/* * Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. * * Contributions after 2012-01-13 are licensed under the terms of the * GNU GPL, version 2 or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "hw/audio/soundhw.h" #include "audio/audio.h" #include "hw/pci/pci.h" #include "hw/qdev-properties.h" #include "migration/vmstate.h" #include "qemu/module.h" #include "sysemu/dma.h" #include "qom/object.h" enum { AC97_Reset = 0x00, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute = 0x02, AC97_Headphone_Volume_Mute = 0x04, AC97_Master_Volume_Mono_Mute = 0x06, AC97_Master_Tone_RL = 0x08, AC97_PC_BEEP_Volume_Mute = 0x0A, AC97_Phone_Volume_Mute = 0x0C, AC97_Mic_Volume_Mute = 0x0E, AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute = 0x10, AC97_CD_Volume_Mute = 0x12, AC97_Video_Volume_Mute = 0x14, AC97_Aux_Volume_Mute = 0x16, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute = 0x18, AC97_Record_Select = 0x1A, AC97_Record_Gain_Mute = 0x1C, AC97_Record_Gain_Mic_Mute = 0x1E, AC97_General_Purpose = 0x20, AC97_3D_Control = 0x22, AC97_AC_97_RESERVED = 0x24, AC97_Powerdown_Ctrl_Stat = 0x26, AC97_Extended_Audio_ID = 0x28, AC97_Extended_Audio_Ctrl_Stat = 0x2A, AC97_PCM_Front_DAC_Rate = 0x2C, AC97_PCM_Surround_DAC_Rate = 0x2E, AC97_PCM_LFE_DAC_Rate = 0x30, AC97_PCM_LR_ADC_Rate = 0x32, AC97_MIC_ADC_Rate = 0x34, AC97_6Ch_Vol_C_LFE_Mute = 0x36, AC97_6Ch_Vol_L_R_Surround_Mute = 0x38, AC97_Vendor_Reserved = 0x58, AC97_Sigmatel_Analog = 0x6c, /* We emulate a Sigmatel codec */ AC97_Sigmatel_Dac2Invert = 0x6e, /* We emulate a Sigmatel codec */ AC97_Vendor_ID1 = 0x7c, AC97_Vendor_ID2 = 0x7e }; #define SOFT_VOLUME #define SR_FIFOE 16 /* rwc */ #define SR_BCIS 8 /* rwc */ #define SR_LVBCI 4 /* rwc */ #define SR_CELV 2 /* ro */ #define SR_DCH 1 /* ro */ #define SR_VALID_MASK ((1 << 5) - 1) #define SR_WCLEAR_MASK (SR_FIFOE | SR_BCIS | SR_LVBCI) #define SR_RO_MASK (SR_DCH | SR_CELV) #define SR_INT_MASK (SR_FIFOE | SR_BCIS | SR_LVBCI) #define CR_IOCE 16 /* rw */ #define CR_FEIE 8 /* rw */ #define CR_LVBIE 4 /* rw */ #define CR_RR 2 /* rw */ #define CR_RPBM 1 /* rw */ #define CR_VALID_MASK ((1 << 5) - 1) #define CR_DONT_CLEAR_MASK (CR_IOCE | CR_FEIE | CR_LVBIE) #define GC_WR 4 /* rw */ #define GC_CR 2 /* rw */ #define GC_VALID_MASK ((1 << 6) - 1) #define GS_MD3 (1 << 17) /* rw */ #define GS_AD3 (1 << 16) /* rw */ #define GS_RCS (1 << 15) /* rwc */ #define GS_B3S12 (1 << 14) /* ro */ #define GS_B2S12 (1 << 13) /* ro */ #define GS_B1S12 (1 << 12) /* ro */ #define GS_S1R1 (1 << 11) /* rwc */ #define GS_S0R1 (1 << 10) /* rwc */ #define GS_S1CR (1 << 9) /* ro */ #define GS_S0CR (1 << 8) /* ro */ #define GS_MINT (1 << 7) /* ro */ #define GS_POINT (1 << 6) /* ro */ #define GS_PIINT (1 << 5) /* ro */ #define GS_RSRVD ((1 << 4) | (1 << 3)) #define GS_MOINT (1 << 2) /* ro */ #define GS_MIINT (1 << 1) /* ro */ #define GS_GSCI 1 /* rwc */ #define GS_RO_MASK (GS_B3S12 | \ GS_B2S12 | \ GS_B1S12 | \ GS_S1CR | \ GS_S0CR | \ GS_MINT | \ GS_POINT | \ GS_PIINT | \ GS_RSRVD | \ GS_MOINT | \ GS_MIINT) #define GS_VALID_MASK ((1 << 18) - 1) #define GS_WCLEAR_MASK (GS_RCS | GS_S1R1 | GS_S0R1 | GS_GSCI) #define BD_IOC (1 << 31) #define BD_BUP (1 << 30) #define EACS_VRA 1 #define EACS_VRM 8 #define MUTE_SHIFT 15 #define TYPE_AC97 "AC97" OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE(AC97LinkState, AC97) #define REC_MASK 7 enum { REC_MIC = 0, REC_CD, REC_VIDEO, REC_AUX, REC_LINE_IN, REC_STEREO_MIX, REC_MONO_MIX, REC_PHONE }; typedef struct BD { uint32_t addr; uint32_t ctl_len; } BD; typedef struct AC97BusMasterRegs { uint32_t bdbar; /* rw 0 */ uint8_t civ; /* ro 0 */ uint8_t lvi; /* rw 0 */ uint16_t sr; /* rw 1 */ uint16_t picb; /* ro 0 */ uint8_t piv; /* ro 0 */ uint8_t cr; /* rw 0 */ unsigned int bd_valid; BD bd; } AC97BusMasterRegs; struct AC97LinkState { PCIDevice dev; QEMUSoundCard card; uint32_t glob_cnt; uint32_t glob_sta; uint32_t cas; uint32_t last_samp; AC97BusMasterRegs bm_regs[3]; uint8_t mixer_data[256]; SWVoiceIn *voice_pi; SWVoiceOut *voice_po; SWVoiceIn *voice_mc; int invalid_freq[3]; uint8_t silence[128]; int