if have_tools and targetos != 'windows' and not get_option('gprof') qemu_iotests_binaries = [qemu_img, qemu_io, qemu_nbd, qsd] qemu_iotests_env = {'PYTHON': python.full_path()} qemu_iotests_formats = { 'qcow2': 'quick', 'raw': 'slow', 'qed': 'thorough', 'vmdk': 'thorough', 'vpc': 'thorough' } foreach k, v : emulators if k.startswith('qemu-system-') qemu_iotests_binaries += v endif endforeach foreach format, speed: qemu_iotests_formats if speed == 'quick' suites = 'block' else suites = ['block-' + speed, speed] endif test('qemu-iotests ' + format, sh, args: [files('../check-block.sh'), format], depends: qemu_iotests_binaries, env: qemu_iotests_env, protocol: 'tap', suite: suites, timeout: 0, is_parallel: false) endforeach endif