
970 lines
38 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
# Authors:
# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import re
from .regexps import *
from .patching import *
from .utils import *
from .qom_macros import *
TI_FIELDS = [ 'name', 'parent', 'abstract', 'interfaces',
'instance_size', 'instance_init', 'instance_post_init', 'instance_finalize',
'class_size', 'class_init', 'class_base_init', 'class_data']
RE_TI_FIELD_INIT = S(r'[ \t]*', NAMED('comments', RE_COMMENTS),
r'\.', NAMED('field', RE_TI_FIELD_NAME), r'\s*=\s*',
NAMED('value', RE_EXPRESSION), r'[ \t]*,?[ \t]*\n')
RE_TYPEINFO_START = S(r'^[ \t]*', M(r'(static|const)\s+', name='modifiers'), r'TypeInfo\s+',
NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*=\s*{[ \t]*\n')
ParsedArray = List[str]
ParsedInitializerValue = Union[str, ParsedArray]
class InitializerValue(NamedTuple):
raw: str
parsed: Optional[ParsedInitializerValue]
match: Optional[Match]
class ArrayItem(FileMatch):
regexp = RE_ARRAY_ITEM
class ArrayInitializer(FileMatch):
regexp = RE_ARRAY
def parsed(self) -> ParsedArray:
#DBG('parse_array: %r', m.group(0))
return [m.group('arrayitem') for m in self.group_finditer(ArrayItem, 'arrayitems')]
class FieldInitializer(FileMatch):
def raw(self) -> str:
return self.group('value')
def parsed(self) -> ParsedInitializerValue:
parsed: ParsedInitializerValue = self.raw
#DBG("parse_initializer_value: %r", s)
array = self.try_group_match(ArrayInitializer, 'value')
if array:
assert isinstance(array, ArrayInitializer)
return array.parsed()
return parsed
TypeInfoInitializers = Dict[str, FieldInitializer]
class TypeDefinition(FileMatch):
Common base class for type definitions (TypeInfo variables or OBJECT_DEFINE* macros)
def instancetype(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.group('instancetype')
def classtype(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.group('classtype')
def uppercase(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.group('uppercase')
def parent_uppercase(self) -> str:
return self.group('parent_uppercase')
def initializers(self) -> Optional[TypeInfoInitializers]:
if getattr(self, '_inititalizers', None):
self._initializers: TypeInfoInitializers
return self._initializers
fields = self.group('fields')
if fields is None:
return None
d = dict((fm.group('field'), fm)
for fm in self.group_finditer(FieldInitializer, 'fields'))
self._initializers = d # type: ignore
return self._initializers
class TypeInfoVar(TypeDefinition):
"""TypeInfo variable declaration with initializer"""
regexp = S(NAMED('begin', RE_TYPEINFO_START),
M(NAMED('fields', RE_TI_FIELDS),
NAMED('endcomments', SP, RE_COMMENTS),
NAMED('end', r'};?\n'),
n='?', name='fullspec'))
def is_static(self) -> bool:
return 'static' in self.group('modifiers')
def is_const(self) -> bool:
return 'const' in self.group('modifiers')
def is_full(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.group('fullspec'))
def get_initializers(self) -> TypeInfoInitializers:
"""Helper for code that needs to deal with missing initializer info"""
if self.initializers is None:
return {}
return self.initializers
def get_raw_initializer_value(self, field: str, default: str = '') -> str:
initializers = self.get_initializers()
if field in initializers:
return initializers[field].raw
return default
def typename(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.get_raw_initializer_value('name')
def uppercase(self) -> Optional[str]:
typename = self.typename
if not typename:
return None
if not typename.startswith('TYPE_'):
return None
return typename[len('TYPE_'):]
def classtype(self) -> Optional[str]:
class_size = self.get_raw_initializer_value('class_size')
if not class_size:
return None
m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, class_size)
if not m:
return None
return m.group('sizeoftype')
def instancetype(self) -> Optional[str]:
instance_size = self.get_raw_initializer_value('instance_size')
if not instance_size:
return None
m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, instance_size)
if not m:
return None
return m.group('sizeoftype')
#def extract_identifiers(self) -> Optional[TypeIdentifiers]:
# """Try to extract identifiers from names being used"""
# DBG("extracting idenfiers from %s", self.name)
#uppercase = None
#if typename and re.fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, typename) and typename.startswith("TYPE_"):
# uppercase = typename[len('TYPE_'):]
#lowercase = None
