The OpenPIC have 5 outputs per connected CPU. The machine init code hence needs a bi-dimensional array (smp_cpu lines, 5 columns) to wire up the irqs between the PIC and the CPUs. The current code first allocates an array of smp_cpus pointers to qemu_irq type, then it allocates another array of smp_cpus * 5 qemu_irq and fills the first array with pointers to each line of the second array. This is rather convoluted. Simplify the logic by introducing a structured type that describes all the OpenPIC outputs for a single CPU, ie, fixed size of 5 qemu_irq, and only allocate a smp_cpu sized array of those. This also allows to use g_new(T, n) instead of g_malloc(sizeof(T) * n) as recommended in HACKING. Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <groug@kaod.org> Signed-off-by: David Gibson <david@gibson.dropbear.id.au>