bup_flag; MemoryRegion io_nam; MemoryRegion io_nabm; }; enum { BUP_SET = 1, BUP_LAST = 2 }; #ifdef DEBUG_AC97 #define dolog(...) AUD_log("ac97", __VA_ARGS__) #else #define dolog(...) #endif #define MKREGS(prefix, start) \ enum { \ prefix ## _BDBAR = start, \ prefix ## _CIV = start + 4, \ prefix ## _LVI = start + 5, \ prefix ## _SR = start + 6, \ prefix ## _PICB = start + 8, \ prefix ## _PIV = start + 10, \ prefix ## _CR = start + 11 \ } enum { PI_INDEX = 0, PO_INDEX, MC_INDEX, LAST_INDEX }; MKREGS(PI, PI_INDEX * 16); MKREGS(PO, PO_INDEX * 16); MKREGS(MC, MC_INDEX * 16); enum { GLOB_CNT = 0x2c, GLOB_STA = 0x30, CAS = 0x34 }; #define GET_BM(index) (((index) >> 4) & 3) static void po_callback(void *opaque, int free); static void pi_callback(void *opaque, int avail); static void mc_callback(void *opaque, int avail); static void warm_reset(AC97LinkState *s) { (void)s; } static void cold_reset(AC97LinkState *s) { (void)s; } static void fetch_bd(AC97LinkState *s, AC97BusMasterRegs *r) { uint8_t b[8]; pci_dma_read(&s->dev, r->bdbar + r->civ * 8, b, 8); r->bd_valid = 1; r->bd.addr = le32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) &b[0]) & ~3; r->bd.ctl_len = le32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) &b[4]); r->picb = r->bd.ctl_len & 0xffff; dolog("bd %2d addr=0x%x ctl=0x%06x len=0x%x(%d bytes)\n", r->civ, r->bd.addr, r->bd.ctl_len >> 16, r->bd.ctl_len & 0xffff, (r->bd.ctl_len & 0xffff) << 1); } static void update_sr(AC97LinkState *s, AC97BusMasterRegs *r, uint32_t new_sr) { int event = 0; int level = 0; uint32_t new_mask = new_sr & SR_INT_MASK; uint32_t old_mask = r->sr & SR_INT_MASK; uint32_t masks[] = {GS_PIINT, GS_POINT, GS_MINT}; if (new_mask ^ old_mask) { /** @todo is IRQ deasserted when only one of status bits is cleared? */ if (!new_mask) { event = 1; level = 0; } else { if ((new_mask & SR_LVBCI) && (r->cr & CR_LVBIE)) { event = 1; level = 1; } if ((new_mask & SR_BCIS) && (r->cr & CR_IOCE)) { event = 1; level = 1; } } } r->sr = new_sr; dolog("IOC%d LVB%d sr=0x%x event=%d level=%d\n", r->sr & SR_BCIS, r->sr & SR_LVBCI, r->sr, event, level); if (!event) { return; } if (level) { s->glob_sta |= masks[r - s->bm_regs]; dolog("set irq level=1\n"); pci_irq_assert(&s->dev); } else { s->glob_sta &= ~masks[r - s->bm_regs]; dolog("set irq level=0\n"); pci_irq_deassert(&s->dev); } } static void voice_set_active(AC97LinkState *s, int bm_index, int on) { switch (bm_index) { case PI_INDEX: AUD_set_active_in(s->voice_pi, on); break; case PO_INDEX: AUD_set_active_out(s->voice_po, on); break; case MC_INDEX: AUD_set_active_in(s->voice_mc, on); break; default: AUD_log("ac97", "invalid bm_index(%d) in voice_set_active", bm_index); break; } } static void reset_bm_regs(AC97LinkState *s, AC97BusMasterRegs *r) { dolog("reset_bm_regs\n"); r->bdbar = 0; r->civ = 0; r->lvi = 0; /** todo do we need to do that? */ update_sr(s, r, SR_DCH); r->picb = 0; r->piv = 0; r->cr = r->cr & CR_DONT_CLEAR_MASK; r->bd_valid = 0; voice_set_active(s, r - s->bm_regs, 0); memset(s->silence, 0, sizeof(s->silence)); } static void mixer_store(AC97LinkState *s, uint32_t i, uint16_t v) { if (i + 2 > sizeof(s->mixer_data)) { dolog("mixer_store: index %d out of bounds %zd\n", i, sizeof(s->mixer_data)); return; } s->mixer_data[i + 0] = v & 0xff; s->mixer_data[i + 1] = v >> 8; } static uint16_t mixer_load(AC97LinkState *s, uint32_t i) { uint16_t val = 0xffff; if (i + 2 > sizeof(s->mixer_data)) { dolog("mixer_load: index %d out of bounds %zd\n", i, sizeof(s->mixer_data)); } else { val = s->mixer_data[i + 0] | (s->mixer_data[i + 1] << 8); } return val; } static void open_voice(AC97LinkState *s, int index, int freq) { struct audsettings as; as.freq = freq; as.nchannels = 2; as.fmt = AUDIO_FORMAT_S16; as.endianness = 0; if (freq > 0) { s->invalid_freq[index] = 0; switch (index) { case PI_INDEX: s->voice_pi = AUD_open_in( &s->card, s->voice_pi, "ac97.pi", s, pi_callback, &as ); break; case PO_INDEX: s->voice_po = AUD_open_out( &s->card, s->voice_po, "ac97.po", s, po_callback, &as ); break; case MC_INDEX: s->voice_mc = AUD_open_in( &s->card, s->voice_mc, "ac97.mc", s, mc_callback, &as ); break; } } else { s->invalid_freq[index] = freq; switch (index) { case PI_INDEX: AUD_close_in(&s->card, s->voice_pi); s->voice_pi = NULL; break; case PO_INDEX: AUD_close_out(&s->card, s->voice_po); s->voice_po = NULL; break; case MC_INDEX: AUD_close_in(&s->card, s->voice_mc); s->voice_mc = NULL; break; } } } static void reset_voices(AC97LinkState *s, uint8_t active[LAST_INDEX]) { uint16_t freq; freq = mixer_load(s, AC97_PCM_LR_ADC_Rate); open_voice(s, PI_INDEX, freq); AUD_set_active_in(s->voice_pi, active[PI_INDEX]); freq = mixer_load(s, AC97_PCM_Front_DAC_Rate); open_voice(s, PO_INDEX, freq); AUD_set_active_out(s->voice_po, active[PO_INDEX]); freq = mixer_load(s, AC97_MIC_ADC_Rate); open_voice(s, MC_INDEX, freq); AUD_set_active_in(s->voice_mc, active[MC_INDEX]); } static void get_volume(uint16_t vol, uint16_t mask, int inverse, int *mute, uint8_t *lvol, uint8_t *rvol) { *mute = (vol >> MUTE_SHIFT) & 1; *rvol = (255 * (vol & mask)) / mask; *lvol = (255 * ((vol >> 8) & mask)) / mask; if (inverse) { *rvol = 255 - *rvol; *lvol = 255 - *lvol; } } static void update_combined_volume_out(AC97LinkState *s) { uint8_t lvol, rvol, plvol, prvol; int mute, pmute; get_volume(mixer_load(s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute), 0x3f, 1, &mute, &lvol, &rvol); get_volume(mixer_load(s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute), 0x1f, 1, &pmute, &plvol, &prvol); mute = mute | pmute; lvol = (lvol * plvol) / 255; rvol = (rvol * prvol) / 255; AUD_set_volume_out(s->voice_po, mute, lvol, rvol); } static void update_volume_in(AC97LinkState *s) { uint8_t lvol, rvol; int mute; get_volume(mixer_load(s, AC97_Record_Gain_Mute), 0x0f, 0, &mute, &lvol, &rvol); AUD_set_volume_in(s->voice_pi, mute, lvol, rvol); } static void set_volume(AC97LinkState *s, int index, uint32_t val) { switch (index) { case AC97_Master_Volume_Mute: val &= 0xbf3f; mixer_store(s, index, val); update_combined_volume_out(s); break; case AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute: val &= 0x9f1f; mixer_store(s, index, val); update_combined_volume_out(s); break; case AC97_Record_Gain_Mute: val &= 0x8f0f; mixer_store(s, index, val); update_volume_in(s); break; } } static void record_select(AC97LinkState *s, uint32_t val) { uint8_t rs = val & REC_MASK; uint8_t ls = (val >> 8) & REC_MASK; mixer_store(s, AC97_Record_Select, rs | (ls << 8)); } static void mixer_reset(AC97LinkState *s) { uint8_t active[LAST_INDEX]; dolog("mixer_reset\n"); memset(s->mixer_data, 0, sizeof(s->mixer_data)); memset(active, 0, sizeof(active)); mixer_store(s, AC97_Reset, 0x0000); /* 6940 */ mixer_store(s, AC97_Headphone_Volume_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mono_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Master_Tone_RL, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_PC_BEEP_Volume_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Phone_Volume_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Mic_Volume_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_CD_Volume_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Video_Volume_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Aux_Volume_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Record_Gain_Mic_Mute, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_General_Purpose, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_3D_Control, 0x0000); mixer_store(s, AC97_Powerdown_Ctrl_Stat, 0x000f); /* * Sigmatel 9700 (STAC9700) */ mixer_store(s, AC97_Vendor_ID1, 0x8384); mixer_store(s, AC97_Vendor_ID2, 0x7600); /* 7608 */ mixer_store(s, AC97_Extended_Audio_ID, 0x0809); mixer_store(s, AC97_Extended_Audio_Ctrl_Stat, 0x0009); mixer_store(s, AC97_PCM_Front_DAC_Rate, 0xbb80); mixer_store(s, AC97_PCM_Surround_DAC_Rate, 0xbb80); mixer_store(s, AC97_PCM_LFE_DAC_Rate, 0xbb80); mixer_store(s, AC97_PCM_LR_ADC_Rate, 0xbb80); mixer_store(s, AC97_MIC_ADC_Rate, 0xbb80); record_select(s, 0); set_volume(s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute, 0x8000); set_volume(s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute, 