#funcs = set()
#prefixes = set()
#for field,suffix in [('instance_init', '_init'),
# ('instance_finalize', '_finalize'),
# ('class_init', '_class_init')]:
# if field not in values:
# continue
# func = values[field].raw
# funcs.add(func)
# if func.endswith(suffix):
# prefixes.add(func[:-len(suffix)])
# else:
# self.warn("function name %s doesn't have expected %s suffix",
# func, suffix)
#if len(prefixes) == 1:
# lowercase = prefixes.pop()
#elif len(prefixes) > 1:
# self.warn("inconsistent function names: %s", ' '.join(funcs))
#return TypeIdentifiers(typename=typename,
# uppercase=uppercase, lowercase=lowercase,
# instancetype=instancetype, classtype=classtype)
def append_field(self, field: str, value: str) -> Patch:
"""Generate patch appending a field initializer"""
content = f' .{field} = {value},\n'
fm = self.group_match('fields')
assert fm
return fm.append(content)
def patch_field(self, field: str, replacement: str) -> Patch:
"""Generate patch replacing a field initializer"""
initializers = self.initializers
assert initializers
value = initializers.get(field)
assert value
return value.make_patch(replacement)
def remove_field(self, field: str) -> Iterable[Patch]:
initializers = self.initializers
assert initializers
if field in initializers:
yield self.patch_field(field, '')
def remove_fields(self, *fields: str) -> Iterable[Patch]:
for f in fields:
yield from self.remove_field(f)
def patch_field_value(self, field: str, replacement: str) -> Patch:
"""Replace just the value of a field initializer"""
initializers = self.initializers
assert initializers
value = initializers.get(field)
assert value
vm = value.group_match('value')
assert vm
return vm.make_patch(replacement)
class RemoveRedundantClassSize(TypeInfoVar):
"""Remove class_size when using OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
initializers = self.initializers
if initializers is None:
if 'class_size' not in initializers:
self.debug("Handling %s", self.name)
m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, initializers['class_size'].raw)
if not m:
self.warn("%s class_size is not sizeof?", self.name)
classtype = m.group('sizeoftype')
if not classtype.endswith('Class'):
self.warn("%s class size type (%s) is not *Class?", self.name, classtype)
self.debug("classtype is %s", classtype)
instancetype = classtype[:-len('Class')]
self.debug("intanceypte is %s", instancetype)
self.debug("searching for simpletype declaration using %s as InstanceType", instancetype)
decl = self.allfiles.find_match(OldStyleObjectDeclareSimpleType,
instancetype, 'instancetype')
if not decl:
self.debug("No simpletype declaration found for %s", instancetype)
self.debug("Found simple type declaration")
decl.debug("declaration is here")
yield from self.remove_field('class_size')
class RemoveDeclareSimpleTypeArg(OldStyleObjectDeclareSimpleType):
"""Remove class_size when using OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
c = (f'OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE({self.group("instancetype")}, {self.group("lowercase")},\n'
f' {self.group("uppercase")})\n')
yield self.make_patch(c)
class UseDeclareTypeExtended(TypeInfoVar):
"""Replace TypeInfo variable with OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
# this will just ensure the caches for find_match() and matches_for_type()
# will be loaded in advance:
find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
if not self.is_static():
self.info("Skipping non-static TypeInfo variable")
type_info_macro = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoMacro, self.name)
if not type_info_macro:
self.warn("TYPE_INFO(%s) line not found", self.name)
values = self.initializers
if values is None:
if 'name' not in values:
self.warn("name not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
typename = values['name'].raw
if 'parent' not in values:
self.warn("parent not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
parent_typename = values['parent'].raw
instancetype = None
if 'instance_size' in values:
m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, values['instance_size'].raw)
if m:
instancetype = m.group('sizeoftype')
self.warn("can't extract instance type in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
self.warn("instance_size is set to: %r", values['instance_size'].raw)
classtype = None
if 'class_size' in values:
m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, values['class_size'].raw)
