#!/usr/bin/env python # QAPI texi generator # # This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL, version 2+. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. """This script produces the documentation of a qapi schema in texinfo format""" import re import sys import qapi MSG_FMT = """ @deftypefn {type} {{}} {name} {body} @end deftypefn """.format TYPE_FMT = """ @deftp {{{type}}} {name} {body} @end deftp """.format EXAMPLE_FMT = """@example {code} @end example """.format def subst_strong(doc): """Replaces *foo* by @strong{foo}""" return re.sub(r'\*([^*\n]+)\*', r'@emph{\1}', doc) def subst_emph(doc): """Replaces _foo_ by @emph{foo}""" return re.sub(r'\b_([^_\n]+)_\b', r' @emph{\1} ', doc) def subst_vars(doc): """Replaces @var by @code{var}""" return re.sub(r'@([\w-]+)', r'@code{\1}', doc) def subst_braces(doc): """Replaces {} with @{ @}""" return doc.replace("{", "@{").replace("}", "@}") def texi_example(doc): """Format @example""" # TODO: Neglects to escape @ characters. # We should probably escape them in subst_braces(), and rename the # function to subst_special() or subs_texi_special(). If we do that, we # need to delay it until after subst_vars() in texi_format(). doc = subst_braces(doc).strip('\n') return EXAMPLE_FMT(code=doc) def texi_format(doc): """ Format documentation Lines starting with: - |: generates an @example - =: generates @section - ==: generates @subsection - 1. or 1): generates an @enumerate @item - */-: generates an @itemize list """ lines = [] doc = subst_braces(doc) doc = subst_vars(doc) doc = subst_emph(doc) doc = subst_strong(doc) inlist = "" lastempty = False for line in doc.split('\n'): empty = line == "" # FIXME: Doing this in a single if / elif chain is # problematic. For instance, a line without markup terminates # a list if it follows a blank line (reaches the final elif), # but a line with some *other* markup, such as a = title # doesn't. # # Make sure to update section "Documentation markup" in # docs/qapi-code-gen.txt when fixing this. if line.startswith("| "): line = EXAMPLE_FMT(code=line[2:]) elif line.startswith("= "): line = "@section " + line[2:] elif line.startswith("== "): line = "@subsection " + line[3:] elif re.match(r'^([0-9]*\.) ', line): if not inlist: lines.append("@enumerate") inlist = "enumerate" line = line[line.find(" ")+1:] lines.append("@item") elif re.match(r'^[*-] ', line): if not inlist: lines.append("@itemize %s" % {'*': "@bullet", '-': "@minus"}[line[0]]) inlist = "itemize" lines.append("@item") line = line[2:] elif lastempty and inlist: lines.append("@end %s\n" % inlist) inlist = "" lastempty = empty lines.append(line) if inlist: lines.append("@end %s\n" % inlist) return "\n".join(lines) def texi_body(doc): """ Format the body of a symbol documentation: - main body - table of arguments - followed by "Returns/Notes/Since/Example" sections """ body = texi_format(str(doc.body)) + "\n" if doc.args: body += "@table @asis\n" for arg, section in doc.args.iteritems(): desc = str(section) opt = '' if "#optional" in desc: desc = desc.replace("#optional", "") opt = ' (optional)' body += "@item @code{'%s'}%s\n%s\n" % (arg, opt, texi_format(desc)) body += "@end table\n" for section in doc.sections: name, doc = (section.name, str(section)) func = texi_format if name.startswith("Example"): func = texi_example if name: # prefer @b over @strong, so txt doesn't translate it to *Foo:* body += "\n\n@b{%s:}\n" % name body += func(doc) return body def texi_alternate(expr, doc): """Format an alternate to texi""" body = texi_body(doc) return TYPE_FMT(type="Alternate", name=doc.symbol, body=body) def texi_union(expr, doc): """Format a union to texi""" discriminator = expr.get("discriminator") if discriminator: union = "Flat Union" else: union = "Simple Union" body = texi_body(doc) return TYPE_FMT(type=union, name=doc.symbol, body=body) def texi_enum(expr, doc): """Format an enum to texi""" for i in expr['data']: if i not in doc.args: doc.args[i] = '' body = texi_body(doc) return TYPE_FMT(type="Enum", name=doc.symbol, body=body) def texi_struct(expr, doc): """Format a struct to texi""" body = texi_body(doc) return TYPE_FMT(type="Struct", name=doc.symbol, body=body) def texi_command(expr, doc): """Format a command to texi""" body = texi_body(doc) return MSG_FMT(type="Command", name=doc.symbol, body=body) def texi_event(expr, doc): """Format an event to texi""" body = texi_body(doc) return MSG_FMT(type="Event", name=doc.symbol, body=body) def texi_expr(expr, doc): """Format an expr to texi""" (kind, _) = expr.items()[0] fmt = {"command": texi_command, "struct": texi_struct, "enum": texi_enum, "union": texi_union, "alternate": texi_alternate, "event": texi_event}[kind] return fmt(expr, doc) def texi(docs): """Convert QAPI schema expressions to texi documentation""" res = [] for doc in docs: expr = doc.expr if not expr: res.append(texi_body(doc)) continue try: doc = texi_expr(expr, doc) res.append(doc) except: print >>sys.stderr, "error at @%s" % doc.info raise return '\n'.join(res) def main(argv): """Takes schema argument, prints result to stdout""" if len(argv) != 2: print >>sys.stderr, "%s: need exactly 1 argument: SCHEMA" % argv[0] sys.exit(1) schema = qapi.QAPISchema(argv[1]) print texi(schema.docs) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)