Paolo Bonzini 654d6b0453 meson: switch minimum meson version to 0.58.2, minimum recommended to 0.59.2
Meson 0.58.2 does not need b_staticpic=$pie anymore, and has
stabilized the keyval module.  Remove the workaround and use a few
replacements for features deprecated in the 0.57.0 release cycle.

One feature that we would like to use is passing dependencies to
summary.  However, that was broken in 0.59.0 and 0.59.1.  Therefore,
use the embedded Meson if the host has anything older than 0.59.2,
but allow --meson= to use 0.58.2.

Reviewed-by: Marc-André Lureau <marcandre.lureau@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>
2021-10-05 13:10:29 +02:00

130 lines
4.9 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Create Makefile targets to run tests, from Meson's test introspection data.
# Author: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import json
import os
import shlex
import sys
class Suite(object):
def __init__(self):
self.tests = list()
self.slow_tests = list()
self.executables = set()
SPEED = quick
# $1 = environment, $2 = test command, $3 = test name, $4 = dir
.test-human-tap = $1 $(if $4,(cd $4 && $2),$2) -m $(SPEED) < /dev/null | ./scripts/tap-driver.pl --test-name="$3" $(if $(V),,--show-failures-only)
.test-human-exitcode = $1 $(PYTHON) scripts/test-driver.py $(if $4,-C$4) $(if $(V),--verbose) -- $2 < /dev/null
.test-tap-tap = $1 $(if $4,(cd $4 && $2),$2) < /dev/null | sed "s/^[a-z][a-z]* [0-9]*/& $3/" || true
.test-tap-exitcode = printf "%s\\n" 1..1 "`$1 $(if $4,(cd $4 && $2),$2) < /dev/null > /dev/null || echo "not "`ok 1 $3"
.test.human-print = echo $(if $(V),'$1 $2','Running test $3') &&
.test.env = MALLOC_PERTURB_=$${MALLOC_PERTURB_:-$$(( $${RANDOM:-0} % 255 + 1))}
# $1 = test name, $2 = test target (human or tap)
.test.run = $(call .test.$2-print,$(.test.env.$1),$(.test.cmd.$1),$(.test.name.$1)) $(call .test-$2-$(.test.driver.$1),$(.test.env.$1),$(.test.cmd.$1),$(.test.name.$1),$(.test.dir.$1))
.test.output-format = human
introspect = json.load(sys.stdin)
i = 0
def process_tests(test, targets, suites):
global i
env = ' '.join(('%s=%s' % (shlex.quote(k), shlex.quote(v))
for k, v in test['env'].items()))
executable = test['cmd'][0]
executable = os.path.relpath(executable)
if test['workdir'] is not None:
test['cmd'][0] = os.path.relpath(executable, test['workdir'])
test['cmd'][0] = executable
test['cmd'][0] = executable
cmd = ' '.join((shlex.quote(x) for x in test['cmd']))
driver = test['protocol'] if 'protocol' in test else 'exitcode'
i += 1
if test['workdir'] is not None:
print('.test.dir.%d := %s' % (i, shlex.quote(test['workdir'])))
deps = (targets.get(x, []) for x in test['depends'])
deps = itertools.chain.from_iterable(deps)
print('.test.name.%d := %s' % (i, test['name']))
print('.test.driver.%d := %s' % (i, driver))
print('.test.env.%d := $(.test.env) %s' % (i, env))
print('.test.cmd.%d := %s' % (i, cmd))
print('.test.deps.%d := %s' % (i, ' '.join(deps)))
print('.PHONY: run-test-%d' % (i,))
print('run-test-%d: $(.test.deps.%d)' % (i,i))
print('\t@$(call .test.run,%d,$(.test.output-format))' % (i,))
test_suites = test['suite'] or ['default']
is_slow = any(s.endswith('-slow') for s in test_suites)
for s in test_suites:
# The suite name in the introspection info is "PROJECT:SUITE"
s = s.split(':')[1]
if s.endswith('-slow'):
s = s[:-5]
if is_slow:
def emit_prolog(suites, prefix):
all_tap = ' '.join(('%s-report-%s.tap' % (prefix, k) for k in suites.keys()))
print('.PHONY: %s %s-report.tap %s' % (prefix, prefix, all_tap))
print('%s: run-tests' % (prefix,))
print('%s-report.tap %s: %s-report%%.tap: all' % (prefix, all_tap, prefix))
print('''\t$(MAKE) .test.output-format=tap --quiet -Otarget V=1 %s$* | ./scripts/tap-merge.pl | tee "$@" \\
| ./scripts/tap-driver.pl $(if $(V),, --show-failures-only)''' % (prefix, ))
def emit_suite(name, suite, prefix):
executables = ' '.join(suite.executables)
slow_test_numbers = ' '.join((str(x) for x in suite.slow_tests))
test_numbers = ' '.join((str(x) for x in suite.tests))
target = '%s-%s' % (prefix, name)
print('.test.quick.%s := %s' % (target, test_numbers))
print('.test.slow.%s := $(.test.quick.%s) %s' % (target, target, slow_test_numbers))
print('%s-build: %s' % (prefix, executables))
print('.PHONY: %s' % (target, ))
print('.PHONY: %s-report-%s.tap' % (prefix, name))
print('%s: run-tests' % (target, ))
print('ifneq ($(filter %s %s, $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)' % (target, prefix))
print('.tests += $(.test.$(SPEED).%s)' % (target, ))
print('all-%s-targets += %s' % (prefix, target))
targets = {t['id']: [os.path.relpath(f) for f in t['filename']]
for t in introspect['targets']}
testsuites = defaultdict(Suite)
for test in introspect['tests']:
process_tests(test, targets, testsuites)
emit_prolog(testsuites, 'check')
for name, suite in testsuites.items():
emit_suite(name, suite, 'check')
benchsuites = defaultdict(Suite)
for test in introspect['benchmarks']:
process_tests(test, targets, benchsuites)
emit_prolog(benchsuites, 'bench')
for name, suite in benchsuites.items():
emit_suite(name, suite, 'bench')
print('run-tests: $(patsubst %, run-test-%, $(.tests))')