if m:
classtype = m.group('sizeoftype')
self.warn("can't extract class type in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
self.warn("class_size is set to: %r", values['class_size'].raw)
#for t in (typename, parent_typename):
# if not re.fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, t):
# self.info("type name is not a macro/constant")
# if instancetype or classtype:
# self.warn("macro/constant type name is required for instance/class type")
# if not self.file.force:
# return
# Now, the challenge is to find out the right MODULE_OBJ_NAME for the
# type and for the parent type
self.info("TypeInfo variable for %s is here", typename)
uppercase = find_typename_uppercase(self.allfiles, typename)
if not uppercase:
self.info("Can't find right uppercase name for %s", typename)
if instancetype or classtype:
self.warn("Can't find right uppercase name for %s", typename)
self.warn("This will make type validation difficult in the future")
parent_uppercase = find_typename_uppercase(self.allfiles, parent_typename)
if not parent_uppercase:
self.info("Can't find right uppercase name for parent type (%s)", parent_typename)
if instancetype or classtype:
self.warn("Can't find right uppercase name for parent type (%s)", parent_typename)
self.warn("This will make type validation difficult in the future")
ok = True
#checkers: List[TypeCheckerDeclaration] = list(find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, uppercase))
#for c in checkers:
# c.info("instance type checker declaration (%s) is here", c.group('uppercase'))
#if not checkers:
# self.info("No type checkers declared for %s", uppercase)
# if instancetype or classtype:
# self.warn("Can't find where type checkers for %s (%s) are declared. We will need them to validate sizes of %s",
# typename, uppercase, self.name)
if not instancetype:
instancetype = 'void'
if not classtype:
classtype = 'void'
#checker_instancetypes = set(c.instancetype for c in checkers
# if c.instancetype is not None)
#if len(checker_instancetypes) > 1:
# self.warn("ambiguous set of type checkers")
# for c in checkers:
# c.warn("instancetype is %s here", c.instancetype)
# ok = False
#elif len(checker_instancetypes) == 1:
# checker_instancetype = checker_instancetypes.pop()
# DBG("checker instance type: %r", checker_instancetype)
# if instancetype != checker_instancetype:
# self.warn("type at instance_size is %r. Should instance_size be set to sizeof(%s) ?",
# instancetype, checker_instancetype)
# ok = False
# if instancetype != 'void':
# self.warn("instance type checker for %s (%s) not found", typename, instancetype)
# ok = False
#checker_classtypes = set(c.classtype for c in checkers
# if c.classtype is not None)
#if len(checker_classtypes) > 1:
# self.warn("ambiguous set of type checkers")
# for c in checkers:
# c.warn("classtype is %s here", c.classtype)
# ok = False
#elif len(checker_classtypes) == 1:
# checker_classtype = checker_classtypes.pop()
# DBG("checker class type: %r", checker_classtype)
# if classtype != checker_classtype:
# self.warn("type at class_size is %r. Should class_size be set to sizeof(%s) ?",
# classtype, checker_classtype)
# ok = False
# if classtype != 'void':
# self.warn("class type checker for %s (%s) not found", typename, classtype)
# ok = False
#if not ok:
# for c in checkers:
# c.warn("Type checker declaration for %s (%s) is here",
# typename, type(c).__name__)
# return
#if parent_decl is None:
# self.warn("Can't find where parent type %s is declared", parent_typename)
#yield self.prepend(f'DECLARE_TYPE_NAME({uppercase}, {typename})\n')
#if not instancetype:
# yield self.prepend(f'DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n')
#if not classtype:
# yield self.prepend(f'DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n')
self.info("%s can be patched!", self.name)
replaced_fields = ['name', 'parent', 'instance_size', 'class_size']
begin = self.group_match('begin')
newbegin = f'OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED({self.name},\n'
newbegin += f' {instancetype}, {classtype},\n'
newbegin += f' {uppercase}, {parent_uppercase}'
if set(values.keys()) - set(replaced_fields):
newbegin += ',\n'
yield begin.make_patch(newbegin)
yield from self.remove_fields(*replaced_fields)
end = self.group_match('end')
yield end.make_patch(')\n')
yield type_info_macro.make_removal_patch()
class ObjectDefineTypeExtended(TypeDefinition):
regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED\s*\(\s*',
NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
NAMED('instancetype', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
NAMED('classtype', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
NAMED('parent_uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER),
NAMED('fields', RE_TI_FIELDS),
class ObjectDefineType(TypeDefinition):
regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE\s*\(\s*',
NAMED('lowercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
NAMED('parent_uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER),
NAMED('fields', RE_TI_FIELDS),
def find_type_definitions(files: FileList, uppercase: str) -> Iterable[TypeDefinition]:
types: List[Type[TypeDefinition]] = [TypeInfoVar, ObjectDefineType, ObjectDefineTypeExtended]
for t in types:
for m in files.matches_of_type(t):
m.debug("uppercase: %s", m.uppercase)
yield from (m for t in types
for m in files.matches_of_type(t)
if m.uppercase == uppercase)
class AddDeclareVoidClassType(TypeDeclarationFixup):
"""Will add DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE(..., void) if possible"""
def gen_patches_for_type(self, uppercase: str,
checkers: List[TypeDeclaration],
fields: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[Patch]:
defs = list(find_type_definitions(self.allfiles, uppercase))
if len(defs) > 1:
self.warn("multiple definitions for %s", uppercase)
for d in defs:
d.warn("definition found here")
elif len(defs) == 0:
self.warn("type definition for %s not found", uppercase)
d = defs[0]
if d.classtype is None:
d.info("definition for %s has classtype, skipping", uppercase)
class_type_checkers = [c for c in checkers
if c.classtype is not None]
if class_type_checkers:
for c in class_type_checkers:
c.warn("class type checker for %s is present here", uppercase)
_,last_checker = max((m.start(), m) for m in checkers)
s = f'DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n'
yield last_checker.append(s)
class AddDeclareVoidInstanceType(FileMatch):
"""Will add DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE(..., void) if possible"""
regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define', CPP_SPACE,
NAMED('name', r'TYPE_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\b'),
CPP_SPACE, r'.*\n')
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
assert self.name.startswith('TYPE_')
uppercase = self.name[len('TYPE_'):]
defs = list(find_type_definitions(self.allfiles, uppercase))
if len(defs) > 1:
self.warn("multiple definitions for %s", uppercase)
for d in defs:
d.warn("definition found here")
elif len(defs) == 0:
self.warn("type definition for %s not found", uppercase)
d = defs[0]
instancetype = d.instancetype
if instancetype is not None and instancetype != 'void':
instance_checkers = [c for c in find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, uppercase)
if c.instancetype]
if instance_checkers:
d.warn("instance type checker for %s already declared", uppercase)
for c in instance_checkers:
c.warn("instance checker for %s is here", uppercase)
s = f'DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n'
yield self.append(s)
class AddObjectDeclareType(DeclareObjCheckers):
"""Will add OBJECT_DECLARE_TYPE(...) if possible"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
uppercase = self.uppercase
typename = self.group('typename')
instancetype = self.group('instancetype')
classtype = self.group('classtype')
if typename != f'TYPE_{uppercase}':
self.warn("type name mismatch: %s vs %s", typename, uppercase)
typedefs = [(t,self.allfiles.find_matches(SimpleTypedefMatch, t))
for t in (instancetype, classtype)]
for t,tds in typedefs:
if not tds:
self.warn("typedef %s not found", t)
for td in tds:
td_type = td.group('typedef_type')
if td_type != f'struct {t}':
self.warn("typedef mismatch: %s is defined as %s", t, td_type)
td.warn("typedef is here")
# look for reuse of same struct type
other_instance_checkers = [c for c in find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, instancetype, 'instancetype')
if c.uppercase != uppercase]
if other_instance_checkers:
self.warn("typedef %s is being reused", instancetype)
for ic in other_instance_checkers:
ic.warn("%s is reused here", instancetype)
if not self.file.force:
decl_types: List[Type[TypeDeclaration]] = [DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers]
class_decls = [m for t in decl_types