0x8808); set_volume(s, AC97_Record_Gain_Mute, 0x8808); reset_voices(s, active); } /** * Native audio mixer * I/O Reads */ static uint32_t nam_readb(void *opaque, uint32_t addr) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; dolog("U nam readb 0x%x\n", addr); s->cas = 0; return ~0U; } static uint32_t nam_readw(void *opaque, uint32_t addr) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; uint32_t index = addr; s->cas = 0; return mixer_load(s, index); } static uint32_t nam_readl(void *opaque, uint32_t addr) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; dolog("U nam readl 0x%x\n", addr); s->cas = 0; return ~0U; } /** * Native audio mixer * I/O Writes */ static void nam_writeb(void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; dolog("U nam writeb 0x%x <- 0x%x\n", addr, val); s->cas = 0; } static void nam_writew(void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; uint32_t index = addr; s->cas = 0; switch (index) { case AC97_Reset: mixer_reset(s); break; case AC97_Powerdown_Ctrl_Stat: val &= ~0x800f; val |= mixer_load(s, index) & 0xf; mixer_store(s, index, val); break; case AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Master_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Record_Gain_Mute: set_volume(s, index, val); break; case AC97_Record_Select: record_select(s, val); break; case AC97_Vendor_ID1: case AC97_Vendor_ID2: dolog("Attempt to write vendor ID to 0x%x\n", val); break; case AC97_Extended_Audio_ID: dolog("Attempt to write extended audio ID to 0x%x\n", val); break; case AC97_Extended_Audio_Ctrl_Stat: if (!(val & EACS_VRA)) { mixer_store(s, AC97_PCM_Front_DAC_Rate, 0xbb80); mixer_store(s, AC97_PCM_LR_ADC_Rate, 0xbb80); open_voice(s, PI_INDEX, 48000); open_voice(s, PO_INDEX, 48000); } if (!(val & EACS_VRM)) { mixer_store(s, AC97_MIC_ADC_Rate, 0xbb80); open_voice(s, MC_INDEX, 48000); } dolog("Setting extended audio control to 0x%x\n", val); mixer_store(s, AC97_Extended_Audio_Ctrl_Stat, val); break; case AC97_PCM_Front_DAC_Rate: if (mixer_load(s, AC97_Extended_Audio_Ctrl_Stat) & EACS_VRA) { mixer_store(s, index, val); dolog("Set front DAC rate to %d\n", val); open_voice(s, PO_INDEX, val); } else { dolog("Attempt to set front DAC rate to %d, but VRA is not set\n", val); } break; case AC97_MIC_ADC_Rate: if (mixer_load(s, AC97_Extended_Audio_Ctrl_Stat) & EACS_VRM) { mixer_store(s, index, val); dolog("Set MIC ADC rate to %d\n", val); open_voice(s, MC_INDEX, val); } else { dolog("Attempt to set MIC ADC rate to %d, but VRM is not set\n", val); } break; case AC97_PCM_LR_ADC_Rate: if (mixer_load(s, AC97_Extended_Audio_Ctrl_Stat) & EACS_VRA) { mixer_store(s, index, val); dolog("Set front LR ADC rate to %d\n", val); open_voice(s, PI_INDEX, val); } else { dolog("Attempt to set LR ADC rate to %d, but VRA is not set\n", val); } break; case AC97_Headphone_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Master_Volume_Mono_Mute: case AC97_Master_Tone_RL: case AC97_PC_BEEP_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Phone_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Mic_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute: case AC97_CD_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Video_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Aux_Volume_Mute: case AC97_Record_Gain_Mic_Mute: case AC97_General_Purpose: case AC97_3D_Control: case AC97_Sigmatel_Analog: case AC97_Sigmatel_Dac2Invert: /* None of the features in these regs are emulated, so they are RO */ break; default: dolog("U nam writew 0x%x <- 0x%x\n", addr, val); mixer_store(s, index, val); break; } } static void nam_writel(void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; dolog("U nam writel 0x%x <- 0x%x\n", addr, val); s->cas = 0; } /** * Native audio bus master * I/O Reads */ static uint32_t nabm_readb(void *opaque, uint32_t addr) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL; uint32_t index = addr; uint32_t val = ~0U; switch (index) { case CAS: dolog("CAS %d\n", s->cas); val = s->cas; s->cas = 1; break; case PI_CIV: case PO_CIV: case