", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.3 -cpu Penryn", "level", 4); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level7/pc-i440fx-2.3/on", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.3 -cpu Penryn,+erms", "level", 7); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level7/pc-i440fx-2.9/off", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.9 -cpu Conroe", "level", 10); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/auto-level7/pc-i440fx-2.9/on", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.9 -cpu Conroe,+erms", "level", 10); /* * xlevel doesn't have any feature that triggers auto-level * code on old machine-types. Just check that the compat code * is working correctly: */ add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/xlevel-compat/pc-i440fx-2.3", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.3 -cpu SandyBridge", "xlevel", 0x8000000a); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/xlevel-compat/pc-i440fx-2.4/npt-off", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.4 -cpu SandyBridge,", "xlevel", 0x80000008); add_cpuid_test("x86/cpuid/xlevel-compat/pc-i440fx-2.4/npt-on", "-machine pc-i440fx-2.4 -cpu SandyBridge,+npt", "xlevel", 0x80000008); /* Test feature parsing */ add_feature_test("x86/cpuid/features/plus", "-cpu 486,+arat", 6, 0, "EAX", 2, true); add_feature_test("x86/cpuid/features/minus", "-cpu pentium,-mmx", 1, 0, "EDX", 23, false); add_feature_test("x86/cpuid/features/on", "-cpu 486,arat=on", 6, 0, "EAX", 2, true); add_feature_test("x86/cpuid/features/off", "-cpu pentium,mmx=off", 1, 0, "EDX", 23, false); add_feature_test("x86/cpuid/features/max-plus-invtsc", "-cpu max,+invtsc", 0x80000007, 0, "EDX", 8, true); add_feature_test("x86/cpuid/features/max-invtsc-on", "-cpu max,invtsc=on", 0x80000007, 0, "EDX", 8, true); add_feature_test("x86/cpuid/features/max-minus-mmx", "-cpu max,-mmx", 1, 0, "EDX", 23, false); add_feature_test("x86/cpuid/features/max-invtsc-on,mmx=off", "-cpu max,mmx=off", 1, 0, "EDX", 23, false); return g_test_run(); }