for m in self.allfiles.find_matches(t, uppercase, 'uppercase')]
defs = list(find_type_definitions(self.allfiles, uppercase))
if len(defs) > 1:
self.warn("multiple definitions for %s", uppercase)
for d in defs:
d.warn("definition found here")
if not self.file.force:
elif len(defs) == 0:
self.warn("type definition for %s not found", uppercase)
if not self.file.force:
d = defs[0]
if d.instancetype != instancetype:
self.warn("mismatching instance type for %s (%s)", uppercase, instancetype)
d.warn("instance type declared here (%s)", d.instancetype)
if not self.file.force:
if d.classtype != classtype:
self.warn("mismatching class type for %s (%s)", uppercase, classtype)
d.warn("class type declared here (%s)", d.classtype)
if not self.file.force:
assert self.file.original_content
for t,tds in typedefs:
assert tds
for td in tds:
if td.file is not self.file:
# delete typedefs that are truly redundant:
# 1) defined after DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS
if td.start() > self.start():
yield td.make_removal_patch()
# 2) defined before DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS, but unused
elif not re.search(r'\b'+t+r'\b', self.file.original_content[td.end():self.start()]):
yield td.make_removal_patch()
c = (f'OBJECT_DECLARE_TYPE({instancetype}, {classtype}, {uppercase})\n')
yield self.make_patch(c)
class AddObjectDeclareSimpleType(DeclareInstanceChecker):
"""Will add OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE(...) if possible"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
uppercase = self.uppercase
typename = self.group('typename')
instancetype = self.group('instancetype')
if typename != f'TYPE_{uppercase}':
self.warn("type name mismatch: %s vs %s", typename, uppercase)
typedefs = [(t,self.allfiles.find_matches(SimpleTypedefMatch, t))
for t in (instancetype,)]
for t,tds in typedefs:
if not tds:
self.warn("typedef %s not found", t)
for td in tds:
td_type = td.group('typedef_type')
if td_type != f'struct {t}':
self.warn("typedef mismatch: %s is defined as %s", t, td_type)
td.warn("typedef is here")
# look for reuse of same struct type
other_instance_checkers = [c for c in find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, instancetype, 'instancetype')
if c.uppercase != uppercase]
if other_instance_checkers:
self.warn("typedef %s is being reused", instancetype)
for ic in other_instance_checkers:
ic.warn("%s is reused here", instancetype)
if not self.file.force:
decl_types: List[Type[TypeDeclaration]] = [DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers]
class_decls = [m for t in decl_types
for m in self.allfiles.find_matches(t, uppercase, 'uppercase')]
if class_decls:
self.warn("class type declared for %s", uppercase)
for cd in class_decls:
cd.warn("class declaration found here")
defs = list(find_type_definitions(self.allfiles, uppercase))
if len(defs) > 1:
self.warn("multiple definitions for %s", uppercase)
for d in defs:
d.warn("definition found here")
if not self.file.force:
elif len(defs) == 0:
self.warn("type definition for %s not found", uppercase)
if not self.file.force:
d = defs[0]
if d.instancetype != instancetype:
self.warn("mismatching instance type for %s (%s)", uppercase, instancetype)
d.warn("instance type declared here (%s)", d.instancetype)
if not self.file.force:
if d.classtype:
self.warn("class type set for %s", uppercase)
d.warn("class type declared here")
if not self.file.force:
assert self.file.original_content
for t,tds in typedefs:
assert tds
for td in tds:
if td.file is not self.file:
# delete typedefs that are truly redundant:
# 1) defined after DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS
if td.start() > self.start():
yield td.make_removal_patch()
# 2) defined before DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS, but unused
elif not re.search(r'\b'+t+r'\b', self.file.original_content[td.end():self.start()]):
yield td.make_removal_patch()
c = (f'OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE({instancetype}, {uppercase})\n')
yield self.make_patch(c)
class TypeInfoStringName(TypeInfoVar):
"""Replace hardcoded type names with TYPE_ constant"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
values = self.initializers
if values is None:
if 'name' not in values:
self.warn("name not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
typename = values['name'].raw
if re.fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, typename):