MC_CIV: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->civ; dolog("CIV[%d] -> 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; case PI_LVI: case PO_LVI: case MC_LVI: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->lvi; dolog("LVI[%d] -> 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; case PI_PIV: case PO_PIV: case MC_PIV: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->piv; dolog("PIV[%d] -> 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; case PI_CR: case PO_CR: case MC_CR: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->cr; dolog("CR[%d] -> 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; case PI_SR: case PO_SR: case MC_SR: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->sr & 0xff; dolog("SRb[%d] -> 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; default: dolog("U nabm readb 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", addr, val); break; } return val; } static uint32_t nabm_readw(void *opaque, uint32_t addr) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL; uint32_t index = addr; uint32_t val = ~0U; switch (index) { case PI_SR: case PO_SR: case MC_SR: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->sr; dolog("SR[%d] -> 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; case PI_PICB: case PO_PICB: case MC_PICB: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->picb; dolog("PICB[%d] -> 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; default: dolog("U nabm readw 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", addr, val); break; } return val; } static uint32_t nabm_readl(void *opaque, uint32_t addr) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL; uint32_t index = addr; uint32_t val = ~0U; switch (index) { case PI_BDBAR: case PO_BDBAR: case MC_BDBAR: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->bdbar; dolog("BMADDR[%d] -> 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; case PI_CIV: case PO_CIV: case MC_CIV: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->civ | (r->lvi << 8) | (r->sr << 16); dolog("CIV LVI SR[%d] -> 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), r->civ, r->lvi, r->sr); break; case PI_PICB: case PO_PICB: case MC_PICB: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; val = r->picb | (r->piv << 16) | (r->cr << 24); dolog("PICB PIV CR[%d] -> 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val, r->picb, r->piv, r->cr); break; case GLOB_CNT: val = s->glob_cnt; dolog("glob_cnt -> 0x%x\n", val); break; case GLOB_STA: val = s->glob_sta | GS_S0CR; dolog("glob_sta -> 0x%x\n", val); break; default: dolog("U nabm readl 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", addr, val); break; } return val; } /** * Native audio bus master * I/O Writes */ static void nabm_writeb(void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL; uint32_t index = addr; switch (index) { case PI_LVI: case PO_LVI: case MC_LVI: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; if ((r->cr & CR_RPBM) && (r->sr & SR_DCH)) { r->sr &= ~(SR_DCH | SR_CELV); r->civ = r->piv; r->piv = (r->piv + 1) % 32; fetch_bd(s, r); } r->lvi = val % 32; dolog("LVI[%d] <- 0x%x\n", GET_BM(index), val); break; case PI_CR: case PO_CR: case MC_CR: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; if (val & CR_RR) { reset_bm_regs(s, r); } else { r->cr = val & CR_VALID_MASK; if (!(r->cr & CR_RPBM)) { voice_set_active(s, r - s->bm_regs, 0); r->sr |= SR_DCH; } else { r->civ = r->piv; r->piv = (r->piv + 1) % 32; fetch_bd(s, r); r->sr &= ~SR_DCH; voice_set_active(s, r - s->bm_regs, 1); } } dolog("CR[%d] <- 0x%x (cr 0x%x)\n", GET_BM(index), val, r->cr); break; case PI_SR: case PO_SR: case MC_SR: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; r->sr |= val & ~(SR_RO_MASK | SR_WCLEAR_MASK); update_sr(s, r, r->sr & ~(val & SR_WCLEAR_MASK)); dolog("SR[%d] <- 0x%x (sr 0x%x)\n", GET_BM(index), val, r->sr); break; default: dolog("U nabm writeb 0x%x <- 0x%x\n", addr, val); break; } } static void nabm_writew(void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL; uint32_t index = addr; switch (index) { case PI_SR: case PO_SR: case