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// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
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// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
/// This module provides linkage between rustc::middle::graph and
/// libgraphviz traits.
use std::borrow::IntoCow;
// For clarity, rename the graphviz crate locally to dot.
use graphviz as dot;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast_map;
use middle::cfg;
pub type Node<'a> = (cfg::CFGIndex, &'a cfg::CFGNode);
pub type Edge<'a> = &'a cfg::CFGEdge;
2014-09-07 19:09:06 +02:00
pub struct LabelledCFG<'a, 'ast: 'a> {
pub ast_map: &'a ast_map::Map<'ast>,
pub cfg: &'a cfg::CFG,
pub name: String,
/// `labelled_edges` controls whether we emit labels on the edges
pub labelled_edges: bool,
fn replace_newline_with_backslash_l(s: String) -> String {
// Replacing newlines with \\l causes each line to be left-aligned,
// improving presentation of (long) pretty-printed expressions.
if s.contains("\n") {
let mut s = s.replace("\n", "\\l");
// Apparently left-alignment applies to the line that precedes
// \l, not the line that follows; so, add \l at end of string
// if not already present, ensuring last line gets left-aligned
// as well.
let mut last_two: Vec<_> =
2014-11-21 07:20:04 +01:00
if last_two != ['\\', 'l'] {
} else {
2014-09-07 19:09:06 +02:00
impl<'a, 'ast> dot::Labeller<'a, Node<'a>, Edge<'a>> for LabelledCFG<'a, 'ast> {
fn graph_id(&'a self) -> dot::Id<'a> { dot::Id::new(&[..]).ok().unwrap() }
fn node_id(&'a self, &(i,_): &Node<'a>) -> dot::Id<'a> {
std: Stabilize the std::fmt module This commit performs a final stabilization pass over the std::fmt module, marking all necessary APIs as stable. One of the more interesting aspects of this module is that it exposes a good deal of its runtime representation to the outside world in order for `format_args!` to be able to construct the format strings. Instead of hacking the compiler to assume that these items are stable, this commit instead lays out a story for the stabilization and evolution of these APIs. There are three primary details used by the `format_args!` macro: 1. `Arguments` - an opaque package of a "compiled format string". This structure is passed around and the `write` function is the source of truth for transforming a compiled format string into a string at runtime. This must be able to be constructed in stable code. 2. `Argument` - an opaque structure representing an argument to a format string. This is *almost* a trait object as it's just a pointer/function pair, but due to the function originating from one of many traits, it's not actually a trait object. Like `Arguments`, this must be constructed from stable code. 3. `fmt::rt` - this module contains the runtime type definitions primarily for the `rt::Argument` structure. Whenever an argument is formatted with nonstandard flags, a corresponding `rt::Argument` is generated describing how the argument is being formatted. This can be used to construct an `Arguments`. The primary interface to `std::fmt` is the `Arguments` structure, and as such this type name is stabilize as-is today. It is expected for libraries to pass around an `Arguments` structure to represent a pending formatted computation. The remaining portions are largely "cruft" which would rather not be stabilized, but due to the stability checks they must be. As a result, almost all pieces have been renamed to represent that they are "version 1" of the formatting representation. The theory is that at a later date if we change the representation of these types we can add new definitions called "version 2" and corresponding constructors for `Arguments`. One of the other remaining large questions about the fmt module were how the pending I/O reform would affect the signatures of methods in the module. Due to [RFC 526][rfc], however, the writers of fmt are now incompatible with the writers of io, so this question has largely been solved. As a result the interfaces are largely stabilized as-is today. [rfc]: Specifically, the following changes were made: * The contents of `fmt::rt` were all moved under `fmt::rt::v1` * `fmt::rt` is stable * `fmt::rt::v1` is stable * `Error` is stable * `Writer` is stable * `Writer::write_str` is stable * `Writer::write_fmt` is stable * `Formatter` is stable * `Argument` has been renamed to `ArgumentV1` and is stable * `ArgumentV1::new` is stable * `ArgumentV1::from_uint` is stable * `Arguments::new_v1` is stable (renamed from `new`) * `Arguments::new_v1_formatted` is stable (renamed from `with_placeholders`) * All formatting traits are now stable, as well as the `fmt` method. * `fmt::write` is stable * `fmt::format` is stable * `Formatter::pad_integral` is stable * `Formatter::pad` is stable * `Formatter::write_str` is stable * `Formatter::write_fmt` is stable * Some assorted top level items which were only used by `format_args!` were removed in favor of static functions on `ArgumentV1` as well. * The formatting-flag-accessing methods remain unstable Within the contents of the `fmt::rt::v1` module, the following actions were taken: * Reexports of all enum variants were removed * All prefixes on enum variants were removed * A few miscellaneous enum variants were renamed * Otherwise all structs, fields, and variants were marked stable. In addition to these actions in the `std::fmt` module, many implementations of `Show` and `String` were stabilized as well. In some other modules: * `ToString` is now stable * `ToString::to_string` is now stable * `Vec` no longer implements `fmt::Writer` (this has moved to `String`) This is a breaking change due to all of the changes to the `fmt::rt` module, but this likely will not have much impact on existing programs. Closes #20661 [breaking-change]
2015-01-14 00:42:53 +01:00
dot::Id::new(format!("N{}", i.node_id())).ok().unwrap()
fn node_label(&'a self, &(i, n): &Node<'a>) -> dot::LabelText<'a> {
if i == self.cfg.entry {
} else if i == self.cfg.exit {
} else if == ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID {
} else {
let s = self.ast_map.node_to_string(;
// left-aligns the lines
let s = replace_newline_with_backslash_l(s);
fn edge_label(&self, e: &Edge<'a>) -> dot::LabelText<'a> {
let mut label = String::new();
if !self.labelled_edges {
return dot::LabelText::EscStr(label.into_cow());
let mut put_one = false;
for (i, &node_id) in {
if put_one {
} else {
put_one = true;
let s = self.ast_map.node_to_string(node_id);
// left-aligns the lines
let s = replace_newline_with_backslash_l(s);
2015-01-07 17:58:31 +01:00
label.push_str(&format!("exiting scope_{} {}",
2015-01-04 05:43:24 +01:00
impl<'a> dot::GraphWalk<'a, Node<'a>, Edge<'a>> for &'a cfg::CFG {
fn nodes(&'a self) -> dot::Nodes<'a, Node<'a>> {
let mut v = Vec::new();
self.graph.each_node(|i, nd| { v.push((i, nd)); true });
fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a, Edge<'a>> {
fn source(&'a self, edge: &Edge<'a>) -> Node<'a> {
let i = edge.source();
(i, self.graph.node(i))
fn target(&'a self, edge: &Edge<'a>) -> Node<'a> {
let i =;
(i, self.graph.node(i))
2014-09-07 19:09:06 +02:00
impl<'a, 'ast> dot::GraphWalk<'a, Node<'a>, Edge<'a>> for LabelledCFG<'a, 'ast>
fn nodes(&'a self) -> dot::Nodes<'a, Node<'a>> { self.cfg.nodes() }
fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a, Edge<'a>> { self.cfg.edges() }
fn source(&'a self, edge: &Edge<'a>) -> Node<'a> { self.cfg.source(edge) }
fn target(&'a self, edge: &Edge<'a>) -> Node<'a> { }