self.warn("name %s is not an identifier", typename)
#all_defines = [m for m in self.allfiles.matches_of_type(ExpressionDefine)]
#self.debug("all_defines: %r", all_defines)
constants = [m for m in self.allfiles.matches_of_type(ExpressionDefine)
if m.group('value').strip() == typename.strip()]
if not constants:
self.warn("No macro for %s found", typename)
if len(constants) > 1:
self.warn("I don't know which macro to use: %r", constants)
yield self.patch_field_value('name', constants[0].name)
class RedundantTypeSizes(TypeInfoVar):
"""Remove redundant instance_size/class_size from TypeInfo vars"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
values = self.initializers
if values is None:
if 'name' not in values:
self.warn("name not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
typename = values['name'].raw
if 'parent' not in values:
self.warn("parent not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
parent_typename = values['parent'].raw
if 'instance_size' not in values and 'class_size' not in values:
self.debug("no need to validate %s", self.name)
instance_decls = find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, typename)
if instance_decls:
self.debug("won't touch TypeInfo var that has type checkers")
parent = find_type_info(self.allfiles, parent_typename)
if not parent:
self.warn("Can't find TypeInfo for %s", parent_typename)
if 'instance_size' in values and parent.get_raw_initializer_value('instance_size') != values['instance_size'].raw:
self.info("instance_size mismatch")
parent.info("parent type declared here")
if 'class_size' in values and parent.get_raw_initializer_value('class_size') != values['class_size'].raw:
self.info("class_size mismatch")
parent.info("parent type declared here")
self.debug("will patch variable %s", self.name)
if 'instance_size' in values:
self.debug("deleting instance_size")
yield self.patch_field('instance_size', '')
if 'class_size' in values:
self.debug("deleting class_size")
yield self.patch_field('class_size', '')
#class TypeInfoVarInitFuncs(TypeInfoVar):
# """TypeInfo variable
# Will create missing init functions
# """
# def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
# values = self.initializers
# if values is None:
# self.warn("type not parsed completely: %s", self.name)
# return
# macro = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoVar, self.name)
# if macro is None:
# self.warn("No TYPE_INFO macro for %s", self.name)
# return
# ids = self.extract_identifiers()
# if ids is None:
# return
# DBG("identifiers extracted: %r", ids)
# fields = set(values.keys())
# if ids.lowercase:
# if 'instance_init' not in fields:
# yield self.prepend(('static void %s_init(Object *obj)\n'
# '{\n'
# '}\n\n') % (ids.lowercase))
# yield self.append_field('instance_init', ids.lowercase+'_init')
# if 'instance_finalize' not in fields:
# yield self.prepend(('static void %s_finalize(Object *obj)\n'
# '{\n'
# '}\n\n') % (ids.lowercase))
# yield self.append_field('instance_finalize', ids.lowercase+'_finalize')
# if 'class_init' not in fields:
# yield self.prepend(('static void %s_class_init(ObjectClass *oc, void *data)\n'
# '{\n'
# '}\n\n') % (ids.lowercase))
# yield self.append_field('class_init', ids.lowercase+'_class_init')
class TypeInitMacro(FileMatch):
"""Use of type_init(...) macro"""
regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*type_init\s*\(\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\);?[ \t]*\n')
class DeleteEmptyTypeInitFunc(TypeInitMacro):
"""Delete empty function declared using type_init(...)"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
fn = self.file.find_match(StaticVoidFunction, self.name)
DBG("function for %s: %s", self.name, fn)
if fn and fn.body == '':
yield fn.make_patch('')
yield self.make_patch('')
class StaticVoidFunction(FileMatch):
"""simple static void function
(no replacement rules)
#NOTE: just like RE_FULL_STRUCT, this doesn't parse any of the body contents
# of the function. Tt will just look for "}" in the beginning of a line
regexp = S(r'static\s+void\s+', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\(\s*void\s*\)\n',
# acceptable inside the function body:
# - lines starting with space or tab
# - empty lines
# - preprocessor directives
OR(r'[ \t][^\n]*\n',
def body(self) -> str:
return self.group('body')
def has_preprocessor_directive(self) -> bool:
return bool(re.search(r'^[ \t]*#', self.body, re.MULTILINE))