MC_SR: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; r->sr |= val & ~(SR_RO_MASK | SR_WCLEAR_MASK); update_sr(s, r, r->sr & ~(val & SR_WCLEAR_MASK)); dolog("SR[%d] <- 0x%x (sr 0x%x)\n", GET_BM(index), val, r->sr); break; default: dolog("U nabm writew 0x%x <- 0x%x\n", addr, val); break; } } static void nabm_writel(void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) { AC97LinkState *s = opaque; AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL; uint32_t index = addr; switch (index) { case PI_BDBAR: case PO_BDBAR: case MC_BDBAR: r = &s->bm_regs[GET_BM(index)]; r->bdbar = val & ~3; dolog("BDBAR[%d] <- 0x%x (bdbar 0x%x)\n", GET_BM(index), val, r->bdbar); break; case GLOB_CNT: if (val & GC_WR) { warm_reset(s); } if (val & GC_CR) { cold_reset(s); } if (!(val & (GC_WR | GC_CR))) { s->glob_cnt = val & GC_VALID_MASK; } dolog("glob_cnt <- 0x%x (glob_cnt 0x%x)\n", val, s->glob_cnt); break; case GLOB_STA: s->glob_sta &= ~(val & GS_WCLEAR_MASK); s->glob_sta |= (val & ~(GS_WCLEAR_MASK | GS_RO_MASK)) & GS_VALID_MASK; dolog("glob_sta <- 0x%x (glob_sta 0x%x)\n", val, s->glob_sta); break; default: dolog("U nabm writel 0x%x <- 0x%x\n", addr, val); break; } } static int write_audio(AC97LinkState *s, AC97BusMasterRegs *r, int max, int *stop) { uint8_t tmpbuf[4096]; uint32_t addr = r->bd.addr; uint32_t temp = r->picb << 1; uint32_t written = 0; int to_copy = 0; temp = MIN(temp, max); if (!temp) { *stop = 1; return 0; } while (temp) { int copied; to_copy = MIN(temp, sizeof(tmpbuf)); pci_dma_read(&s->dev, addr, tmpbuf, to_copy); copied = AUD_write(s->voice_po, tmpbuf, to_copy); dolog("write_audio max=%x to_copy=%x copied=%x\n", max, to_copy, copied); if (!copied) { *stop = 1; break; } temp -= copied; addr += copied; written += copied; } if (!temp) { if (to_copy < 4) { dolog("whoops\n"); s->last_samp = 0; } else { s->last_samp = *(uint32_t *)&tmpbuf[to_copy - 4]; } } r->bd.addr = addr; return written; } static void write_bup(AC97LinkState *s, int elapsed) { dolog("write_bup\n"); if (!(s->bup_flag & BUP_SET)) { if (s->bup_flag & BUP_LAST) { int i; uint8_t *p = s->silence; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s->silence) / 4; i++, p += 4) { *(uint32_t *) p = s->last_samp; } } else { memset(s->silence, 0, sizeof(s->silence)); } s->bup_flag |= BUP_SET; } while (elapsed) { int temp = MIN(elapsed, sizeof(s->silence)); while (temp) { int copied = AUD_write(s->voice_po, s->silence, temp); if (!copied) { return; } temp -= copied; elapsed -= copied; } } } static int read_audio(AC97LinkState *s, AC97BusMasterRegs *r, int max, int *stop) { uint8_t tmpbuf[4096]; uint32_t addr = r->bd.addr; uint32_t temp = r->picb << 1; uint32_t nread = 0; int to_copy = 0; SWVoiceIn *voice = (r - s->bm_regs) == MC_INDEX ? s->voice_mc : s->voice_pi; temp = MIN(temp, max); if (!temp) { *stop = 1; return 0; } while (temp) { int acquired; to_copy = MIN(temp, sizeof(tmpbuf)); acquired = AUD_read(voice, tmpbuf, to_copy); if (!acquired) { *stop = 1; break; } pci_dma_write(&s->dev, addr, tmpbuf, acquired); temp -= acquired; addr += acquired; nread += acquired; } r->bd.addr = addr; return nread; } static void transfer_audio(AC97LinkState *s, int index, int elapsed) { AC97BusMasterRegs *r = &s->bm_regs[index]; int stop = 0; if (s->invalid_freq[index]) { AUD_log("ac97", "attempt to use voice %d with invalid frequency %d\n", index, s->invalid_freq[index]); return; } if (r->sr & SR_DCH) { if (r->cr & CR_RPBM) { switch (index) { case PO_INDEX: write_bup(s, elapsed); break; } } return; } while ((elapsed >> 1) && !stop) { int temp; if (!r->bd_valid) { dolog("invalid bd\n"); fetch_bd(s, r); } if (!r->picb) { dolog("fresh bd %d is empty 0x%x 0x%x\n", r->civ, r->bd.addr, r->bd.ctl_len); if (r->civ == r->lvi) { r->sr |= SR_DCH; /* CELV? */ s->bup_flag = 0; break; } r->sr &= ~SR_CELV; r->civ = r->piv; r->piv = (r->piv + 1) % 32; fetch_bd(s, r); return; } switch (index) { case PO_INDEX: temp = write_audio(s, r, elapsed, &stop); elapsed -= temp; r->picb -= (temp >> 1); break; case PI_INDEX: case MC_INDEX: temp = read_audio(s, r, elapsed, &stop); elapsed -= temp; r->picb -= (temp >> 1); break; } if (!r->picb) { uint32_t new_sr = r->sr & ~SR_CELV; if (r->bd.ctl_len & BD_IOC) { new_sr |= SR_BCIS; } if (r->civ == r->lvi) { dolog("Underrun civ (%d) == lvi (%d)\n", r->civ, r->lvi); new_sr |= SR_LVBCI | SR_DCH | SR_CELV; stop = 1; s->bup_flag = (r->bd.ctl_len & BD_BUP) ? BUP_LAST : 0; } else { r->civ = r->piv; r->piv = (r->piv + 1) % 32; fetch_bd(s, r); } update_sr(s, r, new_sr); } } } static void pi_callback(void *opaque, int avail) { transfer_audio(opaque, PI_INDEX, avail); } static void mc_callback(void *opaque, int avail) { transfer_audio(opaque, MC_INDEX, avail); } static void po_callback(void *opaque, int free) { transfer_audio(opaque, PO_INDEX, free); } static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ac97_bm_regs = { .name = "ac97_bm_regs", .version_id = 1, .minimum_version_id = 1, .fields = (VMStateField[]) { VMSTATE_UINT32(bdbar, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT8(civ, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT8(lvi, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT16(sr, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT16(picb, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT8(piv, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT8(cr, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT32(bd_valid, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT32(bd.addr, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_UINT32(bd.ctl_len, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_END_OF_LIST() } }; static int ac97_post_load(void *opaque, int version_id) { uint8_t active[LAST_INDEX]; AC97LinkState *s = opaque; record_select(s, mixer_load(s, AC97_Record_Select)); set_volume(s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute, mixer_load(s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute)); set_volume(s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute, mixer_load(s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute)); set_volume(s, AC97_Record_Gain_Mute, mixer_load(s, AC97_Record_Gain_Mute)); active[PI_INDEX] = !!(s->bm_regs[PI_INDEX].cr & CR_RPBM); active[PO_INDEX] = !!(s->bm_regs[PO_INDEX].cr & CR_RPBM); active[MC_INDEX] = !!(s->bm_regs[MC_INDEX].cr & CR_RPBM); reset_voices(s, active); s->bup_flag = 0; s->last_samp = 0; return 0; } static bool is_version_2(void *opaque, int version_id) { return version_id == 2; } static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ac97 = { .name = "ac97", .version_id = 3, .minimum_version_id = 2, .post_load = ac97_post_load, .fields = (VMStateField[]) { VMSTATE_PCI_DEVICE(dev, AC97LinkState), VMSTATE_UINT32(glob_cnt, AC97LinkState), VMSTATE_UINT32(glob_sta, AC97LinkState), VMSTATE_UINT32(cas, AC97LinkState), VMSTATE_STRUCT_ARRAY(bm_regs, AC97LinkState, 3, 1, vmstate_ac97_bm_regs, AC97BusMasterRegs), VMSTATE_BUFFER(mixer_data, AC97LinkState), VMSTATE_UNUSED_TEST(is_version_2, 3), VMSTATE_END_OF_LIST() } }; static uint64_t nam_read(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, unsigned size) { if ((addr / size) > 256) { return -1; } switch (size) { case 1: return nam_readb(opaque, addr); case 2: return nam_readw(opaque, addr); case 4: return nam_readl(opaque, addr); default: return -1; } } static void nam_write(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint64_t val, unsigned size) { if ((addr / size) > 256) { return; } switch (size) { case 1: nam_writeb(opaque, addr, val); break; case 2: nam_writew(opaque, addr, val); break; case 4: nam_writel(opaque, addr, val); break; } } static const MemoryRegionOps ac97_io_nam_ops = { .read = nam_read, .write = nam_write, .impl = { .min_access_size = 1, .max_access_size = 4, }, .endianness = DEVICE_LITTLE_ENDIAN, }; static uint64_t nabm_read(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, unsigned size) { if ((addr / size) > 64) { return -1; } switch (size) { case 1: return nabm_readb(opaque, addr); case 2: return nabm_readw(opaque, addr); case 4: return nabm_readl(opaque, addr); default: return -1; } } static void nabm_write(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint64_t