def find_containing_func(m: FileMatch) -> Optional['StaticVoidFunction']:
"""Return function containing this match"""
for fn in m.file.matches_of_type(StaticVoidFunction):
if fn.contains(m):
return fn
return None
class TypeRegisterStaticCall(FileMatch):
"""type_register_static() call
Will be replaced by TYPE_INFO() macro
regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*', NAMED('func_name', 'type_register_static'),
r'\s*\(&\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\);[ \t]*\n')
class UseTypeInfo(TypeRegisterStaticCall):
"""Replace type_register_static() call with TYPE_INFO declaration"""
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
fn = find_containing_func(self)
if fn:
DBG("%r is inside %r", self, fn)
type_init = self.file.find_match(TypeInitMacro, fn.name)
if type_init is None:
self.warn("can't find type_init(%s) line", fn.name)
if not self.file.force:
self.warn("can't identify the function where type_register_static(&%s) is called", self.name)
if not self.file.force:
#if fn.has_preprocessor_directive() and not self.file.force:
# self.warn("function %s has preprocessor directives, this requires --force", fn.name)
# return
var = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoVar, self.name)
if var is None:
self.warn("can't find TypeInfo var declaration for %s", self.name)
if not var.is_full():
self.warn("variable declaration %s wasn't parsed fully", var.name)
if not self.file.force:
if fn and fn.contains(var):
self.warn("TypeInfo %s variable is inside a function", self.name)
if not self.file.force:
# delete type_register_static() call:
yield self.make_patch('')
# append TYPE_REGISTER(...) after variable declaration:
yield var.append(f'TYPE_INFO({self.name})\n')
class TypeRegisterCall(FileMatch):
"""type_register_static() call"""
regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*', NAMED('func_name', 'type_register'),
r'\s*\(&\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\);[ \t]*\n')
class MakeTypeRegisterStatic(TypeRegisterCall):
"""Make type_register() call static if variable is static const"""
def gen_patches(self):
var = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoVar, self.name)
if var is None:
self.warn("can't find TypeInfo var declaration for %s", self.name)
if var.is_static() and var.is_const():
yield self.group_match('func_name').make_patch('type_register_static')
class MakeTypeRegisterNotStatic(TypeRegisterStaticCall):
"""Make type_register() call static if variable is static const"""
def gen_patches(self):
var = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoVar, self.name)
if var is None:
self.warn("can't find TypeInfo var declaration for %s", self.name)
if not var.is_static() or not var.is_const():
yield self.group_match('func_name').make_patch('type_register')
class TypeInfoMacro(FileMatch):
"""TYPE_INFO macro usage"""
regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*TYPE_INFO\s*\(\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
def find_type_info(files: RegexpScanner, name: str) -> Optional[TypeInfoVar]:
ti = [ti for ti in files.matches_of_type(TypeInfoVar)
if ti.get_raw_initializer_value('name') == name]
DBG("type info vars: %r", ti)
if len(ti) > 1:
DBG("multiple TypeInfo vars found for %s", name)
return None
if len(ti) == 0:
DBG("no TypeInfo var found for %s", name)
return None
return ti[0]
class CreateClassStruct(DeclareInstanceChecker):
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
typename = self.group('typename')
DBG("looking for TypeInfo variable for %s", typename)
var = find_type_info(self.allfiles, typename)
if var is None:
self.warn("no TypeInfo var found for %s", typename)
assert var.initializers
if 'class_size' in var.initializers:
self.warn("class size already set for TypeInfo %s", var.name)
classtype = self.group('instancetype')+'Class'
#TODO: need to find out what's the parent class type...
#yield var.append_field('class_size', f'sizeof({classtype})')
#c = (f'OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE({instancetype}, {lowercase},\n'
# f' MODULE_OBJ_NAME, ParentClassType)\n')
#yield self.make_patch(c)
def type_infos(file: FileInfo) -> Iterable[TypeInfoVar]:
return file.matches_of_type(TypeInfoVar)
def full_types(file: FileInfo) -> Iterable[TypeInfoVar]:
return [t for t in type_infos(file) if t.is_full()]
def partial_types(file: FileInfo) -> Iterable[TypeInfoVar]:
return [t for t in type_infos(file) if not t.is_full()]