val, unsigned size) { if ((addr / size) > 64) { return; } switch (size) { case 1: nabm_writeb(opaque, addr, val); break; case 2: nabm_writew(opaque, addr, val); break; case 4: nabm_writel(opaque, addr, val); break; } } static const MemoryRegionOps ac97_io_nabm_ops = { .read = nabm_read, .write = nabm_write, .impl = { .min_access_size = 1, .max_access_size = 4, }, .endianness = DEVICE_LITTLE_ENDIAN, }; static void ac97_on_reset(DeviceState *dev) { AC97LinkState *s = container_of(dev, AC97LinkState, dev.qdev); reset_bm_regs(s, &s->bm_regs[0]); reset_bm_regs(s, &s->bm_regs[1]); reset_bm_regs(s, &s->bm_regs[2]); /* * Reset the mixer too. The Windows XP driver seems to rely on * this. At least it wants to read the vendor id before it resets * the codec manually. */ mixer_reset(s); } static void ac97_realize(PCIDevice *dev, Error **errp) { AC97LinkState *s = AC97(dev); uint8_t *c = s->dev.config; /* TODO: no need to override */ c[PCI_COMMAND] = 0x00; /* pcicmd pci command rw, ro */ c[PCI_COMMAND + 1] = 0x00; /* TODO: */ c[PCI_STATUS] = PCI_STATUS_FAST_BACK; /* pcists pci status rwc, ro */ c[PCI_STATUS + 1] = PCI_STATUS_DEVSEL_MEDIUM >> 8; c[PCI_CLASS_PROG] = 0x00; /* pi programming interface ro */ /* TODO set when bar is registered. no need to override. */ /* nabmar native audio mixer base address rw */ c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0] = PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO; c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 1] = 0x00; c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 2] = 0x00; c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 3] = 0x00; /* TODO set when bar is registered. no need to override. */ /* nabmbar native audio bus mastering base address rw */ c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 4] = PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO; c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 5] = 0x00; c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 6] = 0x00; c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 7] = 0x00; c[PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE] = 0x00; /* intr_ln interrupt line rw */ c[PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN] = 0x01; /* intr_pn interrupt pin ro */ memory_region_init_io(&s->io_nam, OBJECT(s), &ac97_io_nam_ops, s, "ac97-nam", 1024); memory_region_init_io(&s->io_nabm, OBJECT(s), &ac97_io_nabm_ops, s, "ac97-nabm", 256); pci_register_bar(&s->dev, 0, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, &s->io_nam); pci_register_bar(&s->dev, 1, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, &s->io_nabm); AUD_register_card("ac97", &s->card); ac97_on_reset(DEVICE(s)); } static void ac97_exit(PCIDevice *dev) { AC97LinkState *s = AC97(dev); AUD_close_in(&s->card, s->voice_pi); AUD_close_out(&s->card, s->voice_po); AUD_close_in(&s->card, s->voice_mc); AUD_remove_card(&s->card); } static Property ac97_properties[] = { DEFINE_AUDIO_PROPERTIES(AC97LinkState, card), DEFINE_PROP_END_OF_LIST(), }; static void ac97_class_init(ObjectClass *klass, void *data) { DeviceClass *dc = DEVICE_CLASS(klass); PCIDeviceClass *k = PCI_DEVICE_CLASS(klass); k->realize = ac97_realize; k->exit = ac97_exit; k->vendor_id = PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL; k->device_id = PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AA_5; k->revision = 0x01; k->class_id = PCI_CLASS_MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO; set_bit(DEVICE_CATEGORY_SOUND, dc->categories); dc->desc = "Intel 82801AA AC97 Audio"; dc->vmsd = &vmstate_ac97; device_class_set_props(dc, ac97_properties); dc->reset = ac97_on_reset; } static const TypeInfo ac97_info = { .name = TYPE_AC97, .parent = TYPE_PCI_DEVICE, .instance_size = sizeof(AC97LinkState), .class_init = ac97_class_init, .interfaces = (InterfaceInfo[]) { { INTERFACE_CONVENTIONAL_PCI_DEVICE }, { }, }, }; static void ac97_register_types(void) { type_register_static(&ac97_info); deprecated_register_soundhw("ac97", "Intel 82801AA AC97 Audio", 0, TYPE_AC97); } type_init(ac97_register_types)